Uruguay Preguntas Frecuentes XO

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Preguntas técnicas más frecuentes en Uruguay

Esta página se encuentra actualmente en construcción, sus aportes serán muy bienvenidos.


¿Cómo empiezo? ¿Dónde está el manual?

¿Puedo imprimir desde el laptop XO?

Por el momento no es posible la utilización de impresoras desde la XO. Sin embargo, los documentos elaborados en los laptops XO pueden ser abiertos desde computadoras tradicionales, por lo que es posible llevarlos a estos (por correo electrónico o a través de pen-drives) para luego imprimirlos.

¿Cómo apago el laptop XO?

Desde el Home View, mueva el punteros sobre el símbolo del XO en el centro de la pantalla, y presione "Apagar."

O presione el botón de apagado cortamente hasta que la luz verde se apage.

Como pongo un laptop XO a dormir?

The sleep feature is not enabled in software provided on XOs shipped starting December 2007 in the Give1Get1 program. A software upgrade early in 2008 will support suspend/resume sleep features, for much improved battery life.

Mi laptop XO no se prende

Carefully read the power/battery issues at: http://laptop.org/start/troubleshooting.shtml

Ensure the battery is properly inserted and the power adapter is plugged into the XO laptop and the electrical outlet.

If both the battery and power lights are on (just below your screen, to the right),

and the laptop won't start when the power button is pushed, this may indicate a minor problem with the embedded controller (EC). Remove all power sources (take the battery out and remove the power adapter; wait 10 seconds to allow it to reset; and power up your XO laptop. Confirm your laptop turns on and boots. If your XO laptop does not turn on or boot, it may be damaged.

If your XO laptop was damaged on receipt, call Donor Services at 800-201-7144 within 30 days, to exchange it or email them at "service at laptopgiving.org". They are open Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm Eastern time. For warranty information, check the Give1Get1 program's Terms & Conditions, along with the Donor Services FAQ.

Teclado, Lenguajes

Cuales son las funciones de todas las teclas en el teclado?

El XO Keyboard tiene algunas teclas especiales y símbolos keycap. Vea Keyboard Shortcuts.

Puedo cambiar mi teclado a el Dvorak layout?

Si, por favor vea Cambiando a Dvorak.

Internet, Conectividad, Email, Chat

Como puedo entrar a Internet?

Nuestra Guia rapida de conectividad respondera la mayoría de preguntas acerca de la conectividad con internet.

Estoy en Google, pero el navegador me dice "search failed"!

Cuando la actividad Navegar, muestra una pagina con el logo de Google y una caja de búsqueda. esta pagina se guarda localmente en el XO, y esto no indica que el XO esta conectado a Internet. Por favor mire Como puedo acceder a Internet para saber como conectarse a internet.

Que es exactamente una red mesh o de malla?

A mesh network allows nearby XO laptops to talk to one another directly (wirelessly) without the need for a traditional Internet Service Provider.

This feature makes very rural deployments (say, Nigeria) practical; there isn't much need for dedicated network hardware. The laptops do the heavy lifting, rather than the traditional hierarchical network of hubs/switches/routers.

Try the mesh demo here, to see how a mesh can connect to the Internet.

¿hay un programa de Email?

Es posible utilizar cualquier sistema de webmail, como [[1]] o Gmail activity. Con el servicio de Adinet, se crearán cuentas en el dominio @ceibal.edu.uy para todos los niños y maestros del país.

Ratón (mouse), Touchpad

¿Puedo conectar un teclado o ratón externo?

Most USB keyboards and mice work fine. However, avoid "PalmPilot keyboards," as these use IR (infrared), and "wireless keyboards," as these use Bluetooth—neither of which are supported on the XO laptop.

¿Para qué hay 3 paneles en el área del touchpad, pero solo funciona el central?

The touchpad is designed to work with a stylus across the full width of the three panels. (Only the center panel is sensitive to your finger.) A stylus does not ship with the laptop.

Currently, there are no activities that use the stylus. However, in a future software release, the Paint Activity (formerly known as Draw) will work with a stylus.

Por que mi touchpad salta?

Hay tres problemas en relación al touchpad (three known touchpad issues). un mouse USB es útil en esos tres casos.

Manejo de archivos

¿Cómo grabo un archivo?

Files are saved automatically in the Journal Activity, accessed from the Home View. Select the notebook icon just below the XO character to open the Journal and find the activity or file you need.

For more information about the Journal, see OLPC Human Interface Guidelines/The Laptop Experience/The Journal.

