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Verano de Contenido 2007
Summer of Content 2007

  Traducción de Summer of Content 2007 original  
  english | español한국어


Que es SoCon
What is SoCon?

El Verano de Contenido (SoCon) permite el florecimiento y financiamiento de proyectos de desarrollo de contenido libre y la ejecucion de eventos a lo ancho del mundo. Inspirados por el «Summer of Code» de Google, nuestro objetivo es brindar el apoyo al ecosistema de contenido abierto alentando el crecimiento de comunidades que aporten, así como también la comunicación y el acceso a los proyectos donde sean más necesarios.

Hay dos temporadas Veraniegas por año, cada una de 10 semanas aproximadamente: el Verano del Norte que va desde Junio a Agosto, y el Verano del Sur, entre Diciembre y Febrero. (La corrida actual del Verano del Norte es una prueba piloto, que se llevará a cabo entre Agosto y Septiembre del 2007.)

Cada verano, los candidatos, mentores y la comunidad libre definiran los projectos de contenido libre sobre los cuales trabajar. Los candidatos describirán los proyectos sobre los que deseen trabajar y que tipo de trabajo desean realizar. Las organizaciones responsables de guiarlos describirán los proyectos que quieran patrocinar y los mentores y tutores que tengan disponibles. El verano de Contenido actuará entonces como apareador entre tutores y practicantes, y así arrancamos! El verano termina con una serie de «jams» alrededor del mundo para mostrar y recoger respuestas sobre las nuevas creaciones.

The Summer of Content (SoCon) program offers budding creators mentorship and stipends to develop open content and run free culture events throughout the world. Inspired by Google's Summer of Code program, our goal is to support a self-sustaining ecosystem of open content by encouraging growth of contributor communities, and attention to communication and accessibility around projects, where they're most needed.

There are two Summer sessions a year, each lasting approximately 10 weeks: a Northern Summer running between June and August and a Southern Summer running between December and February. (The current Northern Summer 2007 is a pilot run, taking place in August and September 2007.)

Each summer, applicants, mentors, and the open content community define open content projects that need working on. Applicants describe the projects they want to work on and the kind of work they want to do. Mentor organizations describe the projects they can support and the mentors they have available. SoCon acts as matchmaker for mentors and interns, and project work begins! The Summer ends with a series of local Jams around the world to showcase and gather feedback on the new creations.


The Summer of Content (SoCon) program offers budding creators mentorship and stipends to develop open content and run free culture events throughout the world. Inspired by Google's Summer of Code program, our goal is to support a self-sustaining ecosystem of open content by encouraging growth of contributor communities, and attention to communication and accessibility around projects, where they're most needed.

There are two Summer sessions a year, each lasting approximately 10 weeks: a Northern Summer running between June and August and a Southern Summer running between December and February. (The current Northern Summer 2007 is a pilot run, taking place in August and September 2007.)

Each summer, applicants, mentors, and the open content community define open content projects that need working on. Applicants describe the projects they want to work on and the kind of work they want to do. Mentor organizations describe the projects they can support and the mentors they have available. SoCon acts as matchmaker for mentors and interns, and project work begins! The Summer ends with a series of local Jams around the world to showcase and gather feedback on the new creations. (>>more...)

¿Por qué SoCon?
Why SoCon?

El contenido libre se encuentra en un punto clave. Si bien algunos de memes más grandes como Wikipedia y Creative Commons han acercado el concepto de libre y abierto al público en general todavía es algo confuso para muchos el como usar licencias e ideas abiertas en sus trabajos. Hasta los proyectos más exitosos de contenido abierto luchan para convertir a sus lectores en contribuyentes.

Por otro lado, existe una demanda cada vez mayor de contenido educativo y artístico que pueda ser reusado redirigido libremente. Ya existe un excelente infraestructura que soporta material educativo y lecciones modulares, y un número en aumento de docentes y escuelas están buscando nuevas fuentes para sus textos. Y hay autores locales que buscan colaboradores y formas de hacerse escuchar.

Al juntar potenciales practicantes y creadores con tutores en organizaciones que puedan guiar su trabajo, esperamos contribuir de manera significativa al esfuerzo mancomunado del saber. Más aún, al crear y publicitar el proceso por el cual individuos, organizaciones y los responsables de depósitos de conocimiento puedan involucrarse en el movimiento de contenido abierto, es que esperamos proveer un camino para que otros hagan lo mismo.

Open content is at a turning point. While a few big memes such as Wikipedia and Creative Commons have brought the concept of free and open content into the public awareness, it remains unclear to many how to apply open licenses and ideas to their own work. Even the most successful open-content projects struggle to turn readers and users into contributors.

On the other hand, there is a growing demand for educational and artistic content that can be freely reused and repurposed. There is excellent infrastructure in place to support modular learning materials and lesson plans, and a growing number of schools and teachers looking to new sources for texts. And there are local authors looking for collaborators and ways to make themselves heard.

By matching potential interns and creators with mentors in organizations that can guide their work, we hope to contribute meaningfully to the pool of shared knowledge. More importantly, by creating and publicizing processes for individuals, organizations, and caretakers of knowledge repositories to get involved in the open-content movement, we hope to provide a route for others to do the same.


