- This is an on-going translation
スクィーク(Squeak)はアラン・ケイのDynabookコンセプトが生み出したSmalltalkプログラミング環境のオープンソース移植版です。(Squeakの)Etoysのレベルであれば、子供たちはオブジェクトとスクリプトを組み合わせてグラフィカルにプログラムをすることが可能です。複雑な振る舞いをシミュレーションするために複数のタートルをプログラミングすることも含め、Logoのようなグラフィックスや学習、そしてアプリケーションの類もEtoysで可能です。Squeakはまたプロフェッショナルなプログラムを書くためにも使えます。(Squeakの)実行イメージは、Linux, MS-Windows, Apple MacOSなど、どのプラットフォームの上でも同じように動きます。すなわち、それぞれのOSごとに異なるバーチャルマシンが用意されています。
Squeak is an open source portable version of the Smalltalk programming environment that grew out of Alan Kay's Dynabook concept. It can be used by children at the Etoys level to program graphically by assembling objects and scripts. Logo type graphics, learning and applications can be done in Etoys as well, including programming multiple turtles for simulating complex behavior. Squeak can also be used by developers to write professional programs. The image runs identically on Linux, MS and Apple OS's; there is a separate virtual machine for each OS.
Connectors are one of the built in features of Squeak. Connectors allow easily creating concept maps, flow charts, etc., with boxes and connecting links.
Active essays can be developed in Squeak. These are similar to books where each page can contain simulations running in real time. Active essays combine a written essay, live simulations, and the programs that make them work in order to provide a deep explanation of a dynamic system. The reader works directly with multiple ways of representing the concepts under discussion. By “playing with” the simulations and code, the reader gets some hands-on experience with the topic.
Specific to the OLPC environment, there is the Etoys activity which is derived from http://www.squeakland.org/
Scratch is a scripting environment for children being developed at MIT which is built on top of Squeak: http://weblogs.media.mit.edu/llk/scratch/
Squeak has support for Unicode and some work has been done with two of the target languages, Telugu and Hindi. There is a large and vibrant Squeak community that is working on many different aspects of Squeak and educational applications.
とても使い勝手のある初心者向けのチュートリアルがUniversity of Patrasのチームによってギリシャ語で記述されました。次のURLからダウンロードできます。:Squeak Tutorial PDF
A very useful tutorial for newbies has been written in Greek by the team of University of Patras. You may download it from:
Squeak Tutorial PDF
PataPataはPythonで記述された環境で、Squeakの機能のいくつかをエミュレートするようになっています。PataPataはPythonプラットフォームにおいて教育的な構成主義を支援するものです。PataPataは"Squeak"と"Self"から強く影響はされていますが、Python的なやり方でそれらの先を行こうとしています。PataPataが主として狙うのは、"登校の必要ない学校", "フリースクール", そして"非公式な"教育です。
PataPata is an environment written in Python, that tries to emulate some of the functionality of Squeak. It supports educational constructivism on the Python platform, inspired by "Squeak" and "Self", but going beyond those in a Pythonic way. It is intended to mainly support "unschooling", "free schooling", and "informal" education.
PyMorphic is a project that explores a Morphic-like architecture for Python.