¿Cómo grabo o recupero archivos de un pen-drive USB or una memoria SD-card?

Please see the complete instructions for using a USB Drive (sometimes known as a flash drive or USB key).

¿Cómo elimino un archivo?

Go to the Journal view, which you can access from the Home View. Select the notebook icon just below the XO character to open the Journal.

Find the file to be deleted by scrolling up and down the list.

Move the cursor over the file to be deleted and press to select and open a preview of the file.

Press the minus sign at the top of the screen to delete the file.

¿Cómo reproduzco archivos de sonido?

The eToys activity can play MP3 and Ogg files. After finding such a file in the Journal, click the far right icon (a square in a circle) to start eToys to play it.

To play sound files, you can also try the Watch and Listen activity, a Media Player based on the Helix project. When on the Journal entry for a sound file, click in the middle of the entry, to show the details. On that page, hover the mouse over the square-in-circle icon in the upper right corner of the screen. It should say "Resume", and list the possible activities that you can resume this file with. Click on Watch&Listen. Check for supported codecs you may need to download, if you require proprietary formats.

Preguntas acerca del Sugar (interfaz de usuario)

¿Cómo cierro una Actividad (programa)?

Most activities have an "Activity" tab with a close button (Quit.gif) found at the top right of the display; select the close tab and press to close the activity.

For most activities, the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-q or Ctrl-Esc can also close the activity (Esc is the Esc.png key).

Alternatively, return to the Home view by pressing the "Home" key (Home key f3 small.png). Hover the cursor over the activity icon to bring up a menu; press "Stop" to end the activity.

¿Cómo descargo e instalo Actividades (programas)?

There are many Activities the community has developed for download. From the Browser activity on the XO laptop, go to Activities and click on the .xo file within to download and install the activity to your laptop. When it is finished installing, click OK. Press the Home key (Home key f3 small.png) (fifth key from the upper left) to see the taskbar.

Scroll the taskbar to the right (by clicking on the arrow ) until you see the icon for the activity; click on it to start.

All activities on the laptop have been developed in the open-source community by volunteers. OLPC encourages all laptop owners to contribute to this effort.

¿Cómo obtener una imagen de pantalla (screenshot)?

Press Alt-1 at the same time. Go to the Journal. The screenshot should be the first item in the Journal. You can copy the screenshot to the clipboard, and open it with the Browse, Paint, or Etoys activity.

Baterías: uso y carga

¿Es posible recargar la batería sin tener energía eléctrica?

The Get One XO does not ship with any human powered device or solar panel, which are designed to support the XO laptops shipped to developing countries.

Even without these accessories the XO is a Green Machine suitable for Off Grid and fluctuating power areas.

Future peripheral availability is discussed on the Product News page.

Cuánto dura la batería?

El funcionamiento de la batería es de aproximadamente de 3 a 6 horas, dependiendo de cuales actividades estén siendo usadas. Con las nuevas versiones del software se espera aumentar el tiempo de funcionamiento de la batería.

Is my battery OK? Why does it say "discharging" when plugged in?

The vast majority of reported battery issues are not in fact hardware problems, but rather software problems. This is because December 2007's Build 650 has a couple bugs which commonly leads to false reporting in the Home view, as to the actual amount of battery life.

These software bugs (#4208, #4401) will be fixed shortly, in an upcoming release.

If however your battery does not retain any charge at all, consider applying for an RMA return.

Disk, Storage Device

How much memory/disk is built in?

The XO laptop has 256MB of dynamic RAM memory, as well as 1024MB (1GB) of flash memory.

Note: The flash memory acts as the hard disk. Original specifications are outlined here.

How should I use the SD card slot?

The SD card slot is hidden on the edge of the unit under the power button. It is not intended for casual use, but intended for (semi)permanent augmentation of flash storage on the system. To try to keep water and dust out of the main unit, it has a rubber seal that makes it difficult to extract the SD card.

As a result, we recommend using the USB ports for casual transient storage expansion or moving files from computer to computer.

Hardware Repairs, Returns

My XO laptop won't play sound

If there is no sound when you boot the XO laptop; or you are unable to record voice from the Record activity, you may have a broken component—like the speaker. If you confirm sound is completely broken, call or email Donor Services at 800-201-7144, open Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm Eastern time—or email "service at laptopgiving.org".

My screen has a couple discolored pixels

We regret that our warranty does not provide for replacement laptops in this case, where just a few pixels are imperfect, in keeping with One Laptop per Child's mission to build the best all-around low-cost laptop for the Developing World.

