OLPC:News/2008/Week 23

< OLPC:News‎ | 2008
Revision as of 07:53, 7 June 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs) (..)
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^ Overview

x Connections

opportunities, people, engagements

  • Francesca Slade has been here now for her second week, and has worked on setting up regular Open Jams (the first was last weekend; the second will take place tomorrow)
  • In the spirit of a weekly interview of an OLPC luminary, Andriani Ferti shared her thoughts on how she got involved with OLPC and her thoughts for the future

Jams : Mel is looking for others.

We are looking for likely community ambassadors to help smooth the growth of our developer and other communities.

· Artefacts

projects, events, news, materials

  • Robertofaga has been working on an RPG-creation tutorial to go with his game creator.
  • Repair centers details have been cleaned up, thanks to much work by nlee, andreatl, mchua, and ccarrick. A small repair center has been set up by mchua, and is being put to use and expanded Saturday afternoon during our weekly Open Jam, with help from femslade.
  • Help for content bundlers : a Content bundle making script was posted by mchua, and has been used by cjl, among others.

= Fundament

status, deadlines, assumptions, processes

+ Priorities

milestones, sequences, first and next

o Reflection

review, updates, analysis, feedback

Grassroots ideas : Grassroots experimentation
Creation : A content workflow process is being written to match the practices of current contributors.