Pen Tablet UI/User Study

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This page describes a user study that was performed on April 8 and 9, 2008 by Patrick Dubroy in order to evaluate prototypes for a Pen Tablet UI.



Five participants were selected for the study. No participant was familiar with the XO hardware or the Sugar UI, nor did they have any experience with a conventional graphics tablet. [More details to come]

Study method

Partipants were asked to perform a several drawing tasks using the Think Aloud protocol. Before beginning the tasks, participants were given an opportunity to become familiar with the OLPC and get a feel for the use of the tablet. This warm-up period was also used to get the participants comfortable with using think-aloud.

During the drawing tasks, video of the screen and tablet area was captured along with audio. Afterwards, I reviewed the videos and made notes of any interesting results, behaviours, or comments.


Detailed notes from each participant: