OlpcMAP: Difference between revisions
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* Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo |
* Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo |
** You can add a link to the description using the format '''link:http://example.org''' |
** You can add a link to the description using the format '''link:http://example.org''' |
** Also feel free to use HTML if you know it. Single quotes (') for now, please |
** A sample link in HTML: <a href='http://example.org' target='_blank'>Link Title</a> |
* At any point, click '''Save Edits''' |
* At any point, click '''Save Edits''' |
Revision as of 04:42, 1 January 2011
olpcMAP.net Event! Visually catalyze OLPC's informal but global deployment network, Dec 27-31 in Boston!
Add Local Projects to the Map!
DRAFT instructions below -- help us make these friendlier to All by asking for help, thanks!
OlpcMAP lives at http://olpcMAP.net
To edit markers
- Click marker
- On the top of the info window, click Edit
- Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo
- You can add a link to the description using the format link:http://example.org
- Also feel free to use HTML if you know it. Single quotes (') for now, please
- A sample link in HTML: <a href='http://example.org' target='_blank'>Link Title</a>
- At any point, click Save Edits
To add a marker
- Use the search and Google Maps to find your location
- Click Join the Map Network on the top toolbar
- Click and drag the marker into place
- Type in your e-mail, then click Plant Marker
- Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo
- You can add a link using the format link:http://example.org
- Also feel free to use HTML if you know it. Single quotes (') for now, please
- A sample link in HTML: <a href='http://example.org' target='_blank'>Link Title</a>
- At any point, click Save Edits
Troubleshooting : use Contact Us to write to the group.
Whose e-mail should I use?
E-mails should go to a volunteer or coordinator who can answer or forward questions about the project. If a volunteer writes and says "That's awesome; I'd like to volunteer there!" the coordinator is someone who can help them along.
How private is my e-mail?
Your e-mail address is kept in our database so we can process and forward mail from the Contact form. This hides your e-mail from users of our page and spinoff maps. If many messages are sent (possible spam) we archive them into a single inbox message.
If you prefer to have a link to your organization's website or contact page, let us know through the main Contact Us form.
Helpful Volunteers
Contact our Community Curators Team with suggestions for making your deployment's accomplishments more vivid!
Open Community Architecture
In a democracy, we are each others' infrastructure. Our geo-social fabric takes inspiration from:
- Dialogue between public and private community spaces
- Good Faith Collaboration = people who share a passion to learn, by interacting regularly, and conscientiously
- Creativity = allowing yourself to make mistakes
- ART = knowing which ones to keep
- 1 Billion children who are tired of waiting!
Open Source Effort
olpcMAP is written in Python and is hosted on Google App Engine
The code is gradually being open-sourced at http://code.google.com/p/olpc-map-net
Add issues or tackle problems listed at http://code.google.com/p/olpc-map-net/issues/list
API: Integrate maps into other sites & community services
Evolving here: OlpcMAP/data-api
Become a Map Maker!
Please join and help cultivate our public discussion list! Send email to:
Archives are here:
Live Chat (IRC)
Please visit http://forum.laptop.org/chat and type away!
That's the #olpc-help channel. Advanced users may want to type at bottom:
/join #olpcMAP
(then type a few lines, being patient if we're asleep!)
That's the #olpcMAP channel, also on irc.freenode.net
To Do
Some of THE most important spatial media we need to welcome, are our established geo-communities:
http://www-staging.laptop.org/map http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Deployment_Team/Places http://www.openwijs.nl/referenties/olpc 12 Dutch-originated microdeployments, on 3 continents? http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Deployments (already completed? move to "Inspiration" section below if so!) http://olpcsf.org/CommunitySummit2010/people.php Actual "landmark" stickers on paper/laminate map at the Kleiders' house, from http://olpcSF.org/summit 2010! OLPC SF Community Summit 2010: wider list of registrants http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&vps=1&jsv=286b&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108408553645876220956.00049038844650cba3cf0 (Jennifer Martino's Latin America & Caribbean deployment map!) http://groups.laptop.org http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Local_Labs http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Repair_center_locations http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Laptop_Lending_Libraries http://www.teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE#Events http://www.teachingopensource.org/index.php/Tentative_POSSEs http://www.widernet.org/egranary/ (eGranary Digital Libraries AKA "The Internet in a Box" w/ 14 million docs each?) eg. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=110300756731284107900.00046b13c0e8e5f0f820a http://www.franxophonie.org/Carte/carte-des-projets-francophones-dimplantation-des-xo.html geolocating-on-map forward-looking OLPC News stories, http://blog.laptop.org stories, http://planet.laptop.org blogs, and insightful Country Backgrounders etc! geolocating-on-map more of our global movement exceptional individual volunteers, reaching out to those who've asked for such via volunteer@laptop.org (etc) over the past 3 years
EG. What attractive iconography best represents your own local community's best efforts??
