Talk:Health images

Revision as of 01:27, 21 March 2008 by Cjl (talk | contribs) (Commercial example)
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Commercial example

Note: This is NOT an advertisement for the linked company, nor is it an inducement to violate the clearly established copyright on their images. This IS a pointer to a potentially useful example (albeit a commercial, for-profit example) of what might be done with a collection of medical images.

I must add that I have some reservations about the suitablility of graphic medical images for children in the target age range; but it is still an interesting example of visually-driven (as opposed to text-driven) learning possibilities for medical diagnosis. The firm's management has shown some flexibility in their work with collaborating organizations (for example linking from the US National Library of Medicine health information pages), so it is possible that a carefully crafted approach to them might convince them to dedicate a small portion of their apparently extensive collection to a suitably open licensing regime for OLPC purposes. Cjl 01:27, 21 March 2008 (EDT)