Community Testing

Revision as of 03:54, 6 July 2011 by Skierpage (talk | contribs) (→‎Meetings and mailing lists: update link, no more meetings)
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  This page is part of the OLPC Community testing Project. How to test an Activity | Reporting test results | Meetings
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This page is where we plan community testing. Friends in testing (in the wiki nav under "Projects > Testing" and in Participate and such) is where we actually call out to users to help us test.


Note: This is a strawman draft under discussion on the testing mailing list.

  • We are a volunteer community group.
  • We test OLPC products and advocate bugfixes on behalf of stakeholders.
  • We are transparent about our processes and our results.
  • We seek to learn and try new things and to teach others what we know.
  • We ask forgiveness, not permission; we value rough consensus, passing tests, and coverage.

Mailing lists

The best place to go to join community testing conversations is the Testing mailing list, which is also mirrored on an external forum.

Meetings in 2008 and 2009

We meet weekly on IRC. See Community testing meetings for more details.

How you can help

We welcome everyone to the community test group regardless of background, experience, or how much free time you have available; there are tasks for a broad range of skill and commitment levels, and if you don't yet know how to do something for a task you want to take on, we'll work with you to find a way to learn.

Whether you're looking for a quick smoke test you can run and report in less than 45 minutes, have an hour to spend testing an Activity, want to run a test case on the latest build and report results, can spend an afternoon helping us create test cases, want to work on testing tools or automated testing, or are searching for a potential research or student class project, you'll find it here.

The easiest way to jump in is to help with our current big project, G1G1 Activity testing. You can also help with 8.2.1 release testing - ask the Test manager for the release if you have questions.
