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ラップトップ ニュース 2007-12-08

1. Santiago: David Cavallo keynoted TISE 2007, the workshop on Educational Software.

1. Santiago (サンティアゴ)
David Cavallo がTISE 2007で基調演説しました。これは教育ソフトウェアのワークショップです。

2. Schedule: The release of our Ship.2 Build (650) and firmware (Q2D07) occurred in time to be installed on the G1G1 laptops that will begin shipping on Monday.

2. Schedule (スケジュール)
Ship.2 Build (650)とfirmware (Q2D07)のリリースはG1G1ラップトップにインストールされ月曜日の出費に間に合いました。

The roadmap for Update.1 has been enhanced with more detailed dates and important bug fixes that are being worked on (Please see http://dev.laptop.org/roadmap). We have already passed feature freeze and string freeze (for translations). The next milestone is code freeze on December 15. Developers not fixing critical bugs for Update.1 should provide their recommended feature set for Update.2 (and beyond).

詳しい日付やバグフィックスなどは http://dev.laptop.org/roadmap をご覧ください。
'feature freeze'(機能フリーズ)と翻訳のための'string freeze'(ストリング・フリーズ)はすでにおこなわれました。
Update.1でクリティカル・バグフィックスをおこなっていないディベロッパーはUpdate.2からその後のrecommended feature setの用意を整えてください。

3. Testing: Ricardo Carrano, Yani Galanis, and Michail Bletsas spent a number of hours with a forty (40) laptop test bed in a quiet RF environment to ensure that we have fixed our most egregious wireless bug—the lazyWDS problem—and to dig deeper into an occasional wireless crash problems in mesh networks of more than 30 laptops. They have also been working with Robert McQueen and the Collabra team to document and simplify the process of creating a Jabber server –so individuals and groups can create their own Jabber servers to make their own mesh neighborhood clusters. Yani is working on a test plan to scale the number laptops virtually connected to a Jabber server so we can simulate having 100s of users while using only a few laptops.

3. Testing (テスト)
Ricado Carrano, Yani Galanis, Michail Bletsasによる'lazyWDS'問題の修正テスト。その他に、時々おこるメッシュ・ネットワーク内のワイヤレス・クラッシュ問題調査。
Robert McQueen, Collabra teamと共同でJabberサーバのドキュメントと立ち上げを簡単にする作業。

Alex Latham has moved on to testing Joyride builds after adding some notes to the Ship.2 release notes—not complete, but there is a link from the Software Release Notes page (Please see OLPC Ship.2 Software Release Notes). Alex also spent time reviewing and documenting the activation and developer key processes (Please see Activation and Developer Keys).

Alex Lathamは:
Joyride buildsのテストに移動しました。
Ship.2 release notesに少し追加
詳しくはこちら: OLPC Ship.2 Software Release Notes
activation and key processesの書き入れとレビュー
詳しくはこちら: Activation and Developer Keys

4. Support: We had meetings between OLPC, Brightstar, RMS (Brightstar's tech-support call center), and Patriot to map out the phone, email, webpages, and processes that will help our new laptop users to get up to speed quickly and diagnose some problems they might encounter (Please send comments regarding http://laptop.org/gettingstarted). Adam has been helping to coordinate and document the internal and externally facing support mechanisms.

4. Support (サポート)
OLPC, Brightstar, RMS, Patriotの電話、Eメール、ウェブページ、プロセスにつぃての会議がおこなわれました。詳しくはここをご覧ください http://laptop.org/gettingstarted
Adamはinternalとexternal facing support mechanismsのドキュメントとコーディネートのお手伝いをしました。

5. Wireless: Michail Bletsas reports that the past week was spent testing reliability, functionality, and scalability.

5. Wireless (ワイヤレス/無線通信)
Michail Bletasは信頼性、機能、スケーラビリティのテストをしました。

On the reliability front, David Woodhouse is in the process of sanitizing the command queueing used in the wireless driver; this should eliminate the occasional fall into catatonia by the firmware.