How do I test my keyboard for sticky/broken keys?

Test your keyboard by running the firmware diagnostics. See Cheat codes. Holding the rocker (button below the speaker) to the left, while powering on, will get you into these diagnostics. The keyboard diagnostic will come up pretty soon, if you exit various earlier diagnostics by hitting the Escape key. This lets you see very easily what the computer is seeing as you press or release each key. Any "sticky" key would be visible in light blue on the screen as if a finger was still pressing it.

The touchpad and stylus area can also be tested in the same diagnostic.

Finally, if you've genuinely confirmed your keyboard is damaged, after multiple reboots -- check your warranty if you need to apply for a possible return.

You might also want to check out the workaround: Stuck keys.

Problems with sticky keys may also be a software problem. If you have recently upgraded your firmware, which may have happened automatically as part of an upgrade to a newer release, you may also have run into a known bug in firmware q2d09 that can be fixed by downgrading or upgrading the firmware.

What is the warranty info? RMA process?

Our 30-day Warranty is described in the Give1Get1 Terms & Conditions. To exchange your hardware, apply for a Return Merchandise Authorization by following our RMA process.

All Give1Get1 "customer service" questions need to be directed to Donor Services. You can contact Donor Services by calling 800-201-7144 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, or email "service at laptopgiving.org".

Does opening my laptop void the warranty?

Yes, but your warranty expires after 30 days anyway. In fact you may want to disassemble your own XO laptop to explore its components, AT YOUR OWN RISK—for example, the screen connector and keyboard internals are very easy to break!

Do NOT remove the watch battery on the motherboard if you disassemble your machine—prior to the Q2D07 version of firmware, this can result in the computer becoming "bricked" or unusable!

We regret that spare parts are not yet available as of early January 2008.

How do I obtain replacement parts, e.g. batteries and chargers? Repair?

Replacement batteries and power cords (chargers) will be available in early 2008. We hope to arrange for the sale of replacement screens, touchpads and keyboards as well. Check our Maintenance/Repair pages for other emerging post-Warranty options.

Do NOT remove the watch battery on the mother board if you disassemble your machine; prior to the Q2D07 version of firmware, this can result in the computer becoming unusable, due to a bug in our anti-theft firmware implementation. G1G1 systems do not have the anti-theft system enabled.

Para expertos

¿Como puedo accesar una consola de comandos Linux?

Para una consola de Linux, corra la "Terminal Activity"

¿Como cambio el Nickname de mi XO? y el color de mi XO en las vistas de Sugar?

El Nickname de su XO y otras opciones pueden ser cambiadas usando la lina de comando Sugar-Control-Panel de la Terminal Activity. El comando es:

rm .sugar/defaul/config

¿Cómo deshabilito el sonido de booteo?

Baje el volumen mientras el laptop esta booteando (i.e. antes de llegar a Sugar).

¿Puedo usar una coneccion Ethernet?

Yes, you can connect to a wired Internet connection; use a USB-to-Ethernet adapter.

Note: XO laptops were intentionally designed for children in developing nations, where it is faster and less expensive to introduce wireless connections, rather than a traditional telecom infrastructure.

¿Cómo desabilito el wireless al volar?

To disable wireless when flying, use the Terminal Activity command Sugar-Control-Panel. For details, see Airplane mode.

Pueden los XO laptops compartir una coneccion de internet?

At the moment, an XO laptop cannot be on both the Internet and on the mesh network at the same time with a default laptop configuration. This ability will hopefully be re-enabled by default in the future; until then, School Servers can server as Mesh Portals, and further details can be found on the Mesh Network Details page.

¿Puedo instalar otro software, como Flash, Java, AIM, MSN Messenger, or Skype?

Most Other software is not supported by OLPC. Some software is Free and Open Source Software and supported by its own User Community. Other software does not meet the OLPC standard of Software Freedom.

¿Cómo sé qué versión del sistema operativo estoy corriendo?

Please see How to check the OS and firmware versions.

How do I recover from a "Disk Full" error?

There are some situations—such as recovering from the "Disk Full" error—that may require you to reflash your XO laptop.

¿Dónde consigo más información técnica?

Hay mucha más documentación técnica en inglés que en español. Haga click en Support para una extensa lista de documentación, soporte en chats, foros web interactivos, grupos regionales de usuarios y opciones de reparación.

Muchos voluntarios están también trabajando en Simplified User Guide -- por favor regrese de nuevo para ver mas actualizaciones.