Summer of Content projects/lang-ko

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  번역근원 Summer of Content projects 원문  
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  뭔가를 시작할 때는 더러 영감이 필요합니다. 최초의 Summer of Content 2007에서 참가자들이 구성할 수 있는 것이 무엇인지에 대한 좋은 아이디어들을 모으고 있습니다 - 참가자들은 그들이 꿈꾸는 것이 무엇이든 지 간에 6주의 시간이 주어집니다.여기에 여러분의 아이디어를 적어 주세요.

이 페이지는 인턴쉽 지원자, 멘터 지원자, 그리고 프로젝트를 제안할 사람들과 기관들을 위한 것입니다. 지원자와 프로젝트 제안 템플릿은 여기에 있습니다. 우리는 제안된 프로젝트들을 2007년 8월 6일에 일괄적으로 평가합니다.

하단에 나열된 제안들에 대해, 토크 페이지에 코멘트와 피드백을 제공해 주세요!

가능한 컨텐트 창작자와 통합자

A couple of people from free culture have two ideas in the works:

  • 1. a public domain search engine for students. We know that there are some sites like this in the works, but we'd like to create something student-friendly that will help people find, format, and print public domain books found on project guttenberg and the internet archive. This is a pretty easy site to make, but it needs to be something non-tech-savvy students feel comfortable with. So a lot of this will focus on aesthetics
  • 2. a paper repository and exchange. One of the worst things about an undergraduate's career is that the papers he or she writes rarely get seen by anyone beyond a grad student. If you're proud of a paper, why not share it? and if you're working on a paper, and want feedback, why not put it online for public comment? We want to build a paper repository and exchange that will do just that, which will allow readers to add commentary and ratings, and allow casual visitors to quickly find interesting, new, and useful papers written by their peers.
Hopefully these ideas fit under the banner of the Summer of Content. We hope someone is interested in helping out with, or taking the lead on these projects (
  • 3. Hello, we are a group of 6 people until now. Our base is Monterrey, Mexico, although we have people currently living in Argentina. The idea is to create content for kids in elementary school. We are going to work with the open source student group of our university. We want to know the specifications of the content that we need to create and anything else that we need to apply for the program.
  • Link your proposals here

진행 중인 기타 제안들

Commonwealth of Learning project ideas

  • Help with the design and implementation of the Learning4Content initiative
  • Helping with and preparing the support resources for a Curriculum Jam in the fall
  • Example content lessons developed on WikiEducator to inspire teachers and students to develop free content for education.
  • Proposals to improve WikiEducator's ability in developing a free education curriculum for all.
  • Assistance with the development of the Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate
  • Free lesson content to support vocational education and training
  • Adding to the suite of Newbie tutorials available on WikiEducator