Talk:Environmental impact

Revision as of 19:52, 2 July 2008 by Mchua (talk | contribs) (→‎Mel's notes)
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Mel's notes

I think the schedule could be more aggressive, actually.

  • Day 1 (Thursday) - Disassemble, dimension, and photograph individual parts of the XO. Itemize them in a list somewhere on the wiki. (This is useful for repair centers as well - I think there was a list of parts posted somewhere, once... we should find it.)
  • Day 2 (Monday) - Find out what materials and manufacturing processes were used to make each part. Take notes of the ones you don't know or don't understand and talk with Andrew later that evening to fill in the rest.
  • Day 3 - (Tuesday) Working with Andrew, make a "how your XO is manufactured" guide/presentation/book. Also go to the library with Chris to find books and resources on CO2 footprint calculation.
  • Day 4 - (Wednesday) Get feedback on first draft of book. Also start doing CO2 calculations.


If you think this sounds reasonable, use it to update the schedule on the main wiki page. Also, can you revise the first 10 days of work so that you have at least 5 deliverables coming out - concrete things and artifacts you'll be able to point to and say "yes, I made this"?
