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Regional development

  • East Africa (Lidet) (David)

Power, green design

for environmental fans and Yves stalkers

  • Power stats and update for the 1.5 (Richard)

Knowledge and education

"its an education project!"

  • Weekly learning discussions, spotlight on (Claudia)
  • Learning workshop coming up (Barbara)


Larger stories with multiple perspectives are sometimes in text/media pairs.

February 8


hardware. 1.5 bringup, photo. color: new chargers/buttons
countries and deployments. Peru, Nicaragua?
activities and collections. TimeLapse, french content?
work from students in Rwanda?

Older stories.

CEIBAL conference/December reports (blog pots by martin?)
Haiti update, regifts & school data

January 25

Corps headline: http://laptop.org/en/olpcorps
Corps picture: http://www.youtube.com/olpcfoundation#p/c/35409E778F587ED0/0/NR6udGcnxyg
moved to the blog.
Interns headline: http://laptop.org/en/interns
Interns picture: http://laptop.org/en/interns/interns2009.shtml
moved to the blog.
Haiti headline: to http://laptop.org/haiti
Haiti picture
Video: documentary from Peru
Video: OLPC is for Hope
 Older stories.