Simple HTML Style Guide

Revision as of 15:04, 6 May 2008 by Cjl (talk | contribs) (stub for collecting pointers to good examples)
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A Style Guide focused relatively simple HTML usage will be very valuable in empowering local modification and creation of content. There is no need to write this from scratch, the purpose of this page (in is current stub form) is to solicit suggestions of useful examples that exist out there.

In an ideal world, the Guide should be sensitive to i18n and l10n issues, and itself readily processed for i18n/l10n.

Open Examples

Examples I like that have explicit and suitable licensing terms

Closed Examples

Examples I like that are posted with copyright notices or no terms apparent. Cannot be used whole, but some of these may still be useful (e.g. text may be under copyright, but organizational structure can be emulated, etc.)

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