Repair center locations

Revision as of 19:03, 29 April 2008 by Ixo (talk | contribs) (→‎Bellingham: added link to OLPC site.)
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What this page is

This page is a list of community groups who have offered to start volunteer repair centers once a supply-chain solution is figured out for parts, or once they can figure out their own alternative ways of getting equipment. The groups listed here often have technical knowledge and experience repairing broken computers, usually including XOs. Feel free to list your own group below if you'd like to run a similar endeavor, or partner with other groups in your area. Read Repair and Repair centers first to find out what we're doing!

Meet Others who will Support You

1. Please email < holt AT laptop DOT org > your phone number, to discuss your plans! Include a basic outline of your repair center proposal, and which business model(s) and/or volunteering model(s) you are considering towards sustainability. Be sure to include all the best times of the week when you want OLPC to call you back.

2. Grassroots organizers of Community Repair Centers are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans and share their successes on the grassroots mailing list.

3. Finally, consider joining OLPC's 60+ Community Support Volunteers who are driving many of these plans forward.

Map of Repair Centers

<googlemap lat="41.912497" lon="-95.624207" zoom="1"> 47.620716, -122.347533, Seattle, WA, USA 42.35888, -71.05682, Boston, MA, USA 48.751448, -122.472574, Bellingham, WA, USA 38.906981, -77.014231, DC, USA 40.438355, -80.001983, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 36.15888, -86.782097, Nashville, TN, USA 41.547353, -72.650872, Middletown, CT, USA 41.499713, -81.693716, Cleveland, OH, USA 39.099233, -84.517486, Cincinnati, OH, USA 41.879535, -87.624333, Chicago, IL, USA 33.652526, -117.918997, Costa Mesa, CA, USA 33.425711, -86.776886, Helena, AL, USA 52.149626,4.503998, Leiden, The Netherlands 27.661902,85.413895, Lakuri Bhanjhyang, Nepal </googlemap>

Potential locations

Vancouver, Canada

  • Contact Scott Nelson (scott.bernhard.nelson AT, with the very active Computer Recycling & Linux Users Group Free Geek Vancouver





  • TriLUG has expressed interest.
  • Meets at Red Hat, Centennial Park, NC - RLUG
  • Contact "sph0lt0n AT gmail DOT com" for info
  • Oak Hill Academy has also expressed interest.




  • Nashville / Murfreesboro, TN - kfx and his incipient student group @ MTSU



  • Cincinnati, OH - Ian Daniher + Local Highschool + University Team; hosted at resident MegaChurch w/ free wifi, kitchen areas, meeting rooms.



  • Cleveland, OH - Case Students led by Steve Burns(?) if needed

Southern California

  • Orange County, CA - scorche volunteers himself.

Birmingham, AL

For thoughts on the sustainability / economical background of such a Repair Center please have a look at these notes.


Leiden, The Netherlands


Our GOAL: To expose kids to repairing the XO hardware. A Nepali child will be justifiably wary of taking apart her XO when it is the only computer in her family and the single most expensive possesion in the family. Having spare broken XO's will allow Nepali kids to experiment more freely with the hardware. Additionally, we could expose kids who are not in the pilot grades two and six to the XO.