
Revision as of 15:49, 21 April 2008 by Directive0 (talk | contribs)
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Directive0 is a minor contributer to the OLPC wiki. A Toronto dwelling G1G1 donor, he spends his time learning about the hardware/software side of the OLPC project while endeavoring to increase his knowledge of the Linux/GNU community paradigm.

Usefull Pages

Amongst the Wiki, I have found the following pages to be of incalculable value. The following items are great if you have just reflashed or are opening your XO for the first time.

External Sites of great informative value

  • Catmoran's OLPC Site is a great place to get acquainted with the terminal and how you can use it to change your XO experience.


  • bert's script will allow you to quickly and simply install the G1G1 application bundle on your new 703 build XO using a network connection and the Terminal.


  • firefox Is a great browser that will speed up your XO web viewing considerably

Desktop Managers

  • xfce is a more traditional desktop manager that will behave much more like OSX/Win32 then Sugar.

More about me

These are links that are focused on my interests outside of the OLPC scheme

My sites

Ontario Longboarding a Longboarding website I maintain for skateboarders living in Ontario.