Talk:Support FAQ

Revision as of 17:00, 17 December 2007 by (talk)
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This is a helpful page, but just a suggestion: the wiki woud not have so much out of date content if statements like this:

"Currently there are no activities that use the stylus. The Draw activity will work with a stylus in the next software update."

instead identified the software update in question and perhaps linked to the roadmap.

Additions to FAQ

These issues have come up that have solutions:

Airplane_mode How to set local timezone via Sugar_Control_Panel

Other things have come up regularly that *don't* have answers. I imagine we're not going to recommend that G1G1 users update to joyride are we? is for Insects 01:52, 16 December 2007 (EST)

How do I install Adobe Flash Player?

This one gets asked a lot. Shaving 1 min off of the solution will be a big win. Sj


How do I connect to TMobile?

This one likewise. User:Sj