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{{Translation | lang = zh | source = PO-laptop.org-vision-en-US | version = 65271}}
[[Category:Laptop.org|zh-CN]] [[Category:PO files|zh-CN]]
#, fuzzy
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# Source language: "en-US"

# Target language: "zh-CN"

# Version: 2.0

# Date: 22 March 2007

msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-22 13:21-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-03 16:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Zhu <scott_zhu@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language-Team: 中文 zh-CN <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
Line 24: Line 28:

msgid "missiontitle"
msgid "missiontitle"
msgstr "使命: 给全世界的儿童以探求知识的新机缘"
msgstr "Mission: Provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore"

msgid "missiondescription"
msgid "missiondescription"
msgstr "发展中国家中近20亿中的大多数儿童没有接受全面的教育的机会. 现在我们应当认真地面对这个问题. 只要给予那些穷困的国家适当的资源, 就能显著的改善那里的教育."
msgstr "Most of the nearly two-billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated. It is time to rethink this equation. Given the resources that poor countries can reasonably allocate to education."

msgid "missionkeywords"
msgid "missionkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 教育, 贫困, 儿童隔离, 学习, 学校, 教师, 书本, 学校设备, 发展中国家, 电脑, 知识, 潜力."
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, education, poverty, children isolation, learning, schools, teachers, books, school equipment, developing world, computer, knowledge, potential."

msgid "missionh1"
msgid "missionh1"
msgstr "mission"
msgstr "使命"

msgid "missionp1"
msgid "missionp1"
msgstr "发展中国家中近20亿儿童中的大多数不能接受全面的教育, 或者根本没有受过教育. 每三个中就有一个未能读完5年级."
msgstr "Most of the nearly two–billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated, or receive no education at all. One in three does not complete the fifth grade."

msgid "missionp2"
msgid "missionp2"
msgstr "这个长期性的全球危机对社会和个人都造成了深重的影响. 许许多多儿童深陷贫穷和孤独的困境, 如同他们的父母那样, 从未能意识到教育之光对他们生活状态转变的意义. 与此同时, 他们的政府尽管也希望能在迅猛演变的全球化信息经济中占有一席之地, 但因为缺少适合的方法和手段去减少数量庞大, 无法自救, 对社会发展贡献有限的乡镇底层群体日益地增加, 而举步维艰."
msgstr "The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to poverty and isolation—just like their parents—never guessing what the light of learning could mean in their lives. At the same time, their governments struggle to compete in a rapidly evolving, global information economy, hobbled by a vast and increasingly urban underclass that cannot support itself, much less contribute to the commonweal, because it lacks the tools to do so."

msgid "missionh2"
msgid "missionh2"
msgstr "现在是我们认真面对这个问题的时候了."
msgstr "It is time to rethink this equation."

msgid "missionp3"
msgid "missionp3"
msgstr "只要给予那些穷困的国家适当的资源, 就能显著的改善那里的教育, 有些地方每个小学生一年的教育费用甚至都无需20美元. 相比之下, 美国小学生一年的花费大约是7500美元, 有时, 即便国家加倍或再加倍地在传统教育方面加大投入, 对外和私人发行债券, 仍然不能取得好的效果. 此外, 以往经验表明: 尽管一味在原有的基建方面增大投入, 如: 建造学校, 雇用教师, 购买书本和设备, 可以很容易获得人们的赞誉. 却仍然不能有效地给发展中国家中大量的儿童带来真正的接受教育的机会."
msgstr "Given the resources that poor countries can reasonably allocate to education—sometimes less than $20 per year per pupil, compared to the approximately $7500 per pupil spent annually in the U.S.—even a doubled or redoubled national commitment to traditional education, augmented by external and private funding, would not get the job done. Moreover, experience strongly suggests that an incremental increase of “more of the same”—building schools, hiring teachers, buying books and equipment—is a laudable but insufficient response to the problem of bringing true learning possibilities to the vast numbers of children in the developing world."

msgid "missionh3"
msgid "missionh3"
msgstr "静止就意味着倒退."
msgstr "Standing still is a reliable recipe for going backward."

msgid "missionp4"
msgid "missionp4"
msgstr "儿童是所有国家最为宝贵的社会资源. 我们相信, 那些新兴国家必须通过发掘儿童自身学习, 创造和互助方面的天生潜力, 来最好地利用这笔财富. 面对这一挑战, 我们为儿童们&quot;学习获取知识&quot;而特意设计了XO笔记本电脑."
msgstr "Any nation's most precious natural resource is its children. We believe the emerging world must leverage this resource by tapping into the children's innate capacities to learn, share, and create on their own. Our answer to that challenge is the XO laptop, a children's machine designed for “learning learning.”"

msgid "missionp5"
msgid "missionp5"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑所体现的&quot;知识构建师理论&quot;(The Theories of Constructionism), 最初由MIT媒体实验室的Seymour Papert教授于1960年代创造出来. 之后, Alan Kay进一步完善了这一理论. 最后, Nicholas Negroponte在其著作«数字化生存»(<i>Being Digital</i>)中对其进行了完整的原理阐述."
msgstr "XO embodies the theories of constructionism first developed by MIT Media Lab Professor Seymour Papert in the 1960s, and later elaborated upon by Alan Kay, complemented by the principles articulated by Nicholas Negroponte in his book, <i>Being Digital</i>."

msgid "missionp6"
msgid "missionp6"
msgstr "这一理论在地球上一些最贫穷偏远的地域付诸了实践, 并证实了其有效性. &quot;知识构建师&quot;理论十分强调以Papert称为“学习获取知识”的方法为根本的教学体验. 在这方面, 电脑特别适合用于鼓励儿童去&quot;思考和认识思维过程&quot;来学习获取知识的方法. 如果, 把XO笔记本电脑当作接触世界的窗口和探索世界的非常编程工具, 这将开启新兴国家的儿童们获取无限知识的大门, 并发掘他们创造和解决问题的潜力."
msgstr "Extensively field-tested and validated among some of the poorest and most remote populations on earth, constructionism emphasizes what Papert calls “learning learning” as the fundamental educational experience. A computer uniquely fosters learning learning by allowing children to “think about thinking”, in ways that are otherwise impossible. Using the XO as both their window on the world, as well as a highly programmable tool for exploring it, children in emerging nations will be opened to both illimitable knowledge and to their own creative and problem-solving potential."

msgid "missionp7"
msgid "missionp7"
msgstr "就根本而言, &quot;每个儿童一台笔记本电脑&quot;(OLPC)不是一个技术项目, 而XO笔记本电脑也不是我们所知的通常意义上的产品. OLPC协会就是一个致力于教育事业的非营利性机构, 我们希望让世界上, 包括那些居住在最偏远地区的所有儿童都能得到发掘他们自身潜力的机会, 都能从全世界的共享的创意中获得益处, 从而为构建更加富裕和健全的世界大家庭做出贡献."
msgstr "OLPC is not, at heart, a technology program, nor is the XO a product in any conventional sense of the word. OLPC is a non-profit organization providing a means to an end—an end that sees children in even the most remote regions of the globe being given the opportunity to tap into their own potential, to be exposed to a whole world of ideas, and to contribute to a more productive and saner world community."

msgid "missionp8"
msgid "missionp8"
msgstr "Until then, stay tuned."
msgstr "敬请关注."

#: progress.html
#: progress.html

msgid "progresstitle"
msgid "progresstitle"
msgstr "Progress: Discover the origins of OLPC"
msgstr "历程: 探究OLPC项目的历史"

msgid "progressdescription"
msgid "progressdescription"
msgstr "OLPC项目的起源可以回溯到40多年前, 初期的电脑计算时代. 思想先驱们梦想着电脑能为儿童所用的一日, 时光印证了他们关于个人电脑在儿童学习方面潜力无限的远见."
msgstr "The origins of OLPC stretch back more than four decades to the primordial days of computing. Pioneer thinkers dreamed they would be suitable for children, and time has proved the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool."

msgid "progresskeywords"
msgid "progresskeywords"
msgid "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 计算, 机器, 儿童, 个人电脑, 学习工具, 网络硬件, 年表, 合作伙伴"
msgid "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, computing, machines, children, personal computer, learning tool, network hardware, timeline, partners"

msgid "progresssubcontenttitle"
msgid "progresssubcontenttitle"
msgstr "What's coming..."
msgstr "最新动态..."

msgid "progressp1"
msgid "progressp1"
msgstr "OLPC项目的起源可以回溯到40多年前, 初期的电脑计算时代. 那时的很多机器还很笨重, 而且几乎没有人想到那些电脑会和儿童有何瓜葛. 像<a href="http://papert.org/" target="_blank">Seymour Papert</a>这样的思想先驱们却梦想着电脑能为儿童所用, 时光印证了个人电脑在儿童学习方面无限的潜力. 这里展示部分OLPC项目从前卫理论转变成现实漫长道路上所经历的一些重要里程碑..."
msgstr "The origins of OLPC stretch back more than four decades to the primordial days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs and next to no one imagined they had any connection to children. Pioneer thinkers such as Seymour Papert dreamed they would be suitable for children, and time has proved the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool. Some of the key milestones in One Laptop per Child's long march from radical theory to reality..."

msgid "2007"
msgid "2007"
msgstr "2007"
msgstr "2007"

msgid "progressn51"
msgstr "大规模产品生产开始启动"

msgid "progressn50"
msgstr "发布系统软件第3测试版"

msgid "progressn49"
msgstr "部署了C1(预生产型)测试机器."

msgid "progressn48"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑赢得设计竞赛Index大奖."

msgid "progressn47"
msgstr "电脑用户界面Sugar增加了新特征."

msgid "progressn46"
msgstr "Ivan Krstić 由于为OLPC设计了安全架构BitFrost, 而赢得了TR35卓越青年发明家奖."

msgid "progressn45"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.intel.com" target="_blank">Intel</a>成为了我们的合作伙伴."

msgid "progressn44"
msgstr "生产并部署最后一批beta版(Beta4)测试机器."

msgid "progressn43"
msgstr "OLPC Game Jam"

msgid "progressn42"
msgstr "网状网络在机器挂机状态下保持自动运行."

msgid "progressn41"
msgstr "生产并部署第一批B3(Beta 3)机器."

msgid "progressn40"
msgstr "秘鲁宣布将加入OLPC笔记本电脑计划."

msgid "progressn39"
msgstr "部署了第一台学校服务器."

msgid "progressn38"
msgstr "部署了第一个网状网络."

msgid "progressn37"
msgid "progressn37"
msgstr "各个项目参与国的儿童收到了笔记电脑的B2(Beta 2)测试机."
msgstr "B2-Test machines deployed to children in launch countries."

msgid "progressn36"
msgid "progressn36"
msgstr "在新年之际, 卢旺达也宣布加入OLPC项目的行列."
msgstr "Rwanda starts out the New Year with a bang by announcing that it, too, will participate in OLPC."

msgid "2006"
msgid "2006"
Line 95: Line 141:

msgid "progressn35"
msgid "progressn35"
msgstr "Uruguay commits to OLPC."
msgstr "乌拉圭确认参与OLPC项目规划."

msgid "progressn34"
msgid "progressn34"
msgstr "广达于上海的装配线生产了875台B1(Beta 1)测试机器. 现在XO笔记本电脑已经真实可得."
msgstr "875 B1-Test machines roll off the Quanta assembly-line in Shanghai. XO is for real."

msgid "progressn33"
msgid "progressn33"
msgstr "利比亚宣布签署了购买120万台笔记本电脑的备忘录, 以便他们全国的每个的适学儿童都获得一台."
msgstr "Libya announces it has signed up for 1.2 million laptops, one for every school-age child in the nation."

msgid "progressn32"
msgid "progressn32"
msgstr "第一个阿拉伯语的国家加入了OLPC项目."
msgstr "OLPC has an Arabic-speaking launch country."

msgid "progressn31"
msgid "progressn31"
msgstr "Red Hat和<a href="http://pentagram.com" target="_blank">Pentagram</a>演示了笔记本电脑的用户界面. <a href="http://www.ses-global.com/ses-global/index.php" target="_blank">SES-Astra</a>加入OLPC合作伙伴行列."
msgstr "Red Hat and Pentagram present the user interface for the laptop. SES-Astra joins OLPC."

msgid "progressn30"
msgid "progressn30"
msgstr "第一个双模式显示屏的工作样机公开展示."
msgstr "First working prototype of the dual-mode display is unveiled."

msgid "progressn29"
msgid "progressn29"
msgstr "维基百科成为第一个笔记本电脑的内容供应商."
msgstr "Wikipedia becomes first source of content for the laptop."

