Release Process

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Release Process Overview

Special thanks to Michael Stone for creating most of the existing pages and spending time getting me up to speed on how its done now.

Also to Charles Merriam for helping show how good it can get

This is a first draft. Please send comments, questions and suggestions to greg at

Gregorio 08:46, 27 June 2008 (UTC) (UTC)

The goals of this process are to:

- Ensure high quality releases which meet the needs of users in a timely fashion.
- Maximize the participation, productivity and enthusiasm of the open source community.
- Create a predictable process which helps users and developers plan for the future.

Time-based Releases

A Release consists of a set of builds, documentation, an approved engineering change order (ECO), a completed checklist and support as defined below.

For example, see 8.1.0 Release Notes, the most recent Release as of this writing Gregorio 14:21, 27 June 2008 (UTC)

Each release will have a page linked from the Releases page

Time-based means that we have a target release day well in advance. It also means that we have a plan to begin the final test on a specific day. It does not mean that the release is guaranteed to be complete on the target release day. Features and non-critical bug fixes will be deferred to make the release day. However, a minimum standard of quality as defined by the Release Team must be met before the release is final. The release will be delayed until that minimum quality standard is met.

The definition of a minimum quality standard must be worked out and refined over time in consultation with customers and developers. It should be a priority of development and test teams to define that in advance and codify it as effectively as possible.

The choice of time based releases is motivated by its success in a growing number of open source projects. For examples, see the Fedora, Ubuntu and Gnome projects.

Major Releases

A Major Release includes significant new functionality. There will be two Major releases a year.

Major Releases will include bug fixes and new features (as opposed to Minor Release which should only include bug fixes).

A feature is defined as a significant change or enhancement to the current version of XO software that may or may not include new packages.

Features are usually considered to meet one or more of the following objectives:

  1. Highly user visible changes
  2. Improvements or changes that require non-trivial cross-package integration
  3. Noteworthy enough to call out in the release notes
  4. Exciting new capabilities we can trumpet.

Some examples might include:

  • New educational tools that will be used by children
  • New features from upstream that we are making available on the XO for the first time
  • Improvements to tools and infrastructure used by activity developers

Duration of Support

Each Major Release will be supported until two months after the second following Major Release is available. For example, 8.2.0 will be supported until 9.1.0 two months after 9.2.0 is available. That assumes that 8.2.0 is followed by 9.1.0 and 9.2.0. The date of when a release is "available" is set by the completion the "Release team final sign off" field on the Release Process Checklist.

The intention is that Major Release will be supported for at least 14 months. If the first iteration of a Major Release needs a Minor Release update right away (e.g. 8.2.0 comes out in August and it has problems so 8.2.1 is released in September), OLPC will encourage deployments to use the latest Minor Release but the date of posting of the Major Release will still determine the duration of support. That is 8.2.x will be supported until two months after 9.2.0 is available.

So at any time, OLPC will need to support two releases (e.g. 8.2.x and 9.1.x) and after the availability of a new Major Release OLPC will need to support three release for two months (e.g. 8.2.x, 9.1.x and 9.2.x). So if a critical bug fix comes up right after a new release (e.g. a security fix) and there are important users on each available release, OLPC will need to add the patch to three images and make three new Minor Releases (e.g. 8.2.4, 9.1.3, 9.2.1).

Meaning of Support

"Support" means that OLPC will consider releasing a Minor Release to address critical bug fixes needed by deployments. After the end of the support period, OLPC will endeavor to include needed bug fixes in the latest available release. The criteria for when OLPC makes a Minor Release available is defined in Release_Process_Home#Minor_Releases

Support also means we will work with upstream to understand and resolve security issues, and we will track, recreate and understand critical customer issues. New features and capabilities will not normally be included in Minor Releases. Each Minor Release must be fully backward compatibile with the Major Release on which is it based. All activities and feature which currently work will continue to work in the same way after upgrading from a Major Release (e.g. 8.2.0) to a Minor Release based on it (e.g. 8.2.1).

See also definition of Criteria for Delivering a Minor Release below.

Minor Releases

Minor releases will focus on bug fixes and will come out as often as negotiated by customers and OLPC. Minor releases may include new features if the release manager and primary customers agree they are well tested and documented. Minor releases must be fully backward compatible with the major release that they are based on. That is, activities and APIs must continue to work as before.

Only bug fixes (as opposed to new features - see Feature definition above) should go in Minor Release.

