Talk:Health Jam Seattle

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This jam is in the process of being planned. This is a wiki talk page, and all information on this page should be read as tentative discussion and not a final notice. The information on the main Health Jam page is far more likely to be accurate.



Potential people

  • Karl (Supersat)
  • Zhu Zhu (UW XO-UG)

Potential groups

  • SeaXO: PATH?
  • UW?
  • UW XUG?
  • CWU?
  • We need local doctors/nurses/public-health researchers to come in and help brainstorm in the beginning, and to come in for testing/feedback in the end, even if they can't stick around for the entire event and help on a team.



Only get space for the event itself. Assume hackers will want to work late. Assume they will want to have food in some area. Assume people will be responsible for finding/begging their own housing. We do want wifi and a projector, at minimum.


Donations. Donations. Donations. Donuts, coffee, and pizza work well. Also, make it clear to participants that they'll have to find their own food (if we're in the city or somewhere near to easily accessible, cheap eats.)


Local universities, hospitals/clinics, or hackers that would let us borrow/use their equipment for development and testing?


Projects will need a budget, particularly hardware ones. Is there a way we can get funding for each group to hack? Groups will need to coordinate prior to the Jam to figure out what kind of supplies they might need so we can get them ordered in advance - alternatively we should have the Jam near a fully stocked EE lab with equipment we are free to borrow.



  • Team sizes tend to max out around 5 people for efficiency, although with hardware this might change. Teams should self-organize (in other words, people need to find each other on mailing lists and wikis; people can only register in teams).
  • We want at least 2-3 teams with members that have serious hardware experience, preferably medical.
  • We can also have a few floating advisors who are incredibly good at public health, electrical engineering, software, etc. who aren't part of a team but rather part of a global "mentor pool" that all teams can ask incessant questions of.



  • Find a location
  • Set a date
  • Problem brainstorming


  • Fill in the (whee) jam planning infrastructure crap and the Jam Cookbook
  • Parts list (w/ Ian)
  • Potential attendees - find
  • Problem brainstorming


  • Document. Work. Photographs, schematics, writeups. Everything.
  • Parts list (w/ Mel)
  • Potential attendees - find
  • Problem brainstorming

Seth's Braindump

In A Nutshell

Health Jam Seattle<br\> Where: University of Washington Campus<br\> When: May 2, 3, 4th<br\> Goal: {{{We're doing intensive project sprinting on hardware/software/content development for the TeleHealth Module and other Health related activities with the goal of having local health professionals test them in a mock "clinic" on the final day.}}}


The pervasive nature of the XO among children that we are distrubiting to (to our target countries?), this provides an unprecidented communication mechanism. This communication mechanism works two ways, it allows us to push education content about proper health and sanitary practices to children. It also allows us to pull specific medical information from these children, in practice allowing healthcare workers to diagnose children remotely.

This ability to communicate can in some cases greatly stretch existing health infrastructures, and expand basic self-care.

HIV awareness education, clean water sanitation, simple ailment remidies, these issues that we can educate children and therough them, their communities.

Pulse rate, the sound of a child's heart, a picture of a rash or infection; we can pull all of these together with the XO and send them to someone who can diagnose them. That remote healthcare worker could potentially be anywhere in the world.

What is a Jam?

The HealthJam planned in Seattle is the brainchild of Mel Chua and Seth Woodworth, but it's primary project was started by Ian Danhlers. The TeleHealthModule is a low cost device to add some basic health sensors to the XO to add to its diagnostic abilities EKG, Pulse Oxymeter and Digital Stethoscope.

The HealthJam is a intensely focused session of colaborative creation between technical (Hardware and software people), medical and various writers editors testers media creators.

Activities - sure

  • Work on the THM hardware
  • THM PM activity
    • Camera hooks and storage
    • Encrypted uploads
  • Medical staff input on above
  • Content cleanup
    • Additional illustration
    • Translation?
    • Audio recording?
    • Human Physiology cleanup
    • Wikislice tagging (+1)

Drew's proposals

Here are suggestions for a couple of strands on topics I need to learn about. --Drew.einhorn 19:43, 3 March 2008 (EST)

3rd World Medicine

  • What's different about the way medicine is practiced in the countries we serve?
  • What impact does this have on the electronic medical record systems that support the practice of medicine?
  • What will we have to do to meet these different needs?
  • We really need to hear from some WHO folks on these topics.

Curating the Wiki

  • Let's study examples such as the Human Interface Guidelines, etc.
  • The Templates that support these examples.
  • The MediaWiki Bots that groom them. Up and Down load them, etc.
  • Semantic MediaWiki
  • Transcluding,
  • etc.

I've been been looking at other folks wiki pages, studying how they did things, and putting it all together in my own wiki pages.

But, I still have a lot to learn.

Offshoots - misc

  • Librivox recording (Darwin?)
  • Colingo (never hurts)

Needed for above

  • Location, tables, chairs, power
    • UW?
  • Promotion to get participants
    • UW
    • Grassroots fliers
    • Mailing lists

Project ideas

  • Leave
  • your
  • thoughts
  • here