Educational Toolkit

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  • Interns - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested interns section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Mentors - If you are interested in this project, add your name to the Interested mentors section below along with a brief description of why you're interested and why you'd be a good mentor for this project, along with any specific ideas for execution you might have beyond the project description.
  • Others - If you are interested in this project in a role other than that of potential mentor or potential intern (example: you are an organization, a potential end-user/tester, may have helpful resources, or want to be notified if the project is chosen), add your name to the Other interested parties section below with contact information and details.
  • Everyone - Contribute to the project description on this page, or discuss this project on the associated talk page (click the "discussion" tab on top).

The deadline for editing this proposal or adding yourself to the list is 11:59pm EST (GMT-5) on August 6, 2007.

Project description

As this laptop is aimed at children, it needs to have testing tools for checking a student’s knowledge regularly. Keeping this requirement, the objective of this project will be to create a platform for developing educational tests. With this toolkit, even a teacher who is not very familiar with computers will be able to create exciting educational tests for his/her students.

The project will consist of three parts:

1.A toolkit for creating new tests.

2.Conducting tests in a class over a network.

3.Providing tutorials and examples to get a teacher started in creating tests in a matter of minutes.


1. Support for adding the following types of questions and their answers within few clicks:

a) Fill in the Blanks

b) Multiple choice Questions

c) Match the following

d) True/False

e) Image based Questions

f) Subjective Questions

2. Taking tests.

3. Automated Result Generation in case of objective questions.

Component Wise Analysis

1.Teacher and student Frontends: Will be developed in PyGTK.

2.Data Management: Question papers and answer sheets will be transferred in a XML format at a lower level.

3.Network Layer

Use Cases

1. Mr. Sharma, a geography teacher, wants to test his students on their knowledge regarding names of states in India. He designs a question paper containing a political map of India and having fill in the blanks. The test is distributed to the students and they submit their answers over the network which is checked by the software and is reported to Mr. Sharma.

2. Mr. Gupta, a language teacher, wants to test the vocabulary of his students. He prepares a set of Multiple Choice Questions for testing the vocabulary of his students to be done in a specified time period. Once the test is over, the software calculates results and reports them to Mr. Sharma.

Basic Working

The teacher's XO automatically uploads the prepared question set. An application at student's XO will automatically fetch the question paper. As soon as the children complete their test; they click on a Submit button which sends the answer sheets for evaluation process. The objective evaluation is done by the software and it gives a summary to the teacher.

Tutorials and Support Website

The project will include lots of tutorials and a support website for getting teachers started very easily.

Interested interns

Deepank Gupta

Email Id : I am a third year undergraduate student in Information Technology at NSIT, New Delhi. I have done a few projects and this one is quite close to my heart. We usually provide the teachers with the test-papers, content etc. but we never empower them to create their own material. This is a step in that direction. With OPLC being used in classrooms, teachers who have had no computer experience, would find the current tools to develop content and tests to be quite intimidating. Thus, we have a need for a very easy to use toolkit for developing test material.

Satyajeet Singh

Email Id : I am an undergraduate engineering student with majors in Computer Engineering at NSIT, India . My key interest lies in software development.I have a nice experience of C/C++/Python. I am one of the developers of Deducto, a board game for XO as well as one of the founder members of the Open Source Community at our college. In SoCon 2007, I am interested in working on an Educational Toolkit for XO

Interested mentors

Mentor name

Contact information, why you'd be good for the job, any specific plans, variants, or details you would personally like to implement and why

User:Wade I'm interested in mentoring this project. I have experience in OLPC development including UI design, collaboration, datastore, etc. and believe that this is one of the missing links in the OLPC software library (read about my opinions at I am also the developer of an open source flash card program that is quite popular (

Other interested parties


Contact information, what your interest is