The one exception to that is that a Minor release would be generated to add support for an additional languages.

Criteria and Process for a Minor Release

A Minor Release will only be considered if it affects users.

The criteria and process for delivering a Minor Release are defined in the Software_ECO_process

Release and Build Naming Conventions

Release Names

Recall that Releases consist of a family of builds derived from a reference OS, along with "polish" like documentation, signatures, and installable images. It is assumed that end users including students will use a Release.

The release names are of the form "Y.H.NN"

  • Y = target calendar year
  • H = major release number representing first release or second release of the calendar year
  • NN represents the Minor Release, starting with .0 at the availability of the first Major Release and going up by 1 for each publicly available minor release after that.

A Major Release and all its derivative Minor Releases can be referred to with a variable (or wildcard) in the third digit (e.g. 8.2.x refers to 8.2.0, 8.2.1 and 8.2.3).

Example Names

  • 8.1.1 First Minor Release rebuild based on the first Major Release in CY08
  • 8.2.0 Second Major Release in CY08

Major and Minor Release will have code names before they are released.

Build Names

Recall that Releases consist of a family of builds derived from a reference OS, along with "polish" like documentation, signatures, and installable images. It is assumed that end users including students will use a Release.

The build family consists of a reference OS named:
which lives on The word "official" means that it is a final Major or Minor Release build (link to doc, etc.). The "nnn" is an integer uniquely identifying the source code. An example is official-703.

Derivative builds may be created locally by anyone. However, cryptographic signatures are required to enable "cheap" mass installation of the derivatives. No signatures are required if you are willing to use OLPC-supported USB customization technology or if you request developer keys for all your machines.

Derivative builds are named as follows:
The "variant" field is typically a short string identifying a deployment or language group such as "peru" or "en". When the build name does not start with "official" it means that either:

  • the reference operating system was customized to produce a derivative build, in which case the name will be as above, or
  • a fork has taken place.

For example,

peru-703-6 is the customized build created for Peru based on the source code identified by 703.


en-708-1 is the English language customization of release candidate build 708. This is not an official Release unless and until official-708 is released and it is documented on the release page.

I find this section confusing. The bits on an XO are a combination of a core OS plus an activity set. The peru-703-2 build was intended to denote that "core OS" 703 was combined with "version 2" of peru's activity set for that core. The "en-708-1" name seems to be too brief; it should be something like "g1g1-en-708-1" to more clearly indicate that it is the english language version of the "g1g1" activity set (that is, the activities provided to the original g1g1 participants). Presumably the "en" was intended to reflect that we might add different activities for future European g1g1 participants?
In any case, I believe this nomenclature was a mistake. We should not be exposing the raw build number of the core OS; we should be providing names like "peru-8.1-2" instead. This also reflects the fact that Peru's activity set is not likely to require change when 8.1.1 is released, since minor releases should maintain API compatibility.
Finally, the discussion in this section seems to anticipate the fact that some countries might fork the official OLPC core OS to varying degrees, and proposes a naming system for this which is confusingly similar to the names given to "official" core + activities set. If names for forks are required, I think we need to revisit this naming system altogether to avoid confusion. Perhaps '8.1+peru-2' is a better base name; a forked uruguay build based on 8.1 might be called 'uruguay-8.1+uruguay-3' or perhaps we should just encourage using an unrelated name like 'uruguay-1.0+uruguay-3' to avoid confusion with the "official" 8.1. --CScott 02:15, 29 June 2008 (UTC)

Types of Builds

Each build consists of a core OS.

One way of classifying a build is to identify its readiness to be a Release.

There are four types of builds in that classification:

  1. Released images - (a.k.a. "stable") with release notes and ECO. This is a signed image which does not need a developer key to install on an XO. (e.g. official-703; the OS component of the 8.1.0 Release)
  2. Release candidates - (a.k.a. "testing") release candidates which are in change control and may become official releases if it passes the test cycle. (e.g. candidate-708; tentatively the OS component of the 8.1.1 Release )
  3. Development images - (a.k.a. "unstable") - the latest image with the latest code but it is also likely to contain significant bugs. (e.g. joyride-2072)
  4. Experimental images - images which are not expected to work and which are used for creating major new functionality; typically a part of "topic branches". (e.g. faster-2072)

More details on available builds and how to get them are here.

