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cjb: Tinderbox


  • We check that the image actually boots.
  • We check that the network comes up.
  • We check that X and sugar started okay.
  • Check main-pieces-of-software startup times independently

Performance tests:

  • We time how long it took to boot up
  • We do a suspend/resume cycle, see hom long it took, whether it worked
  • We run Python/X/cairo benchmarks.

Functional activity tests:

  • None yet, need automated: Activity X does not work in build Y
  • Possibly Dogtail

Need community involvement, and perhaps automated testing.

Newegg 1gb flashdrive $8.99

Ubuntu Live-CD + 1 GB USB stick = emululated xo. Camera and TamTam sound don't work. Some other issues. But $300 might make a school computer lab into an xo cluster. We could spin up classes exercising, say, Write's collaboration, and reporting problems.

[12:27] <_sj_> everyone should have to publish "What I Did On My XO" reports every week

How can we get more unscripted testing? To detect things like 'small child carrying laptop will close it when moving from place to place. even in the midst of taking photos. so a closing-breaks-Record bug is more of an issue than one might expect from adult use'.