msgid "progressn28"
msgid "progressn28"
msgstr "500 developer boards are shipped worldwide. <a href="http://csounds.com/whatis/index.html">Csound</a> is demonstrated over the mesh network."
msgstr "500张电脑开发样板发送给全球的硬软件自愿开发团队. 有人还成功地进行了<a href="http://csounds.com/whatis/index.html" target="_blank">Csound</a>在网状网络中的演示."

msgid "progressn27"
msgid "progressn27"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.ebay.com/" target="_blank">eBay</a>成为了我们的合作伙伴. 100美元学校服务器计划正式出台."
msgstr "Nortel and eBay become members. $100 School Server is announced."

msgid "progressn26"
msgid "progressn26"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.squid-labs.com/" target="_blank">Squid Labs</a>和<a href="http://www.freeplayenergy.com/" target="_blank">FreePlay</a>展示了第一个为笔记本电脑专门设计的人力发电系统."
msgstr "Squid Labs and FreePlay present first human-powered systems for the laptop."

msgid "progressn25"
msgid "progressn25"
msgstr "OLPC协会在马萨诸塞州的剑桥开设了办公室. 著名的工业设计师<a href="http://fuseproject.com" target="_blank">Yves Behar</a>负责了外观设计的事务."
msgstr "OLPC opens its offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Noted industrial designer Yves Behar takes charge of form-factor issues."

msgid "progressn24"
msgid "progressn24"
msgstr "Marvell joins OLPC and partners on network hardware for the laptop. The <a href="http://www.laptop.org">OLPC</a> goes live (domain courtesy of <a href="http://www.laptopworldwide.com/">Mohamed Rostom</a>)."
msgstr "Marvell加入OLPC项目, 并且负责提供笔记本电脑的网络硬件器件. OLPC协会拥有了自己的网址<a href="http://www.laptop.org">laptop.org</a> (<a href="http://www.laptopworldwide.com/" target="_blank">Mohamed Rostom</a>提供了域名)."

msgid "progressn23"
msgid "progressn23"
msgstr "Negroponte和<a href="http://www.undp.org/" target="_blank">联合国开发计划署(UNDP)</a>署长Kemal Dervis在<a href="http://www.weforum.org/en/index.htm" target="_blank">世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)</a>期间, 签署了谅解备忘录. 在计划的首次OLPC项目推广中, 将主要为较大的国家和地区提供5百万至1千万台笔记本电脑. 随后, 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)将利用其在166个国家的办事处, 全力帮助OLPC协会实施项目推广工作, 并负责从与各国政府部门进行联络到承担笔记本电脑发送所需后勤等多项事务."
msgstr "Negroponte and Kemal Dervis, head of the <a href="http://www.undp.org/">UN Development Program (UNDP)</a>, sign a memo of understanding at the <a href="http://www.weforum.org/en/index.htm">World Economic Forum</a>. The planned OLPC Gen-1 launch remains focused on 5–10 million laptops in large countries or regions. Over time, UNDP will serve as OLPC's ground force in many of the 166 countries in which it has offices, assisting with everything from communications with ministries to logistics for school rollout."

msgid "2005"
msgid "2005"
Line 137: Line 183:

msgid "progressn22"
msgid "progressn22"
msgstr "OLPC协会宣布, 世界最大的笔记本电脑生产商—台湾的<a href="http://www.quantatw.com" target="_blank">广达电脑公司(Quanta Computer)</a>被指定为其儿童笔记本电脑的原始设计制造商(ODM). 而且<a href="http://www.nortel.com/" target="_blank">Nortel</a>也成为了我们的合作伙伴."
msgstr "OLPC announces that Quanta Computers, the world's largest maker of laptops, will become the ODM for the laptop."

msgid "progressn21"
msgid "progressn21"
msgstr "在突尼斯举办的信息社会世界研讨会上, 联合国(UN)秘书长<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kofi_Annan" target="_blank">Kofi Annan</a>展示了OLPC协会最新的被称为绿色机器的样机, 它带有一个与众不同的手摇柄. 就在这个同Negroponte一起出席的新闻发布会上, Annan在万众注目之下弄断了手柄. 他帮大家找出了样机设计上的缺陷."
msgstr "At the World Symposium on the Information Society in Tunis, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan presents OLPC's latest iteration, the so-called green machine, with its distinctive pencil-yellow hand crank. At a jammed press conference with Negroponte, Annan breaks the handle. Time for a design review."

msgid "progressn20"
msgid "progressn20"
msgstr "&quot;这不仅仅是将笔记本电脑交到孩子们的手中, 好像这就已赋予了他们神奇的力量. 真正的魔力来自于每个孩子, 也来自于参与这个决策的每个科学家, 每个学者, 或是每个普通公民. 这一举措就是为了使其变成曙光&quot;"
msgstr "“This is not just a matter of giving a laptop to each child, as if bestowing on them some magical charm. The magic lies within—within each child, within each scientist—, scholar—, or just-plain-citizen-in-the-making. This initiative is meant to bring it forth into the light of day.”"

msgid "progressn20a"
msgid "progressn20a"
Line 149: Line 195:

msgid "progressn19"
msgid "progressn19"
msgstr "两个星期后, 尼日利亚总统President Olusegun Obasanjo公开宣布100美元笔记本电脑&quot;令他着迷&quot;, 并且确认他的国家会定购100万台."
msgstr "Two weeks later, President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria declares himself “enchanted” by the $100 laptop and commits his country to one million units."

msgid "progressn18"
msgid "progressn18"
msgstr "在于曼谷同Negroponte会晤之后, 泰国总理Thaksin Shinawatra宣布泰国将会使用OLPC协会开发的笔记本电脑, 这是第一个国家做出官方承诺. 对于Shinawatra不幸的是, 他在之后2006年九月的泰国兵变中被赶下台."
msgstr "After meeting in Bangkok with Negroponte, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announces that Thailand will adopt OLPC, the first country officially to do so. Unfortunately for Shinawatra, he would later be deposed by a military coup in September 2006."

msgid "progressn17"
msgid "progressn17"
msgstr "Negroponte在Google总部召开的合作伙伴会议上提到, 已有50多个国家表达了对100美元笔记本电脑的兴趣. 其中20%的意向直接来自于那些国家首脑. <a href="http://www.brightstarcorp.com" target="_blank">Brightstar</a>被宣布为新的合作伙伴."
msgstr "Negroponte reports to a partners' meeting at Google headquarters that more than 50 countries have now inquired about the laptop. Twenty of the queries came from heads of state. BrightStar is introduced as a partner."

msgid "progressn16"
msgid "progressn16"
msgstr "Design Continuum becomes OLPC's industrial-design partner."
msgstr "<a href="http://www.designcontinuum.com" target="_blank">Design Continuum</a>成为OLPC协会的工业设计合作伙伴."

msgid "progressn15"
msgid "progressn15"
msgstr "巴西总统Lula da Silva在首都巴西利亚会晤了Negroponte和Papert, 并且当即表示了欢迎来巴西推广100美元笔记本电脑. Silva总统只给了他的内阁官员29天的时间, 用来制定相关议程, 要求他们速战速决. 他认为只有快速步伐才能让巴西先前, 因为&quot;任何长于30天的东西都令人厌倦.&quot;"
msgstr "Brazilian President Lula da Silva meets with Negroponte and Papert in Brasilia, where he embraces the $100 laptop for Brazil. So that Brazil can move forward, President Silva gives his cabinet officers just 29 days to set an agenda, he says, because “anything longer than 30 days is uninteresting.”"

msgid "progressn14"
msgid "progressn14"
msgstr "在媒体实验室举行了项目合作伙伴的第一次工作会晤. 与会成员包括<a href="http://www.amd.com" target="_blank">AMD</a>, <a href="http://newscorp.com" target="_blank">News Corp.</a>, <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>和<a href="http://redhat.com" target="_blank">Red Hat</a>. 而Red Hat将负责以Linux为核心为笔记本电脑制作新的操作系统."
msgstr "First meeting of corporate partners at the Media Lab. Members include AMD, News Corp., Google, and Red Hat, which will create a Linux-based operating system for the laptop."

msgid "progressn13"
msgid "progressn13"
msgstr "Negroponte在给他在AMD任CEO的老朋友Hector Ruiz的一封电子邮件中, 勾勒了一种他为世界贫穷儿童设计的100美元笔记本电脑的轮廓. 6个小时之后, Ruiz回复到: &quot;把我们也算上, 我们会十分高兴在这方面起到表率作用.&quot; 几个星期后, News Corp.和Google也作为这个新形成项目的共创成员加入了&quot;每个儿童一台笔记本电脑&quot;(One Laptop per Child)的行列."
msgstr "Negroponte sketches out his idea for a $100 laptop for the poor children of the world in an e-mail to his old friend, Hector Ruiz, CEO of AMD. Six hours later, Ruiz replies: “Count us in, and we would be delighted to take a lead role here.” Within weeks, News Corp. and Google also join as founding members of the newly formed program, One Laptop per Child."

msgid "progressn12"
msgid "progressn12"
msgstr "本月稍后, Negroponte在瑞士达沃斯举办的每年一度众多世界政治, 经济和文化精英云集的<a href="http://www.weforum.org/en/index.htm" target="_blank">世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)</a>会议上, 公布了100美元笔记本电脑的概念. 尽管他只给与会者展示了一个不能工作的实体模型, 但是这种机器仍然引起了人们不小的震动. <i>纽约时报</i>的专栏作家John Markoff直呼Negroponte为&quot;数字时代的播种者&quot;"
msgstr "Later in the month, Negroponte presents the idea for the $100 laptop at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where the political, economic, and cultural elite of the world gather each year. Although he has nothing to show his audience but a simple mock-up with no functioning parts, the machine makes a big splash. John Markoff writing for <i>The New York Times</i>, calls Negroponte “the Johnny Appleseed of the digital era.”"

msgid "2002"
msgid "2002"
Line 176: Line 222:

msgid "progressn11"
msgid "progressn11"
msgstr "Govenor Angus King of the state of Maine is persuaded by Papert that “one-to-one is the only meaningful ratio for deploying computers to school children,” and launches the first <a href="http://www.papert.org/articles/laptops/laptops_master.html">large-scale, saturation distribution 42,000 of laptops</a>—to all of the state's seventh-graders. The program is later renewed and expanded."
msgstr "缅因州州长Angus King认同了Papert关于&quot;一比一是为在校儿童配置电脑唯一有意义的方案&quot;的观点, 并且启动了第一批<a href="http://www.papert.org/articles/laptops/laptops_master.html" target="_blank">大规模, 全员部署42000台笔记本电脑</a>给全州七年级学生的计划. 这个计划后来经过修改, 扩展到了更大的范围."

msgid "progressn11a"
msgid "progressn11a"
msgstr "&quot;把这种有用的设备交给每个孩子, 这是一个非常令人震撼的观念转变,&quot;—Angus King"
msgstr "“Giving all the children this powerful device, this key, is a very powerful transformative idea,” says King."

msgid "progressn10"
msgid "progressn10"
msgstr "Negroponte为住在柬埔寨的一个偏远小山村中的20儿童提供了能联网的笔记本电脑; 并让他们在学校, 家里, 和社区中自由使用. 他后来又给孩子们增添了20台. 这些儿童和他们的家庭很快地创造出了好多种电脑的新用途, 并且自己学会了轻松地遨游互联网络. 知道他们学会的第一个英文单词是什么吗? &quot;Google.&quot;"
msgstr "Negroponte provides 20 children in a small, remote Cambodian village with connected laptops; for their individual use at school, at home, and in the community. He will add 20 more the following year. The children and their families quickly innovate multiple uses for the machines and easily teach themselves to navigate the Internet. Their first English word? “Google.”"

msgid "1998"
msgid "1998"
Line 188: Line 234:

msgid "progressn9"
msgid "progressn9"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.lego.com/eng/info/" target="_blank">Lego</a>发布了其名为<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Mindstorms" target="_blank">Mindstorms™</a>的玩具, 儿童们可以用&quot;可编程的小砖块&quot;按他们的想象搭建出各种各样的小建筑."
msgstr "Lego debuts its Mindstorms™ as a product with which children build “programmable bricks” into their constructions."

msgid "1995"
msgid "1995"
Line 194: Line 240:

msgid "progressn8"
msgid "progressn8"
msgstr "在他有影响力的«数字化生存»(<i>Being Digital</i>)一书中, Negroponte描绘了一副未来个人计算的蓝图. 这本书被翻译成了40多种语言, 成了国际畅销书."
msgstr "In his influential <i>Being Digital</i>, Negroponte paints a picture of the future of personal computing. The book becomes an international best-seller and is translated into 40 languages."

