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Known as Isforinsects on IRC (not ls forinsects), short for Specialization is for insects. It's a Heinlein thing.

About me

/I am a volunteer for this project, with no official status or title. Anything I say or do is not the opinion of anyone officially on the OLPC project./

What I do for the OLPC

I am working on mostly non-technical aspects of the project. Mostly the processing of material and volunteering for somewhat related projects. I have a very strong interest in Social Media and I would like to leverage that for the community if possible.


The on-board camera of the OLPC (xo) needs killer applications. It has great video chat and picture taking abilities. But I think that needs an external project to be captured by the xo. I am working on creating a very simple how-to walking children through basic stop motion animation, using materials they should have in their communities. An admin from the wonderful WikiHow has offered her services on this, so the project will probably be hosted there and then ported to the OLPC.


I have volunteered for Librivox previously and really love their project. Not many people seem to be getting the Librivox recordings ready for the OLPC so I am starting to work on this. The materials need to be transcoded into Speex and trimmed as small as possible to save space. I hope to have some serious speex-fu by the time I'm done.

French as a First Foreign Language FAAFFL

I am in contact with a French professor from Slovenia who has material to contribute to the OLPC. I am going to assist him in moving his existing work over to wikibooks, where it can be added to existing material. When the immediate material is processed, there should be about half a year of First Year French. I'm not sure, but I think it will end up being for a middleschool or highschool audience.

Once it is mostly complete at wikibooks, it can be picked up and placed on the OLPC (how I'm not sure, but people in-the-know have told me so).


Flickr is a social media site for the display and sharing of digital pictures. There is a need to see what from that vast repository of photos (many with a Creative Commons -by license) could make it to the OLPC. I've started a group [[1]] that will eventually be the home of this project, although what form it may take I'm not sure.

This wiki

I also try keep this wiki up to date. Right now I am working on putting obx templates on activities pages and keeping an eye out for vandalism and misplaced pages.


  • Get a hold of someone on en.wikibooks about processing FAAFFL (french as a first foreign language)
    • IRC?
  • Play with and record play-dough activities this weekend
    • Find new generic name for trademark: Play-dough (flour salt water? see wikihow)