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Start the Kuku activity

Justification: Self


  1. Click on the Kuku icon in the taskbar.


  • That a Kuku icon is added to the activities donut.
  • That the icon pulses to indicate the activity starting up.
  • That the Kuku activity opens properly.
  • That Kuku's music starts playing.

Check Journal entry

Justification: HIG


  1. Switch to the Journal by clicking its icon on the activity donut.


  • That a Journal entry has been added for your Kuku activity session.

Starting the Game

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Kuku/Versions, Self


  1. Press any key at the Start screen to start.


  • That the screen switches from the Start screen to the Main screen.
  • That your position is indicated by the chicken on one of the squares.
  • That your lives, score, high score, and time remaining are displayed on the left.
  • That the time remaining is decreasing second by second.
  • That a question appears at the upper lefthand corner.

Answer Correctly

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Kuku/Versions, Self


  1. Answer the first question correctly by using the arrow keys or d-Pad to move to the correct space and pressing any other key to peck.


  • That the chicken moves from space to space properly and the pecking animation occurs properly.
  • That the number next to the checkmark icon increases by 1 when you answer correctly.
  • That (if this is the first time Kuku is being played) your high score increases by 1 when you answer correctly.
  • That a new problem appears in the upper left hand corner after you answer.
  • That a new set of numbers/pictures appears on the checkerboard after you answer.
  • That the time per problem resets to 10 seconds after you answer.
  • That the chicken graphic changes to a happy chicken briefly.

Answering Incorrectly

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Kuku/Versions, Self


  1. Answer the next question incorrectly by moving to a space with the wrong answer and pressing any other key to peck.


  • That your life total (indicated by the Kuku icon in the left margin) decreases by 1 when you answer incorrectly.
  • That the time per problem resets to 10 seconds after you answer.
  • That the chicken's graphic changes to a sad chicken briefly.

Running out of Time

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Kuku/Versions, Self


  1. Do not move the chicken until the timer runs out.


  • That one life is deducted from your life total.
  • That the board is reset, and your "incorrect" tally increases by one.
  • That the time per problem resets to 10 seconds after you run out of time.
  • That the chicken's graphic changes to a sad chicken briefly.

Losing the Game

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Kuku/Versions, Self


  1. Lose all your lives by answering incorrectly.


  • That the game ends after losing three lives.
  • That a losing screen is displayed.
  • That a short musical cue plays to indicate that you have lost.

Winning the Game

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Kuku/Versions, Self


  1. Start a new game by pressing any key.
  2. Answer 10 questions correctly before you lose all your lives.


  • That the game restarts properly and resets all your old information (score, lives, etc.)
  • That the game ends and a winning screen is displayed.
  • That a short musical cue plays to indicate that you have won.
  • That (if this is the first time playing Kuku) your high score continues to increase along with your score, up to 10.

Close the Kuku activity

Justification: Self


  1. Close the Kuku activity by clicking the X button.


  • That the Kuku activity closes properly.
  • That you are returned to the Home view.
  • That the Kuku icon is removed from the activities donut.

Resuming from the Journal

Justification: Self


  1. Open the Journal and find the entry for Kuku. Press Resume.
  2. Play another game of Kuku.


  • That Kuku opens properly and remembers your previous high score.
  • That your high score will increase only if your current score is greater than the high score.