Open content is at a turning point. While a few big memes such as Wikipedia and Creative Commons have brought the concept of free and open content into the public awareness, it remains unclear to many how to apply open licenses and ideas to their own work. Even the most successful open-content projects struggle to turn readers and users into contributors.

On the other hand, there is a growing demand for educational and artistic content that can be freely reused and repurposed. There is excellent infrastructure in place to support modular learning materials and lesson plans, and a growing number of schools and teachers looking to new sources for texts. And there are local authors looking for collaborators and ways to make themselves heard.

By matching potential interns and creators with mentors in organizations that can guide their work, we hope to contribute meaningfully to the pool of shared knowledge. More importantly, by creating and publicizing processes for individuals, organizations, and caretakers of knowledge repositories to get involved in the open-content movement, we hope to provide a route for others to do the same. (>>more...)

Noticias Recientes
Recent news

18 de Julio, 2007—Arrancamos!
Gracias a un vertiginoso esfuerzo tras bambalinas de varios voluntarios, empezamos y estamos listos para recibir aplicaciones sólo tres semanas después que la idea original viera la luz en un cuartito en Vancouver. Ayúdenos con ideas para proyectos, y descubra como puede ser un practicante o un tutor, o lea sobre nuestras sesiones en Wikimania!
July 18, 2007 - We've launched!
Thanks to a flurry of behind-the-scenes efforts by many volunteers, we're up, running, and ready for applications just three weeks after the original idea was hatched in a tiny room in Vancouver. Help us brainstorm project ideas, find out how you can be an intern or a mentor, or catch our sessions at Wikimania!


Este es el cronograma para programa del «Summer of Content» 2007. Si desea armar un evento (por ejemplo una reunión local de todos los practicantes del «Summer of Content» de su ciudad) agréguelo a la lista!

  • Juntar oferta-demanda: 1º de agosto - 14 de septiembre
  • Trabajo del proyecto: 17 de agosto - 26 de octubre (cada interno/practicante, contando con la aprobación de su mentor, decide el periodo de 6 semanas que mejor conviene según el calendario)
    • 1ª semana del proyecto: los internos/practicantes (con la ayuda de sus mentores) envian los planes del proyecto a SoCon
    • 3ª semana del proyecto: los mentores envian un informe de evaluación a sus internos/practicantes
    • 6ª semana del proyecto: los mentores envian un informe final de evaluación a sus internos/practicantes
  • 26 de octubre: último dia que se puede trabajar en los proyectos; todos los informes de evaluación deberán haber sido entregados para el final de este día
  • 29 de octubre: Celebración final
This is the schedule for the Summer of Content 2007 program. If you'd like to hold an event (for instance, a local gathering of all Summer of Content interns in your city) list yours here.
  • Matchmaking: August 1 - September 14
  • Project work: August 17 - October 26 (each intern, with the approval of their mentor, picks the 6-week period that works best for them within that timeframe)
    • 1 week into project: Interns (with the help of mentors) send project plans to SoCon
    • 3 weeks into project: Mentors send interns midterm feedback reports
    • 6 weeks into project: Mentors send interns end-of-session feedback reports
  • October 26: Last day work on projects can be completed; all end-of-session feedback reports must be turned in by the end of this day
  • October 29: End celebration
; July 18, 2007 - We've launched! : Thanks to a flurry of behind-the-scenes efforts by many volunteers, we're up, running, and ready for applications just three weeks after the original idea was hatched in a tiny room in Vancouver. Help us brainstorm project ideas, find out how you can be an intern or a mentor, or catch our sessions at Wikimania!


This is the schedule for the Summer of Content 2007 program. If you'd like to hold an event (for instance, a local gathering of all Summer of Content interns in your city) list yours here.

  • Matchmaking: August 1 - September 14
  • Project work: August 17 - October 26 (each intern, with the approval of their mentor, picks the 6-week period that works best for them within that timeframe)
    • 1 week into project: Interns (with the help of mentors) send project plans to SoCon
    • 3 weeks into project: Mentors send interns midterm feedback reports
    • 6 weeks into project: Mentors send interns end-of-session feedback reports
  • October 26: Last day work on projects can be completed; all end-of-session feedback reports must be turned in by the end of this day
  • October 29: End celebration

Para practicantes
For interns

Summer of Content interns homepage/Summary/lang-es

Para tutores
For mentors

Summer of Content mentors homepage/Summary/lang-es

Para todos los demás
For everyone else

Summer of Content volunteer homepage/Summary/lang-es

Ayudanos a armar SoCon!

(SoCon = Summer of content => Verano de contenido = VeCon)

La sesión actual de SoCon del Norte 2007 es un piloto, y nos encantaría oir sus propuestas e ideas sobre como armar el SoCon. Únase a la discusión sobre como podemos mejorar SoCon y déjenos saber que piensa sobre lo que se puede hacer a largo plazo - empezando por el próximo Verano de contenido del Sur de Diciembre del 2007 a Febrero del 2008.

The current Northern SoCon 2007 session is a pilot, and we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how to build SoCon. Join the discussion about how we can improve SoCon and let us know what you think about what we can do in the long term - starting with the upcoming Southern summer of content from December 2007 to February 2008.

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