See also: build system, Debian descriptions of stable/testing/unstable/experimental.

For a developer wanting to contribute new code we recommend the following steps:

  1. Decide whether you want to hack on activities, releases, bugs, or experimental features.
  2. Choose the corresponding build type: released images, candidates, development images, or your own topic branch.
  3. Send an e-mail to and/or explaining your work and gathering feedback.
  4. Implement a basic first pass which compiles and shows the main idea. Post a link to its source to the same lists, preferably in a patch-like format.
  5. Revise as needed based on feedback.
  6. If possible, get the changes included in an upstream repository or, as appropriate, ask the list for details on how to package it locally for the XO. One useful link on including packages in Fedora is here

Release candidates are the builds that may replace the current 'stable' designation. Release candidates are created during the execution of software engineering change orders. See details of ECO creation steps in the Release Process page and An Example ECO for 8.1.1

Note: each successful build generates products that can be installed on some system. For example, release builds contain disk images suitable for flashing to NAND, for consumption by OLPC update, for inspection on other systems, and for simulation in QEMU. Traditionally, important builds are announced on

Release Steps and Schedule

Steps to Create a New Major Release

Step 1 - New Major Release is named.

Step 2 - Release objectives and lead customer identified. Target features listed and target date down to the month is chosen.
The module maintainer, with his peers and the community comes up with a set of target features for the release. Product Management participates in the discussion and informs it based of customers feedback. Product Management and the relevant module maintainers are responsible to build consensus. The module maintainers are responsible to ensure that the code going in git repositories is consistent with that consensus.

Step 3 - Schedule is posted per below

Major Release Schedule

All announcements in refered to below will be sent to the Devel list at and Localization list at

0 Start Release Process Set Target Date and Name Pick the target date and name the release.

  1. 95 days before target date Announce Steam Milestone coming in 5 Days. .
  2. 90 days before target date Announce Steam Milestone achieved. Steam level Release Candidate Finalized
  3. 65 days before target date Announce Water Milestone coming in 5 days. Water level Release Candidate chosen
  4. 60 days before target date Announce Water Milestone achieved. Water level Release Candidate finalized
  5. 35 days before target date Announce Ice Milestone coming in 5 days.
  6. 30 days before target date Announce Ice Milestone achieved.
  7. 15 days before target date Announce Final Test starting in 5 days
  8. 10 days before target date Announce start of Final Test
  9. When Final Test Passes Announcement Day.

Steam Milestone

Prior to Steam Milestone, there is great freedom to propose changes because resources have not been allocated toward integrating and testing the proposed changes. We allocate these resources with release contracts. At this milestone, we will ask that all major new features and packages or large pieces of code be identified.

Steam Milestone Announcement

The announcement of meeting this Milestone will include:

  • A list of all Release Contracts currently confirmed and those under consideration. The deadline for confirming Release Contracts and new features will be set for the Water Milestone which will come 30 days after Steam.
  • A list of packages targeted for the Release and the package maintainers.
  • A link to the wiki page where the release status be maintained
  • The name and link to the branch which will become the build candidate

Water Milestone

At the Water Milestone all new features should be identified and a first implementation should be in the candidate build. The purpose of the Water Milestone is to ensure that changes have adequate time to be tested and to shift focus to bug-fixing for the final release. Development builds of packages can continue, however they will not be included in the release image unless you request an exception to the Water Milestone (see below).

At the announcement of the Water Milestone developers are expected to have created release contracts for each new feature or major change.

On or before the Water Milestone, module maintainers should propose a set of bug fixes to get into the testing branch. They usually do so by releasing a new version of their module and informing the release team about the changes it contains and the steps necessary to test those. The release team will make sure that the relevant QA is executed and either approve the changes or ask for fixes/improvements. As soon as the changes are approved they are added to the Release Candidate build.

Minor changes (e.g. bug fixes) can still be added without approval until the transition the Ice Milestone. Changes requiring great coordination to deliver like string changes and UI changes will be deferred if possible.

After the Water Milestone significant code changes should get approval of the module maintainer. As the Ice Milestone approaches, the module maintainers and overall release maintainer will become more discriminating in which changes they will accept.

Water Milestone Announcement

The announcement of meeting this Milestone will include:

  • A list of all Release Contracts and target features for the release.
  • The set of bug fixes currently marked as blocker for the release and the way to query for the blockers in Trac.
  • The current candidate build and a description of its reliability and important open bugs.

