Editor's Log
- Creator networks: Atelier labs
- New rpms : Gstreamer, from daf
- flash xol bundles from AJVdV's learning consort
Material world
OLPC bookdrive, hackathon, barcampShare the love with One Laptop per Child, the Creative Commons, Textbook Revolution, and the entire world! Take action
for books and "livecontent" for quality CC works that should make the DVD!
under a [Creative Commons license]( so we can spread them around the world! Join us
We are collecting all the free books, movies, music, and other content that we can in the next five days. Then, on Tuesday (2/19) the Creative Commons will be burning a LiveDVD as part of [ LiveContent 2.0] with the selection of CC licensed materials that we are gathering --- this DVD will be distributed to events such as South by Southwest and elsewhere. The bundle of books and educational resources we collect will be used by OLPC to send all over the world for children, families, and schools! And Textbook Revolution will compiling and reviewing the best college-level resources they can find for the coming re-launch of their new, community driven site. On Saturday, there will be a hackathon/jam at Olin college. If you are planning a similar jam or barcamps, add it to the list above! --,-'-,-<@
... in Spanish...Únete a One Laptop per Child, Creative Commons, de Textbook Revolution, compartiendo con el mundo entero! Qué hay que hacer:
Únete a nosotros:
Estamos recogiendo todos los libros, películas, música y otros contenidos que podamos en los próximos cinco días! Luego, el martes (2/19) de la Creative Commons será la grabación de un LiveDVD como parte de LiveContent 2.0 con gran selección de los materiales con licencia CC que estamos reuniendo. Este DVD se distribuirá en eventos como el Sur y Suroeste (South By Southwest) y en otros lugares. El paquete de libros y recursos educativos que recopilemos se utilizará por One Laptop per Child para enviar a todo el mundo para los niños, las familias y las escuelas. Y Textbook Revolution está compilando y haciendo revisión de los mejores estudios de nivel superior para el próximo re-lanzamiento de su nuevo sitio web comuniario. El sábado, habrá un hackathon / Olin atasco en la universidad. Esperamos que otros se creen atascos y barcamps y "sesiones mermeladas", y serán agregadas a la lista arriba! ... In European Portuguese ...Junta-te ao One Laptop Per Child, Creative Commons, e Textbook Revolution para partilhar com o mundo inteiro! O que fazer
Junta-te a nós
Estamos a recolher todos os livros, filmes, música e outros conteúdos que podemos nos próximos cinco dias! Depois, na terça-feira (2/19), a Creative Commons fará a gravação de um LiveDVD como parte do LiveContent 2.0 contendo uma grande seleção dos materiais com licença CC reunidos. Este DVD será distribuído em eventos como o Sul por Sudoeste (South By Southwest) e em outros locais. O conjunto de livros e recurso educativos que compilaremos será utilizado pela One Laptop Per Child para enviar por todo o mundo para crianças, famílias, e escolas. A Textbook Revolution está a fazer a compilação e revisão dos seu melhores recursos para o ensino superior para o re-lançamento em breve do seu novo site comunitário. No sábado, haverá uma hackathon na universidade Olin. Se planeias um evento parecido, adiciona à lista em cima. |
Here is a small universe of developing ideas about many aspects of the project. Feel free to dive in and edit or comment directly on those pages. I'm considering what core use cases are being prohibited by opportunistic order of operations in implementing our vision. 20:51, 8 January 2008 (EST) |
User needs
Learning how to use your own machine means being able to use normal developer toolchains once you get down to a shell -- having man pages, syntax-highliting editors, and compiler toolchains available or hinted at should be a bare minimum. Learning to hack your system shouldn't require jumping through extra hoops that others would not have to. Alternately, there should be provisions in place to create space for students and teachers to set up services or do development on school servers. This and useful 'view source' keybindings are needed to start breaking into one's own systems and making interesting discoveries. |
Bundling up
The first notion of bundle is an executable collection of code and supporting material, along with the objects that it can read or store. Bundles are shared or distributed as a whole; objects they create can be shared or reused individually. There is also a notion of a generic bundle -- a simple way to throw a few objects together and label them, for the purposes of sharing. It may be helpful to have a bundle manager activity, which helps find what exists (rather than the Journal, finding what people have done). Security discussions around bundles have focused on the idea that they are all executable. Generic bundles will likely not fall under this regime. We should think about an intermediate level of security that supports some sort of group stamping by community groups. This would let anyone who wants to use and test and review new activities can play with a reasonable but not completely stable/approved set of activities. |
A budding publishing career
Lulu has some delightful collections of books. Some authors publish entire series of free texts on their own; others see using the channel for self-publishing as an art form in itself. My favorite author is currently cedric du zob -- his abstracts and book summaries alone are worth a read, and I fear that actually reading any of his work might ruin my fine first impressions. Sites such as Lulu and Flickr, whose primary purposes are not to highlight free works - but in these cases to provide tools for meaningful self-publishing, or a social sites for storing and sharing photos - have been remarkably successful at attracting collections of free works, all the same. This jibes with my feeling that a focus on freedom is at best of temporary interest, as it is the natural state of sharing and creativity which only seems imperiled while we have a culture that teaches that sharing should only be done with care, or that the way to succeed is to carefully control the use of ideas, and imagines high barriers to creation and distribution. |
Notes from the community
15:33, 2 June 2007 (EDT) You can see & comment on / contribute to xoxo, a daily dose of updates from the community. I'm figuring out an initial target list today; items worth contributing include: events attended, package or project milestones, great pictures of or taken by you XO, and anything else of interest related to OLPC that you've started, finished, encoutered, or dreamed in your local community and online. Target length: 2 screens of plain text email. Small photos and images and icons particularly welcome; we could use more around the wiki as well. |
King School
A class/project wiki was set up for a group of bilingual students at the King Open School in Cambridge. They spent a week with XOs and produced some neat videos on its camera and personal pages about their experiences. I like the videotaped interviews and presentation the best, but linking the kids' own pages from the sidebar was also a nice idea. (The customized coloring on the embedded video was thanks to Fabiano de Carvalho.) |