msgid "1988"
msgid "1988"
Line 200: Line 246:

msgid "progressn7"
msgid "progressn7"
msgstr "通过与哥斯达黎加Omar Dengo基金会的合作, Papert和媒体实验室的一个团队共同帮助完成设计和实现了一个知识构建师的项目, 其中包括在MIT培训一批哥斯达黎加教师的任务. 这个独立的项目为日后哥斯达黎加摆脱单一农产品出口, 跨入科技新经济时代, 起到了指导性的作用."
msgstr "Working with the Omar Dengo Foundation in Costa Rica, Papert and a team from the Media Lab help design and implement a constructionist program that includes the training of a dozen Costa Rican teachers at MIT. The self-sustaining program is instrumental in moving Costa Rica away from economic dependence on agricultural exports toward a technology-based economy."

msgid "progressn7a"
msgid "progressn7a"
msgstr "&quot;Logo成了重新认识学习的一种文化.&quot;"
msgstr "“Logo became a culture, a way of rethinking learning.”"

msgid "progress7b"
msgid "progress7b"
msgstr "—Omar Dengo基金会执行总监Clotilde Fonseca."
msgstr "—Clotilde Fonseca, executive director of the Omar Dengo Foundation."

msgid "progressn6"
msgid "progressn6"
msgstr "<a href="http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/BCK/BCK.html">LEGO/Logo</a> launches as a commercial product with which kids connect their robotic constructions to a personal computer with a cable."
msgstr "命名为<a href="http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/BCK/BCK.html" target="_blank">LEGO/Logo</a>玩具上市销售. 儿童们可以用它拼装出各式机器人, 然后通过和个人电脑的连接方式操纵机器人运动."

msgid "1985"
msgid "1985"
Line 215: Line 261:

msgid "progressn5"
msgid "progressn5"
msgstr "The <a href="http://www.media.mit.edu/">MIT Media Lab</a> opens its doors. Its mission, in part, is to “invent and creatively exploit new media for human well-being without regard for present-day constraints."
msgstr "<a href="http://www.media.mit.edu/" target="_blank">MIT媒体实验室</a>成立. 其使命之一就是&quot;探索和开发让人们摆脱日常生活束缚的新媒体.&quot;"

msgid "progressn4"
msgid "progressn4"
msgstr "Papert在马萨诸塞州波士顿的Hennigan小学开办了一个名为&quot;明日之校&quot;的多年期电脑应用项目. 在项目中, 孩子们主要通过使用Logo来完成功课. 后来, Hennigan小学同样被选为媒体实验室LEGO/Logo项目的试验站."
msgstr "Papert opens “The School of the Future,” a multi-year, high-density computer project at The Hennigan Elementary School in Boston, Massachusetts. The children work primarily with Logo. Hennigan will also become a pilot test site for the Media Lab's LEGO/Logo project."

msgid "1982"
msgid "1982"
Line 224: Line 270:

msgid "progressn3"
msgid "progressn3"
msgstr "在一项由法国政府资助的实验项目中, Papert和Negroponte把一些Apple II型微电脑捐献给了塞内加尔首都达喀尔一所市郊小学的孩子们. 这个经历验证了Papert的部分想法: 那些居住在偏远, 贫困乡村中的儿童完全可以像世界上其他地区的儿童一样自然, 轻巧地使用电脑. 这些想法同样在之后的, 如巴基斯坦, 泰国和柬埔寨等几个国家的试验中得到了证实."
msgstr "In a French government-sponsored pilot project, Papert and Negroponte distribute Apple II microcomputers to school children in a suburb of Dakar, Senegal. The experience confirms one of Papert's central assumptions: children in remote, rural, and poor regions of the world take to computers as easily and naturally as children anywhere. These results will be validated in subsequent deployments in several countries, including Pakistan, Thailand, and Colombia."

msgid "1980"
msgid "1980"
Line 230: Line 276:

msgid "progressn2"
msgid "progressn2"
msgstr "Papert publishes <i>Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas</i>, a popular guide to his theories of constructionism and computing for kids."
msgstr "Papert出版了«头脑风暴: 儿童, 电脑及充满活力的创意»(<a href="http://www.elearning-reviews.org/topics/technology/interactive-environments/1980-papert-mindstorms/" target="_blank"><i>Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas</i></a>), 这本畅销的著作中详诉了他关于儿童计算和知识构建师的理论."

msgid "1968"
msgid "1968"
Line 236: Line 282:

msgid "progressn1"
msgid "progressn1"
msgstr "Alan Kay把他发明的笔记本电脑原型—Dynabook, 描述为&quot;一种便携交互式个人电脑, 可以像书本一样便于使用.&quot;"
msgstr "Alan Kay describes his proto-laptop, the Dynabook, as “a portable interactive personal computer, as accessible as a book.”"

msgid "1967"
msgid "1967"
Line 242: Line 288:

msgid "progressn0"
msgid "progressn0"
msgstr "Wally Feurzeig, Daniel Bobrow, Richard Grant, Cynthia Solomon, and Seymour Papert introduce Logo, the first programming language written especially for children."
msgstr "Wally Feurzeig, Daniel Bobrow, Richard Grant, Cynthia SolomonSeymour Papert开发了第一个专门给儿童使用的编程语言Logo."

#: news.html
#: news.html

msgid "newstitle
msgid "newstitle"
msgstr "News: Discover the OLPC latest news..."
msgstr "新闻: 发掘OLPC协会的最新报道..."

msgid "newsdescription"
msgid "newsdescription"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑引起了国际媒体长期的关注. 点击下面连接可以获得有关OLPC的最新报道,以及传统媒体和电子媒体相关报道的存档."
msgstr "The laptop generates a steady stream of national and international press coverage Click below to discover the OLPC latest news from everywhere."

msgid "newskeywords"
msgid "newskeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 国内媒体, 国际媒体, 新闻, 新闻档案, 电子文章."
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, national press, international press, news, archives, electronic articles."

msgid "newsh1"
msgid "newsh1"
msgstr "news"
msgstr "新闻"

msgid "newsp1"
msgid "newsp1"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑引起了国际媒体长期的关注. 随着我们第一代机器在今年晚些时候正式发布的临近, 相关报道将会更加深入和迅速. 请参见我们的Wiki网页:"
msgstr "The Laptop generates a steady stream of international press coverage that promises to flow even deeper and faster as we move toward launch of our Gen-1 machines later this year. See our wiki for:"

msgid "newsp2"
msgid "newsp2"
msgstr "the latest news from OLPC..."
msgstr "来自OLPC协会的最新报道..."

msgid "newsp3"
msgid "newsp3"
msgstr "the latest news about OLPC..."
msgstr "关于OLPC协会的最新报道..."

msgid "newsp4"
msgid "newsp4"
msgstr "the latest media coverage of OLPC..."
msgstr "最新的关注OLPC协会的媒体资料..."

#: people.html
#: people.html

msgid "peopletitle"
msgid "peopletitle"
msgstr "人物: 认识那些热诚献身于OLPC项目的人们"
msgstr "People: Discover persons who bring their personal passion to OLPC project"

msgid "peopledescription"
msgid "peopledescription"
msgstr "OLPC协会起先是由Nicholas Negroponte及其他原媒体实验室的主要成员组建的. 不过, 很快就吸纳了来自学术界, 工商业等众多具有相当天赋和献身精神人士加入这个团体."
msgstr "OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia as well as industry."

msgid "peoplekeywords"
msgid "peoplekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 教育新思维, 人物, 人物传记, 热诚, 非营利性协会"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, educational proposition, people, bios, passion, non-profit association"

msgid "peoplename1"
msgid "peoplename1"
Line 285: Line 331:

msgid "peoplerank1"
msgid "peoplerank1"
msgstr "Chairman"
msgstr "执行主席"

msgid "peoplep1"
msgid "peoplep1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negropontes是&quot;每个儿童一台笔记本电脑&quot;(One Laptop per Child)非营利机构的创办人和现任主席. 他目前离开了MIT, 在那里他和同事共同组建了媒体实验室, 并任担任媒体实验室执行总监和教授."
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte is founder and chairman of the One Laptop per Child non-profit organization. He is currently on leave from MIT, where he was co-founder and director of the MIT Media Laboratory, and the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Technology."

msgid "peoplename2"
msgid "peoplename2"
Line 294: Line 340:

msgid "peoplerank2"
msgid "peoplerank2"
msgstr "Chief Education Officer"
msgstr "首席教务执行官"

msgid "peoplep2"
msgid "peoplep2"
msgstr "Antonio Battro是公认的新兴神经教育领域的世界级领军人物. 他是位医学博士, 专门从事儿童及青少年基本认知过程方面的研究."
msgstr "Considered a world leader in the new field of neuroeducation, Antonio Battro is an MD and PhD who specializes in the development of basic cognitive and perceptual processes in children and adolescents."

msgid "peoplename3"
msgid "peoplename3"
Line 303: Line 349:

msgid "peoplerank3"
msgid "peoplerank3"
msgstr "President, Software and Content"
msgstr "软件及项目内容总裁"

msgid "peoplep3"
msgid "peoplep3"
msgstr "Walter Bender媒体实验室的组建成员及前任执行主管. 他在哈佛大学获得了学士学位, 并在那里工作过. 之后, 他从MIT取得了科学硕士的学位."
msgstr "Walter Bender is a founding member and former executive director of the Media Lab. He attended Harvard University, where he received his BA, before earning his MS from MIT."

msgid "peoplename4"
msgid "peoplename4"
Line 312: Line 358:

msgid "peoplerank4"
msgid "peoplerank4"
msgstr "Chief Connectivity Officer"
msgstr "首席政务执行官"

msgid "peoplep4"
msgid "peoplep4"
msgstr "作为MIT媒体实验室的前任计算部主管, Michail Bletsas设计和部署了那里主要的互联网基础设施. 自那时起, 他的研究就扩展到了网路未覆盖地区宽带互联网接入的开发领域."
msgstr "As former director of computing at the MIT Media Lab, Michail Bletsas designed and deployed most of their Internet network infrastructure systems. His research has since evolved to develop broadband Internet access to underserved areas."

msgid "peoplenamep5"
msgid "peoplename5"
msgstr "David Cavallo"
msgstr "David Cavallo"

msgid "peoplerank5"
msgid "peoplerank5"
msgstr "Director, Central and South America"
msgstr "中部及南部非洲事务总管"

msgid "peoplep5"
msgid "peoplep5"
msgstr "David Cavallo是媒体实验室的未来教学研究工作组的联席主管. 这个部门主要从事设计和实现新教学环境, 以及设计开发改变人们传统的&quot;学习&quot;和&quot;学校&quot;方面观念的新科技."
msgstr "David Cavallo is the co-head of the Media Lab's Future of Learning research group, which focuses on the design and implementation of new learning environments and on the design of new technologies to change the way we think about “learning” and “school”."

msgid "peoplename6"
msgid "peoplename6"
Line 330: Line 376:

msgid "peoplerank6"
msgid "peoplerank6"
msgstr "软件工程副总裁"
msgstr "Vice President, Software Engineering"

msgid "peoplep6"
msgid "peoplep6"
msgstr "Jim Gettys拥有广泛的软件工程知识和背景, 由于对开放源码教育软件系统应用于廉价电脑的浓厚兴趣, 促使他来到OLPC协会同我们一起工作."
msgstr "With extensive knowledge and background in software engineering, Jim Gettys' interest in open-source systems for education on very inexpensive computers led him to One Laptop per Child."

msgid "peoplename7"
msgid "peoplename7"
msgstr "Khaled Hassounah"
msgstr "Habib Khan"

msgid "peoplerank7"
msgid "peoplerank7"
msgstr "Director, Middle East and Africa"
msgstr "南亚及中亚教育事务总管"

msgid "peoplep7"
msgid "peoplep7"
msgstr "Khan博士在国际教育发展方面拥有着30多年的丰富经验. 这期间, 他曾在巴基斯坦教育部负责教育战略方面的事务."
msgstr "After working in close collaboration with large organizations in the U.S., India, the Middle East and China, Khaled Hassounah's interest are now focused on developing technological solutions for underdeveloped countries."

msgid "peoplename8"
msgid "peoplename8"
Line 348: Line 394:

msgid "peoplerank8"
msgid "peoplerank8"
msgstr "Chief Technology Officer"
msgstr "首席技术执行官"

msgid "peoplep8"
msgid "peoplep8"
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen是位显示科技的先锋. 她过去是Intel的一名执行管理. 在OLPC协会, 她负责所有的硬件管理, 以及显示屏技术和系统的创新. 她还在MIT媒体实验室兼任教授职务."
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen is a pioneer in developing display technologies, and has earned worldwide recognition as a top innovator in the field of LCoS systems. She has contributed to many breakthroughs, including the largest hologram in the world."