David Woodhouseはwireless driverで使われるcommand queingのsanitize作業。おかげで時々ファームウェアがcatatoniaに落ちるのを削除するでしょう。

Testing this week confirmed that these problems only manifest in very busy wireless environments. Even in such environments, they tend to only affect idle machines. When XOs are idle, the are exchanging Salut traffic (useful) and generating probes and probe responses for WLAN discovery (useless and a big nuisance with large numbers of XOs). Michail is currently testing a version of the firmware that disables probe responses from XOs with the intent to deploy it in the upcoming learning workshops so that we can comfortably run all the machines in the room concurrently.

たとえその様な環境内でもアイドルのマシンしか影響はありません。 XOがアイドルの時Salut traffic (とても役に立つ)を交換してWLAN discovery (役に立たなく多くのXOにとって迷惑)のためにprobesとprobe responsesの生成します。
Michailは我々が部屋にあるすべてのマシンを容易くコンカレントに走らせるために、XOからprobe responseを無効にするfirmwareバージョンを今テストしている最中です。

Collabora also found a number of bugs in the local-link presence code which will improve scaling in the next release. Ricardo tested various workarounds for the UI's wireless encryption configuration bugs.


6. Active antennae: Marvell is going to release the firmware update tool for the active antennae next week. This became more urgent after the recent frame-format change and John Watlington's observation that the school server’s boot time is longer than the time period during which the active antennas wait for the host to talk them after power-up (See further discussion below). The current modules switch into autonomous mode before the server has finished with its boot-up sequence and thus they fail to be properly configured by the server. We will have to increase the host-wait timeout on the antennae to avoid this in the future and flash server modules with the standard radio boot code (to prevent them from going into autonomous mode).

6. Active antennae (アクティブ・アンテナ)
次の週はMarvellによるactive antennaeのfirmware update toolのリリース予定。
つい最近のfame-formatの変更とスクール・サーバのブート・タイムがパワーアップの後にくるホストからの連絡がアクティブ・アンテナの待つ時間よりも長いと言うJohn Watlingtonの観察によって、この問題はさらに緊急の事情となりました。(詳しい説明は下に書いてある文章をご覧ください。)
current modulesはサーバがboot-up sequenceを終了する前にautonomouse modeに切り替わるため、サーバによって正しく設定されるのに失敗してまいます。将来これを防ぐ、そして、standard radio boot codeでserver modulesをflashするには、(autonomous modeに入らないようにするため)アンテナのhost-wait timeoutを増加する必要があります。

7. Sugar: Tomeu Vizoso moved the object chooser from the Sugar library to the Journal. Activities now ask the Journal to display the object chooser so the user may choose which Journal entry the activity should have access to. This will help to protect the privacy of the user while allowing activities to consume data from other activities. Also, this removes duplicate code and facilitates sharing of features between the Journal and the object chooser.

7. Sugar (シュガー)
Tomeu Vizosoはobject chooserをSugar libraryからJournalへ移動させました。activitiesスタードアップが遅くなっている原因の追跡。すでにUpdate.1で改良できるいくつかの場所を確認。ほかのアップデートはその後に来ます。

Tomeu also is investigating why activities startup has gotten to be so slow of late. He has already identified some areas that can be easily improved for Update.1. Other improvements will come later.

Simon Shampijer worked this week on tracking down and fixing issues in the browser regarding Rainbow security: the data generated by the “view source” command are saved in $SAR/instance and the browser profile is saved in $SAR/data. There is still a remaining issue with the permissions for the profile, since these are files sometimes generated and accessed by the library. Will have to discuss this again with Michael Stone and Marco Pesenti Gritti. Working along with Morgan Collett, we finally have all the parts for a fix to the Rainbow-related problem with opening links from Chat in the browser. But not everything is in Joyride yet for testing.

Simon ShampijerはRaimbow securityに関連するブラウザの問題調査とフィックス。profileのpermissionsについての問題はまだ残っています。

Reinier Heeres spent last week getting a new evince version working (evince is the PDF back-end for Read). It was already working in jhbuild, but some library dependencies had to be removed and new rpm packages built. This is now complete, so everything is in place to get packages in Joyride soon. Reinier is also working on supporting bundle upgrades from the Journal. Beside that, he fixed some Sugar bugs, like leaking of icons in /tmp, and has written code to improve unmount-failure feedback in the Journal.

Reinier Heeresが新evinceバージョンを作動させる作業。完了したのでその内Joyrideに取り込む予定。その他、Journalからのbundle upgradeサポート、シュガーのバグ、Journalのumount-failure feedbackを改良するコードを書きました。

8. Open hardware manager: Chris Ball worked on power manager bugs and features. The version of OHM in the Joyride build is complete except for two new features being added for Update.1—better handling of user-set brightness (currently OHM will override it) and inhibiting suspend when the CPU is not idle. These should land in Joyride next week.

8. Open hardware manager (オープン・ハードウェア・マネージャ)
Chris Ballはpower manager bugsとfeaturesの作業。
二つの新しい機能以外はJoyride buildのOHMバージョンは完了

Chris hasn't had much time to work on Pippy—if anyone can think of Pippy “examples” they'd like to see in Update.1, please let him know.

9. Emulation: Bernie Innocenti and Mitchell Charity improved the experience for users of QEMU, Vmware, and other emulated environments. We now support the video driver vmware_drv, which also works with the latest CVS snapshots of QEMU and provides a 1200x900 mode.

9. Emulation (エミュレーション)
Bernie Innocenti, Mitchell Charityの両方がQEMU、Vmware、他のemulated environmentsのユーザ体験改良しました。

10. Utilities: Bernie also made changes to the boot process and olpc-utils for better UTF-8 support. olpc-configure now regenerates the library index after updates. The experimental Xserver 1.5 is still in the works, and lives in a separate xtest build for now.

10. Utilities (ユーティリティ)
olpc-configureアップデートの後library indexをリジェネレートする
実験中のXserver1.5はまだまだ作業中、別のxtest buildにあります。

11. Rainbow: Michael Stone experimented with an architecture for our automated testing; he also spent time answering Sugar-related questions about Rainbow, he a little bit on Rainbow bug-fixing, and helped get us unstuck on encryption export controls and P_DOCUMENT/P_DOCUMENT_RO.

11. Rainbow (レインボウ)
Michael Stoneは以下の作業をしました:
automated testingのarchitecture実験
Sugar (シュガー)に関連したRainbow (レインボウ)の質問への返答
encryption export controlsとP_DOCUMENT/P_DOCUMENT_ROのアドバイス

12. Builds: Last week, C Scott Ananian managed stable builds through 649, making our builds substantially less sexy, and finished and tuned olpc-update-query, which allows you to subscribe to any one of a number of “update streams” to keep your machine up to date.

12. Builds (ビルド)
C Scott Ananianの作業:
649を通してstable build (ステーブル・ビルド)成功

This week Scott shepherded build 650 with Q2D06 and fixed the “fail to boot on upgrade” bug. He has automated generation of activation/developer keys—there are no more “sneakernet” delays! He also added statistics collection code to the activation server in order to let us track which builds are “in the wild”; he promises pretty graphs next week.

Q2D06でbuild 650現る
"fail to boot on upgrade"バグの修正
activation/developer keys作成の自動化
activation serverにstatistics collection codeの追加

Scott also cleaned up the server-side component of the XO dev key request page; he worked with Michael on integrating automated testing into our build system, using the pybots/buildbots framework; he edited Activation and Developer Keys; and he did a “sticker drive” at OLPC HQ, trying to remove machines running ancient versions of libertas firmware from our network.

XO dev keyリクエスト・ページのserver-side componetのクリーンアップ
Michaelと共同でpybots/buildbotsを使いbuild systemへのautomated testingのインテグレーション
OLPC HQで古バージョンlibertas firmwareをネットワークからの削除
13. Presence service (プレゼンス・サービス)
Guillaume Desmottesの作業:
wikiでOpenfire serverの配備の仕方説明文書入れ: (こちらをご覧くださいOpenfire Configuration)
Openfireでのalias問題: (Openfire Configuration#Alias roped)
server component XMPP protocolで作業
バグフィックス http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13156

Sjoerd Simons analyzed some network traces of tests with 10 or more XOs, which lead to the discovery that idle session of Salut’s Clique protocol didn’t scale as they are supposed to. He released telepathy-salut-0.2.0, which is the start of a bug-fix-only branch for salut. This release fixes stream tubes on machines without nss-mdns (such as the XO) and the aforementioned scaling issue of idle Clique sessions.

