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{{Spanish America}}
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Flag=Flag of Bolivia.svg|
Code=BO |
Spoken=[[Spanish | Castilian ]]|
Written=[[Spanish | Castilian]]|
Written2=[[Aymara]],[[Quechua]], other Native and European|
Spoken2=[[Aymara]],[[Quechua]], other Native and European}}

== Bienvenue-Welcome ==
En esta página se recopila información acerca de iniciativas en Bolivia en torno a OLPC.
... and thanks for visiting the pages for OLPC related matters in Bolivia. OLPC is the One Laptop Per Child '''Universal Primary Education project''' and largest educational project undertaken by Humanity ever. Supported by United Nations, OLPC is '''an "[[Open Commmunity" project]]''', similar to the [[Wikipedia]] and [[Open Source]] Community projects, like [[Linux]], [[OpenOffice]], etc. and it is working along [[Agenda 21]] and [[Millennium Development Goal]] nr.2: Bringing Universal Primary Education. To edit text on this page or add pages, log in and and "edit page / save page" button will appear.

== Situación Actual ==
''(actualizado 24 de Octubre 2008)''

The aim of this educational project is on one hand to bring Universal Primary Education by 2015 as - anno year 2000 initiated - '''United Nations [[Millennium Development Goal]] nr.2'''. On the other hand, OLPC's mission is to manage the open hard and software project, to bring forward the best possible laptop combination for education: the [[XO-XServer combination]]. For this and above approach, - and also a lot of lobbying by the right persons on the right places and time - '''the United Nations is a Partner in this Open Community project'''! It is the largest educational project undertaken by Humanity ever, and deemed by many as one of the most inspiring projects out there. Things are moving very fast indeed: 2008 saw the first 3 countries with full coverage, i.e. with all kids age 5 to 12 equipped with these smallest schools in a box-laptops and [[Australia]] is now following at fast pace too, over 86.000 [[eBooks]] available, all education disciplines covered, etc. etc..
Existe un despliegue privado con 100 equipos (SOBOCE - Viacha). Este despliegue no está vinculado a la Fundación OLPC ni a la Comunidad OLPC, aunque ha recibido apoyo de ambas para resolver problemas de software.

Bolivia has a very very large diaspora. We hope that this diaspora will work their way to these pages, set-up, link-up their projects with OLPC, coordinate projects and that they can inspire many in their host countries to come along. It is so difficult in these host countries to develop additional value and hence make money. In many regions in the home country however it is so easy as everything is to be developed.
OLE Bolivia está en vías de organización para desplegar unos 1.000 equipos que serían donados por Dänsk IT. El enfoque propuesto tiene énfasis en la comunidad, tanto local como internacional, la cabal capacitación de docentes y la creación y uso de contenidos educativos relevantes a los planes educativos nacionales.

Also the societies from the host countries will benefit from the Bolivia diaspora who has one leg in the host country and another still in their countries of origin. Maybe it will start by developing leadership for OLPC, but soon it will be accompanied by exporting technologies, know-how and experience from the host countries along Agenda 21, the MDG's and together you will be able to accelerate bringing the level of quality of life in Bolivia to a level that will inspire others, existing generations and generations to come.
=== [[Aymara Fest|Evento de traducción al Aymará del paquete Sugar]]===
[[Image:aymarafest.JPG|thumb|Aymara Fest en La Paz]]
Distrito Scout, Av. del Ejército, 6 pm del viernes a 6 pm del sábado, 12 y 13 de Septiembre 2008.

[[File:GaladimaBeforeOLPCdeployment.jpg|500px]] [[File:Galadima0.jpg|425px]]
Durante este evento se tradujo parte del sistema Sugar con concurrencia de una veintena de voluntarios Bolivianos y de otras tierras.

Please feel free to create links, (sub-)categories or list or start collaborating, teaming up and expanding our and your projects, existing and new ones in one of these (sub-)categories.

Bolivia is one of the 18 partner countries of Belgian governmental cooperation were selected on the basis of their degree of poverty, aspects of good governance and Belgium’s potential for providing meaningful support. The precise criteria for selecting countries are set out in the law on international cooperation, which limits the maximum number of recipients to 18 partner countries.
More: http://diplomatie.belgium.be/en/policy/development_cooperation/countries/partner_countries/
[[Image:soboce.JPG|thumb|Viacha OLPC deploy]]
Bolivia is not a Least Developing Country as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_developed_country
Entre las obras sociales de SOBOCE (Sociedad Boliviana de Cemento), existe un despliegue con 100 equipos en la localidad de Viacha, alcanzando 3 grupos de 2do, 3ro y 4to Básico, con unas 75 XO, el resto en reserva. En Setiembre del 2008 un voluntario de la comunidad visitó sus instalaciones y colaboró en resolver el problema de equipos que estabán bloqueados y puesta al día del software.

[[File:OLPC A4 landscape Collage.jpg|650 px|center]]
===OLE Bolivia===
'''Suggested Links and [[categories]]'''
Actualmente en la primera etapa de desarrollo, en preparación de un despliegue probablemente en los primeros meses de 2009. [[OLE Bolivia]] está vinculado a otras asociaciones OLE (Open Learning Exchange), como por ejemplo [[OLE Nepal]].
#[[OLPC Bolivia]]
#[[Bolivia Looking Backward to what has been done]]
#[[Brainstorming how to get the Bolivia Gvt interested in OLPC]]
#[[What every government should ask itself when considering an ebook deployment]]
#[[Stages and Budget]]
#[[Bolivia Stages and Budget]]
#[[Bolivia Budget for Phase II, Data Retrieval Phase]]
#[[FAQ Bolivia]]
#[[Who's Who OLPC-Bolivia]]
#[[Bolivia Meetings]]
#[[OLPC Africa]]
#[[OLPC Afrique]]
#[[Deployment Guide]]

==Official OLPC Foundation presence in Bolivia==
== Notas de Prensa==
''Nothing official yet''
* [http://www.la-razon.com/versiones/20080515_006273/nota_250_596513.htm Soboce entregaría 100 computadoras XO en Viacha]
* [http://www.soboce.com/WebSoboce/html/newsmayo08b.htm SOBOCE entrega computadoras portátiles a niños]
* [http://angelcaido666x.blogspot.com/2007/07/computadoras-olpc-one-laptop-per-child.html En Julio 2007, le regalaron una XO a Evo Morales]
* [http://www.la-razon.com/versiones/20071223_006129/nota_268_523871.htm Marcelo Claure, empresario boliviano cuya empresa distribuye las XO, declara que está negociando un memorando de entendimiento con el gobierno]

rah (a) laptop.org is OLPC President for Latin America and the Caribbean
== Comunidad ==
[[Image:OLPC_Sur_logo.jpg|thumb|Lista OLPC Sur]]
En ausencia de una lista OLPC Bolivia, invitamos a todos los bolivianos a conversar temas OLPC de nuestra patria en la lista continental,
* '''OLPC Sur''', [http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-sur la lista para discusión de OLPC en castellano]. Necesitas tener una [[Uruguay_Preguntas_Frecuentes_XO#.C2.BFhay_un_programa_de_Email.3F|cuenta de correo]], para participar. Pero puedes leer el [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-sur/ archivo de mensajes aquí]. [http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-sur Inscribirse aquí]

== [[OLPC_Bolivia/community|OLPC Community]] ==
* Es posible [http://embed.mibbit.com/?server=irc.freenode.net&channel=%23olpc-es&noServerNotices=true chatear en el canal #olpc-es desde la web].
The Community of users, volunteers and supporters of the Educational Project that was known as OLPC has developed many activities in Bolivia. Visit [[OLPC_Bolivia/community| their page.]]

====[[Grupo OLPC Bolivia]]====
Un grupo organizado por la empresa consultora Parity junto a instituciones sin fines de lucro bolivianas e internacionales. Aunque ha tomado el nombre OLPC, no está vinculado a la comunidad OLPC o a despliegues de XO, oficiales o privados. Actualmente trabaja con equipos Ncomputing y sistemas Microsoft.

There is an email list that coordinates efforts of the Community,

One private, several community-based, none OLPC-Foundation related.
See [[OLE Bolivia]] for the main community-based deployment, supported by [[user:Yamaplos|Yamaplos]].

==Presencia oficial de la OLPC Foundation en Bolivia==

rah (a) laptop.org es Presidente para Latinoamérica y el Caribe por OLPC

== [[OLPC_Bolivia/community|Comunidad OLPC en Bolivia]] ==

La comunidad de usuarios, voluntarios e interesados del proyecto educativo que se ha conocido como OLPC ha desarrollado muchas actividades en Bolivia. Visite [[OLPC_Bolivia/community|su página aquí.]]


Existe una lista de correo que coordina los esfurzos de la comunidad,

Tambien existe un Centro Oficial de Reparaciones XO en Bolivia
a cargo de la SCELINUX (Sociedad Cientifica FCPN-UMSA).
: mas informacion y preguntas a:leebolivia@gmail.com

Uno privado, varios basados en la comunidad, ninguno basado en la Fundación OLPC.

Vea [[OLE Bolivia]] para el mayor despliegue comunitario en Bolivia, soportado a
[[User:Yamaplos|Yamaplos]] con la comunidad en Bolivia

Flag=Flag of Bolivia.svg|
Code=BO |
Spoken=[[Spanish | Castilian ]]|
Written=[[Spanish | Castilian]]|
Written2=[[Aymara]],[[Quechua]], other Native and European|
Spoken2=[[Aymara]],[[Quechua]], other Native and European}}
[[Category:OLPC Bolivia]]
[[Category:OLPC Bolivia]]
[[Category:Belgian Partner Country]]
[[Category:Deployment planning]]

|blurb=A [http://AfricaCO2e.org/ team] coached by [[SvenAERTS]] - former OLPC Europe - is working here - with a special focus to the team collaborating with the Green Helmets -Nature Parc Guards and the [http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/monusco Monusco Blue Helmets Mission] and proposed 2013.03.14 the OLPC Educational Project. More: Report on the team - https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Q1Hdr0mDhCY

Latest revision as of 09:13, 14 September 2015

GoogleTrans-es -English -български -中文(中国大陆) -中文(臺灣) -hrvatski -čeština -dansk -Nederlands -suomi -français -Deutsch -Ελληνικά -हिन्दी -italiano -日本語 -한국어 -norsk -polski -português -română -русский -svenska

SpanAm - visión - laptop - comunidad - chicos - noticias - idiomas - países
argentina - bolivia - chile - colombia - ecuador - méxico - paraguay - perú - uruguay

 Country Information
 ISO Country Code BO
 Wikipedia Article Wikipedia Link
 Government Support Unknown
 Deployment Invalid Deployment Param
 Keyboard Layout Set Keyboard Param
 Written Castilian
 Spoken Castilian
 Secondary Written Aymara,Quechua, other Native and European
 Secondary Spoken Aymara,Quechua, other Native and European


... and thanks for visiting the pages for OLPC related matters in Bolivia. OLPC is the One Laptop Per Child Universal Primary Education project and largest educational project undertaken by Humanity ever. Supported by United Nations, OLPC is an "Open Commmunity" project, similar to the Wikipedia and Open Source Community projects, like Linux, OpenOffice, etc. and it is working along Agenda 21 and Millennium Development Goal nr.2: Bringing Universal Primary Education. To edit text on this page or add pages, log in and and "edit page / save page" button will appear.

The aim of this educational project is on one hand to bring Universal Primary Education by 2015 as - anno year 2000 initiated - United Nations Millennium Development Goal nr.2. On the other hand, OLPC's mission is to manage the open hard and software project, to bring forward the best possible laptop combination for education: the XO-XServer combination. For this and above approach, - and also a lot of lobbying by the right persons on the right places and time - the United Nations is a Partner in this Open Community project! It is the largest educational project undertaken by Humanity ever, and deemed by many as one of the most inspiring projects out there. Things are moving very fast indeed: 2008 saw the first 3 countries with full coverage, i.e. with all kids age 5 to 12 equipped with these smallest schools in a box-laptops and Australia is now following at fast pace too, over 86.000 eBooks available, all education disciplines covered, etc. etc..

Bolivia has a very very large diaspora. We hope that this diaspora will work their way to these pages, set-up, link-up their projects with OLPC, coordinate projects and that they can inspire many in their host countries to come along. It is so difficult in these host countries to develop additional value and hence make money. In many regions in the home country however it is so easy as everything is to be developed.

Also the societies from the host countries will benefit from the Bolivia diaspora who has one leg in the host country and another still in their countries of origin. Maybe it will start by developing leadership for OLPC, but soon it will be accompanied by exporting technologies, know-how and experience from the host countries along Agenda 21, the MDG's and together you will be able to accelerate bringing the level of quality of life in Bolivia to a level that will inspire others, existing generations and generations to come.

GaladimaBeforeOLPCdeployment.jpg Galadima0.jpg

Please feel free to create links, (sub-)categories or list or start collaborating, teaming up and expanding our and your projects, existing and new ones in one of these (sub-)categories.

Bolivia is one of the 18 partner countries of Belgian governmental cooperation were selected on the basis of their degree of poverty, aspects of good governance and Belgium’s potential for providing meaningful support. The precise criteria for selecting countries are set out in the law on international cooperation, which limits the maximum number of recipients to 18 partner countries. More: http://diplomatie.belgium.be/en/policy/development_cooperation/countries/partner_countries/

Bolivia is not a Least Developing Country as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_developed_country

OLPC A4 landscape Collage.jpg

Suggested Links and categories

  1. Bolivia
  2. OLPC Bolivia
  3. Bolivia Looking Backward to what has been done
  4. Brainstorming how to get the Bolivia Gvt interested in OLPC
  5. What every government should ask itself when considering an ebook deployment
  6. Stages and Budget
  7. Bolivia Stages and Budget
  8. Bolivia Budget for Phase II, Data Retrieval Phase
  9. FAQ Bolivia
  10. Who's Who OLPC-Bolivia
  11. Bolivia Meetings
  12. OLPC Africa
  13. OLPC Afrique
  14. Deployment Guide

Official OLPC Foundation presence in Bolivia

Nothing official yet

rah (a) laptop.org is OLPC President for Latin America and the Caribbean

OLPC Community

The Community of users, volunteers and supporters of the Educational Project that was known as OLPC has developed many activities in Bolivia. Visit their page.


There is an email list that coordinates efforts of the Community, http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/OLPC-Bolivia


One private, several community-based, none OLPC-Foundation related. See OLE Bolivia for the main community-based deployment, supported by Yamaplos.

Presencia oficial de la OLPC Foundation en Bolivia

rah (a) laptop.org es Presidente para Latinoamérica y el Caribe por OLPC

Comunidad OLPC en Bolivia

La comunidad de usuarios, voluntarios e interesados del proyecto educativo que se ha conocido como OLPC ha desarrollado muchas actividades en Bolivia. Visite su página aquí.


Existe una lista de correo que coordina los esfurzos de la comunidad, http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/OLPC-Bolivia

Tambien existe un Centro Oficial de Reparaciones XO en Bolivia a cargo de la SCELINUX (Sociedad Cientifica FCPN-UMSA).

mas informacion y preguntas a:leebolivia@gmail.com


Uno privado, varios basados en la comunidad, ninguno basado en la Fundación OLPC.

Vea OLE Bolivia para el mayor despliegue comunitario en Bolivia, soportado a Yamaplos con la comunidad en Bolivia

Primary Language ,|x|Language spoken::x}}
Number of Laptops Number of manufactured laptops::0
Keyboard Layout Keyboard::
Build ,|x|Software release::x}}
Date(s) Arrived in Country ,|x|Has received laptops on date::x}}
School Server ,|x|School server status::x}}
Deployment Status [[Deployment status::A team coached by SvenAERTS - former OLPC Europe - is working here - with a special focus to the team collaborating with the Green Helmets -Nature Parc Guards and the Monusco Blue Helmets Mission and proposed 2013.03.14 the OLPC Educational Project. More: Report on the team - https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Q1Hdr0mDhCY]]