msgid "peoplename9"
msgid "peoplename9"
Line 357: Line 403:

msgid "peoplerank9"
msgid "peoplerank9"
msgstr "Chief Financial Officer"
msgstr "首席财务执行官 "

msgid "peoplep9"
msgid "peoplep9"
msgstr "Chuck Kane has acquired a wealth of experience at a number of respected organizations, including Aspen Technology, Corechange, Inc., Open Text, Inc. and Deloitte and Touche."
msgstr "Chuck Kane拥有在多家享有盛名机构中工作的丰富经验, 如: Aspen Technology, Corechange Inc., Open Text Inc.和勤业众信会计师事务所(Deloitte and Touche)."

msgid "peoplename10"
msgid "peoplename10"
Line 366: Line 412:

msgid "peoplerank10"
msgid "peoplerank10"
msgstr "Director of Content"
msgstr "社区项目内容主管"

msgid "peoplep10"
msgid "peoplep10"
msgstr "Samuel Klein曾为许多网路教学社群及多语知识协作机构, 如: 维基百科, 工作过. 他目前主要从事写作和媒体的底层创作."
msgstr "Samuel Klein has worked closely with online learning communities and multilingual knowledge collaborations such as Wikipedia. He is now focused on grassroots creation of texts and media."

msgid "peoplename11"
msgid "peoplename11"
Line 375: Line 421:

msgid "peoplerank11"
msgid "peoplerank11"
msgstr "Director, Security Architecture"
msgstr "系统安全构架总监"

msgid "peoplep11"
msgid "peoplep11"
msgstr "Ivan Krstić 是个娴熟的软件结构工程师和研究员. 他目前离开了哈佛大学, 专心投入开放源码和自由软件的开发. 其专长是大型分布式系统的结构及安全."
msgstr "An accomplished software architect and researcher, Ivan Krstić is currently on leave from Harvard University. Krstić is deeply involved with open-source and free software, and specializes in architecture and security of large distributed systems."

msgid "peoplename12"
msgid "peoplename12"
Line 393: Line 439:

msgid "peoplerank13"
msgid "peoplerank13"
msgstr "Director of Finance"
msgstr "财务总监"

msgid "peoplep13"
msgid "peoplep13"
msgstr "Robert Fadel负责管理行政事务, 并辅助制定策略规划以及同其他合作伙伴和各政府部门的联络工作."
msgstr "Robert Fadel is managing the administrative functions, and assisting in strategic planning and relations with partner organizations and governments."

msgid "peopleh1"
msgid "peopleh1"
msgstr "advisors"
msgstr "顾问"

msgid "peoplep20"
msgid "peoplep20"
msgstr "Rebecca&nbsp;Allen, Howard&nbsp;Anderson, José&nbsp;María&nbsp;Aznar, V.&nbsp;Michael&nbsp;Bove,&nbsp;Jr., Benjamin&nbsp;Mako&nbsp;Hill, William&nbsp;Kolb, Alan&nbsp;Kay, Ayo&nbsp;Kusamotu, Rodrigo&nbsp;Mesquita, Eben&nbsp;Moglen, Seymour&nbsp;Papert, Bruce&nbsp;Parker, Mitchel&nbsp;Resnick, Ted&nbsp;Selker, Larry&nbsp;Weber, and Barry&nbsp;Vercoe"
msgstr "Rebecca&nbsp;Allen, Howard&nbsp;Anderson, José&nbsp;María&nbsp;Aznar, V.&nbsp;Michael&nbsp;Bove,&nbsp;Jr., Benjamin&nbsp;Mako&nbsp;Hill, William&nbsp;Kolb, Alan&nbsp;Kay, Ayo&nbsp;Kusamotu, Rodrigo&nbsp;Mesquita, Eben&nbsp;Moglen, Seymour&nbsp;Papert, Bruce&nbsp;Parker, Mitchel&nbsp;Resnick, Ted&nbsp;Selker, Larry&nbsp;Weber Barry&nbsp;Vercoe"

msgid "peopleh2"
msgid "peopleh2"
msgstr "members"
msgstr "合作伙伴"

msgid "peoplep21"
msgid "peoplep21"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.amd.com" target="_blank">AMD</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.brightstarcorp.com" target="_blank">Brightstar</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.chilintech.com.tw" target="_blank">Chi&nbsp;Lin</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.ebay.com" target="_blank">eBay</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.marvell.com" target="_blank">Marvell</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.newscorp.com" target="_blank">NewsCorp</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.nortel.com" target="_blank">Nortel</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.quantatw.com" target="_blank">Quanta</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.redhat.com" target="_blank">Red&nbsp;Hat</a>, and<br/> <a href="http://www.ses-astra.com" target="_blank">SES&nbsp;Astra</a>"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.amd.com" target="_blank">AMD</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.brightstarcorp.com" target="_blank">Brightstar</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.chilintech.com.tw" target="_blank">奇菱(Chi&nbsp;Lin)</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.ebay.com" target="_blank">eBay</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.intel.com" target="_blank">Intel</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.marvell.com" target="_blank">Marvell</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.newscorp.com" target="_blank">NewsCorp</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.nortel.com" target="_blank">Nortel</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.quantatw.com" target="_blank">广达(Quanta)</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.redhat.com" target="_blank">Red&nbsp;Hat</a> <br/> <a href="http://www.ses-astra.com" target="_blank">SES&nbsp;Astra</a>"

msgid "peoplep22"
msgid "peoplep22"
msgstr "Product Certification: <a href="http://www.UL.com" target="_blank">Underwriters&nbsp;Laboratories</a><br/>Global Development Partner: <a href="http://www.undp.org" target="_blank">UNDP</a><br/>Legal Council: <a href="http://www.fhe.com" target="_blank">Foley&nbsp;Hoag</a><br/>Banking and Finance: <a href="http://www.citigroup.com" target="_blank">Citigroup</a><br/>Industrial Design: <a href="http://www.fuseproject.com" target="_blank">Fuse&nbsp;Project</a><br/>Interface and Graphic Design: <a href="http://www.pentagram.com" target="_blank">Pentagram</a><br/>Media and Public Relations: <a href="http://www.w2groupinc.com" target="_blank">W2&nbsp;Group</a><br/>Communications: <a href="http://nurun.com" target="_blank">Nurun</a>"
msgstr "产品认证: <a href="http://www.UL.com" target="_blank">Underwriters&nbsp;Laboratories</a><br/>全球发展伙伴: <a href="http://www.undp.org" target="_blank">联合国开发计划署(UNDP)</a><br/>法律咨询: <a href="http://www.fhe.com" target="_blank">Foley&nbsp;Hoag</a><br/>银行及财政: <a href="http://www.citigroup.com" target="_blank">花旗集团(Citigroup)</a><br/>工业设计: <a href="http://www.fuseproject.com" target="_blank">Fuse&nbsp;Project</a><br/>界面及图形设计: <a href="http://www.pentagram.com" target="_blank">Pentagram</a><br/>媒体及公共关系: <a href="http://www.w2groupinc.com" target="_blank">W2&nbsp;Group</a><br/>通讯: <a href="http://nurun.com" target="_blank">Nurun</a>"

msgid "peopleh3"
msgid "peopleh3"
msgstr "board of directors"
msgstr "董事会成员"

msgid "peoplep23"
msgid "peoplep23"
msgstr "Ethan&nbsp;Beard&nbsp;(Google); Martha&nbsp;Bejar&nbsp;(Nortel); Eddie&nbsp;Chao&nbsp;(Quanta); Marcelo&nbsp;Claure&nbsp;(Brightstar); Gary&nbsp;Dillabough&nbsp;(eBay); Gustavo&nbsp;Arenas&nbsp;(AMD); Mike&nbsp;Evans&nbsp;(Red&nbsp;Hat); Ed&nbsp;Horowitz&nbsp;(SES&nbsp;Astra); Jeremy&nbsp;Philips&nbsp;(NewsCorp); Scott&nbsp;Soong&nbsp;(Chi&nbsp;Lin); Sehat&nbsp;Sutardja&nbsp;(Marvell); Nicholas&nbsp;Negroponte&nbsp;(OLPC); Walter&nbsp;Bender&nbsp;(OLPC); Joe&nbsp;Jacobson&nbsp;(MIT&nbsp;Media&nbsp;Lab); Seymour&nbsp;Papert&nbsp;(MIT&nbsp;Media&nbsp;Lab); Steve&nbsp; Kaufman&nbsp;(Riverside); and Tom&nbsp;Meredith&nbsp;(MFI)"
msgstr "Ethan&nbsp;Beard&nbsp;(Google); John&nbsp;Roese&nbsp;(Nortel); Dandy&nbsp;Hsu&nbsp;(广达); Marcelo&nbsp;Claure&nbsp;(Brightstar); Gary&nbsp;Dillabough&nbsp;(eBay); Gustavo&nbsp;Arenas&nbsp;(AMD); Mike&nbsp;Evans&nbsp;(Red&nbsp;Hat); Ed&nbsp;Horowitz&nbsp;(SES&nbsp;Astra); Jeremy&nbsp;Philips&nbsp;(NewsCorp); Scott&nbsp;Soong&nbsp;(奇菱); Sehat&nbsp;Sutardja&nbsp;(Marvell); Nicholas&nbsp;Negroponte&nbsp;(OLPC); Walter&nbsp;Bender&nbsp;(OLPC); Joe&nbsp;Jacobson&nbsp;(MIT&nbsp;Media&nbsp;Lab); Seymour&nbsp;Papert&nbsp;(MIT&nbsp;Media&nbsp;Lab); Steve&nbsp;Kaufman&nbsp;(Riverside); Will&nbsp;Swope&nbsp;(Intel) 和 Tom&nbsp;Meredith&nbsp;(MFI)"

#: educational.html
#: educational.html

msgid "educationaldescription"
msgid "educationaldescription"
msgstr "如何让所有新兴国家的儿童都接受全面教育, 这个长期的社会问题变得日益尖锐. 这些国家必须重新考量老的学校模式, 应当用动态的教学模式取而代之."
msgstr "The chronic challenge to adequately educate all the children of the emerging world has turned acute. These nations must rethink the old top-down classroom paradigm, and replace it with a dynamic learning model."

msgid "educationalh1"
msgid "educationalh1"
msgstr "教育新思维: 让所有儿童都获得全面教育的挑战"
msgstr "Educational Proposition: A challenge to adequately educate all the children"

msgid "educationalp1"
msgid "educationalp1"
msgstr "让所有的儿童都能够接受全面教育, 对于新兴国家而言相当重要. 再一味简单地重复过去的方法已经不能应对. 如果想让他们的国民从迅速扩展的以技术为后盾的全球信息经济潮流中获益, 这些国家必须重新考量老的学校模式, 应当用动态的教学模式取而代之. 让儿童们充分发挥自身的能力, 不但成为个出色的&quot;学生&quot;, 也同时成为教会自己学习的&quot;老师&quot;. XO笔记本电脑就是他们用来挖掘自身巨大潜能的工具. 把这个超低成本, 强大的, 坚固多功能的笔记本电脑交到他们手中, 孩子们就能自己学会很好的利用它."
msgstr "The chronic challenge to adequately educate all the children of the emerging world has turned acute. Simply doing more of the same no longer is enough, if it ever was. If their citizens are to benefit as they should from the spread of the technology-based, global information economy, these nations must rethink the old top-down classroom paradigm, and replace it with a dynamic learning model that leverages the children themselves, turning them into teachers as well as learners. The tool with which to unlock their enormous potential is the XO. Put this ultra-low-cost, powerful, rugged and versatile laptop in their hands, and the kids will do the rest."