Sjoerd Simonsは、
10以上のXOを使ったnetwork tracesのアナライズ

Rob McQueen has been working with Dafydd Harries, Guillaume Desmottes, and Simon McVittie to write up proposed XMPP component protocol. Rob has also been liaising (or nagging :D) with ejabberd upstream to try and address stability issues on jabber.laptop.org and hence school server deployments. He has packaged the ejabberd trunk and is trying it on jabber.laptop.org and he has tracked outstanding ejabberd issues that affect jabber.laptop.org and school server (automatic configuration of shared roster). He has been applying hacks to keep jabber.laptop.org running (such as watch ejabberd with monit, reduce the shared roster to recently-active users rather than all registered users, etc.) and the odd bit of packaging/trac herding for telepathy components.

Rob McQueenは以下の作業をしました:
Dafydd Harries, Guillaume Desmottes, Simon McVittieらとプロポーズされたXMPP component protocolの書き上げ
jabber.laptop.orgでの信頼性問題についてejabberd upstreamとの連絡
ejabberd trunkのパッケージとjabber.laptop.orgでのテスト
jabber.laptop.orgとschool serverに関する非解決ejabbered問題の追跡
telepathy componentsのpackaging/trac herding

Dafydd Harries began work on the Jabber-server extension planned for Update 2 that we hope will greatly improve collaboration scalability.

Dafydd Harriesは、
Update 2に予定されているJabber-server extentionの作業開始

Morgan Collett engaged in various discussions on mailing lists and IRC about jabber servers and appropriate expectations for Ship.2 users. Please note that there is not be a working server configured in the Ship.2 software, since we cannot support that kind of volume on our current server infrastructure. Anyone interested in running a server for themselves or a specific community should see the latest information in the wiki (See Run your own jabber server). Morgan also tested Ship.2 collaboration and herded patches and bugs through the Update.1 approval process, including Presence Service patches that have been pending for a while.

Morgan Collettは、
jabber serversとユーザに対するShip.2の期待に関連したメーリングリストとIRCの議論参加
Ship.2 collaborationとherded patchesのテスト
Update.1 approval processを通したPresence Service patchesも含めたバグのテスト
注意: 今のサーバ設備では量が多すぎてサポート出来ないので、 Ship.2ソフトウェアにはワーキングサーバの設置はされていません。自分のサーバを立ち上げるのに興味ある方はwikiで次のページをご覧ください: Run your own jabber server

14. Laptop firmware: Mitch Bradley released two new firmware for the laptop this week. Q2D06 was release on Tuesday night to fix a problem found which might cause problems when upgrading the laptops. It was quickly superseded by Q2D07 on Thursday night, when a bug was found by Quanta which will brick the laptop if the RTC battery (on the motherboard) fails. If you are running Q2D05 or Q2D06, please update immediately to Q2D07.

14. Laptop firmware (ラップトップ・ファームウェア)
Mitch Bradleyの活躍:
注意: Q2D05を使っているなら、すぐにQ2D07にアップデートしてください。

15. School server: A new build of school server software (137) was released this week. This includes newer libertas (wireless mesh) drivers and firmware, as well as supporting the hot-plugging of Active Antennas. It was decided on Tuesday to proceed with the laptop backup/restore protocol developed by Ivan Krstić and the Journal team for Update.1; it will be included in an upcoming release to allow testing over the next few weeks. Upcoming features are the addition of the Jabber server and web caching.

