
Revision as of 11:35, 21 June 2008 by Sethwoodworth (talk | contribs)
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IRC Nick: isforinsects(isforseth, is4)
#olpc #olpc-help
@ seth
Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png This user is a spare parts hound.
help@ This user is a Support gang volunteer.
Specializes in: documentation, grassroots, IRC (#olpc-help)
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.


About me

Known as Isforinsects on IRC (not ls for insects), short for Specialization is for Insects. It's a Heinlein thing.

What I do for the OLPC

I am currently editing and formatting the Simple_User_Guide. I appear to be the resident Speex guy. I am also helping Colingo with their encoding process. I am also very frequently working on and for grassroots tasks. Organizing grassroots groups, and responding to an awful lot of grassroots emails. I have many other projects that I am working, but none of them are happening today (12-12-07).

I am working on mostly non-technical aspects of the project. Mostly the processing of material and volunteering for somewhat related projects. I have a very strong interest in Social Media and I would like to leverage that for the community if possible.

FYI, Just found MotionDetection, via a link off of , maybe adapting this to an Activity is a solution ? --ixo 03:10, 21 February 2008 (EST)


I have volunteered for Librivox previously and really love their project. Not many people seem to be getting the Librivox recordings ready for the OLPC so I am starting to work on this. The materials need to be transcoded into Speex and trimmed as small as possible to save space. I hope to have some serious speex-fu by the time I'm done.


Flickr is a social media site for the display and sharing of digital pictures. There is a need to see what from that vast repository of photos (many with a Creative Commons -by license) could make it to the OLPC. I've started a group [1] that will eventually be the home of this project, although what form it may take I'm not sure.

Social Media

Several avenues of social media could be leveraged for support of the OLPC. A myspace user could be created that reposts community news via bulletins and serves as a Trendy method of showing support (see CC's myspace). A simple Facebook application could be created that RSS a feed of OLPC news, or a RSS feed of new OLPC photos. And Flickr could be leveraged as a Meme or as a content source.

Social media could be used to spread the word via Myspace bulletin memes and/or livejournal memes. Memes are self replicating ideas such as forwards or personal surveys that are passed on to one's friends. This isn't a very good description, but I will try to propose it later on when other projects are more fully formed.

Material from commons