Journalism Jam New York/Results
Sunday afternoon wrapped up our Journalism Jam in New York, and I know
many of you were at Columbia at some point this weekend to see the Content Jam as it happened. But for those who weren't, here were a couple of highlights:
- Law Professor Eben Moglen speaking on the power of open source software - ICANN board member Susan Crawford talking about network neutrality - A dozen local high school students testing our software and offering
feedback (pictures attached)
- Coverage in all the campus media - And of course, dozens and dozens of hours putting the software together
The output of the weekend is this software: Report [1].
Right now, Report allows students to write newspaper articles, insert photos, and load them to a blog. Rajesh provided a few technical notes:
- This works for build 595 - The wordpress module is provided in the ./wordpress directory and needs to
be setup through ./wordpress/ install
- The install script works as per expectation: ./ dev - The blog feature works to some extent, but it currently only grabs the
text [The AbiWord module needs to be modified to somehow spit out data in a better format]
- No implementation work has been done on the plan tab. - The username and password to the blog have been hardcoded. It currently
posts to
Now, originally we wanted the software to include guides for young students on the basics of journalism, and our two journalists, Katie Reedy and Emmannuelle Collette wrote up this helpful guide: Report#Guide