ByJove/Bug tracking

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Welcome to the ByJove bug tracking page. This is where users can report bugs found in the ByJove activity or suggest new features. See the change log for the list of which bugs were fixed or features were added and when.

Report a Bug

This section is for reporting a bug. Please identify which version of the activity and which build of Sugar you were using. Do your best to describe what the bug was and how you found it, so I can try to reproduce the problem. When you add your entry, please do so using the same form as the other bug entries and please adjust the "next bug number". Also, please look at the list of known bugs, below, before adding your report.

  • bug # 2: this is the next bug number.
  • feature # 1: this is the next feature number.

Confirmed bugs that have not yet been fixed

  • 1: There is no POT or localization.

Features requested but not yet implemented

Bugs which have been confirmed fixed as of the current release

The current release is version 1, also identified as "Version 1.0 (build 20) of 2010.10.21.2330 UT" in the "About" display. The following bugs were fixed in the current or in some prior release: