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Please add main page comments by clicking on the '+' link next to the word 'edit' above.
[[Top 10 Concerns]] about the design and implementation of OLPC.
think the hundred dollar laptop is a great idea. I have only one question, if you are constantly recharging the batterie using solar or some other methed, wont that affect battery life after only a short amount of time. I know my laptop battery lasted only about one year because I kept recharging it all the time and now it only holds about 20 minutes of charge.

== LiveCD in Latest releases out of date ==
== The Time for the OLPCWiki in Spanish has come... ==
Hello. In the "Latest Releases" box, the link to the LiveCD must be updated. It still refer to Build 385, while a recent version is available (ftp://rohrmoser-engineerinit is probably the most useful link over there, and at first this was going to be a gripe about it going away entirely, but then I realized someone had just mis-categorized it (IMHO). You can lose the [[Special:Random|Random Page]] link for all I care (as SJ has [| observed] , it's more or less a ticket to an XO Korea page anyway. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 15:07, 24 April 2008 (EDT)
: I'm torn about where to put it. It is both about the project -- a way to see its current activity -- and of course about the wiki. It was moved because it was 'below the fold' on most monitors. I'm open to other suggeestions. And I still find randompages useful; olpc korea is only ~15% of the site :) --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 13:37, 4 May 2008 (EDT)
::There is enough real estate "below the fold" to have a second copy of the link under OLPC wiki. I'm not the only one asking. See [| FGrose comment] elsewhwere. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 18:30, 4 May 2008 (EDT)

== Add Machine Translation ==
Y aqui les dejo la primera... página...

I would like to add the GoogleTrans-en template to the Main page. In spite of the worthy efforts of many translators in many languages, the number of edits to this page are more than any handful of humans can keep up with. By adding this template it will allow users the option of accessing a translation of this pageGoogleTranslation in one of 22 languages, they will have access to "good enough" translation of more current content. Furthermore, the Google translation frame will allow them to navigate the rest of the wiki from this entry point with translation turned on, if they so choose. See for example my User:page [[User:Cjl]], select any language and then navigate off the page by any of the links while the Google translation frame is active. It is also simple to dismiss the translation frame and switch back to the original verison of the page.
Me permito someter a su consideración los siguientes artículos que describen un IMPORTANTE avance tecnológico, que ayudará a cerrar la brecha entre los países pobres y los desarrollados.

'''The argument against relying solely on human translations.''' I reviewed the other lang-xx versions of this page (certainly one of the most translated and updated pages) and recorded the most recent version number from the translation template. Clearly many of these are cases of the version number not being kept up to date (a challenge in itself), but on the other hand, history shows many of these pages have not had substantial revisions for months and months. No matter how much you might prefer a human translation, you must admit that at present, the community of lang-xx translators cannot keep pace with the larger community of lang-en editors. We should not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. [[User:Cjl|Cjl]] 22:41, 19 May 2008 (EDT)
La adopción de estas computadoras y su distribución en México, permitirá:
Version lang
130711 en
33113 ar
76798 bg
33477 de
75214 es
37382 fr
54129 it
99961 ko
68032 no
81739 pt
33477 ro
102681 ru
60725 zh
60725 zh-TW
: please remind me why this is better than the translation links in the skin... placement? --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 06:37, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

== Moved comment from ==
1.- Un salto cuántico en la calidad de la educación al permitir que cada niño, jóven y adulto posea su propia PC con acceso a Internet.

Looks horrible on IE6 * Please fix *
2.- Permitirá desarrollar una política de NO EXPORTAR TRABAJADORES, sino IMPORTAR TRABAJOS, al facilitar la realización de trabajos virtuales desempeñados sobre la red.
: noted! --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]]

== "How to update" links to old page! ==
3.- En Australia, donde las distancias entre los vecinos no se miden en metros, sino en HORAS DE VUELO, los médicos han desarrollado mecanismos para atender a sus pacientes a través de Internet, la aplicación de estas técnicas, podría poner a los médicos de México al alcance de toda la población rural y de pequeñas comunidades, sin necesidad de construir costosas clínicas y hospitales por todo el territorio nacional.

"How to update" link on Main page (in box) links to a page saying there is a newer version of this page available (?!) [[Special:Contributions/|]] 02:11, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
4.- Permitirá a los jubilados y discapacitados trabajar desde sus casas, brindando consejos y ayuda a los ciudadanos para sus problemas de...
--------a) Tareas y Estudio,
--------b) Domésticos y familiares,
--------c) Emprendedores y Pequeños empresarios,
--------d) Tr.amites y apoyos Gubernamentales,
--------e) Asesoría en Turismo. y haciendo traducciones, apuntes y otros trabajos.
Todo con cargo a las tarjetas de de los que requieren ayuda, de lo cual un 15% o 30% queda al organizador y el resto (85% a 70%) se entrega al asesor o tutor.

== New main page design ==
5.- Desarrollar una industria propia de computadoras, mediante la contratación del la fabricación y ensamble de sus partes en México.

We need a total redesign of the page. Mel and Seth and others have been saying the same thing for a while... so let's actually design a new model and implement it. I'd like to see something like [ the catalan wp main page] : with small colorful in-page tabs, a highly summarized and limited set of information in short paragraphs and bullet points, each linking to details elsewhere on the wiki, and a set of alternative page views including a static html view, for usability.
Gracias por su atención; agradeceré una respuesta franca, breve, clara y práctica a este mensaje, con su opinión y aportaciones, así como la justa oportunidad de participar en el desarrollo de los conceptos expuestos.

Each of the sections of the main page is another target for maintenance -- people interested in one area of news or another, in feeds or images or media, can keep that part of the main apge up to date without worrying about the currency of the rest of it; and without interlacing the overall page history with the section history. Now we only need to get the [[OLPC:Design gang|Design gang]] involved...[[Special:Contributions/|]] 06:15, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
: But the new main page design is barren and still static. It needs love! I still like the [[wikitravel:Main Page|wikitravel]] and [ wikieducator] homepages best... along with the [[w:ca:Main Page|catalan Wikipedia]]. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 21:15, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

== Participation ==
Ing. Dagoberto Gmo. Flores Lozano
Consultor en Ing. Industrial y de Sistemas, desempleado.
Ex-Investigador y Profesor Universitario,
Ex-becario de la Fundación Ford, en Berkeley,
Aguascalientes, AGS. MEXICO

The menu on the left should include a link to the Participate page. It could perhaps replace several of the more specific topics there.--[[User:Mokurai|Mokurai]] 19:37, 23 November 2008 (UTC)

== UBUNTU ==
The computer is a really good idea.

How about, let us easily install ubuntu?
I wish, please do they sold in every high developed countrys - FOR 150.- Dollar! (To elemantary schools etc. its a perfect machine.) And then you can go down with the price for poor countrys about 50.-$, better!

: I just wrote a [[Ubuntu Lucid on OLPC XO|howto for Ubuntu Lucid (10.04)]]. It is a slightly involved, but fairly straightforward process. :] It would be nice if someone figured out what changes the stock Ubuntu kernel needs in order to work. --[[User:Maxxflow|Maxxflow]] 19:57, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

== Concise mission improvement ==

: How about, improving concise mission? As a member of the indigenous Australian community I am very offended with the amount of racism that is going on here.
I'd just like to add that, as a British university student, I would personally pay up to maybe £250 ($300 - $350 USD?) to have one of these for myself, and would be happy to spend a good £50-100 extra on top of this as long as I knew that ALL the money I spent was going to help lower the costs of distributing these in schools around the world. Portable, durable, reliable, small, Linux (I'm assuming this version is user-friendly?), lots of USB ports, no higher spec than is neccessary, the sort of thing I could take everywhere I go without worry, and it has a crank handle (absolute genius!!!) - it's perfect!
:: People may be blind to their own racism. Feel free to edit in non-racist language. --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 01:30, 2 November 2011 (UTC)

== New discussions moved to the Cafe ==
Seriously, assuming there's no compatibility issues with office software, it's the perfect student machine: Overcharge us (comparatively) rich folk to hell and back, sell only direct via a website, get college/university-based voluntary organisations (in Britain, go via student unions and computing services) to distribute your publicity for you for experience (i.e. free), and use proceeds to extend the project. I know I'd be perfectly happy to help out and to pay a (modest) premium as long as it was clearly accountable and untainted by profiteering or dodgy dealing - i.e. that 100% of the proceeds went straight back into the project. Have an unemployed/state-benefits price ($180?), a full-time student price ($350?) and a waged price ($500? e.g. for technophobic writers, journalists, academics etc?).
See [[OLPC:Cafe]] for more. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]]

== Helping with this wiki ==
There's a hell of a lot of people who want nothing more than a simple, portable, reliable typing machine with USB and optional internet, and who'd be happy to pay extra for a good cause and a guarentee that they weren't being ripped off by something badly made. Unlike every other computer manufacturer in the world you satisfy all of these criteria. It'd be a very simple way to modestly boost fundraising and awareness. Plus it'd make people like me very happy!

I would like to help out maintaining this wiki, however a lot of pages are locked from editing for me. Is there some solution for this? e.g. can somebody give me admin status? It is mostly wikilinks fixing what I want to do, but this wiki suffers from bad linking quite a lot.--[[User:Kozuch|Kozuch]] 21:03, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
== German version ==

Sounds great. You've made one edit already. Keep going. For things you can't edit, mention them to those who can. Once the trust develops, and the load increases, we will probably increase your access. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 22:11, 4 January 2011 (UTC)
Ich vermisse die deutsche Version dieser Seite Jakob Mitzlaff

== Watchlist feeds ==
I have focused this project since mid-2005,at first I don't believe that it can become true,but as many world lead level scientists and corportation joined in this project,new achievement in every course, I do believe it can make this dream ture.

Hi there,
I have some ideas to improve the project in China if the product will be finished,and there are maybe many problems facing the fact because China has large area,different culture,how to manage transportation,how to repair,how to train them ,etc,it's real facts.It must be considered before the donation,otherwise it will bring some trouble,I think it is important to establish a small office or to find a cooperative enterprise first.

what about upgrading MediaWiki in order to have watchlists accessible via RSS/ATOM feeds as for instance Wikipedia or OSM Wiki have? It would help me a lot in watching this site.--[[User:Kozuch|Kozuch]] 08:57, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
I heard that Mr.Negroponte will visit our country in couple weeks, it maybe take a blockbuster .I wish I have pleasure to meet him.I hope I can learn from core team ,I try to contribute something .
:Any news here?--[[User:Kozuch|Kozuch]] 12:50, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
:: There are these links in Sidebar Toolbox section for the Related changes page, [ RSS] and [ atom],
:: and similar ones on the Recent changes page for the wiki (reach it from the Sidebar, About OLPC). --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 16:58, 25 September 2011 (UTC)

== Humbly Opine ==
Interesting interview here (6th April 2006):
Regarding the concern expressed by some colleagues that 3,000 laptops is less than a rain drop in an ocean, I would humbly opine that once we successfully deploy the initial 3,000 we can can then shoot for a million laptops, for then the sky will be the limit. Don't you reckon? -- Larry.

:Which colleagues? Where is the concern expressed? I can't see the context of your anonymous response. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:03, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
:Hi Jakob. I have just finished translating into German. See the source file at [[OLPC Germany/translation]]. -- [[User:Mathias Schindler|Mathias Schindler]] 07:46, 7 April 2006 (EDT)

::Ah, I see, you are commenting about the page [[Collaborative_GrantProposal]]. Please put comments about that page on the talk page of that page. See [[Talk:Collaborative_GrantProposal]] That page and others should also move to be under a project, to avoid confusion. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:14, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
==Recent Changes page==

== Please not only "black kids with XO's on the front page also pics with "white kids". Making stand out more that the XO-XServer combination is the best laptop out there, also for rich kids ==
Could you consider changing the Recent Changes page please so that more than the last 50 changes are shown? Sometimes more than 50 changes are made in a day so it may be impossible for some of the people who like to follow changes to catch all of them. Could 50 be the default with the user able to select a greater number? Could a criterion of "latest 50 or all changes in the latest two days if greater than 50" be used; that would mean that usually 50 would be displayed, yet more if editing activity has increased.
Imho one of the reasons OLPC takes such a long time to catch on in developed countries, is that there's too many pics of poor black, asian, lating american kids associated with it. This is misleading many people into thinking that this is a poor kids laptop/initiative and for sure the laptop is not something that's good enough for kids in "normal"/"rich" countries.
Therefore I'd like to propose to switch the wording of the mission around. Now it reads:
"The One Laptop per Child non-profit develops a low-cost laptop—the "XO Laptop"—to revolutionize how we educate the world's children. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for the world's most isolated and poorest children by giving each child a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop; and software tools and content designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning."
but watch this:
"The One Laptop per Child non-profit develops a low-cost laptop—the "XO Laptop"—to revolutionize how we educate the world's children. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for the world's children by giving each child the best rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop configuration - the XO and XServer combination; and software tools and content designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. At OLPC, we will focus on the most isolated and poorest kids and we assume the regions that are well structured and rich enough, to auto-organize themselves in developing capacity, demo-projects and full-scale deployments."
Pls vote this latter to the top.--[[User:SvenAERTS|SvenAERTS]] 23:05, 29 April 2013 (UTC)

== OLPC Tablet ==
William Overington 7 April 2006

Discussion of hardware and software of the tablet is noticeably absent from this wiki. Questions parallel those pertaining to the laptop. How is the case built? Glued or welded together? Can the battery be replaced? Anyone succeeded in upgrading the Android system or installing another system. Anyone outside Vivitar developing software? Silence is imposed by Vivitar? Merely from the tablet being new?
: Hi William. Please consider getting an account at this wiki. Try [ this link] for a longer list of recent changes. -- [[User:Mathias Schindler|Mathias Schindler]] 07:44, 7 April 2006 (EDT)

Regards, ... Peter E, [[User:Peasthope|Peasthope]] 15:39, 26 September 2015 (UTC)
== Other Spanish contributor. ==

:You are the first person to ask these questions here, which probably means that the interest is nil apart from you. The documentation for Android tablets can be found elsewhere on the internet. It would be unnecessary and would lead to errors if we were to duplicate the documentation for Android. We would also incur a huge load from people looking for Android documentation for products we don't sell. You can find our XO-4 Android documentation, specific to the XO-4, on the page [[Android]]. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 09:34, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
Well, im a spanish linux user with wants to help to OLPC project. I work on University of Sevilla on Spain and work on many open source projects.

:: OK thanks. Being first isn't necessarily bad. Given that there is some interest in maintaining the laptops, a similar interest is likely to develop for the tablets as more of them come into use and failures occur. If can spare a place for discussion, good. Other possibilities exist. Regarding software, I wonder how the system starts. A Forth PROM? A PC BIOS accessible to the user? Proprietary firmware? I can buy one and explore but documentation wouldn't hurt. Regards, ... [[User:Peasthope|Peasthope]] 15:04, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
Have any specific forum, blog, mailing list or something similar for this?

:::Thanks for the feedback. For the XO laptop, we led the hardware and firmware design process, so our documentation is rich and extensive. But for the tablet, we had no involvement in the hardware and firmware design process, so we don't have documentation to the same extent. We can and do create documentation where the costs of doing so can be offset against a bulk purchase. You'd need to be buying thousands before we could get involved to that extent. If you wish to create documentation, then research how Android is loaded onto tablets and phones in factory and in the field. There's no real need to buy one of our tablets to do this, any Android tablets of the same technology era would be sufficient. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 01:46, 30 September 2015 (UTC)
You can find me here asmarin*nospam* or on my discussion page--[[User:Asmarin|Asmarin]] 12:07, 7 April 2006 (EDT)

::::"... our documentation is rich and extensive."
== The format for expressing dates ==
::::Certainly I appreciate that. XOs have a strong claim to be the best laptops ever built. Thanks!
::::At least some contributions to have been made voluntarily by users with no formal connection to OLPC. Therefore if a page in were allowed for the tablet, voluntary contributions are possible. A tablet FAQ page for example. It wouldn't have to burden OLPC staff excessively.
::::"... research how Android is loaded onto tablets and phones in factory and in the field."
::::I imagined very elementary questions such as these.
::::Is the screen legible in reflected light?
::::What is a typical usage time before battery recharge?
::::Can the battery be replaced?
::::Regards, ... Peter E., [[User:Peasthope|Peasthope]] 17:35, 2 October 2015 (UTC)
:::::So you're asking me to allow or bless a page you haven't created yet. A page with questions that I'm not empowered to answer, that you call elementary, and that you don't have the answers for. I don't see the sense in that. Who will benefit? Apparently only you, and only for your curiosity. Who will be harmed? It would seem to be a cost and risk to OLPC. So I cannot allow. Tablets are an off-the-shelf generic product, or their specifications are negotiated in a bulk order. They sell for as little as $18 close to point of manufacture in China. There's just not the margin to support a documentation ecosystem for them. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] 20:20, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

== Password for login at ==
I notice that the Community News (not a wiki page) has the date as follows.

OLPC News (04/08/06)
As of 2022-04-10, is password change allowed? If so, what are the requirements for a new password? Number of characters, upper/lower case, numerals & etc. Thx, ... [[User:Peasthope|Peasthope]] ([[User talk:Peasthope|talk]]) 13:18, 10 April 2022 (EDT)

:Hope so. At least eight characters. Further guidance will be given by the software, which is MediaWiki. --[[User:Quozl|Quozl]] ([[User talk:Quozl|talk]]) 16:24, 11 April 2022 (EDT)
In England, that would often be taken to mean 4 August 2006, on the basis of moving from smallest unit (day), to larger unit (month) to largest unit (year) whereas the intention from America is clearly 8 April 2006.

Interpretation as an August 2006 date for the news document would clearly be obviously wrong at this time, yet in the future, for a historian reading through the news items, ambiguity could occur.

I wonder if I could suggest please that there be specified a consistent and unambiguous way of expressing all dates in the documents of the project.

For example, 2006-04-08 would convey the date unambiguously.

However, month names like April can help, though the English way of writing day month year, leading for this example to 8 April 2006, does look more typographically balanced than would the American equivalent of April 8 2006. However, that could produce problems for someone whose first language is not English, or indeed for someone whose first language is English if the document and thus the month name is not in English. So maybe using the yyyy-mm-dd format might be the best for an international multilingual project.

William Overington

10 April 2006

:: I Agree strongly See [ International standard date and time notation.] (Doing this for the tilda tags would be good too) [[User:|]] 08:34, 10 April 2006 (EDT)

::: Thank you for the link. I have been using GMT for times for years: it appears that that went in 1972! The Z seems a poor choice, easily confusable with a 2. Maybe a U or a lowercase z would be better. So, this message is produced at 2006-04-10 1302Z. William

== [[OLPC Albania]] ==

Would it be possible to link [[OLPC Albania]] from []? I recently saw news that the Prime Minister of Albania had expressed interest in the project, so I wrote a small bit in Albanian. Thanks. [[User:Dori|Dori]] | [[User talk:Dori|Talk]] 09:03, 13 April 2006 (EDT)

Latest revision as of 20:24, 11 April 2022

Please add main page comments by clicking on the '+' link next to the word 'edit' above.

LiveCD in Latest releases out of date

Hello. In the "Latest Releases" box, the link to the LiveCD must be updated. It still refer to Build 385, while a recent version is available (ftp://rohrmoser-engineerinit is probably the most useful link over there, and at first this was going to be a gripe about it going away entirely, but then I realized someone had just mis-categorized it (IMHO). You can lose the Random Page link for all I care (as SJ has observed , it's more or less a ticket to an XO Korea page anyway. Cjl 15:07, 24 April 2008 (EDT)

I'm torn about where to put it. It is both about the project -- a way to see its current activity -- and of course about the wiki. It was moved because it was 'below the fold' on most monitors. I'm open to other suggeestions. And I still find randompages useful; olpc korea is only ~15% of the site :) --Sj talk 13:37, 4 May 2008 (EDT)
There is enough real estate "below the fold" to have a second copy of the link under OLPC wiki. I'm not the only one asking. See FGrose comment elsewhwere. Cjl 18:30, 4 May 2008 (EDT)

Add Machine Translation

I would like to add the GoogleTrans-en template to the Main page. In spite of the worthy efforts of many translators in many languages, the number of edits to this page are more than any handful of humans can keep up with. By adding this template it will allow users the option of accessing a translation of this pageGoogleTranslation in one of 22 languages, they will have access to "good enough" translation of more current content. Furthermore, the Google translation frame will allow them to navigate the rest of the wiki from this entry point with translation turned on, if they so choose. See for example my User:page User:Cjl, select any language and then navigate off the page by any of the links while the Google translation frame is active. It is also simple to dismiss the translation frame and switch back to the original verison of the page.

The argument against relying solely on human translations. I reviewed the other lang-xx versions of this page (certainly one of the most translated and updated pages) and recorded the most recent version number from the translation template. Clearly many of these are cases of the version number not being kept up to date (a challenge in itself), but on the other hand, history shows many of these pages have not had substantial revisions for months and months. No matter how much you might prefer a human translation, you must admit that at present, the community of lang-xx translators cannot keep pace with the larger community of lang-en editors. We should not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. Cjl 22:41, 19 May 2008 (EDT)

Version lang
130711	en
 33113	ar
 76798	bg
 33477	de
 75214	es
 37382	fr
 54129	it
 99961	ko
 68032	no
 81739	pt
 33477	ro
102681	ru
 60725	zh
 60725	zh-TW
please remind me why this is better than the translation links in the skin... placement? --Sj talk 06:37, 5 September 2008 (UTC)

Moved comment from

Looks horrible on IE6 * Please fix *

noted! --Sj talk

"How to update" links to old page!

"How to update" link on Main page (in box) links to a page saying there is a newer version of this page available (?!) 02:11, 15 October 2008 (UTC)

New main page design

We need a total redesign of the page. Mel and Seth and others have been saying the same thing for a while... so let's actually design a new model and implement it. I'd like to see something like the catalan wp main page : with small colorful in-page tabs, a highly summarized and limited set of information in short paragraphs and bullet points, each linking to details elsewhere on the wiki, and a set of alternative page views including a static html view, for usability.

Each of the sections of the main page is another target for maintenance -- people interested in one area of news or another, in feeds or images or media, can keep that part of the main apge up to date without worrying about the currency of the rest of it; and without interlacing the overall page history with the section history. Now we only need to get the Design gang involved... 06:15, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

But the new main page design is barren and still static. It needs love! I still like the wikitravel and wikieducator homepages best... along with the catalan Wikipedia. --Sj talk 21:15, 21 December 2008 (UTC)


The menu on the left should include a link to the Participate page. It could perhaps replace several of the more specific topics there.--Mokurai 19:37, 23 November 2008 (UTC)


How about, let us easily install ubuntu?

I just wrote a howto for Ubuntu Lucid (10.04). It is a slightly involved, but fairly straightforward process. :] It would be nice if someone figured out what changes the stock Ubuntu kernel needs in order to work. --Maxxflow 19:57, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Concise mission improvement

How about, improving concise mission? As a member of the indigenous Australian community I am very offended with the amount of racism that is going on here.
People may be blind to their own racism. Feel free to edit in non-racist language. --FGrose 01:30, 2 November 2011 (UTC)

New discussions moved to the Cafe

See OLPC:Cafe for more. --Sj talk

Helping with this wiki

I would like to help out maintaining this wiki, however a lot of pages are locked from editing for me. Is there some solution for this? e.g. can somebody give me admin status? It is mostly wikilinks fixing what I want to do, but this wiki suffers from bad linking quite a lot.--Kozuch 21:03, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

Sounds great. You've made one edit already. Keep going. For things you can't edit, mention them to those who can. Once the trust develops, and the load increases, we will probably increase your access. --Quozl 22:11, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

Watchlist feeds

Hi there,

what about upgrading MediaWiki in order to have watchlists accessible via RSS/ATOM feeds as for instance Wikipedia or OSM Wiki have? It would help me a lot in watching this site.--Kozuch 08:57, 10 January 2011 (UTC)

Any news here?--Kozuch 12:50, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
There are these links in Sidebar Toolbox section for the Related changes page, RSS and atom,
and similar ones on the Recent changes page for the wiki (reach it from the Sidebar, About OLPC). --FGrose 16:58, 25 September 2011 (UTC)

Humbly Opine

Regarding the concern expressed by some colleagues that 3,000 laptops is less than a rain drop in an ocean, I would humbly opine that once we successfully deploy the initial 3,000 we can can then shoot for a million laptops, for then the sky will be the limit. Don't you reckon? -- Larry.

Which colleagues? Where is the concern expressed? I can't see the context of your anonymous response. --Quozl 01:03, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
Ah, I see, you are commenting about the page Collaborative_GrantProposal. Please put comments about that page on the talk page of that page. See Talk:Collaborative_GrantProposal That page and others should also move to be under a project, to avoid confusion. --Quozl 01:14, 19 January 2011 (UTC)

Please not only "black kids with XO's on the front page also pics with "white kids". Making stand out more that the XO-XServer combination is the best laptop out there, also for rich kids

Imho one of the reasons OLPC takes such a long time to catch on in developed countries, is that there's too many pics of poor black, asian, lating american kids associated with it. This is misleading many people into thinking that this is a poor kids laptop/initiative and for sure the laptop is not something that's good enough for kids in "normal"/"rich" countries. Therefore I'd like to propose to switch the wording of the mission around. Now it reads: "The One Laptop per Child non-profit develops a low-cost laptop—the "XO Laptop"—to revolutionize how we educate the world's children. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for the world's most isolated and poorest children by giving each child a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop; and software tools and content designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning." but watch this: "The One Laptop per Child non-profit develops a low-cost laptop—the "XO Laptop"—to revolutionize how we educate the world's children. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for the world's children by giving each child the best rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop configuration - the XO and XServer combination; and software tools and content designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. At OLPC, we will focus on the most isolated and poorest kids and we assume the regions that are well structured and rich enough, to auto-organize themselves in developing capacity, demo-projects and full-scale deployments." Pls vote this latter to the top.--SvenAERTS 23:05, 29 April 2013 (UTC)

OLPC Tablet

Discussion of hardware and software of the tablet is noticeably absent from this wiki. Questions parallel those pertaining to the laptop. How is the case built? Glued or welded together? Can the battery be replaced? Anyone succeeded in upgrading the Android system or installing another system. Anyone outside Vivitar developing software? Silence is imposed by Vivitar? Merely from the tablet being new?

Regards, ... Peter E, Peasthope 15:39, 26 September 2015 (UTC)

You are the first person to ask these questions here, which probably means that the interest is nil apart from you. The documentation for Android tablets can be found elsewhere on the internet. It would be unnecessary and would lead to errors if we were to duplicate the documentation for Android. We would also incur a huge load from people looking for Android documentation for products we don't sell. You can find our XO-4 Android documentation, specific to the XO-4, on the page Android. --Quozl 09:34, 28 September 2015 (UTC)
OK thanks. Being first isn't necessarily bad. Given that there is some interest in maintaining the laptops, a similar interest is likely to develop for the tablets as more of them come into use and failures occur. If can spare a place for discussion, good. Other possibilities exist. Regarding software, I wonder how the system starts. A Forth PROM? A PC BIOS accessible to the user? Proprietary firmware? I can buy one and explore but documentation wouldn't hurt. Regards, ... Peasthope 15:04, 29 September 2015 (UTC)
Thanks for the feedback. For the XO laptop, we led the hardware and firmware design process, so our documentation is rich and extensive. But for the tablet, we had no involvement in the hardware and firmware design process, so we don't have documentation to the same extent. We can and do create documentation where the costs of doing so can be offset against a bulk purchase. You'd need to be buying thousands before we could get involved to that extent. If you wish to create documentation, then research how Android is loaded onto tablets and phones in factory and in the field. There's no real need to buy one of our tablets to do this, any Android tablets of the same technology era would be sufficient. --Quozl 01:46, 30 September 2015 (UTC)
"... our documentation is rich and extensive."
Certainly I appreciate that. XOs have a strong claim to be the best laptops ever built. Thanks!
At least some contributions to have been made voluntarily by users with no formal connection to OLPC. Therefore if a page in were allowed for the tablet, voluntary contributions are possible. A tablet FAQ page for example. It wouldn't have to burden OLPC staff excessively.
"... research how Android is loaded onto tablets and phones in factory and in the field."
I imagined very elementary questions such as these.
Is the screen legible in reflected light?
What is a typical usage time before battery recharge?
Can the battery be replaced?
Regards, ... Peter E., Peasthope 17:35, 2 October 2015 (UTC)
So you're asking me to allow or bless a page you haven't created yet. A page with questions that I'm not empowered to answer, that you call elementary, and that you don't have the answers for. I don't see the sense in that. Who will benefit? Apparently only you, and only for your curiosity. Who will be harmed? It would seem to be a cost and risk to OLPC. So I cannot allow. Tablets are an off-the-shelf generic product, or their specifications are negotiated in a bulk order. They sell for as little as $18 close to point of manufacture in China. There's just not the margin to support a documentation ecosystem for them. --Quozl 20:20, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Password for login at

As of 2022-04-10, is password change allowed? If so, what are the requirements for a new password? Number of characters, upper/lower case, numerals & etc. Thx, ... Peasthope (talk) 13:18, 10 April 2022 (EDT)

Hope so. At least eight characters. Further guidance will be given by the software, which is MediaWiki. --Quozl (talk) 16:24, 11 April 2022 (EDT)