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Revision as of 10:12, 27 July 2007 by Mchua (talk | contribs) (New page: We might want to move this to another page at some point, but here goes. == Manifesto == * We want the world to be a world of learners. We want to get people into free culture, open cont...)
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We might want to move this to another page at some point, but here goes.


  • We want the world to be a world of learners. We want to get people into free culture, open content, open technology, free thought.
  • Being young punks and high-pass filters, we want it now.
  • And to some extent we can have it - we have the technologies to do it (laptops and the internet) and the skills, know-how, and guts to build our own bridges, social, content-related, and technological, along the way.
  • Why not?


Bootstrap as many people as possible into believing - and acting on the belief - that they can teach themselves how to do anything they dare to dream of.


  • Andy Pethan, Olin College
  • Mel Chua, OLPC



  • July 2007: Northern SoCon prototyping. Design CFFC.
  • August 2007: Northern SoCon pilot. Recruiting pilot professors for CFFC. Prototyping content for CFFC.
  • September 2007: Northern SoCon wrap-up. Beta-test Jams as SoCon wrap-up. Design and prototyping of BFA. CFFC pilot begins.
  • October 2007: Southern SoCon idea collection. Use SoCon ideas to pilot BFA. Round of Jams. CFFC pilot continues.
  • November 2007: Southern SoCon applications. BFA pilot continues. Activate Jams network to create more viral Jam materials. Encourage CFFC projects to continue via mentorship to SoCon groups - or high schoolers - that students can pass on their projects to and guide from a distance.
  • December 2007: Southern SoCon launch. BFA major launch. CFFC recruitment for spring semester.
  • January 2008: Begin planning Jams for Southern SoCon - hopefully most of this will be run by independent groups already. CFFC starts spring semester, hopefully with some student-taught classes (a-la-Meta). Mel pilots "How To Run A Jam" class in Australia (hopefully).
  • February 2008: Southern SoCon ends. Push to continue SoCon projects as BFA work. Jams for Southern SoCon. Hold "How To Run A Jam" training workshops.
  • March 2008: Prototype and pilot CFFC workshops (how to run a campus chapter, etc). Go on tour of colleges getting student to contribute to CFFC wikibook. BFA publicity push, focus on community development, nurturing.
  • April 2008 & Beyond: We'll see.

To do

  • How To Run A Jam book
  • Get all Meta alumni in a room, tape-record us talking about Meta, have it transcribed (professionally... we can find money to pay for it) and edit and spread the resulting book out.
  • Think of fellowships... apply for grants.