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{{ Translation | lang = ko | source = Core principles | version = 29862 }}
{{ Translation | lang = ko | source = Core principles | version = 29862 }}

{{Ongoing Translation}}
{{Ongoing Translation}}
<div id="The Five OLPC Principles"/>

<div id="The Five OLPC Principles"></div>
=OLPC의 다섯 가지 원칙=
=OLPC의 다섯 가지 원칙=

<div id="child ownership"/>
<div id="child ownership"></div>
==어린이의 소유==
==어린이의 소유==

OLPC는 매우 낮은 생산 비용과 튼튼하고 강력하며, 아름답고 친숙한 XO 노트북을 만들었습니다. 이것은 초등학생이 처음 접하는 노트북으로 설계되었습니다. XO의 소유권은 어린이의 기본적 권리이며, 이 값진 장비를 보호하고, 보살피며 공유하는 것과 같은 새로운 의무와 책임감과 함께 합니다.
OLPC는 매우 낮은 생산 비용과 튼튼하고 강력하며, 아름답고 친숙한 XO 노트북을 만들었습니다. 이것은 초등학생이 처음 접하는 노트북으로 설계되었습니다. XO의 소유권은 어린이의 기본적 권리이며, 이 값진 장비를 보호하고, 보살피며 공유하는 것과 같은 새로운 의무와 책임감과 함께 합니다.

:"나는 신발을 신듯이 나의 XO를 입습니다."
:"나는 신발을 신듯이 나의 XO를 입습니다."
{{ Translated text |

<font size="1"><blockquote>OLPC has created the XO laptop at a very low cost, robust and powerful, beautiful and friendly. It has been designed explicitly for children of the elementary classes, the first one of its kind. The ownership of the XO is a basic right of the child and is coupled with new duties and responsibilities, such as protecting, caring and sharing this valuable equipment.
OLPC has created the XO laptop at a very low cost, robust and powerful, beautiful and friendly. It has been designed explicitly for children of the elementary classes, the first one of its kind. The ownership of the XO is a basic right of the child and is coupled with new duties and responsibilities, such as protecting, caring and sharing this valuable equipment.

A laptop can be transformed into a mobile school: a portable learning and teaching environment. A connected laptop is more than a tool. It is a new human environment of a digital kind. A key OLPC asset is the free use of the laptop at home, where the child (and the family) will increase significantly the time of practice normally available at the standard computer lab in the school.
A laptop can be transformed into a mobile school: a portable learning and teaching environment. A connected laptop is more than a tool. It is a new human environment of a digital kind. A key OLPC asset is the free use of the laptop at home, where the child (and the family) will increase significantly the time of practice normally available at the standard computer lab in the school.

:''I wear my XO like my pair of shoes.''</blockquote></font>
:''I wear my XO like my pair of shoes.''
| display = block }}

<div id="low ages"/>
<div id="low ages"></div>
==어린 나이==
==어린 나이==

XO는 6~12세 사이의 어린이 (초등학교 학생) 용으로 설계되었지만, 더 어린 나이나 더 많은 나이대의 사람들도 얼마든지 이용할 수 있습니다. XO를 사용하기 위해 읽고 쓰는 법을 알아야 할 필요는 없으며, 우리는 놀이가 인간의 기본적인 학습 방식임을 알고 있습니다. 더우기, 이 디지털 활동들은 읽고 쓰기 학습을 도울 것입니다.
XO는 6~12세 사이의 어린이 (초등학교 학생) 용으로 설계되었지만, 더 어린 나이나 더 많은 나이대의 사람들도 얼마든지 이용할 수 있습니다. XO를 사용하기 위해 읽고 쓰는 법을 알아야 할 필요는 없으며, 우리는 놀이가 인간의 기본적인 학습 방식임을 알고 있습니다. 더우기, 이 디지털 활동들은 읽고 쓰기 학습을 도울 것입니다.
매년 새로운 참여자들이 이 프로그램에 합류할 것입니다. OLPC 프로그램은 이들 참여자들에게 본질적인 것이 되어야 하며, 각각의 학생은 학교에서의 매우 다양한 교과 과정 속에서 그/그녀의 배움 경로를 따라 개인적인 포트폴리오 또는 저널을 유지하게 될 것 입니다. 특히, 학습, 활동 또는 지각 장애가 있는 작은 어린이들이 이 컴퓨터를 읽고, 쓰고, 계산하고, 소통하는 보조기구로 활용할 수도 있습니다.
매년 새로운 참여자들이 이 프로그램에 합류할 것입니다. OLPC 프로그램은 이들 참여자들에게 본질적인 것이 되어야 하며, 각각의 학생은 학교에서의 매우 다양한 교과 과정 속에서 그/그녀의 배움 경로를 따라 개인적인 포트폴리오 또는 저널을 유지하게 될 것 입니다. 특히, 학습, 활동 또는 지각 장애가 있는 작은 어린이들이 이 컴퓨터를 읽고, 쓰고, 계산하고, 소통하는 보조기구로 활용할 수도 있습니다.

:"나는 먼 길에 적합한, 좋은 XO 신발을 갖고 있습니다."
:"나는 먼 길에 적합한, 좋은 XO 신발을 갖고 있습니다."
{{ Translated text |

<font size="1"><blockquote>The XO is designed for the use of children of ages 6 to 12—covering the years of the elementary school—but nothing precludes its use earlier or later in life. Children don’t need to write or read in order to play with the XO and we know that playing is the basis of human learning. Moreover those digital activities will help the acquisition of the writing and reading skills.
The XO is designed for the use of children of ages 6 to 12—covering the years of the elementary school—but nothing precludes its use earlier or later in life. Children don’t need to write or read in order to play with the XO and we know that playing is the basis of human learning. Moreover those digital activities will help the acquisition of the writing and reading skills.

Every year a new cohort will be incorporated into the program. Accordingly the assessment of the OLPC program should be intrinsic to each cohort and every student will keep an individual portfolio or journal with the trace of his or her learning paths in the most diverse disciplines at school. In particular small children with learning, motor or sensory disabilities may use the computer as a prosthesis to read, write, calculate, and communicate.
Every year a new cohort will be incorporated into the program. Accordingly the assessment of the OLPC program should be intrinsic to each cohort and every student will keep an individual portfolio or journal with the trace of his or her learning paths in the most diverse disciplines at school. In particular small children with learning, motor or sensory disabilities may use the computer as a prosthesis to read, write, calculate, and communicate.

''I have good XO shoes for a long walk.''</blockquote></font>
''I have good XO shoes for a long walk.''
| display = block }}

<div id="saturation"/>
<div id="saturation"></div>
==흠뻑 적시기==
==흠뻑 적시기==

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:"건강한 교육은 백신 접종이며, 모두에게 다가가고, 이들을 무지와 편협함으로부터 보호합니다."
:"건강한 교육은 백신 접종이며, 모두에게 다가가고, 이들을 무지와 편협함으로부터 보호합니다."
{{ Translated text |

<font size="1"><blockquote>The OLPC commitment is with elementary education in the developing countries. In order to attain this objective we need to reach a “digital saturation” in a given population. The key point is to choose the best scale in each circumstance. It can be a whole country, a region, a municipality or a village, where every child will own a laptop. As with vaccination a digital saturation implies the continuous intervention on the successive cohorts at the proper ages.
The OLPC commitment is with elementary education in the developing countries. In order to attain this objective we need to reach a “digital saturation” in a given population. The key point is to choose the best scale in each circumstance. It can be a whole country, a region, a municipality or a village, where every child will own a laptop. As with vaccination a digital saturation implies the continuous intervention on the successive cohorts at the proper ages.

The whole community will become responsible of the OLPC program and the children will receive support of many institutions, individuals and groups of this community. Because of the connectivity inherent to OLPC these different communities will grow together and expand in many directions, in time and space. They will become solid and robust, because they are saturated, without holes or partitions.
The whole community will become responsible of the OLPC program and the children will receive support of many institutions, individuals and groups of this community. Because of the connectivity inherent to OLPC these different communities will grow together and expand in many directions, in time and space. They will become solid and robust, because they are saturated, without holes or partitions.

''A healthy education is a vaccination, it reaches everybody and protects from ignorance and intolerance.''</blockquote></font>
''A healthy education is a vaccination, it reaches everybody and protects from ignorance and intolerance.''
| display = block }}

<div id="connection"/>
<div id="connection"></div>

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:"서로 대화할 때, 우리는 함께 머뭅니다."
:"서로 대화할 때, 우리는 함께 머뭅니다."
{{ Translated text |

<font size="1"><blockquote>The XO has been designed to provide the most engaging wireless network available. The laptops are connected to each other, even when they are off. If one laptop is connected to the Internet, the others will follow to the web. The children in the neighborhood are thus permanently connected to chat, share information on the web, gather by videoconference, make music together, edit texts, read e-books and enjoy the use of collaborative games on line.
The XO has been designed to provide the most engaging wireless network available. The laptops are connected to each other, even when they are off. If one laptop is connected to the Internet, the others will follow to the web. The children in the neighborhood are thus permanently connected to chat, share information on the web, gather by videoconference, make music together, edit texts, read e-books and enjoy the use of collaborative games on line.

The battery of the laptop can work for many hours and it can be charged in special gang chargers in the school or by mechanical or solar power. The unique XO display allows the use of the laptop under a bright sun, enabling the user to work outside the classroom or home, in the wild as well as in any public open place.
The battery of the laptop can work for many hours and it can be charged in special gang chargers in the school or by mechanical or solar power. The unique XO display allows the use of the laptop under a bright sun, enabling the user to work outside the classroom or home, in the wild as well as in any public open place.
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The connectivity will be as ubiquitous as the formal or informal learning environment permits. We are proposing a new kind of school, an “expanded school” which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. And last but not least this connectivity ensures a dialogue among generations, nations and cultures. Every language will be spoken in the OLPC network.
The connectivity will be as ubiquitous as the formal or informal learning environment permits. We are proposing a new kind of school, an “expanded school” which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. And last but not least this connectivity ensures a dialogue among generations, nations and cultures. Every language will be spoken in the OLPC network.

''When we talk together we stay together.''</blockquote></font>
''When we talk together we stay together.''
| display = block }}

<div id="free and open source"/>
<div id="free and open source"></div>
==abierto y libre==
==abierto y libre==

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":"제게 자유롭고 열린 환경을 주시면, 저는 즐겁게 배우고 가르칠 것입니다."
":"제게 자유롭고 열린 환경을 주시면, 저는 즐겁게 배우고 가르칠 것입니다."
{{ Translated text |

<font size="1"><blockquote>The child with an XO is not just a passive consumer of knowledge, but an active participant in a learning community. As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software, content, resources, and tools should be able to grow with them. The very global nature of OLPC demands that growth be driven locally, in large part by the children themselves. Each child with an XO can leverage the learning of every other child. They teach each other, share ideas, and through the social nature of the interface, support each other's intellectual growth. Children are learners and teachers.
The child with an XO is not just a passive consumer of knowledge, but an active participant in a learning community. As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software, content, resources, and tools should be able to grow with them. The very global nature of OLPC demands that growth be driven locally, in large part by the children themselves. Each child with an XO can leverage the learning of every other child. They teach each other, share ideas, and through the social nature of the interface, support each other's intellectual growth. Children are learners and teachers.

There is no inherent external dependency in being able to localize software into their language, fix the software to remove bugs, and repurpose the software to fit their needs. Nor is there any restriction in regard to redistribution; OLPC cannot know and should not control how the tools we create will be re-purposed in the future.
There is no inherent external dependency in being able to localize software into their language, fix the software to remove bugs, and repurpose the software to fit their needs. Nor is there any restriction in regard to redistribution; OLPC cannot know and should not control how the tools we create will be re-purposed in the future.
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A world of great software and content is necessary to make this project succeed, both open and proprietary. Children need to be able to choose from all of it. In our context of learning where knowledge must be appropriated in order to be used, it is most appropriate for knowledge to be free. Further, every child has something to contribute; we need a free and open framework that supports and encourages the very basic human need to express.
A world of great software and content is necessary to make this project succeed, both open and proprietary. Children need to be able to choose from all of it. In our context of learning where knowledge must be appropriated in order to be used, it is most appropriate for knowledge to be free. Further, every child has something to contribute; we need a free and open framework that supports and encourages the very basic human need to express.

''Give me a free and open environment and I will learn and teach with joy.''</blockquote></font>
''Give me a free and open environment and I will learn and teach with joy.''
| display = block }}

Revision as of 16:28, 5 June 2007

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This is an on-going translation

OLPC의 다섯 가지 원칙

어린이의 소유

OLPC는 매우 낮은 생산 비용과 튼튼하고 강력하며, 아름답고 친숙한 XO 노트북을 만들었습니다. 이것은 초등학생이 처음 접하는 노트북으로 설계되었습니다. XO의 소유권은 어린이의 기본적 권리이며, 이 값진 장비를 보호하고, 보살피며 공유하는 것과 같은 새로운 의무와 책임감과 함께 합니다.

"나는 신발을 신듯이 나의 XO를 입습니다."

OLPC has created the XO laptop at a very low cost, robust and powerful, beautiful and friendly. It has been designed explicitly for children of the elementary classes, the first one of its kind. The ownership of the XO is a basic right of the child and is coupled with new duties and responsibilities, such as protecting, caring and sharing this valuable equipment.

A laptop can be transformed into a mobile school: a portable learning and teaching environment. A connected laptop is more than a tool. It is a new human environment of a digital kind. A key OLPC asset is the free use of the laptop at home, where the child (and the family) will increase significantly the time of practice normally available at the standard computer lab in the school.

