Community testing meetings/2008-10-30

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This meeting is over - thanks to all those who participated! The meeting was in #olpc-meeting on Start date::October 30, 2008 at 2100 UTC. Please join the conversation on the testing mailing list to talk about what happened (alternatively, you can use the meeting's talk page, but a post to the mailing list is likely to get read faster).

Meeting logs

See exactly what happened at


Listed by IRC nick in order of speaking.

  • joef
  • mchua
  • cjl
  • kimquirk
  • frandog
  • gregdek
  • cjb
  • lfaraone
  • Ian_Daniher
  • bjordan

Previous meeting's action items

None; this is our first meeting.

Pre-meeting agenda

This was the pre-meeting agenda item - see the logs to see what was discussed.

Activity testing

We've been asked to tackle Activity testing as a first Big Task - we thought we'd try an Activity of the Week format, starting with Analyze (thank you Eduardo!) because that Activity itself would be a useful tool for testers to get log data from.

I think we need a 2-pass process; one "rough pass" week where people clean up the Activity's page, feature list, test cases, etc to make them testable by the general public - see and then compare to the current Analyze, and then see and compare to Tests/Activity/Analyze.

  • Thoughts?
  • Volunteers to help finish cleaning up Analyze for release to testing public?
  • Suggestions for next Activities to test (or good criteria for selecting one?) I was thinking Log.


Action items