15. School server (スクール・サーバ)
新いlibertas frimwareとdrivers
Active Antennaホットプラグのサポート
Update.1のためにJournal teamとIvan Krstićが開発したラップトップのbackup/restore protocolの導入決定。

We discovered a serious problem with the new Active Antenna prototypes this week. These are the ones assembled around the beginning of November, and handed out to a number of countries and developers. The Boot2 firmware placed on them in manufacturing (3109) enters standalone repeater mode too quickly, and once in that mode they stop talking over USB. By the time a server has booted it can no longer talk to its Active Antennas! Attempts to downgrade the Boot2 firmware to the latest—which doesn't support standalone repeater mode (3107)—using the libertas-flash tool developed last year by Dan Williams are failing due to changes in the Boot2 API. As the most recent software builds now support hot-plugging of the antenna, the temporary work-around is to plug the antennas into the server after it has booted up.

Active Antennaに関する深刻な問題発見
我々は新しいActive Antenna (アクティブ・アンテナ)のプロトタイプで深刻な問題を発見しました。当てはまるモデルは11月の初めあたりに組み立てられいくつかの国とディベロッパーに送られた物たちです。Manufacturing (3109)に入っているBoot2ファームウェアは'stanalone repeater mode' (スタンドアローン・リピータ・モード)に早く入りすぎて、いったんそのモードに入るとUSB上での通信は途絶えてしまいます。サーバがブートしたらもう自分のActive Antenna (アクティブ・アンテナ)とは通信出来なくなっています。Dan Williamsが去年開発したlibertas-flash toolをつかいBoot2ファームウェアをstandalone repeater mode (3107)(スタンドアローン・リピータ・モード)のない一番新いファームウェアへダウングレードしようと試してみましたが、Boo2のAPIによる変更で失敗に終わりました。最新のソフトウェア・ビルドはアンテナ・ホットプラグのサポートがあるので、一時的な解決法としてサーバがブート終了したその後にアンテナを差し込みます。

16. From the community: Bruno Coudoin uploaded a new release of the GCompris activities. Bruno followed Bert Freudenberg 's EToys scripts to stay retro-compatible with previous startup sequence. Changes include a new sugar compliant icon; a Spanish translation; a fix to some some broken activities (e.g., algebra_plus-activity); and better Rainbow compatibility (e.g., no more writing in the home directory).

16. From the community (コミュニティから)
Bruno Coudoinは、
GCompris activityのアップロード
Bert FreudenbergのEToysスクリプトを以前のスタートアップ・シークエンスとretro-compatibleにするための作業

Eduardo Silva has been working on a new application called “XO-Monitor.” The goal is to watch the XO resources from a normal PC or laptop through the network with a simple graphical user interface written in PyGTK. It is very similar to the old developer console and it can aquire basic information such as build, kernel, firmware, model, serial number, etc.; trace system CPU usage; view logs; report simple network statistics; and list all of the XOs in the local network. More information about the project can be found in the wiki (Please see XO Monitor).

Eduardo Silvaの働き、
詳しい説明は XO Monitor

Wolfgang Rohrmoser and Kurt Gramlich are proud to announce the initial version of their OLPC XO-LiveCD. This new project targets these goals:

• give children, students, teachers and parents the opportunity to participate and use the Sugar educational software on a common PC;
• support demonstration of OLPC software to non-developers;
• provide an easy maintainable Live-System for developers to test activities on the sugar desktop, this could be regarded as an alternative to existing OLPC virtualbox and qemu images.

The technology they choose embeds an unmodified official Redhat build into a framework (LiveBackup), which provides everything needed to run a live system. Going this way we are able to minimize the work for updates as new OLPC builds get released.

The ISO image are available at:


as: XO-LiveCD_<date>.iso

Images will be mirrored to:


Wolfgang and Kurt encourage everybody to try it out and give them feedback for improvements; please send mail to:

XO-LiveCD@skolelinux.de. Further information is available in the XO-LiveCD.pdf document at:


Wolfgang Rohrmoser, Kurt Gramlich:
OLPC XO-LiveCD初バージョンのリリース
・ 子供たち、生徒達、先生ら、そして、親たちが通常のPCを使ってSugar educational softwareへの参加と仕様する機会をあたえる。
・ ディベロッパーではない人たちにOLPCをデモしてサポートをする。
・ sugar desktopでディベロッパーがactivityのテストができるようにするため、簡単にメンテナンスできるLive-Systemの提供。それは今存在するOLPC virtualboxとqemu imagesの代替として見なすことが出来ます。
ISO イメージのダウンロード (ファイル名:XO-LiveCD_<日付>.iso):
ミラー: http://skolelinux.de:/XO-LiveCD/
ドキュメント: http://skolelinux.de:/XO-LiveCD/XO-LiveCD.pdf
連絡先: XO-LiveCD@skolelinux.de

17. Urdu localization: Waqas Toor and Salman Minhasreport have almost completed their Urdu Glossary Project; Waqas be will be testing it over this weekend and will be ready/tested/debugged on Monday. An ebook of science is 100% complete and ready to be included. An ebook of Urdu (Meri Kitab) is 60% complete. Salman will attempt to complete it over the weekend. The Urdu localization of EToys is 75% complete; Waqas and Salman are confident to complete it sometimes next week.

17. Urdu localization (ウルドゥ・ローカライゼーション)
Waqas Toor, Salman Minhas:
Urdu Glossary Project完成間近
ebook of science100%完成、導入準備ととのった
ebook of Urdu (Meri Kitab) 60%完成、週末にSalmanが完成に取り込む
EToys Urdu localisation 75%完成、WaqusとSalmanは来週完成させる自身あり

18. Documentation: Anne Gentle and Seth Woodhouse are finishing laying out a simple introductory guide to ownership and care of the XO, working with material from Todd Kelsey and older demo notes and a number of community artists. Translation will begin this week (Please see http://dev.laptop.org/~sj/quickstart/).

18. Documentation (ドキュメンテーション)
Ann Gentle, Seth Woodhouse:
introductory guide to ownership and care of XO (XOオーナー&管理ガイド入門)完成中
Todd Kelsey、older demonotes、community artistsのマテリアルを採用
翻訳は今週始まります。詳しくは: http://dev.laptop.org/~sj/quickstart/

Anne is working on fixing the banner and adding an actual index; generated by Author-IT, a commercial tool that we are currently using. Adam Hyde of FLOSSManuals has offered to port the documents to his site and set up a system to auto-update manuals there with text from the olpc wiki; we may switch to this next month.

AnneはAuthor-IT (コマーシャル・ツール)を使いバナーとインデックスの追加。
FLOSSManualsのAdam Hydeは、彼のサイトへドキュメントをポートしてそこのマニュアルをolpc wikiのテキストで自動アップデートする提案を出す

19. Science fare: Sunee Piromprames has been working with Lauren Klein and teacher Srinuan to organize a bug-identification project at Ban Samhka, Thailand. David Stang of the BayScience Foundation is setting up forums for them to use to classify their findings, with photos and local text and pronunciation of bug names. They will have a worked example this week for the children to follow, and are working with Thai strings.

19. Science fare (科学展覧会)
Sunee Piromprames, Lauren Klei, Srinuan先生:
タイのBam Samhkaでbug-identification projectの準備
BayScience FoundationのDavid Stangはその人たちが発見を写真、ローカルテキストで区別出きるのと、バグネームの正しい発音のためにフォーラムを立ち上げています。
子供が使うwoked exampleは今週用意され、Thai stringsでも作業がおこなわれています。

20. Library: Mako Hill, Lauren, and SJ Klein have worked out what bundling scripts need to be written to provide for simple bundle creation. It will be possible to make (and verify) bundles through a web upload form soon.

20. Library (ライブラリ)
Mako Hill, Lauren, SJ Klein:
simple bundle creationのために一体どのようなbundling scriptsを書けばいいのかの調査
近いうちweb uploadを通してbudlesのmakeとverifyが出きるようになります。

21. Our Stories: Google, UNICEF, and OLPC issued a joint press release regarding a global storytelling project being orchestrated by Google’s Stephen Cho. The goal of the initiative is to preserve and share stories, histories, and identities of cultures around the world by making personal stories available online in many languages. Using XO laptops, mobile phones, and other recording devices, children will record, in their native languages, the stories of elders, family members and friends. These stories will be shared globally through the Our Stories website (See http://www.ourstories.org/), where they can be found on a Google Map.