I wear my XO like my pair of shoes.

어린 나이

XO는 6~12세 사이의 어린이 (초등학교 학생) 용으로 설계되었지만, 더 어린 나이나 더 많은 나이대의 사람들도 얼마든지 이용할 수 있습니다. XO를 사용하기 위해 읽고 쓰는 법을 알아야 할 필요는 없으며, 우리는 놀이가 인간의 기본적인 학습 방식임을 알고 있습니다. 더우기, 이 디지털 활동들은 읽고 쓰기 학습을 도울 것입니다. 매년 새로운 참여자들이 이 프로그램에 합류할 것입니다. OLPC 프로그램은 이들 참여자들에게 본질적인 것이 되어야 하며, 각각의 학생은 학교에서의 매우 다양한 교과 과정 속에서 그/그녀의 배움 경로를 따라 개인적인 포트폴리오 또는 저널을 유지하게 될 것 입니다. 특히, 학습, 활동 또는 지각 장애가 있는 작은 어린이들이 이 컴퓨터를 읽고, 쓰고, 계산하고, 소통하는 보조기구로 활용할 수도 있습니다.

"나는 먼 길에 적합한, 좋은 XO 신발을 갖고 있습니다."

The XO is designed for the use of children of ages 6 to 12—covering the years of the elementary school—but nothing precludes its use earlier or later in life. Children don’t need to write or read in order to play with the XO and we know that playing is the basis of human learning. Moreover those digital activities will help the acquisition of the writing and reading skills.

Every year a new cohort will be incorporated into the program. Accordingly the assessment of the OLPC program should be intrinsic to each cohort and every student will keep an individual portfolio or journal with the trace of his or her learning paths in the most diverse disciplines at school. In particular small children with learning, motor or sensory disabilities may use the computer as a prosthesis to read, write, calculate, and communicate.

I have good XO shoes for a long walk.

흠뻑 적시기

OLPC의 임무는 저개발국의 초등 교육과 함께합니다. 이 목표를 위해, 우리는 각 공동체에 대한 "디지털로 적시기"에 이를 필요가 있습니다. 핵심은 각 환경에 최대 규모를 선택하는 것입니다. 모든 아이가 자신의 노트북을 가지는 전체 국가, 지역, 도시 또는 마을이 될 수도 있습니다. 백신 접종과 마찬가지로, 디지털로 흠뻑 적시는 것은 적합한 연령대의 새로운 참가자들의 행렬이 이어지는 것을 의미합니다.

공동체 전체가 OLPC 프로그램에 책임을 지고, 어린이들이 그 공동체의 많은 기관, 개인, 그리고 그룹들로부터 지원을 받을 것입니다. 연결성이 OLPC의 본질이므로, 이러한 상이한 공동체들이 함께 성장하고, 많은 방향, 시간 및 공간으로 확장될 것입니다. 그들은 구멍이나 단절 없이, 모두가 디지털로 흠뻑 적셔지므로, 튼튼하고, 강건한 사회를 만들 것입니다.

"건강한 교육은 백신 접종이며, 모두에게 다가가고, 이들을 무지와 편협함으로부터 보호합니다."

The OLPC commitment is with elementary education in the developing countries. In order to attain this objective we need to reach a “digital saturation” in a given population. The key point is to choose the best scale in each circumstance. It can be a whole country, a region, a municipality or a village, where every child will own a laptop. As with vaccination a digital saturation implies the continuous intervention on the successive cohorts at the proper ages.

The whole community will become responsible of the OLPC program and the children will receive support of many institutions, individuals and groups of this community. Because of the connectivity inherent to OLPC these different communities will grow together and expand in many directions, in time and space. They will become solid and robust, because they are saturated, without holes or partitions.

A healthy education is a vaccination, it reaches everybody and protects from ignorance and intolerance.


XO는 매우 뛰어난 무선 네트워크를 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 노트북은 서로에게 연결되고, 심지어 꺼진 상태에서도 그러합니다. 하나의 노트북이 인터넷에 연결되면, 나머지들도 웹으로 인도됩니다. 이웃의 어린이들은 항구적으로 채팅으로 연결되고, 웹 상에서 정보를 교환하며, 비디오 회의를 위해 모이고, 더불어 작곡하며, 이야기를 편집하고, e-북을 읽으며, 온라인 협동 게임을 즐깁니다.

