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m (Talkntype moved to TalknType: Clarity of title, and the page is brand new anyway.)
(added original dictionaries)
Line 165: Line 165:
answer = clearit # null the string again
answer = clearit # null the string again

== Dictionaries ==
The code above only uses the simplest (level 1) dictionary, and doesn't have any of the vocabulary refinements of the original toy.

The original dictionaries are presented below, as comma separated variable sets:

'''Dictionary Level 1:'''

'''Dictionary Level 2:'''

'''Dictionary Level 3:'''

'''Dictionary Level 4:'''


'''Interface Words:'''
"a","as in","b","c","correct","d","e","eight","f","five","four","g","h","here is your score","i","i win","is","j","k","l","m","n","next spell","nine","now spell","now try","o","one","p","perfect score","q","r","s","say it","seven","six","spell","t","ten","that is correct","that is incorrect","that is right","three","try","two","u","v","w","wrong","wrong try again","x","y","you are correct","you are right","you win","z","zero"

== Other links ==
== Other links ==

Revision as of 22:04, 3 January 2008

This will eventually be an Activity based on the 1970s toy, [Speak&Spell].

The original Speak & Spell toy from the 1970s.

Initial Activity Idea

  • User opens the activity, and is presented with a skill level (1 to 4).
  • The activity speaks, using the eSpeak Speech Synthesis software, which will soon be included in OLPC builds.
  • The activity asks the user to spell a word from the dictionary (one of four, based on the skill level).
  • As the user types each letter, the activity reads the letters out loud.
  • When the user presses Enter, the activity reads the entered letters as a word.
  • The activity compares the entered letters with the real word, and informs the user whether the word was spelt correctly or not.
  • Another random word is offered for the user, etc, etc.


The code at the bottom of this page isn't ready for general use yet - it doesn't use the Sugar user interface, and only uses the terminal within sugar.

  • You will need to save the code at the bottom of the page as in a directory.
  • You will need a copy of the sugar-speechd speech server.
  • You will need three audio files for the correct.wav incorrect.wav and begin.wav.
  • Make sure your loudspeaker volume is turned up, using the keyboard keys.
  • Open a copy of the Terminal activity. Change to root user:
su -
  • Then run the sugar-speechd speech server:
  • The terminal will appear frozen, but this is ok. It means the server is running. Go back to the desktop (Home), and open another Terminal activity.
  • As user OLPC, go to the directory that is stored in, and make it executable by typing:
chmod a+x
  • Then run it by typing:
  • You will need to type quite slowly.
  • There is no Backspace key
  • To exit the program, press 1 instead of entering a word.

To do

  • Sugarise the idea into something usable by normal people! I have no real programming knowledge, so all help would be greatly appreciated! Please contact me via my userpage.
  • Make an icon
  • Include collaborative elements - spelling against a friend?
  • Upload the code somewhere (but I don't know how git and dev.laptop really operate...)
  • Upload the 3 audio files called in the code below.


Below is the code for the program.

#!/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import dbus
import random
import time

wordlist = [ "above","angel","answer","calf","does","earth","echo","extra","for","four","guess","half","health","iron","learn","ocean","once","one","oven","pint","pull","range","says","ski","sure","swap","talk","to","touch","two","view","warm","was","wash","word" ]
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
APLAY = "/usr/bin/aplay"

size = len(wordlist)
index = random.randint(0, size-1)
elem = wordlist[index] 
espeak_object = bus.get_object('org.laptop.Speech','/org/laptop/Speech')
answer = ""
clearit = ""                                              # Because I couldn't null a string 

# My class for key detection
class _Getch:
    """Gets a single character from standard input.  Does not echo to the screen."""
    def __init__(self):
            self.impl = _GetchWindows()
        except ImportError:
            self.impl = _GetchUnix() 

    def __call__(self): return self.impl() 

class _GetchUnix:
    def __init__(self):
        import tty, sys

    def __call__(self):
        import sys, tty, termios
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            ch =
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
        return ch

class _GetchWindows:
    def __init__(self):
        import msvcrt

    def __call__(self):
        import msvcrt
        return msvcrt.getch() 

getch = _Getch()


os.popen("aplay --quiet begin.wav")                # play sound

for x in range(35):
    index = random.randint(0, size-1)
    elem = wordlist[index]
    answer = clearit                               # null the string again 
    print "Spell..."
    espeak_object.SayText("Spell " + elem)

# get an answer
    print 'Type your answer, or press the spacebar to repeat the word, or 1 to quit'
    for longestinput in range(15):
        inkey = _Getch()
        import sys
        for i in xrange(sys.maxint):
            if k<>:break
        print k,
        answer = answer + k
        if k == " ":                                 # if the user wants the word repeated
            answer = clearit + k                     # because I don't know how to null a string
        if k == "1":
            sys.exit()                               # quit the program
        if k == "\r":break 

# say the answer
    answer = answer.strip()                          # remove any whitespace from the user's answer
    print                                            # because I don't know how to do linebreaks
    print "You typed", answer
    espeak_object.SayText("You typed " + answer) 

# check for correct
    if answer == elem:
        os.popen("aplay --quiet correct.wav")                # play sound
        print "Correct!"
        answer = clearit                             # null the string again

# check for incorrect
        os.popen("aplay --quiet incorrect.wav")                # play sound
        print "Incorrect answer."
        espeak_object.SayText("Incorrect answer...") 

        print "The correct spelling of " + elem + " is "
        espeak_object.SayText("The correct spelling of " + elem + "... is ") 

        def shout(string):
            for character in string:
                print character + " "

        print elem
        espeak_object.SayText(elem)                  # say the word again in full with some pauses at each end
        answer = clearit                             # null the string again


The code above only uses the simplest (level 1) dictionary, and doesn't have any of the vocabulary refinements of the original toy.

The original dictionaries are presented below, as comma separated variable sets:

Dictionary Level 1:


Dictionary Level 2:


Dictionary Level 3:


Dictionary Level 4:


Interface Words:

"a","as in","b","c","correct","d","e","eight","f","five","four","g","h","here is your score","i","i win","is","j","k","l","m","n","next spell","nine","now spell","now try","o","one","p","perfect score","q","r","s","say it","seven","six","spell","t","ten","that is correct","that is incorrect","that is right","three","try","two","u","v","w","wrong","wrong try again","x","y","you are correct","you are right","you win","z","zero"

Other links