
Revision as of 22:06, 23 July 2008 by Garycmartin (talk | contribs) (Added a tree-map with some specific file details)
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This page describes the Linux filesystem underlying the XO, particularly some unusual aspects of this implementation.

Store things you want to persist under /home/olpc

If store data elsewhere it will be gone after the next reboot. Shi 13:57, 24 January 2008 (EST)

Examples Showing Tree-map of File-system

Raw treemap of joyride 2174 filesystem
Uncompressed, and with all hard links shown, you can see repeating patterns from the two pristine OS installs, two run images, and the single actual running image.
Joyride 2174 treemap
You can clearly see the two OS images that have previously been installed using olpc-update. /versions/pristine is the original data, /versions/run are hard linked to pristine (unless modified by the user). Top right is the actual running OS data (hard linked to one of the /versions/run blocks). /home/olpc stores all user generated data.
Joyride 2174 treemap detail
This image indicates some of the larger files that were part of Joyride 2174, (some of the files shown will have been removed in more recent builds). It should help provide a sense of scale for the various sections that make up a build