#: faq.html
#: faq.html

msgid "faqdescription"
msgid "faqdescription"
msgstr "你有兴趣知道, 这个项目当初是为什么和如何创建的吗? Nicholas Negroponte(OLPC协会的现任主席)为你作答项目创建的初衷."
msgstr "Are you curious about how this project got started, and why? Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of One Laptop per Child, answers questions about the initiative."

msgid "faqh1"
msgid "faqh1"
msgstr "FAQ: Nicholas Negroponte answers questions about the OLPC project"
msgstr "常见问题: Nicholas NegroponteOLPC项目为你做答"

msgid "faqp1"
msgid "faqp1"
msgstr "你有兴趣知道, 这个项目当初是为什么和如何创建的吗?"
msgstr "Are you curious about how this project got started, and why?"

msgid "faqp2"
msgid "faqp2"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of One Laptop per Child, answers questions about the initiative."
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte(OLPC协会的现任主席)为你作答项目创建的初衷."

msgid "faqp3"
msgid "faqp3"
msgstr "点击下面相关问题, 可以看到回答:"
msgstr "Click on the questions below to get the answers:"

msgid "faqq1"
msgid "faqq1"
msgstr "What is the $100 Laptop, really?"
msgstr "究竟什么是100美元笔记本电脑?"

msgid "faqa1"
msgid "faqa1"
msgstr "这个XO笔记本电脑基于Linux操作系统, 配有一个双模式显示屏: 一种是全彩色投射的DVD模式; 而另一种是适合于日光下使用, 3倍于彩色模式分辨率的黑白模式. 这种笔记本电脑将配有一个500MHz处理器, 128MB的DRAM以及500MB的闪存; 它没有硬盘; 但是它具有3个USB接口和1个SD卡扩展槽. 该笔记本电脑会配备无线宽带通讯组件, 这能让多台笔记本电脑组成网状网络; 每台电脑能和离其最近的机器进行通讯, 从而形成一个点对点模式的局域网. 这种笔记本电脑被设计成具有相当好的节能性,还可以使用各种革新性的能源系统(包括风力发电)."
msgstr "The XO is Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option that is black and white, reflective, and sunlight-readable at 3× the resolution. The laptop will have a 500MHz processor and 128MB of DRAM, with 500MB of Flash memory; it will not have a hard disk, but it will have three USB ports and an SD-card slot for expansion. The laptops will have wireless broadband that, among other things, allows them to work as a mesh network; each laptop will be able to talk to its nearest neighbors, creating an ad hoc, local area network. The laptops are designed to be extremely power efficient, enabling the use of innovative power systems (including wind-up)."

msgid "faqq2"
msgid "faqq2"
msgstr "为什么发展中国家的儿童需要笔记本电脑?"
msgstr "Why do children in developing nations need laptops?"

msgid "faqa2"
msgid "faqa2"
msgstr "笔记本电脑即是个接触世界的窗口, 又是个用于思考的利器. 它们能够让所有儿童通过独立交流和探索去学会学习."
msgstr "Laptops are both a window and a tool: a window into the world and a tool with which to think. They are a wonderful way for all children to learn learning through independent interaction and exploration."

msgid "faqq3"
msgid "faqq3"
msgstr "为什么不使用台式电脑, 或甚至是那些被回收利用的台式机器?"
msgstr "Why not a desktop computer, or—even better—a recycled desktop machine?"

msgid "faqa3"
msgid "faqa3"
msgstr "台式电脑是很价廉, 不过移动性更重要, 特别是考虑到能让孩子们将电脑带回家去. 发展中国家的儿童们需要最新的技术, 特别是相当坚固的硬件设备和新型的软件. 我们近期同缅因州许多学校的合作显示了, 儿童们在他们所有的学习及娱乐中使用笔记本电脑所带来的巨大好处. 让孩子们把笔记本电脑带回家还鼓舞了那些家庭参与其中. 我们曾到过一个柬埔寨村庄, 那里没有电, 所以笔记本电脑就成了家庭中光明之源."
msgstr "Desktops are cheaper, but mobility is important, especially with regard to taking the computer home at night. Kids in the developing world need the newest technology, especially really rugged hardware and innovative software. Recent work with schools in Maine has shown the huge value of using a laptop across all of one's studies, as well as for play. Bringing the laptop home engages the family. In one Cambodian village where we have been working, there is no electricity, thus the laptop is, among other things, the brightest light source in the home."

msgid "faqa3a"
msgid "faqa3a"
msgstr "最后, 对于那些回收利用的机器: 让我们假设有1亿台可利用的旧台式电脑, 且每台只需要1个小时的人工去翻新, 重装和调试, 那也需要几万年的工作. 因此, 尽管我们也鼓励再利用旧电脑, 但这不适合我们的OLPC项目."
msgstr "Finally, regarding recycled machines: if we estimate 100 million available used desktops, and each one requires only one hour of human attention to refurbish, reload, and handle, that is tens of thousands of work years. Thus, while we definitely encourage the recycling of used computers, it is not the solution for One Laptop per Child."

msgid "faqq4"
msgid "faqq4"
msgstr "如何能使制造成本如此低廉?"
msgstr "How is it possible to get the cost so low?"

msgid "faqa4"
msgid "faqa4"
msgstr "首先, 可以通过大幅降低显示屏的制造成本. 第一代的机器将会配备一个新颖的双模式显示屏, 它使用了目前通用廉价DVD放映机中LCD显示屏的改进技术. 这种屏幕可以提供适合日光下使用的黑白高分辨率显示, 而其成本也就大约35美元."
msgstr "First, by dramatically lowering the cost of the display. The first-generation machine will have a novel, dual-mode display that represents improvements to the LCD displays commonly found in inexpensive DVD players. These displays can be used in high-resolution black and white in bright sunlight-all at a cost of approximately $35."

msgid "faqa4a"
msgid "faqa4a"
msgstr "其次, 我们将对软件系统进行减肥. 当今的笔记本电脑变得越来越臃肿. 机器中三分之二的软件是用来管理余下的三分之一的, 而它们又只是通过不同的方法提供给用户几乎相同的功能."
msgstr "Second, we will get the fat out of the systems. Today's laptops have become obese. Two-thirds of their software is used to manage the other third, which mostly does the same functions nine different ways."

msgid "faqa4b"
msgid "faqa4b"
msgstr "再者, 我们会大规模地将这种笔记本电脑推向市场(百万数量级的), 且直接销售给各国的教育部门, 再由他们像发课本那样将笔记本电脑分发给学生."
msgstr "Third, we will market the laptops in very large numbers (millions), directly to ministries of education, which can distribute them like textbooks."

msgid "faqq5"
msgid "faqq5"
msgstr "为什么每个儿童都拥有台电脑很重要? 为什么你们不考虑建设社区电脑中心?"
msgstr "Why is it important for each child to have a computer? What's wrong with community-access centers?"

msgid "faqa5"
msgid "faqa5"
msgstr "人们肯定不会有社区铅笔的想法, 每个儿童都有他们自己的铅笔. 铅笔是用于思考的工具, 且相当廉价, 可以用于工作, 游戏, 绘画, 写作和进行数学计算. 电脑也具有相同的功能, 甚至更加强大. 此外, 还有其他很多理由表明: 孩子们应当拥有他们自己的东西, 如: 足球, 洋娃娃或书本. 无论如何只有当人们获得拥有权时, 才会真正地爱护物品."
msgstr "One does not think of community pencils-kids have their own. They are tools to think with, sufficiently inexpensive to be used for work and play, drawing, writing, and mathematics. A computer can be the same, but far more powerful. Furthermore, there are many reasons it is important for a child to own something-like a football, doll, or book-not the least of which being that these belongings will be well-maintained through love and care."

msgid "faqq6"
msgid "faqq6"
msgstr "如何上网? 发展中国家的电讯服务不是很昂贵吗?"
msgstr "What about connectivity? Aren't telecommunications services expensive in the developing world?"

msgid "faqa6"
msgid "faqa6"
msgstr "当这些笔记本电脑一从包装盒取出使用, 它们就能组成一个自己的网状网络, 这是点对点模式的. 这是最初由麻省理工学院和媒体实验室共同开发的. 我们还在研究将这些笔记本电脑接入互联网的廉价方法."
msgstr "When these machines pop out of the box, they will make a mesh network of their own, peer-to-peer. This is something initially developed at MIT and the Media Lab. We are also exploring ways to connect them to the backbone of the Internet at very low cost."

msgid "faqq7"
msgid "faqq7"
msgstr "有什么是1000美元的笔记本电脑能做, 而100美元的笔记本电脑却不能做到的?"
msgstr "What can a $1000 laptop do that the $100 version cannot?"

msgid "faqa7"
msgid "faqa7"
msgstr "差异并不大. 我们计划让XO笔记本电脑能干许多事情. 只有大量地存储数据是它所不能及的, 不过,这种笔记本电脑可以通过同服务器网络连接的方式来解决这个问题."
msgstr "Not much. The plan is for the $100 Laptop to do almost everything. What it will not do is store a massive amount of data—but it will have network access to a server that can."

msgid "faqq8"
msgid "faqq8"
msgstr "如何将这些笔记本电脑推向市场?"
msgstr "How will these be marketed?"

msgid "faqa8"
msgid "faqa8"
msgstr "这些笔记本电脑将会销售给各国政府, 并以OLPC的形式通过学校分发给学童. 我们已经就此事宜同阿根廷, 巴西, 乌拉圭, 中美洲, 埃塞尔比亚, 利比亚, 尼日利亚, 卢旺达, 巴基斯坦和泰国的政府进行了商讨. 还有一部分适量的机器会分发给其他一些国家, 用来培育该项目的软件开发社区. 我们还将于2008年,开发这种笔记本电脑相应的商业销售版本."
msgstr "The laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of one laptop per child. We have been in discussion with Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Central America, Ethiopia, Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Pakistan, and Thailand. An additional, modest allocation of machines will be used to seed developer communities in a number of other countries. A commercial version of the machine will be explored in 2008."

msgid "faqq9"
msgid "faqq9"
msgstr "你预计这些笔记本电脑何时可以投入市场? 为什么是你认为的最大障碍?"
msgstr "When do you anticipate these laptops reaching the market? What do you see as the biggest hurdles?"

msgid "faqa9"
msgid "faqa9"
msgstr "按照规划, 我们准备于2007年中期开始出货. 制造商将会在收到大约5百万至1千万台的订单和预付款项后, 开始批量生产."
msgstr "Our schedule is to have units ready for shipment by mid 2007. Manufacturing will begin when 5 to 10 million machines have been ordered and paid for in advance."

msgid "faqa9a"
msgid "faqa9a"
msgstr "最大的障碍是如何生产数量上亿的产品. 这不仅是个供应渠道的问题, 而且涉及到产品设计问题. 规模是令人敬畏的, 不过我同样对有那么多公司愿意同我们合作感到惊讶. 我感觉好象至少一半的问题仅仅通过表达了些意愿就解决了."
msgstr "The biggest hurdle will be manufacturing 100 million of anything. This is not just a supply-chain problem, but also a design problem. The scale is daunting, but I find myself amazed at what some companies are proposing to us. It feels as though at least half the problems are being solved by mere resolve."

msgid "faqq10"
msgid "faqq10"
msgstr "谁是XO笔记本电脑的原始设计制造厂商(ODM)?"
msgstr "Who is the original design manufacturer (ODM) of the $100 laptop?"

msgid "faqa10"
msgid "faqa10"
msgstr "台湾的广达电脑公司(Quanta Computer)被指定为XO笔记本电脑项目的原始设计制造商(ODM). 这是在对数家制造商的板件生产投标审核后决定的."
msgstr "Quanta Computer Inc. of Taiwan has been chosen as the original design manufacturer (ODM) for the $100 laptop project. The decision was made after the board reviewed bids from several possible manufacturing companies."

msgid "faqa10a"
msgid "faqa10a"
msgstr "广达电脑公司(Quanta Computer)于1988年在台湾成立. 凭借超过100亿美元的销售额, 广达成为世界最大的笔记本电脑的制造商; 该公司还生产移动电话, LCD电视机, 服务器和存储器产品. 此外, 广达近期在台湾开设了一座耗资2亿美元的研发中心, Quanta R&D Complex (QRDC). 这个于2005年第3季度开放的设施占地220万平方英尺, 可以容纳7千名工程师."
msgstr "Quanta Computer Inc. was founded in 1988 in Taiwan. With over US $10 billion in sales, Quanta is the world's largest manufacturer of laptop PCs; the company also manufactures mobile phones, LCD TVs, and servers and storage products. In addition, Quanta recently opened a new US $200 million R&amp;amp;D center, Quanta R&amp;amp;D Complex (QRDC), in Taiwan. The facility, which opened in Q3 of 2005, has 2.2 million square feet of floor space, and a capacity to house up to 7,000 engineers."

msgid "faqq11"
msgid "faqq11"
msgstr "How will this initiative be structured?"
msgstr "这个项目是如何创建起来的?"

msgid "faqa11"
msgid "faqa11"
msgstr "The $100 laptop is being developed by One Laptop per Child (OLPC), a Delaware-based, non-profit organization created by faculty members from the MIT Media Lab to design, manufacture, and distribute laptops that are sufficiently inexpensive to provide every child in the world access to knowledge and modern forms of education. OLPC is based on constructionist theories of learning pioneered by Seymour Papert and later Alan Kay, as well as the principles expressed in Nicholas Negroponte's book <i>Being Digital</i>. The corporate members are Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Brightstar, Chi Lin, eBay, Google, Marvell, News Corporation, Nortel, Quanta, Red Hat, and SES Astra."
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑是由&quot;每个儿童一台笔记本电脑&quot;(One Laptop per Child,简称OLPC)协会组织研发的. OLPC的总部位于特拉华州, 是由麻省理工学院的媒体实验室的成员为了设计, 制造和推广低成本笔记本电脑而成立的一个非营利性机构. 他们希望以此能让全世界的儿童都能得到获取知识和接触现代教育的机会. OLPC的核心理念是由Seymour PapertAlan Kay开创的&quot;知识构建师理论&quot;(Constructionist Theories of Learning), 以及Nicholas Negroponte在其著作«数字化生存»(<i>Being Digital</i>)中阐述的原理. 参与项目的合作伙伴包括Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Brightstar, 奇菱(Chi Lin), eBay, Google, News Corporation, Nortel, 广达(Quanta), Red HatSES Astra."

#: map.html
#: map.html

msgid "map"
msgid "map"
msgstr "map"
msgstr "地图"

msgid "green"
msgid "green"
msgstr "green"
msgstr "绿色"

msgid "red"
msgid "red"
msgstr "red"
msgstr "红色"

msgid "orange"
msgid "orange"
msgstr "orange"
msgstr "橙色"

msgid "yellow"
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "yellow"
msgstr "黄色"

msgid "mapp1"
msgid "mapp1"
msgstr "(green) those countries we plan to pilot"
msgstr "(绿色) 我们计划首先实施项目的国家"

msgid "mapp2"
msgid "mapp2"
msgstr "(红色) 我们计划在首次实施项目后纳入规划的国家"
msgstr "(red) those countries we plan to include in the post-launch phase"

msgid "mapp3"
msgid "mapp3"
msgstr "(橙色) 相关教育部或更高级别政府部门表示有兴趣的国家"
msgstr "(orange) those countries who have expressed interest at the ministry-of-education level or higher"

msgid "mapp4"
msgid "mapp4"
msgstr "(黄色) 目前正在寻求政府支持的国家"
msgstr "(yellow) those countries who are currently seeking government support"



Latest revision as of 20:43, 3 October 2007

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"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
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# These pages are for the Vision Section

#: mission.html

msgid "missiontitle"
msgstr "使命: 给全世界的儿童以探求知识的新机缘"

msgid "missiondescription"
msgstr "发展中国家中近20亿中的大多数儿童没有接受全面的教育的机会. 现在我们应当认真地面对这个问题. 只要给予那些穷困的国家适当的资源, 就能显著的改善那里的教育."

msgid "missionkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 教育, 贫困, 儿童隔离, 学习, 学校, 教师, 书本, 学校设备, 发展中国家, 电脑, 知识, 潜力."

msgid "missionh1"
msgstr "使命"

msgid "missionp1"
msgstr "发展中国家中近20亿儿童中的大多数不能接受全面的教育, 或者根本没有受过教育. 每三个中就有一个未能读完5年级."

msgid "missionp2"
msgstr "这个长期性的全球危机对社会和个人都造成了深重的影响. 许许多多儿童深陷贫穷和孤独的困境, 如同他们的父母那样, 从未能意识到教育之光对他们生活状态转变的意义. 与此同时, 他们的政府尽管也希望能在迅猛演变的全球化信息经济中占有一席之地, 但因为缺少适合的方法和手段去减少数量庞大, 无法自救, 对社会发展贡献有限的乡镇底层群体日益地增加, 而举步维艰."

msgid "missionh2"
msgstr "现在是我们认真面对这个问题的时候了."

msgid "missionp3"
msgstr "只要给予那些穷困的国家适当的资源, 就能显著的改善那里的教育, 有些地方每个小学生一年的教育费用甚至都无需20美元. 相比之下, 美国小学生一年的花费大约是7500美元, 有时, 即便国家加倍或再加倍地在传统教育方面加大投入, 对外和私人发行债券, 仍然不能取得好的效果. 此外, 以往经验表明: 尽管一味在原有的基建方面增大投入, 如: 建造学校, 雇用教师, 购买书本和设备, 可以很容易获得人们的赞誉. 却仍然不能有效地给发展中国家中大量的儿童带来真正的接受教育的机会."

msgid "missionh3"
msgstr "静止就意味着倒退."

msgid "missionp4"
msgstr "儿童是所有国家最为宝贵的社会资源. 我们相信, 那些新兴国家必须通过发掘儿童自身学习, 创造和互助方面的天生潜力, 来最好地利用这笔财富. 面对这一挑战, 我们为儿童们"学习获取知识"而特意设计了XO笔记本电脑."

msgid "missionp5"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑所体现的"知识构建师理论"(The Theories of Constructionism), 最初由MIT媒体实验室的Seymour Papert教授于1960年代创造出来. 之后, Alan Kay进一步完善了这一理论. 最后, Nicholas Negroponte在其著作«数字化生存»(<i>Being Digital</i>)中对其进行了完整的原理阐述."

msgid "missionp6"
msgstr "这一理论在地球上一些最贫穷偏远的地域付诸了实践, 并证实了其有效性. "知识构建师"理论十分强调以Papert称为“学习获取知识”的方法为根本的教学体验. 在这方面, 电脑特别适合用于鼓励儿童去"思考和认识思维过程"来学习获取知识的方法. 如果, 把XO笔记本电脑当作接触世界的窗口和探索世界的非常编程工具, 这将开启新兴国家的儿童们获取无限知识的大门, 并发掘他们创造和解决问题的潜力."

msgid "missionp7"
msgstr "就根本而言, "每个儿童一台笔记本电脑"(OLPC)不是一个技术项目, 而XO笔记本电脑也不是我们所知的通常意义上的产品. OLPC协会就是一个致力于教育事业的非营利性机构, 我们希望让世界上, 包括那些居住在最偏远地区的所有儿童都能得到发掘他们自身潜力的机会, 都能从全世界的共享的创意中获得益处, 从而为构建更加富裕和健全的世界大家庭做出贡献."

msgid "missionp8"
msgstr "敬请关注."

#: progress.html

msgid "progresstitle"
msgstr "历程: 探究OLPC项目的历史"

msgid "progressdescription"
msgstr "OLPC项目的起源可以回溯到40多年前, 初期的电脑计算时代. 思想先驱们梦想着电脑能为儿童所用的一日, 时光印证了他们关于个人电脑在儿童学习方面潜力无限的远见."

msgid "progresskeywords"
msgid "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 计算, 机器, 儿童, 个人电脑, 学习工具, 网络硬件, 年表, 合作伙伴"

msgid "progresssubcontenttitle"
msgstr "最新动态..."

msgid "progressp1"
msgstr "OLPC项目的起源可以回溯到40多年前, 初期的电脑计算时代. 那时的很多机器还很笨重, 而且几乎没有人想到那些电脑会和儿童有何瓜葛. 像<a href="http://papert.org/" target="_blank">Seymour Papert</a>这样的思想先驱们却梦想着电脑能为儿童所用, 时光印证了个人电脑在儿童学习方面无限的潜力. 这里展示部分OLPC项目从前卫理论转变成现实漫长道路上所经历的一些重要里程碑..."

msgid "2007"
msgstr "2007"

msgid "progressn51"
msgstr "大规模产品生产开始启动"

msgid "progressn50"
msgstr "发布系统软件第3测试版"

msgid "progressn49"
msgstr "部署了C1(预生产型)测试机器."

msgid "progressn48"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑赢得设计竞赛Index大奖."

msgid "progressn47"
msgstr "电脑用户界面Sugar增加了新特征."

msgid "progressn46"
msgstr "Ivan Krstić 由于为OLPC设计了安全架构BitFrost, 而赢得了TR35卓越青年发明家奖."

msgid "progressn45"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.intel.com" target="_blank">Intel</a>成为了我们的合作伙伴."

msgid "progressn44"
msgstr "生产并部署最后一批beta版(Beta4)测试机器."

msgid "progressn43"
msgstr "OLPC Game Jam"

msgid "progressn42"
msgstr "网状网络在机器挂机状态下保持自动运行."

msgid "progressn41"
msgstr "生产并部署第一批B3(Beta 3)机器."

msgid "progressn40"
msgstr "秘鲁宣布将加入OLPC笔记本电脑计划."

msgid "progressn39"
msgstr "部署了第一台学校服务器."

msgid "progressn38"
msgstr "部署了第一个网状网络."

msgid "progressn37"
msgstr "各个项目参与国的儿童收到了笔记电脑的B2(Beta 2)测试机."

msgid "progressn36"
msgstr "在新年之际, 卢旺达也宣布加入OLPC项目的行列."

msgid "2006"
msgstr "2006"

msgid "progressn35"
msgstr "乌拉圭确认参与OLPC项目规划."

msgid "progressn34"
msgstr "广达于上海的装配线生产了875台B1(Beta 1)测试机器. 现在XO笔记本电脑已经真实可得."

msgid "progressn33"
msgstr "利比亚宣布签署了购买120万台笔记本电脑的备忘录, 以便他们全国的每个的适学儿童都获得一台."

msgid "progressn32"
msgstr "第一个阿拉伯语的国家加入了OLPC项目."

msgid "progressn31"
msgstr "Red Hat和<a href="http://pentagram.com" target="_blank">Pentagram</a>演示了笔记本电脑的用户界面. <a href="http://www.ses-global.com/ses-global/index.php" target="_blank">SES-Astra</a>加入OLPC合作伙伴行列."

msgid "progressn30"
msgstr "第一个双模式显示屏的工作样机公开展示."

msgid "progressn29"
msgstr "维基百科成为第一个笔记本电脑的内容供应商."

msgid "progressn28"
msgstr "500张电脑开发样板发送给全球的硬软件自愿开发团队. 有人还成功地进行了<a href="http://csounds.com/whatis/index.html" target="_blank">Csound</a>在网状网络中的演示."

msgid "progressn27"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.ebay.com/" target="_blank">eBay</a>成为了我们的合作伙伴. 100美元学校服务器计划正式出台."

msgid "progressn26"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.squid-labs.com/" target="_blank">Squid Labs</a>和<a href="http://www.freeplayenergy.com/" target="_blank">FreePlay</a>展示了第一个为笔记本电脑专门设计的人力发电系统."

msgid "progressn25"
msgstr "OLPC协会在马萨诸塞州的剑桥开设了办公室. 著名的工业设计师<a href="http://fuseproject.com" target="_blank">Yves Behar</a>负责了外观设计的事务."

msgid "progressn24"
msgstr "Marvell加入OLPC项目, 并且负责提供笔记本电脑的网络硬件器件. OLPC协会拥有了自己的网址<a href="http://www.laptop.org">laptop.org</a> (<a href="http://www.laptopworldwide.com/" target="_blank">Mohamed Rostom</a>提供了域名)."

msgid "progressn23"
msgstr "Negroponte和<a href="http://www.undp.org/" target="_blank">联合国开发计划署(UNDP)</a>署长Kemal Dervis在<a href="http://www.weforum.org/en/index.htm" target="_blank">世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)</a>期间, 签署了谅解备忘录. 在计划的首次OLPC项目推广中, 将主要为较大的国家和地区提供5百万至1千万台笔记本电脑. 随后, 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)将利用其在166个国家的办事处, 全力帮助OLPC协会实施项目推广工作, 并负责从与各国政府部门进行联络到承担笔记本电脑发送所需后勤等多项事务."

msgid "2005"
msgstr "2005"

msgid "progressn22"
msgstr "OLPC协会宣布, 世界最大的笔记本电脑生产商—台湾的<a href="http://www.quantatw.com" target="_blank">广达电脑公司(Quanta Computer)</a>被指定为其儿童笔记本电脑的原始设计制造商(ODM). 而且<a href="http://www.nortel.com/" target="_blank">Nortel</a>也成为了我们的合作伙伴."

msgid "progressn21"
msgstr "在突尼斯举办的信息社会世界研讨会上, 联合国(UN)秘书长<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kofi_Annan"  target="_blank">Kofi Annan</a>展示了OLPC协会最新的被称为绿色机器的样机, 它带有一个与众不同的手摇柄. 就在这个同Negroponte一起出席的新闻发布会上, Annan在万众注目之下弄断了手柄. 他帮大家找出了样机设计上的缺陷."

msgid "progressn20"
msgstr ""这不仅仅是将笔记本电脑交到孩子们的手中, 好像这就已赋予了他们神奇的力量. 真正的魔力来自于每个孩子, 也来自于参与这个决策的每个科学家, 每个学者, 或是每个普通公民. 这一举措就是为了使其变成曙光""

msgid "progressn20a"
msgstr "—Kofi Annan"

msgid "progressn19"
msgstr "两个星期后, 尼日利亚总统President Olusegun Obasanjo公开宣布100美元笔记本电脑"令他着迷", 并且确认他的国家会定购100万台."

msgid "progressn18"
msgstr "在于曼谷同Negroponte会晤之后, 泰国总理Thaksin Shinawatra宣布泰国将会使用OLPC协会开发的笔记本电脑, 这是第一个国家做出官方承诺. 对于Shinawatra不幸的是, 他在之后2006年九月的泰国兵变中被赶下台."

msgid "progressn17"
msgstr "Negroponte在Google总部召开的合作伙伴会议上提到, 已有50多个国家表达了对100美元笔记本电脑的兴趣. 其中20%的意向直接来自于那些国家首脑. <a href="http://www.brightstarcorp.com" target="_blank">Brightstar</a>被宣布为新的合作伙伴."

msgid "progressn16"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.designcontinuum.com" target="_blank">Design Continuum</a>成为OLPC协会的工业设计合作伙伴."

msgid "progressn15"
msgstr "巴西总统Lula da Silva在首都巴西利亚会晤了Negroponte和Papert, 并且当即表示了欢迎来巴西推广100美元笔记本电脑. Silva总统只给了他的内阁官员29天的时间, 用来制定相关议程, 要求他们速战速决. 他认为只有快速步伐才能让巴西先前, 因为"任何长于30天的东西都令人厌倦.""

msgid "progressn14"
msgstr "在媒体实验室举行了项目合作伙伴的第一次工作会晤. 与会成员包括<a href="http://www.amd.com" target="_blank">AMD</a>, <a href="http://newscorp.com" target="_blank">News Corp.</a>, <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>和<a href="http://redhat.com" target="_blank">Red Hat</a>. 而Red Hat将负责以Linux为核心为笔记本电脑制作新的操作系统."

msgid "progressn13"
msgstr "Negroponte在给他在AMD任CEO的老朋友Hector Ruiz的一封电子邮件中, 勾勒了一种他为世界贫穷儿童设计的100美元笔记本电脑的轮廓. 6个小时之后, Ruiz回复到: "把我们也算上, 我们会十分高兴在这方面起到表率作用." 几个星期后, News Corp.和Google也作为这个新形成项目的共创成员加入了"每个儿童一台笔记本电脑"(One Laptop per Child)的行列."

msgid "progressn12"
msgstr "本月稍后, Negroponte在瑞士达沃斯举办的每年一度众多世界政治, 经济和文化精英云集的<a href="http://www.weforum.org/en/index.htm" target="_blank">世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)</a>会议上, 公布了100美元笔记本电脑的概念. 尽管他只给与会者展示了一个不能工作的实体模型, 但是这种机器仍然引起了人们不小的震动. <i>纽约时报</i>的专栏作家John Markoff直呼Negroponte为"数字时代的播种者"" 

msgid "2002"
msgstr "2002"

msgid "progressn11"
msgstr "缅因州州长Angus King认同了Papert关于"一比一是为在校儿童配置电脑唯一有意义的方案"的观点, 并且启动了第一批<a href="http://www.papert.org/articles/laptops/laptops_master.html" target="_blank">大规模, 全员部署42000台笔记本电脑</a>给全州七年级学生的计划. 这个计划后来经过修改, 扩展到了更大的范围."

msgid "progressn11a"
msgstr ""把这种有用的设备交给每个孩子, 这是一个非常令人震撼的观念转变,"—Angus King"

msgid "progressn10"
msgstr "Negroponte为住在柬埔寨的一个偏远小山村中的20儿童提供了能联网的笔记本电脑; 并让他们在学校, 家里, 和社区中自由使用. 他后来又给孩子们增添了20台. 这些儿童和他们的家庭很快地创造出了好多种电脑的新用途, 并且自己学会了轻松地遨游互联网络. 知道他们学会的第一个英文单词是什么吗? "Google.""

msgid "1998"
msgstr "1998"

msgid "progressn9"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.lego.com/eng/info/" target="_blank">Lego</a>发布了其名为<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Mindstorms" target="_blank">Mindstorms™</a>的玩具, 儿童们可以用"可编程的小砖块"按他们的想象搭建出各种各样的小建筑."

msgid "1995"
msgstr "1995"

msgid "progressn8"
msgstr "在他有影响力的«数字化生存»(<i>Being Digital</i>)一书中, Negroponte描绘了一副未来个人计算的蓝图. 这本书被翻译成了40多种语言, 成了国际畅销书."

msgid "1988"
msgstr "1988"

msgid "progressn7"
msgstr "通过与哥斯达黎加Omar Dengo基金会的合作, Papert和媒体实验室的一个团队共同帮助完成设计和实现了一个知识构建师的项目, 其中包括在MIT培训一批哥斯达黎加教师的任务. 这个独立的项目为日后哥斯达黎加摆脱单一农产品出口, 跨入科技新经济时代, 起到了指导性的作用."

msgid "progressn7a"
msgstr ""Logo成了重新认识学习的一种文化.""

msgid "progress7b"
msgstr "—Omar Dengo基金会执行总监Clotilde Fonseca."

msgid "progressn6"
msgstr "命名为<a href="http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/BCK/BCK.html" target="_blank">LEGO/Logo</a>玩具上市销售. 儿童们可以用它拼装出各式机器人, 然后通过和个人电脑的连接方式操纵机器人运动."

msgid "1985"
msgstr "1985"

msgid "progressn5"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.media.mit.edu/" target="_blank">MIT媒体实验室</a>成立. 其使命之一就是"探索和开发让人们摆脱日常生活束缚的新媒体.""

msgid "progressn4"
msgstr "Papert在马萨诸塞州波士顿的Hennigan小学开办了一个名为"明日之校"的多年期电脑应用项目. 在项目中, 孩子们主要通过使用Logo来完成功课. 后来, Hennigan小学同样被选为媒体实验室LEGO/Logo项目的试验站."

msgid "1982"
msgstr "1982"

msgid "progressn3"
msgstr "在一项由法国政府资助的实验项目中, Papert和Negroponte把一些Apple II型微电脑捐献给了塞内加尔首都达喀尔一所市郊小学的孩子们. 这个经历验证了Papert的部分想法: 那些居住在偏远, 贫困乡村中的儿童完全可以像世界上其他地区的儿童一样自然, 轻巧地使用电脑. 这些想法同样在之后的, 如巴基斯坦, 泰国和柬埔寨等几个国家的试验中得到了证实."

msgid "1980"
msgstr "1980"

msgid "progressn2"
msgstr "Papert出版了«头脑风暴: 儿童, 电脑及充满活力的创意»(<a href="http://www.elearning-reviews.org/topics/technology/interactive-environments/1980-papert-mindstorms/" target="_blank"><i>Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas</i></a>), 这本畅销的著作中详诉了他关于儿童计算和知识构建师的理论."

msgid "1968"
msgstr "1968"

msgid "progressn1"
msgstr "Alan Kay把他发明的笔记本电脑原型—Dynabook, 描述为"一种便携交互式个人电脑, 可以像书本一样便于使用.""

msgid "1967"
msgstr "1967"

msgid "progressn0"
msgstr "Wally Feurzeig, Daniel Bobrow, Richard Grant, Cynthia Solomon和Seymour Papert开发了第一个专门给儿童使用的编程语言Logo."

#: news.html

msgid "newstitle"
msgstr "新闻: 发掘OLPC协会的最新报道..."

msgid "newsdescription"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑引起了国际媒体长期的关注. 点击下面连接可以获得有关OLPC的最新报道,以及传统媒体和电子媒体相关报道的存档."

msgid "newskeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 国内媒体, 国际媒体, 新闻, 新闻档案, 电子文章."

msgid "newsh1"
msgstr "新闻"

msgid "newsp1"
msgstr "这款笔记本电脑引起了国际媒体长期的关注. 随着我们第一代机器在今年晚些时候正式发布的临近, 相关报道将会更加深入和迅速. 请参见我们的Wiki网页:"

msgid "newsp2"
msgstr "来自OLPC协会的最新报道..."

msgid "newsp3"
msgstr "关于OLPC协会的最新报道..."

msgid "newsp4"
msgstr "最新的关注OLPC协会的媒体资料..."

#: people.html

msgid "peopletitle"
msgstr "人物: 认识那些热诚献身于OLPC项目的人们"

msgid "peopledescription"
msgstr "OLPC协会起先是由Nicholas Negroponte及其他原媒体实验室的主要成员组建的. 不过, 很快就吸纳了来自学术界, 工商业等众多具有相当天赋和献身精神人士加入这个团体."

msgid "peoplekeywords"
msgstr "OLPC, 每个儿童一台笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑, 教育新思维, 人物, 人物传记, 热诚, 非营利性协会"

msgid "peoplename1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte"

msgid "peoplerank1"
msgstr "执行主席"

msgid "peoplep1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negropontes是"每个儿童一台笔记本电脑"(One Laptop per Child)非营利机构的创办人和现任主席. 他目前离开了MIT, 在那里他和同事共同组建了媒体实验室, 并任担任媒体实验室执行总监和教授."

msgid "peoplename2"
msgstr "Antonio Battro"

msgid "peoplerank2"
msgstr "首席教务执行官"

msgid "peoplep2"
msgstr "Antonio Battro是公认的新兴神经教育领域的世界级领军人物. 他是位医学博士, 专门从事儿童及青少年基本认知过程方面的研究."

msgid "peoplename3"
msgstr "Walter Bender"

msgid "peoplerank3"
msgstr "软件及项目内容总裁"

msgid "peoplep3"
msgstr "Walter Bender媒体实验室的组建成员及前任执行主管. 他在哈佛大学获得了学士学位, 并在那里工作过. 之后, 他从MIT取得了科学硕士的学位."

msgid "peoplename4"
msgstr "Michail Bletsas"

msgid "peoplerank4"
msgstr "首席政务执行官"

msgid "peoplep4"
msgstr "作为MIT媒体实验室的前任计算部主管, Michail Bletsas设计和部署了那里主要的互联网基础设施. 自那时起, 他的研究就扩展到了网路未覆盖地区宽带互联网接入的开发领域."

msgid "peoplename5"
msgstr "David Cavallo"

msgid "peoplerank5"
msgstr "中部及南部非洲事务总管"

msgid "peoplep5"
msgstr "David Cavallo是媒体实验室的未来教学研究工作组的联席主管. 这个部门主要从事设计和实现新教学环境, 以及设计开发改变人们传统的"学习"和"学校"方面观念的新科技."

msgid "peoplename6"
msgstr "Jim Gettys"

msgid "peoplerank6"
msgstr "软件工程副总裁"

msgid "peoplep6"
msgstr "Jim Gettys拥有广泛的软件工程知识和背景, 由于对开放源码教育软件系统应用于廉价电脑的浓厚兴趣, 促使他来到OLPC协会同我们一起工作."

msgid "peoplename7"
msgstr "Habib Khan"

msgid "peoplerank7"
msgstr "南亚及中亚教育事务总管"

msgid "peoplep7"
msgstr "Khan博士在国际教育发展方面拥有着30多年的丰富经验. 这期间, 他曾在巴基斯坦教育部负责教育战略方面的事务."

msgid "peoplename8"
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen"

msgid "peoplerank8"
msgstr "首席技术执行官"

msgid "peoplep8"
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen是位显示科技的先锋. 她过去是Intel的一名执行管理. 在OLPC协会, 她负责所有的硬件管理, 以及显示屏技术和系统的创新. 她还在MIT媒体实验室兼任教授职务."

msgid "peoplename9"
msgstr "Charles Kane"

msgid "peoplerank9"
msgstr "首席财务执行官 "

msgid "peoplep9"
msgstr "Chuck Kane拥有在多家享有盛名机构中工作的丰富经验, 如: Aspen Technology, Corechange Inc., Open Text Inc.和勤业众信会计师事务所(Deloitte and Touche)."

msgid "peoplename10"
msgstr "SJ Klein"

msgid "peoplerank10"
msgstr "社区项目内容主管"

msgid "peoplep10"
msgstr "Samuel Klein曾为许多网路教学社群及多语知识协作机构, 如: 维基百科, 工作过.  他目前主要从事写作和媒体的底层创作."

msgid "peoplename11"
msgstr "Ivan Krstić"

msgid "peoplerank11"
msgstr "系统安全构架总监"

msgid "peoplep11"
msgstr "Ivan Krstić 是个娴熟的软件结构工程师和研究员. 他目前离开了哈佛大学, 专心投入开放源码和自由软件的开发. 其专长是大型分布式系统的结构及安全."

msgid "peoplename12"
msgstr "Nia Lewis"

msgid "peoplerank12"
msgstr ""

msgid "peoplep12"
msgstr ""

msgid "peoplename13"
msgstr "Robert Fadel"

msgid "peoplerank13"
msgstr "财务总监"

msgid "peoplep13"
msgstr "Robert Fadel负责管理行政事务, 并辅助制定策略规划以及同其他合作伙伴和各政府部门的联络工作."

