User talk:Lucks

Revision as of 00:44, 16 July 2007 by Mchua (talk | contribs) (re: kuku testing)
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Hi! After the announcement in the sugar list about the Activity Translations page I decided to test the process... with kuku. So I grabbed the Kuku/Localization#es - kuku.po and did the Trac thing, resulting in the

Marco apparently got confused and left some notices for you in --Xavi 17:30, 28 June 2007 (EDT)

kuku testing

Two review squad kids, dadoggiedude and rootbeer got stuck getting kuku to work (runs great on my machine) - totally not your fault at all; they were struggling with how to install Python and Pygame by themselves, and I couldn't help them out too much over chat. Dadoggiedude was one of the testers at the original Game Jam and really enjoyed the game, wants to try making levels - will be local to Boston in a few days, so I'll visit in person and we'll try again. Just wanted to keep you updated. Mchua 20:44, 15 July 2007 (EDT)