XO Korea/business content/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract

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  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161501 Bitolterol mesylate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161502 Nedocromil sodium
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161503 Pirbuterol acetate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161504 Aminophylline
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161505 Theophylline
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161506 Terbutaline
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161507 Formoterol
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161508 Salbutamol sulphate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161510 Etofylline
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161511 Sodium cromoglicate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161513 Dyphylline
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161514 Oxtriphylline
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161515 Montelukast sodium
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161516 Zafirlukast
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161500 Antiasthmatic drugs/51161517 Zileuton
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161601 Astemizole
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161602 Clemastine fumarate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161603 Dexchlorpheniramine maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161605 Levocabastine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161606 Loratadine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161607 Terfenadine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161608 Betahistine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161609 Triprolidine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161610 Promethazine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161611 Oxomemazine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161612 Ebastine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161613 Dihydroergotoxine mesilate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161614 Meclozine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161615 Cetirizine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161616 Betahistine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161617 Buclizine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161618 Alimemazine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161619 Mepyramine maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161620 Diphenhydramine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161621 Fexofenadine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161622 Cromolyn sodium
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161623 Hydroxyzine pamoate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161624 Azatadine maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161625 Azelastine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161626 Bosentan
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161627 Brompheniramine maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161628 Carbinoxamine maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161629 Cetirizine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161630 Chlorpheniramine maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161631 Chlorpheniramine tannate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161632 Cyproheptadine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161633 Desloratadine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161634 Dexbrompheniramime maleate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161635 Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161636 Diphenhydramine tannate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161637 Hydroxyzine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161638 Ketotifen fumarate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161639 Olopatadine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161640 Phenindamine tartrate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161646 Acrivastine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161647 Brompheniramine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161648 Emedastine difumarate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161649 Lodoxamide tromethamine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161650 Promethazine hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161600 Antihistamines or H1 blockers/51161651 Pemirolast potassium
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161701 Acetylcysteine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161702 Beractant
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161703 Budesonide
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161704 Colfosceril palmitate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161705 Ipratropium bromide
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161706 Sobrerol
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161707 Bamifylline hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161708 Dornase alfa
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161709 Poractant alfa
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161700 Drugs used for respiratory tract disorders/51161710 Calfactant
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161801 Benzonatate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161802 Guaifenesin
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161803 Menthol
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161805 Carbocisteine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161806 Ammonia chloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161808 Dextromethorphan
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161809 Oxolamine citrate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161810 Pholcodine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161811 Bromhexine
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161812 Combination chlorpheniramine acetaminophen
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161813 Potassium guaiacolsulfonate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161814 Phenylpropanolamine bitartrate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161815 Carbetapentane tannate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161817 Dextromethorphan hydrobromide
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161818 Dextromethorphan polistirex
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161819 Dextromethorphan tannate
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161800 Cough and cold and antiallergy products/51161820 Eucalyptol or eucalyptus oil
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161900 Nasal decongestants/51161901 Oxymetazoline hydrochloride
  • [[XO Korea/business content/51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products/51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract/51161900 Nasal decongestants/51161903 Xylometazoline hydrochloride