msgid "peopleh1"
msgstr "顾问"

msgid "peoplep20"
msgstr "Rebecca Allen, Howard Anderson, José María Aznar, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Benjamin Mako Hill, William Kolb, Alan Kay, Ayo Kusamotu, Rodrigo Mesquita, Eben Moglen, Seymour Papert, Bruce Parker, Mitchel Resnick, Ted Selker, Larry Weber 和 Barry Vercoe"

msgid "peopleh2"
msgstr "合作伙伴"

msgid "peoplep21"
msgstr "<a href="http://www.amd.com" target="_blank">AMD</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.brightstarcorp.com" target="_blank">Brightstar</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.chilintech.com.tw" target="_blank">奇菱(Chi Lin)</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.ebay.com" target="_blank">eBay</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.intel.com" target="_blank">Intel</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.marvell.com" target="_blank">Marvell</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.newscorp.com" target="_blank">NewsCorp</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.nortel.com" target="_blank">Nortel</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.quantatw.com" target="_blank">广达(Quanta)</a>,<br/> <a href="http://www.redhat.com" target="_blank">Red Hat</a> 和<br/> <a href="http://www.ses-astra.com" target="_blank">SES Astra</a>"

msgid "peoplep22"
msgstr "产品认证: <a href="http://www.UL.com" target="_blank">Underwriters Laboratories</a><br/>全球发展伙伴: <a href="http://www.undp.org" target="_blank">联合国开发计划署(UNDP)</a><br/>法律咨询: <a href="http://www.fhe.com" target="_blank">Foley Hoag</a><br/>银行及财政: <a href="http://www.citigroup.com" target="_blank">花旗集团(Citigroup)</a><br/>工业设计: <a href="http://www.fuseproject.com" target="_blank">Fuse Project</a><br/>界面及图形设计: <a href="http://www.pentagram.com" target="_blank">Pentagram</a><br/>媒体及公共关系: <a href="http://www.w2groupinc.com" target="_blank">W2 Group</a><br/>通讯: <a href="http://nurun.com" target="_blank">Nurun</a>"

msgid "peopleh3"
msgstr "董事会成员"

msgid "peoplep23"
msgstr "Ethan Beard (Google); John Roese (Nortel); Dandy Hsu (广达); Marcelo Claure (Brightstar); Gary Dillabough (eBay); Gustavo Arenas (AMD); Mike Evans (Red Hat); Ed Horowitz (SES Astra); Jeremy Philips (NewsCorp); Scott Soong (奇菱); Sehat Sutardja (Marvell); Nicholas Negroponte (OLPC); Walter Bender (OLPC); Joe Jacobson (MIT Media Lab); Seymour Papert (MIT Media Lab); Steve Kaufman (Riverside); Will Swope (Intel) 和 Tom Meredith (MFI)"

#: educational.html

msgid "educationaldescription"
msgstr "如何让所有新兴国家的儿童都接受全面教育, 这个长期的社会问题变得日益尖锐. 这些国家必须重新考量老的学校模式, 应当用动态的教学模式取而代之."

msgid "educationalh1"
msgstr "教育新思维: 让所有儿童都获得全面教育的挑战"

msgid "educationalp1"
msgstr "让所有的儿童都能够接受全面教育, 对于新兴国家而言相当重要. 再一味简单地重复过去的方法已经不能应对. 如果想让他们的国民从迅速扩展的以技术为后盾的全球信息经济潮流中获益, 这些国家必须重新考量老的学校模式, 应当用动态的教学模式取而代之. 让儿童们充分发挥自身的能力, 不但成为个出色的"学生", 也同时成为教会自己学习的"老师". XO笔记本电脑就是他们用来挖掘自身巨大潜能的工具. 把这个超低成本, 强大的, 坚固多功能的笔记本电脑交到他们手中, 孩子们就能自己学会很好的利用它."

#: faq.html

msgid "faqdescription"
msgstr "你有兴趣知道, 这个项目当初是为什么和如何创建的吗? Nicholas Negroponte(OLPC协会的现任主席)为你作答项目创建的初衷."

msgid "faqh1"
msgstr "常见问题: Nicholas Negroponte就OLPC项目为你做答"

msgid "faqp1"
msgstr "你有兴趣知道, 这个项目当初是为什么和如何创建的吗?"

msgid "faqp2"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte(OLPC协会的现任主席)为你作答项目创建的初衷."

msgid "faqp3"
msgstr "点击下面相关问题, 可以看到回答:"

msgid "faqq1"
msgstr "究竟什么是100美元笔记本电脑?"

msgid "faqa1"
msgstr "这个XO笔记本电脑基于Linux操作系统, 配有一个双模式显示屏: 一种是全彩色投射的DVD模式; 而另一种是适合于日光下使用, 3倍于彩色模式分辨率的黑白模式. 这种笔记本电脑将配有一个500MHz处理器, 128MB的DRAM以及500MB的闪存; 它没有硬盘; 但是它具有3个USB接口和1个SD卡扩展槽. 该笔记本电脑会配备无线宽带通讯组件, 这能让多台笔记本电脑组成网状网络; 每台电脑能和离其最近的机器进行通讯, 从而形成一个点对点模式的局域网. 这种笔记本电脑被设计成具有相当好的节能性,还可以使用各种革新性的能源系统(包括风力发电)."

msgid "faqq2"
msgstr "为什么发展中国家的儿童需要笔记本电脑?"

msgid "faqa2"
msgstr "笔记本电脑即是个接触世界的窗口, 又是个用于思考的利器. 它们能够让所有儿童通过独立交流和探索去学会学习."

msgid "faqq3"
msgstr "为什么不使用台式电脑, 或甚至是那些被回收利用的台式机器?"

msgid "faqa3"
msgstr "台式电脑是很价廉, 不过移动性更重要, 特别是考虑到能让孩子们将电脑带回家去. 发展中国家的儿童们需要最新的技术, 特别是相当坚固的硬件设备和新型的软件. 我们近期同缅因州许多学校的合作显示了, 儿童们在他们所有的学习及娱乐中使用笔记本电脑所带来的巨大好处. 让孩子们把笔记本电脑带回家还鼓舞了那些家庭参与其中. 我们曾到过一个柬埔寨村庄, 那里没有电, 所以笔记本电脑就成了家庭中光明之源."

msgid "faqa3a"
msgstr "最后, 对于那些回收利用的机器: 让我们假设有1亿台可利用的旧台式电脑, 且每台只需要1个小时的人工去翻新, 重装和调试, 那也需要几万年的工作. 因此, 尽管我们也鼓励再利用旧电脑, 但这不适合我们的OLPC项目."

msgid "faqq4"
msgstr "如何能使制造成本如此低廉?"

msgid "faqa4"
msgstr "首先, 可以通过大幅降低显示屏的制造成本. 第一代的机器将会配备一个新颖的双模式显示屏, 它使用了目前通用廉价DVD放映机中LCD显示屏的改进技术. 这种屏幕可以提供适合日光下使用的黑白高分辨率显示, 而其成本也就大约35美元."

msgid "faqa4a"
msgstr "其次, 我们将对软件系统进行减肥. 当今的笔记本电脑变得越来越臃肿. 机器中三分之二的软件是用来管理余下的三分之一的, 而它们又只是通过不同的方法提供给用户几乎相同的功能."

msgid "faqa4b"
msgstr "再者, 我们会大规模地将这种笔记本电脑推向市场(百万数量级的), 且直接销售给各国的教育部门, 再由他们像发课本那样将笔记本电脑分发给学生."

msgid "faqq5"
msgstr "为什么每个儿童都拥有台电脑很重要? 为什么你们不考虑建设社区电脑中心?"

msgid "faqa5"
msgstr "人们肯定不会有社区铅笔的想法, 每个儿童都有他们自己的铅笔. 铅笔是用于思考的工具, 且相当廉价, 可以用于工作, 游戏, 绘画, 写作和进行数学计算. 电脑也具有相同的功能, 甚至更加强大. 此外, 还有其他很多理由表明: 孩子们应当拥有他们自己的东西, 如: 足球, 洋娃娃或书本. 无论如何只有当人们获得拥有权时, 才会真正地爱护物品."

msgid "faqq6"
msgstr "如何上网? 发展中国家的电讯服务不是很昂贵吗?"

msgid "faqa6"
msgstr "当这些笔记本电脑一从包装盒取出使用, 它们就能组成一个自己的网状网络, 这是点对点模式的. 这是最初由麻省理工学院和媒体实验室共同开发的. 我们还在研究将这些笔记本电脑接入互联网的廉价方法."

msgid "faqq7"
msgstr "有什么是1000美元的笔记本电脑能做, 而100美元的笔记本电脑却不能做到的?"

msgid "faqa7"
msgstr "差异并不大. 我们计划让XO笔记本电脑能干许多事情. 只有大量地存储数据是它所不能及的, 不过,这种笔记本电脑可以通过同服务器网络连接的方式来解决这个问题."

msgid "faqq8"
msgstr "如何将这些笔记本电脑推向市场?"

msgid "faqa8"
msgstr "这些笔记本电脑将会销售给各国政府, 并以OLPC的形式通过学校分发给学童. 我们已经就此事宜同阿根廷, 巴西, 乌拉圭, 中美洲, 埃塞尔比亚, 利比亚, 尼日利亚, 卢旺达, 巴基斯坦和泰国的政府进行了商讨. 还有一部分适量的机器会分发给其他一些国家, 用来培育该项目的软件开发社区. 我们还将于2008年,开发这种笔记本电脑相应的商业销售版本."

msgid "faqq9"
msgstr "你预计这些笔记本电脑何时可以投入市场? 为什么是你认为的最大障碍?"

msgid "faqa9"
msgstr "按照规划, 我们准备于2007年中期开始出货. 制造商将会在收到大约5百万至1千万台的订单和预付款项后, 开始批量生产."

msgid "faqa9a"
msgstr "最大的障碍是如何生产数量上亿的产品. 这不仅是个供应渠道的问题, 而且涉及到产品设计问题. 规模是令人敬畏的, 不过我同样对有那么多公司愿意同我们合作感到惊讶. 我感觉好象至少一半的问题仅仅通过表达了些意愿就解决了."

msgid "faqq10"
msgstr "谁是XO笔记本电脑的原始设计制造厂商(ODM)?"

msgid "faqa10"
msgstr "台湾的广达电脑公司(Quanta Computer)被指定为XO笔记本电脑项目的原始设计制造商(ODM). 这是在对数家制造商的板件生产投标审核后决定的."

msgid "faqa10a"
msgstr "广达电脑公司(Quanta Computer)于1988年在台湾成立. 凭借超过100亿美元的销售额, 广达成为世界最大的笔记本电脑的制造商; 该公司还生产移动电话, LCD电视机, 服务器和存储器产品. 此外, 广达近期在台湾开设了一座耗资2亿美元的研发中心, Quanta R&D Complex (QRDC). 这个于2005年第3季度开放的设施占地220万平方英尺, 可以容纳7千名工程师."

msgid "faqq11"
msgstr "这个项目是如何创建起来的?"

msgid "faqa11"
msgstr "XO笔记本电脑是由"每个儿童一台笔记本电脑"(One Laptop per Child,简称OLPC)协会组织研发的. OLPC的总部位于特拉华州, 是由麻省理工学院的媒体实验室的成员为了设计, 制造和推广低成本笔记本电脑而成立的一个非营利性机构. 他们希望以此能让全世界的儿童都能得到获取知识和接触现代教育的机会. OLPC的核心理念是由Seymour Papert和Alan Kay开创的"知识构建师理论"(Constructionist Theories of Learning), 以及Nicholas Negroponte在其著作«数字化生存»(<i>Being Digital</i>)中阐述的原理. 参与项目的合作伙伴包括Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Brightstar, 奇菱(Chi Lin), eBay, Google, News Corporation, Nortel, 广达(Quanta), Red Hat和SES Astra."

#: map.html

msgid "map"
msgstr "地图"

msgid "green"
msgstr "绿色"

msgid "red"
msgstr "红色"

msgid "orange"
msgstr "橙色"

msgid "yellow"
msgstr "黄色"

msgid "mapp1"
msgstr "(绿色) 我们计划首先实施项目的国家"

msgid "mapp2"
msgstr "(红色) 我们计划在首次实施项目后纳入规划的国家"

msgid "mapp3"
msgstr "(橙色) 相关教育部或更高级别政府部门表示有兴趣的国家"

msgid "mapp4"
msgstr "(黄色) 目前正在寻求政府支持的国家"