Talk:OLPC Nepal

Revision as of 10:41, 28 July 2009 by Nhorning (talk | contribs)
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This is primarily Neil's Task list for this wiki. Feel free to add and take away, so we can get a clear concept of what is needed here.

Out of date things

  • News
Need additional news stories
Look on: blog | OLE news | additional news sites.
Quite a few added. Need just a bit more
  • General Information about Nepal
look on: Wolfram Alpha, Google etc. < done

  • Country Information (top and bottom)
• Deployment < Done 
• Number of laptops < Done
• Build < Done
• School Server <  Done
• Deployment status < Done

Things that should be added.

  • wolfram alpha Nepal page < Done
  • Other schools than Bashuki and Bishwamitra.
Look on:  blog
  • More Planning Documents
Look on: blog,
  • OLE Nepal in Bashuki and Bishwamitra schools
Bahuki <
experiences < 
Bishwamitra <   added follow up items from blog
experiences < 
  • Some relevant items from the blog < This section was removed by another user
Need more of them. 
-OLE Nepal Deployment Guide
  • E-pustukalaya page
Need info besides the announcement.  Documentation? 
  • List of default installed activities.
Also put list of prospective default installed activities here


  • List of things that need further info before action.
What is the current:
School server? 
Deployment status?
Are these currently up to date?
  • What is the purpose of this page?
Information for:
other OLPC projects?
Internal exchange of ideas?