이 노트북의 배터리는 많은 시간 동안의 작동을 지원할 뿐 아니라, 학교에서 충전되거나, 기계적 또는 태양열로 충전될 수 있습니다. 독특한 XO 디스플레이는 밝은 햇빛 아래서도 가독성을 지원하며, 사용자가 교실 또는 집 밖에서, 그리고 모든 야외에서 노트북을 이용할 수 있게 합니다.

연결성은 정규 혹은 비정규 학습 환경이 허용하는 유비쿼터스입니다. 우리는 새로운 종류의 학교, "확장된 학교"를 제안하며, 이것은 교실의 벽을 넘어 성장할 것입니다. 그리고, 이 연결성은 세대들 간, 국가들 간, 그리고 문화들 간의 대화의 문을 열 것입니다. 모든 언어가 OLPC 네트워크를 타고 흐를 것입니다.

"서로 대화할 때, 우리는 함께 머뭅니다."

The XO has been designed to provide the most engaging wireless network available. The laptops are connected to each other, even when they are off. If one laptop is connected to the Internet, the others will follow to the web. The children in the neighborhood are thus permanently connected to chat, share information on the web, gather by videoconference, make music together, edit texts, read e-books and enjoy the use of collaborative games on line.

The battery of the laptop can work for many hours and it can be charged in special gang chargers in the school or by mechanical or solar power. The unique XO display allows the use of the laptop under a bright sun, enabling the user to work outside the classroom or home, in the wild as well as in any public open place.

The connectivity will be as ubiquitous as the formal or informal learning environment permits. We are proposing a new kind of school, an “expanded school” which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. And last but not least this connectivity ensures a dialogue among generations, nations and cultures. Every language will be spoken in the OLPC network.

When we talk together we stay together.

abierto y libre

XO를 가진 어린이는 지식의 수동적 소비자가 아니라, 학습 공동체의 능동적 참여자입니다. 어린이가 성장하고 새로운 아이디어를 추구함에 따라, 소프트웨어, 컨텐트, 자원 그리고 툴들도 그들과 더불어 성장해야만 합니다. OLPC의 비로 그러한 글로벌적 성격은 성장이 지역적으로, 상당부분 어린이들 자진에 의해 이뤄질 것을 요구합니다. XO를 가진 각각의 어린이는 다른 모든 아이들의 학습을 도울 수 있습니다. 그들은 서로를 가르치고, 아이디어를 공유하며, 인터페이스의 사회적 속성을 통해, 서로의 지적 성장을 지원합니다. 어린이는 학습자이자 교사입니다.

소프트웨어를 자신의 언어로 지역화하고, 소프트웨어의 버그를 고치며, 그들의 필요에 맞게 소프트웨어를 수정하는데 있어서 어떤 내재적인 외부 의존도 없습니다. 재배포와 관련하여 어떤 제한도 없습니다; OLPC는 우리가 만든 도구가 향후 어떤 식으로 사용될 것인지에 대해 알 수도 없거니와 통제할 수도 없습니다.

이 프로젝트가 성공하기 위해서는 공개 소프트웨어와 상업용 소프트웨어 구분없이 위대한 소프트웨어들과 컨텐트가 필요합니다.어린이들은 그 모두에서 선택할 수 있어야 합니다. 지식이란 사용되기 위해서는 먼저 적합해야 한다는 배움에 관한 우리의 생각에 의하면, 지식은 자유로워야 합니다. 나아가, 모든 어린이들은 공헌할 무언가를 가지고 있습니다; 표현하려는 인간의 본질적 욕구를 지원하고 고무하기 위해 우리는 자유롭고 열린 프레임워크가 필요합니다.

":"제게 자유롭고 열린 환경을 주시면, 저는 즐겁게 배우고 가르칠 것입니다."

The child with an XO is not just a passive consumer of knowledge, but an active participant in a learning community. As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software, content, resources, and tools should be able to grow with them. The very global nature of OLPC demands that growth be driven locally, in large part by the children themselves. Each child with an XO can leverage the learning of every other child. They teach each other, share ideas, and through the social nature of the interface, support each other's intellectual growth. Children are learners and teachers.

There is no inherent external dependency in being able to localize software into their language, fix the software to remove bugs, and repurpose the software to fit their needs. Nor is there any restriction in regard to redistribution; OLPC cannot know and should not control how the tools we create will be re-purposed in the future.

A world of great software and content is necessary to make this project succeed, both open and proprietary. Children need to be able to choose from all of it. In our context of learning where knowledge must be appropriated in order to be used, it is most appropriate for knowledge to be free. Further, every child has something to contribute; we need a free and open framework that supports and encourages the very basic human need to express.

Give me a free and open environment and I will learn and teach with joy.