Contributors program/July 7, 2008

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  • laptops out to date / this week
    28; full update friday
  • local laptop pools (temporary, long term) -- updates
  • older outstanding requests (see below)
    no to russia and france; asking darah about atlas school and appalachia
    asking for alaska connexn for the mobile lab; and in general about mobile-lab work for alaska and mobile-learning
  • updates on Hilaire and Luis Schara
    waiting for responses from both


outstanding requests

  • Atlas School pilot, Pakistan (30, working with Habib)
  • Nizhny Novgorod pilot, Russia (20)
  • Appalachia (Cumberland, KY) (60, offer to buy)
  • Alaskan mobile lab (10)
  • A schoolday with OLPC (15, OLPC France)
  • Mobile learning with XOs (15)