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Dalarna University & The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)_Ethiopia


We propose that one hundred XO laptops be deployed to the southern rural part of Ethiopia, Hamle 19 primary school, Asella city, Arsi zone, Oromia state for children of age 6-12. Our team contents two members. The first one, Tesfa Dagmawi Sebsibie, who is currently an international masters student at Dalarna University (Sweden) and certified in computer maintenance and Networking where as the second member of the team, Tesfaye Demerew Ketsela, who is a second year international masters student on Network Services and Systems program Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden and he has a master in Computer science and he is also certified on Cisco Certified Network Associate(CCNA) and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP). For more information about the team Click (Profile of Team Members.Therefore, working towards our OLPCorps project proposal Our professional background and practical experience enables us to support the project technically as well as managerially. furthermore as both of our team member can speak fluently the language(Oromic & Amharic) of the community where we will be working, there is no language barrier in communicating with children and the community as a whole.

In the targeted school there are 67 teachers and 1850 students. Out of these, the target class has 220 students at grade four aged between 6 and 12. We have been discussing with our local partner, Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building for additional OX laptop to saturate the targeted class. For more information about formal Letter of support from Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building click here. Even if children’s of targeted school (Hamle 19 primary school) will be on summer break during our arrival Oromia Development association (ODA), who has a close contact and working with the school, community as well as stackholders such as province education offices, teachers, and community representatives, organize children to return back from summer break for the tutor according to the schedule and rearrange the available classrooms, desks, benches, office furniture’s and other facilities and/or provide additional if needed to be used for the intended purpose. Furthermore, Oromia development association will provide a secured store for 100 laptops, server, accessories and other materials at main office (Addis Ababa) and at branch office( Arsi zone & Asella City).For more information about formal Letter of support from Oromia Development Association Arsi Zone click here

In order to ensure continuos technical support we are partnering with Adama University, Asella Compus with a strong coordination and financial support given by Hetosa Farmer's cooperative Union(HFCU).For more information about formal Letter of support from Hetosa Farmer's cooperative Union Click here we will share experiance from the previous deployment 5000 OX laptop deployment project implemented by Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building as a result we will design the appropriate planning, monitoring, evaluation method and system of integration with the previous deployment and provide to oromia capacity building Arsi branch which is under Oromia Development association. Oromia Development association and Hetosa Farmer's cooperative Union as our local partners, will take care of the monitoring capable of maintaining the deployment after we leave, which will provide back-up, further training and supervision and which will liaise with the local community.

In order to prevent poverty and hunger so as to support the current learning-teaching process through quality education using the current technology we have the following project idea.
(1) producing an interactive teaching material The Most important benefits of the laptop here is to deepen the interaction and make quality education critical for human and social development and prevent the current an instructive teaching and learning methodology. Here each team share the softcopy of reference materials, textbooks, handout etc this also help them to learn by themselves
(2) Working in a group: We will work with children by allowing peer collaboration, which grant the opportunity to teach and learn from their peers.In this project idea students are given projects to compile, analyse information and finally each group will present to the project in front of his classmates We need to engage them in those learning methodologies that are enhanced by connected laptops:
(3) Inovation and Creativity: under this project idea students are promoted to generate and develop idea that drive them for inovation We will motivate and assist students to involve their local community using interviewing the community, and/or researching their family. We will also support students, teachers, parents, and concerned experts to join and create new learning networks to improve educational thinking and practices. When children bring the laptops home with them, many parents began adult education courses at night using the laptops. Many families chose to move into communities with laptop programs. Children develop the skills to do normal maintenance on their laptops.

Our team proposes a total of $ 9784.00 financial needs for the implementation of Project's and for brief budget for the project's financial needs click Brief Project Budget.
Finally,our team works hand in hand in collaboration with OLPCorps teams, our local partner and other concerned body to create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children located in the rural community of Ethiopia, Asella by providing OXs laptop to engaged in their own education, to learn, share, create, and collaborated as well as connect each other, to the world and to a brighter future.

Detail description of Project proposal

General Overview

Deployment Country and Target School

Hamle 19 primary school, Asella city, Arsi zone, Oromia state, Ethiopia


Both of our team member can speak the language of the community where we will be working. So,there is no problem with this regards

Deployment, dealing with children and their schedule

In the targeted school there are 67 teachers and 1850 students. Out of these, the target class has 220 students at grade four aged between 6 and 12. We have been discussing with our local partner, Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building for additional OX laptop to saturate the targeted class For more information about formal Letter of support from Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building click here.

Secured store for laptops, server, accessories and other materials belongs to OLPCORPs team related to the project will be provided by Oromia Development Association(ODA) at main office (Addis Ababa) and at branch office( Arsi zone, Asella City). Furthermore, Our local partner, ODA, who has a close contact and working with the school, community as well as stackholders such as province education offices, teachers, and community representatives. ODA agreed to rearrange the available classrooms, desks, benches, office furniture’s and other facilities and/or provide additional if needed to be used for the intended purpose as well as to organize children to return back from summer break for the tutor according to the schedule

