Talk:Help Activity refresh/Chapter/TamTam
Images to be added (Done! with resizing help from Cherry Withers... thanks!)
- If you are proof-reading and testing this page, please do not try to edit it directly. The wikiHTML here is very complex due to difficult formatting needed for the scale and songs.
- Please put all of your comments and suggestions on this discussion page and I can go in and make any needed changes.
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Thanks for helping! Caryl
Great stuff Caryl. Just one mistake: it's "Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do" ("Si" instead of "Ti").
Appears both in text and on the keyboard image.
Thanks Lionel... as I mention in my text, "Ti" becomes "Si" in many countries. I used "Ti" because of the line in the "Do-Re-Mi" song in "Sound of Music" ... "Ti a drink that goes with jam and bread..." Also, my first users of the material were children in a rural elementary school in Montana. I hope folks will read the text that clarifies this! Maybe I should use italics or something?
In some countries like India we use "si" maybe a Uk standard. But yes "ti" made popular with the movie.
Don't know where my last edit went! Will resend.