http://EscueLab.org (Lima, Peru) http://olpcLearningClub.org (Washington DC,, larger 427 × 306 pixel JPEG) http://olpcSF.org http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Southern_California_OLPC_Projects (incl Google Map of local prjcts!) http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc_boston http://olpc.at (OLPC Austria) http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_NYC http://olpc-france.org http://olpcOceania.blogspot.com http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_New_Zealand (Uruguay's many strong groups have brilliant logos already; showcase these on our main page to spark others??) Etc!!
Inspiration maps & feeds
A Million Thanks go to these groups whose community feeds we're already tapping:
http://laptop.org/en/children/countries/ (500+ kids/XOs) http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/australia/olpc_australia_xo_laptop_deplo.html http://bit.ly/c20CRz (OLPCorps Africa, 2009) http://www.olpccanada.com/content.php?id=17 / http://www.olpccanada.com/doc/OLPC_Canada_Schools_Map.pdf http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Ndoiron/OfflineMap
Please write us if you have/want ideas for more dynamically illustrating the Human Vibrancy of your community, its teachers and its children!
Global MAP making SPRINT: Dec 27-31, 2010 in Boston
So where are those almost 2 million One Child per Laptops? After 3 years, in dozens of countries, we challenge the world to put the story of OLPC accomplishment on the map. Photographically, telephonically, viscerally -- the passionate doers of our community movement now have the chance to connect more intimately than ever before. No matter their deployment size, their age, their creed.
Implementer gurus and connected social cartographers & implementers across our global community of One Laptop per Child (http://blog.laptop.org) and http://SugarLabs.org will fly to Boston Dec 27-31 -- to physically map our geo-social fabric of small/medium/large deployments worldwide. In completely new and different ways -- on and around CMU/Nick Doiron's rapidly evolving deployment/adoption/volunteering map:
Just like a Book Sprint (writing an entire book within a week, like http://laptop.org/manual) we'll beautify, rigorize and publish this community product within 5 business days!
We're looking for the very best talent globally to join us, to lay critical seeds Connecting-The-Dots of OLPC/Sugar/ICT4Education around learning, support and content knowledge. Globally uncovering accomplishments unspoken. Starting with one single student's eye-opening social visualization -- that's already powerfully captured our popular imagination, since its alpha-launch in October 2010 at the OLPC San Francisco Community Summit.
Boston schedule, attendee-list, venue & volunteer-based housing detail already fast-emerging below in early December now, check back below -- and often!
All events take place at OLPC's Office in Cambridge unless otherwise specified. Online Participation also strongly encouraged!
Mon Dec 27 | 10AM - 5PM | Work session at OLPC: like a real book sprint, we'll (re)flect on Marina's thoughtful survey results, (re)finalize the "style guide" and "table of contents" (eg. who is cultivating each continent / ocean) enunciating Clear Tasks for all eager volunteers arriving Tuesday -- depending on their skillsets -- even where appropriate telephoning actual deployments and interviewing them on map. Cultivating photographic experiences, most important... |
5PM | OFFICIAL PRESENTATION: olpcMAP Survey's Global Results, Revealed & Organized by Marina Zdobnova DEPLOYMENT TRIVIA CONTEST: Questions Announced Here! Remote responses must then be *received* at <contest@olpcMAP.net> by Wedn 7:00pm Boston Time to win our Grand Prize! | |
7PM | Inman Square, Cambridge Dinner (Olecito or Punjabi Dhaba) THEN..Boston exploration, led by volunteers like yourself (bring your toboggan & pray for snow!) | |
Tue Dec 28 | 10AM - 5PM | Work session at OLPC - Share 3 Cups of Tea with OLPC Staff |