21. Our Stories (私たちのストーリー)
Google, UNICEF, OLPCがGoogleのStephen Choがリードするglobal storytelling projectに関して共同プレスリリースを出しました。
ストーリーはOur Storiesウェブサイト (http://www.ourstories.org/ をご覧ください) を通してGoogle Mapにも乗り、グローバルにシェアされます。


Laptop News is archived here and here.

You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the laptop.org mailman site.

Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com


Latest milestones:

Nov. 2007 Mass Production has started.
July. 2007 One Laptop per Child Announces Final Beta Version of its Revolutionary XO Laptop.
Apr. 2007 First pre-B3 machines built.
Mar. 2007 First mesh network deployment.
Feb. 2007 B2-test machines become available and are shipped to developers and the launch countries.
Jan. 2007 Rwanda announced its participation in the project.

All milestones can be found here.


You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the laptop.org mailman site.

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To contribute a story or news idea, see the OLPC newsroom.

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This page historically hosted announcements and news about OLPC, along with the Sugar Labs current events page.

Upcoming pieces

Learning Chat piece: 278 words, ready now. File:Learning Chat.docx
Making Learning Visible: Claudia's (& Walter) original is 25 pages. Submitted to a journal. w/o OLPC Background it is down to 12-15 pages w/ screenshots.
This can become a 4-part series.
Homo docens: 500+ words, Antonio approved my edits. File:Homo docens JLedits.docx
Further work: we can definitely ask him to contribute on a quarterly basis but I've found that I have to be very specific as to what I am asking to do and he has to be comfortable that it is consistent with his academic work.
Ask for a new piece on the epidemiology of learning
Ometepe - A beautiful piece with wonderful images. RAH posted a personal and lengthy version (1500+ words) that he shared with his private distribution list. I made an edited version (1200 words) that could be shared publicly. Must check with RAH on this. File:Ometepe articulo por Rodrigo Arboleda.pdf File:Ometepe by Rodrigo Arboleda (3).pdf
I had hoped that we could do a video series with Rodrigo but the budget hasn't been approved. Giulia - can we get an answer on this?
Rwanda case studies
Ceri Whatley - summary of importance of headmasters - confirm subset to reuse
Social mapping project - 1- or 2-part piece - check w/ Julia
Grandmother project - 2- or 3-part piece - check w/ Julia (and is there more to that awesome series?)
Other Africa
So. Africa case studies
Peru and Uruguay
Oscar B's piece on the IADB study?
You said that Uruguay and Peru produce a ton of content on a continuous basis. I'm struggling a bit with how we can easily get the content and translate it into English. Giulia - could Olga help? I don't want to burden her with more work. Maybe we do this every 2-3 months.
Other LatAm
Colombia: Sandra's quarterly? newsletter and website could feed into this. Plus english translations.
Nicaragua: Regular update, beyond Ometepe?
Paraguay: Contact ParaguayEduca
Mexico: Ask Mariana @ OLPCMexico
OLPC Australia
Great text and videos.
OLPC Europe
Quarterly update from them?
OLPC Oceania
Quarterly updates from Mike Hutak
OLPC Jamaica
Quarterly update from Sameer, good videos.
North America
Miami - David! and a story from Chester
Canada - Jennifer Martino, Q

News archives

Weekly OLPC News postings to the community-news mailing list give updates on recent work. Weekly summaries were also posted on-wiki during 2008. Weekly postings to the list were put on hold at the start of 2009, and started again in 2010.

Archives: 2005-2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009-10


Sporadic translations of news archives from 2008 and earlier can be found here:

German | Spanish | Japanese | Korean

OLPC videos

For a history of videos about OLPC and the XO, see olpc.tv and OLPC:Videos.

Sugar news

Walter continues to post summaries of Sugar development on his blog.


For an archive of OLPC media coverage, see the 2005-2008 press archives.

Past announcements

Developed through 2011 by the Racepoint Group, OLPC's pro bono PR firm.

More articles can be found here.


Miscellaneous videos of the laptop can be found here.