Ask OLPC a Question/archive/Q1 2006

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Note before Posting: (A superseded disclaimer, circa mid-2006)

  • This is the Page that is dedicated to answering any question that you have about the OLPC project. Just edit this page and add the Question in and as soon as possible it will be added to the OLPC FAQ.
  • If you wish to submit ideas, check out the OLPC Idea Pool.
  • Lots of questions need answering. If you know the answer feel free to reply, sign your responce and then put it in the Answered question. There, the community can discuss and revise, so the question can be integrated with the main FAQ.

Answered Questions

Questions that had been archived on this page have been moved to the Main Archive. The thinking is that once all archived questions are in one place, they can be merged, organized and consolidated. Hexagonal

Unanswered Questions

Also moved.

Lots of pages link to this one. Not quite ripe for deletion yet