YS Server Setup

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The Basic CentOS SME Setup

Version 7.3

Get your iso file through: http://wiki.contribs.org/SME_Server:Download
and follow the instructions on http://wiki.contribs.org/SME_Server:Documentation:Administration_Manual:Chapter5 For the school server you want to choose the "Server and Gateway Mode" For your LAN (this is where the XOs connect you will want a local address like with a subnetmask (to allow for 1024 clients - not 1024 XOs, because your switch(es) and access points will need IP addresses, too)
Your server will automatically provide two users for different approaches of accessing the server:

  1. admin - applied locally this leads to text based browser accessing the administrative web interface
  2. root - full control using the command line

Both use the same password set up during the installation.

The Contribs

The CentOS SME distro is based on two tier system:

  1. The basic server setup as described above
  2. The contribs

The contribs are also part of the server but do not get installed by default and are maintained by individual contributors. All have to adhere to some pretty strict security standards to make it into the official SME Contrib Repository.

For a start I'd just install the essentials:


The free and simple version installs like this:
http://wiki.contribs.org/Dansguardian There is a nice user interface that integrates into the server-manager --> http://dungog.net/wiki/Dungog-dansguardian, but you'd better read if the license is right for your project.


PHPMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web
Follow the instructions on http://wiki.contribs.org/PHPMyAdmin for a quick and easy installation.


Setting up just one instance of Moodle is best done like this http://wiki.contribs.org/Moodle
If you want more than one instance running (like when mirroring several school's content for a community center) you'd not use the contribution but download moodle from http://download.moodle.org/ and install it to individual ibays. For details on ibays consult the documentation at http://wiki.contribs.org/SME_Server:Documentation:Administration_Manual:Chapter14


Ejabberd comes from http://wiki.contribs.org/Ejabberd It is essential that DNS is working to later access Ejabberd's administrative pages. A local IP is not enough. The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) needs to work!

And this is where I got stuck so far: For the XS installation Ejabberd gets patched. Otherwise the XOs won't automatically connect. I'll see next how to apply these patches to this installation. If you find out how to do it before I do, please update this page an email me.