Listen and Spell

Revision as of 17:01, 23 March 2008 by Satyajeet (talk | contribs) (→‎Idea)
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The idea is to develop a application which would help children to learn new words, improve their vocabulary and pronunciation of words. The activity would speak out a randomly selected word from a predefined set of words and user have to spell the word corectly. This activity is the extension of TalknType.

Use Case Scenario

A simple use case scenario of the basic draft of the application is as follows

  • User opens the application and selects the difficulty level suitably.
  • Each level corresponds to different set of words. Words are sorted in order of difficulty to spell them.
  • A random word would be selected and speak out from the corresponding word list.
  • User would be required to spell the word correctly. ( Time limit can be optional)
  • As the user writes each letter would be speak out.
  • On submitting whole words would be spoken out. (This will help user to "feel" the difference between his spelling and the correct one.)
  • User goes to next level if spelled say n words correctly.

Proposed features/Usage

Following are the proposed features/Usage for the activity

  1. *Selecing the word list from dictionary Words activity :- This would be a very useful tool to internalize the activity.
  2. *Implementation of "Hint" :- This will again be used from dictionary. On requesting hint activity would either speak out the meaning or the usage of the word. This would help to resolve confusion over rhyming words.
  3. Voicing through Speech-dispatcher :- The voicing would be done using speech dispatcher. Its RPM is under review process and going to be approved soon. I have already got approved its dependency dotconf RPM
  4. Option to add user defined word list :- This would be useful in case of multiple user are having a challange or useful to implement class test.
  5. Multiplayer game over mesh network :- Some thing like users can challange each other over the mesh network. Both user will receive same word at a same time and the one with most correct answers wins
  6. Memory tool? :- Activity repeates the word again and agin until the spelling is absorbed into child's mind.

* Both will require modification of Words activity


  1. TalknType
  2. Speech Dispatcher
  3. Words Activity
  4. Speech Synthesis
  5. Screen Reader
  6. Speak & Spell