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lionstone: Hi, anyone know how multiple content bundles should be linked together? If I have one content bundle for all my English videos, and another content bundle for the portuguese videos, should there be some kind of link for "click here to get the missing content bundle?" if so, what should it link to?

<mncharity> lionstone: hmm, good question. let's see...

<mncharity> At the moment, content seems to be organized as a list in , and the assorted content developers serving up their own files. We don't have a bundle repository at the moment. There was fuzzy talk of one many months ago, but I've no idea what the status is. It would be neat to have an "olpc forge", like sourceforge or rubyforge, but for content bundles as well as code. I don't know whethe

<mncharity> If you want to link to something, perhaps a project-specific page?