5PM | FILMMAKER PRESENTATION, Premier Documentary Screening: Internet technologies arrive in rural Peru - what are the challenges? Thanks to filmmaker Audubon Dougherty -- presenting in person! Introduced by Digital Media educator/organizer Mark Battley, juxtaposing lessons from his Kenya Internet deployment. | |
7PM | Dinner @ Royal East Chinese Restaurant (792 Main St, Cambridge) with Edutech Allstars | |
Wed Dec 29 | 10AM - 5PM | Work session at OLPC - Cartography Focus, inviting Boston's exceptional Open Source Geospatial Community to expand on new mapping ideas |
5PM | Free Software Foundation Tour - Downtown with Bernie Innocenti - by Red Line subway stop "Downtown Crossing" - RSVP required! | |
7PM | DEPLOYMENT TRIVIA CONTEST: AWARDS! Answers revealed for questions posted back on Monday night: remote responses must be *received* at <contest@olpcMAP.net> by Wedn 7:00pm Boston Time to win our Several Prizes! OFFICIAL PRESENTATION: olpcMAP volunteer engagement - full revelations from survey results -- what do volunteers REALLY want, what does this mean -- and how to build upon these motives for strategic good? By Marina Zdobnova. Not Your Daddy's Volunteer Network! Evening social event explores the power of intl volunteer exchanges in general, as the 21st century empowers new DIY Foreign Aid Revolutions (and also constrains cross-cultural immersion). What meaningful ecotourism/voluntourism/volunteArism CAN and will be?! | |
Thu Dec 30 | 10AM - 5PM | Work til you drop, with free dinner of your choosing, for those who've mapped & beautified a major deployment or entire country/continent! |
5PM | Skating on Frog Pond, for those new to Boston, especially if you miss our lunchtime skating earlier in the week! | |
7PM | ARTIVISTS UNITE: At Somerville's Amazing Open Mic Guitar Night & late night comic shop and/or screening THE SOCIAL NETWORK / TRON: LEGACY in 3D IMAX | |
Fri Dec 31 (New Year's Eve!) |
10AM - 5PM | olpcMAP will be declared V1.0 at ***1PM*** and the MAP BEAUTY CONTEST WINNER ANNOUNCED. Skype Video call to the winner, no matter what country they're in. |
5PM | Party thru the night!!! |
SUBJECT TO CHANGE -- Check Back Later, and better yet -- HELP US FINE-TUNE!
Thank you to the organizing volunteers (email beautify@olpcMAP.net) already INvesting so much of their personal/family resources, coming together during the heart of 2010's Season of Giving. To celebrate a Cause They Believe In! That cause being to grow our community of face2face doers building 21st century educational opportunities for the world's poorest children, with new volunteer/internship opportunities that None Of Us Have Yet Imagined. We are thrilled to already have in attendance these powerhouse contributors:
In person
- David Farning (http://ActivityCentral.org Executive Director, Wisconsin, Dec 27-31)
- Nick Doiron (Carnegie Mellon University, olpcMAP.net founder, Dec 27-31)
- Kurt Maier (OLPC Support Gang founding member, Indiana, Dec 27-31)
- Benaja Antoine (Haiti Partners Program Coordinator, Port-au-Prince, Dec 27-31)
- Adam Holt (OLPC Community Support Manager, Sugar Labs Oversight Board, Dec 27-31)
- Mark Battley (Toronto, Canada digital media/film educator & organizer, Dec 27-30)
- Walter Bender (Sugar Labs Executive Director, partial attendance)
- Caroline Meeks (http://SolutionGrove.com Executive Director, partial attendance)
- Marina Zdobnova (management consultant, ChebVolunteer community organizer, Russia, evenings only)
- Ben Sheldon (AmeriCorps, http://CTCvista.org, http://TransmissionProject.org, evenings especially)
- George Hunt (OLPC NYC, programmer of XoPhoto, blog, Dec 27-30)
- Jessica Curtis - Twitterer (OLPC NYC, Dec 27-30)
- Claudia Urrea (OLPC learning coordinator for Latin America, partial attendance)
- SJ Klein (OLPC Director of Outreach, Dec 27-28 especially)
- Sandy Culver (OLPC Support Gang founding member, Dec 28-29 especially)
- Reuben Caron (OLPC global deployment support, partial attendance)
- Matthew Tarditi (Univ of Pennsylvania, Grad School of Education, Dec 27-29?)