Project Idea

In order to prevent poverty and hunger so as to support the current learning-teaching process through quality education using the current technology we have the following project idea.
(1) producing an interactive teaching material The Most important benefits of the laptop here is to deepen the interaction and make quality education critical for human and social development and prevent the current an instructive teaching and learning methodology. Here each team share the softcopy of reference materials, textbooks, handout etc this also help them to learn by themselves
(2) Working in a group: We will work with children by allowing peer collaboration, which grant the opportunity to teach and learn from their peers.In this project idea students are given projects to compile, analyse information and finally each group will present to the project infront of his classmates We need to engage them in those learning methodologies that are enhanced by connected laptops:
(3) Inovation and Creativity: under this project idea students are promoted to generate and develop idea that drive them for inovation We will motivate and assist students to involve their local community using interviewing the community, and/or researching their family. We will also support students, teachers, parents, and concerned experts to join and create new learning networks to improve educational thinking and practices. When children bring the laptops home with them, many parents began adult education courses at night using the laptops. Many families chose to move into communities with laptop programs. Children develop the skills to do normal maintenance on their laptops.

Our local partners and Future Sustainability of the Project

(1) Oromia Development association (ODA) Arsi branch coordinates education offices, teachers, and community representatives. Even if children’s will be on summer break during our arrival, they will create environment with the community representatives, schools and children that help us to provide a tutor. Furthermore they are ready to support the OLPCORPs project financially. For more information about formal Letter of support from Oromia Development Association Arsi Zone click here
(2) In order to ensure continuos technical support we are partnering with Adama University, Asella Compus with a strong coordination and financial support given by Hetosa Farmer's cooperative Union(HFCU).
For more information about formal Letter of support from Hetosa Farmer's cooperative Union Click here
(3) Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building :-we will share experiance from the previous deployment 5000 OX laptop deployment project implemented by Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building.

Monitoring and Evaluation

We will train students and selected teachers parallelly, and enabling teachers to fully take care of the responsibility of teaching. Once we have obtained the practical experiance from the previous deployment implemented by Ethiopian engineering capacity building, we will design the appropriate monitoring and evaluation method and provide to oromia capacity building Arsi branch which is under Oromia Development association. Oromia Development association and Farmers cooperative Union as our local partners, will take care of the monitoring capable of maintaining the deployment after we leave, which will provide back-up, further training and supervision and which will liaise with the local community

Project's financial needs and brief budget for the project

S/No Activities Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Remark
1 Transport:Flight 1: Stockholm, Sweden (STO) to Kigali, Rwanda on 06-Jun ' 09 (KGL)
Flight 2: Kigali, Rwanda (KGL) to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (ADD) on 18-Jun 09
Flight 3: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (ADD) to Stockholm, Sweden (STO) on 11-sep ' 09
$2,382.00 2 $4,764.00 +2% possible increament
2 Transport of 100 Laptops, servers and other accesseris form Addis Ababa to Arsi-Asella $200.00
3 Accommodation in Ethiopia for 10 weeks $1400.00 2 $2800.00 Including housing, transportation, food etc
4 Handout for children and teachers $6.00 120 $720.00
5 Printer $200.00 1 $200.00

6 Scanner $250.00 1 $250.00
7 Accessory material for the server such as cables, server room key $100.00 $100.00
8 Addational supplementary materials such as map and ebooks $200.00 $200.00
9 Safety reserve for unexpected events $550.00 $550.00
Total 9784.00

Our Progress after submitting final project Proposal

We are continuesly working toward developing our project, as if we were certain to deploy 100 XOs.

Additional Letter of support from our partners

For more information about formal Letter of support from Ethiopia Engineering Capacity Building click here.


Development of deployment guide(On Progress)



Main Activities performed under this topic includes:-
. Make strong consultation with the school(Hamle 19 primary school) and community
. get the school principal, the teachers who will have the classrooms of children with OXs onside
. hold an open meeting for the community to talk about OLPC and its impact, to answer their questions, to gain their buy-in & support for the children
. Demonstrate the capability of connectivity, collaboration and individual activities with some OXs as a sample
. ensure appropriate expectations for community and teachers
. Ensure that the planning of our deployment includes 1) documentation 2) Knowledge for the local people 3) support by OLPC or our own

Core Team
Power Infrastructure
School Server
Teacher Preparation/Student Facilitation
Internet-safety Training
End-of-life Planning

The three phases of our deployment project

Taking the above factors into consideration we have classified our deployment project into three phases as described below
1. pre-deployment (planning) phase,
2. deployment (execution) phase , and
3. post-deployment (support )phase

Deployment Schedule

S/No Activities From To Responsible body Remark
1 Preparing handout for the training OLPCorps Team
2 setup and configure facilities OLPCorps Team
3 arranging meeting with school management and staffs, local partners, community representatives, and with other top management body OLPCorps Team To create awareness
4 Training of trainers selected from teachers, local partners, Community represetatives, Training of selected teachers OLPCorps Team help to support students in case of difficulty after our departure
5 training of students (promote collaborative learning and … provide individualized instruction) OLPCorps Team & trainers Teaching students in laptop classrooms in self-directed system
6 support, follow up and monitor students OLPCorps Team & trainers
7 Assign presentations and multimedia projects to students, and score them using customized, project-driven rubrics and even self-assessments OLPCorps Team & trainers
8 students as well as teachers gather and move around to work on projects OLPCorps Team & trainers this frees teachers to roam about the room helping those who have problems or need remediatio
9 Award to the top students OLPCorps Team and stackholders this is accomplished togather with closing cermony