Water Milestone Exception Procedure

If you think that you need to add a feature after the Water Milestone, then you should ask for approval. To do so, send an email to and with the following information.

  • A description of what you want to change
  • Rationale for why the change is important enough to be allowed in after the Water Milestone.
  • Impact of *not* accepting the development at this point of the schedule.
  • Information on what testing you've already done on the development to help reduce the risk.

After passing Water Milestone, changes requiring reallocation of integration and test resources (i.e. requiring a new release contract) will require approval by module maintainers and Release Management before being accepted.

The release team will evaluate the request and provide feedback.

Approval will come in the form of +1's. Two +1's (without any negative feedback) and approval from the Release Team are necessary to build. If there is negative feedback, conversation will ensue and a new vote will be issued.

String Freeze

All strings which need translation should be finalized by Water Milestone. This allows translation teams to start final translation per Localization/Workflow their process.

POT (link and definition please - GS) is frozen at the Water Milestone and translators begin translating with the assumption that there will be no more string changes. If developers want to change string/POT after the Water Milestone, prior and approval will be needed from the Localization list:

Ice Milestone

As of this date every single change to the source code needs to be approved by the Release Team before it happens.

Only bug fixes marked as blocker should be allowed in the image after this Milestone. The Release Team will review all bugs marked as blockers and re-triage them as necessary.

All translation packages should be final by this time.

If you think you need to add bug fix after the Ice Milestone you must follow the same process as defined in the Water Milestone above.

Translation Refresh

It's ok if every build uses the latest translations in repo (link or definition?). But if not, the committed translations in repo must be pulled into package builds by the Ice Milestone.

Final Test Milestone

This is when the count down to release starts. The release is not final until the Release Team signs off and the Release Process Checklist is complete. At this stage, quality is the only thing which will delay the release date.

All test plans should be defined and posted prior to the Final Test Milestone

Final Test Announcement

The announcement of meeting this Milestone will include:

  • The name of the Release Candidate build
  • A request for all testers to report results and give +1 or -1 on Release Candidate being released
  • The results of testing so far and a link to known open bugs in Trac
  • A list of priority areas that need additional testing

Translation Freeze

Commit from Pootle is done. All translations are final.

Release Day Milestone

This is the target release day but it is not the actual release day until the Release Team signs off and the Release Process Checklist is complete.

Minor Release Steps

Minor Releases follow the process outline here:

In particular a Release must complete the checklist:

Release Goals and Request Prioritization


Existing thinking on the current plan is here

Open Items

Open items needing definition and additional work

  • Finalize Major Release process details and create page for it
  • Update and post a new picture of the release process and release trains
  • Create a schedule for 9.1.0 and perhaps 8.2.1
  • List the software components, maintainers and modules in a release.
  • Create an activities development process including a way to put them in releases.
  • Make it easy to find the source for any component and build.
  • Define feature and bug prioritization process
  • Define release quality metrics and include test details and milestones
  • Create governance and community best practices guidelines
  • Gather community buy in and get consensus
  • Finalize release and triage team members
  • Review and finalize Status page
  • Put the process in to practice, revise and improve
  • Include more details on translations in the process

User:CScott's suggestions for further discussion:

  • Is the "product" of our release a core OS, an OS plus "reference" activities, or are we ultimately responsible for producing final configurations for every deployment? Assuming that it's the second, what's the release process/schedule for those activities, and who decides (a) what activities are considered for inclusion, (b) what bugs will disqualify an activity for inclusion, and (c) what activities we will not "release" without? At what point(s) do we hand off release candidates for countries to validate against their activity set?
  • Fedora is currently on a 6-month release schedule. It has been suggested that we attempt to synchronize with them, and release roughly a month after Fedora does.
  • We probably need to add process steps to handle export approval.
  • Is six months too long between major releases for a stack in heavy active development? The longer the cycle, the more churn occurs and the harder it seems to be to stabilize. A four-month or even three-month release schedule could still sync up with Fedora, and might avoid the need to spend additional engineering effort on non-trivial minor releases. How will we know whether our release cycles are the right length? (Mozilla started with a 5 week milestone cycle, and moved to quarterly milestones; Fedora, Gnome, and Ubuntu are on 6-month cycles.)
  • I believe it is worth adopting a community roadmap like GNOME where, at the start of the release cycle, component owners can outline what they hope to land in the next major release.