- Paul Fox (OLPC hardware/software engineer, partial attendance)
- Joshua Gay (interactive education consultant, Dec 28-29 especially)
- Alexandra Merceron (Sr. Marketing Manager, Harvard Business Review Group/MarComm Consultant, Dec 27-30 / evenings especially)
- Nancie Severs (OLPC Vietnam pioneer in the Vung Vieng Fishing Village Dec 27-29)
- Anna Arzrumtsyan (Dept of Geography and Planning, Univ at Albany, NY, Dec 28/29-31)
- Matt Mawson (MIT Alum considering a small Mexico deployment in Chiapas or Guadalupe)
- John Watlington (OLPC VP of HW Engineering, who began his life in Peru, Dec 31 only)
- Bernie Innocenti - FSF, Sugar Labs, deployment alum of {OLE Nepal, Paraguay Educa, OLPC Mozambique}
- Sandra Thaxter (Small Solutions Big Ideas Exec. Director, Dec. 27 partial and 29-30)
- Audubon Dougherty (Peru ICT4D filmmaker)
- Deepani Jinadasa (helping a Haiti school)
- G. Ryan Ansin (Childrens' photography facilitator and publisher in Cambodia, Haiti & beyond)
- Dan Carpenter (video game designer & decorator, carpenter, Tilted Mill Entertainment / SimCity Societies, Harmonix Music / Guitar Hero)
- Richard Smith (OLPC Director and Viceroy of Power ;)
- Shirish Goyal (Accenture, Bangalore, India)
- Christoph Derndorfer (OLPC News co-editor, Support Gang founding member, Vienna, Austria)
- Kacandre Bourdelais (University Laval, http://franXOphonie.org portal & map creator, Quebec City, Canada; leader/coordinator of Cameroon/Gabon-area Africa deployments)
- Anna Schoolfield (OLPC Birmingham, Alabama implementer helping with ~16,000 XOs!)
- Caryl Bigenho aka "GrannieB" (Mentor, Matchmaker, Cheerleader, Closet Geek, Jane Of All Trades and Support Gang founding member... from Southern California)
- Sameer Verma (Professor at SF State University, and OLPC SF Community Summit organizer)
- Barbara Barry (OLPC Director of Learning, Middle East. Barbara is an interdisciplinary designer who specializes in creating new technologies and social programs for education and health care. She works with the education and well being of children affected by war, poverty, and natural disasters.)
- Chris Ball (OLPC software lead, partial attendance)
- Beth Santos (Waveplace Foundation Community Coordinator)
- Luke Faraone (OLPC Support Gang founding member, Sugar Labs volunteer, DC Community Repair Center manager, OLPC web infrastructure intern, Virginia)
- Jeffrey Warren (MIT Media Lab, founder of http://GrassrootsMapping.org)
- Laura Hosman (Illinois Institute of Technology, http://IITempoweringHaiti.org)
- Sharon Ravitch (Univ of Pennsylvania, Grad School of Education, partial attendance?)
- Alix Beranger (My City, My Future community-mapping for kids, Harvard Graduate School of Design)
- Noah Redler (Canada World Youth, Communications Coordinator, Dec 28-29 especially)
- Gerald Ardito (middle school science teacher & OLPC implementer, Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle School, New York)
- Rob Baker (Ushahidi, Konpa Group, Dec 27-28)
- Mike Dawson (Paiwastoon, OLPC Afghanistan, eXe learning content framework developer)
RSVP if you'd like to confirm your (a) contribution and (b) spot!
We anticipate using space provided by our gracious hosts, the OLPC Foundation, right by the Kendall Square/MIT Red Line Subway Station, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. RSVP asking to put your name on the guest list so that building security will allow you into the building!
1 Cambridge Center Kendall Square Cambridge, Massachusetts
You need to secure your own housing and travel. Tuesday night shared accommodations should not be a problem!
Volunteers will do their best to match up rich volunteers with poor, just as in October in SF at http://olpcSF.org/summit, to all do our best making sure housing and a few select airfares are covered -- when truly exceptional talent is demonstrated. Please write our public mailing list explaining how you personally can deepen our efforts!
http://twitter.com/olpcMAP (beginning slowly, Tweeps needed :)
http://saigonolpc.wordpress.com (best blog so far)
Anticipated: http://blog.olpcMAP.net (contact Marina if you enjoy communications & can help!)
Or help in any other way, even if just asking us for newsletter or fun/regional updates emailed occasionally :)
Curatorial Team
Don't hesitate to contact our great, passionate team of volunteer community curators, get involved, suggest new ways to strengthen our global conduit:
Artistically driven you too?? If you're results-oriented -- nurturing everyone's expressiveness towards completed tasks, please consider working with us -- visually weaving our geosocial community fabric!