XS Community Edition/Features

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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.

This is a dynamic list of features for the XS Community Edition ranging from wishlist items to items currently under development. Please add features to this list and/or sign up to implement one of the features listed.

Feature Owner Target Release Description Link Status
3G Support Basanta Shrestha 0.6 /3G support Ongoing Development
Authorization Framework George Hunt 0.6 /authorization framework Ongoing Development
Automatic Network Configuration Jerry Vonau 0.6 /automatic network configuration Ongoing Development
Better Arm Support Jon Nettleton 0.6 /better arm support Ongoing Development
Email Server NO ONE 0.6 /email server Needs an Implementer
Management Gui Miguel González Álvarez 0.5 /management gui 50% done
Port to Ansible Anish, Miguel, Santi 0.5 /port-to-ansible Nearing completion
Power Management Jon Nettleton 0.6 /power management Ongoing Development
Printer Gui NO ONE 0.6 /printer gui Needs an Implementer
School Information Network Martin Dluhos 0.6 /school information network Needs an Implementer
Screen Sharing George Hunt 0.6 /screensharing Experiments
SD Card Registration TK Kang 0.6 /sd card registration with unique id Ongoing Development
Startup Sound ? 0.6 /Startup sound Not Clear
User Management Framework Tony Anderson 0.6 /user management framework Ongoing Development
User Portal Tim Moody, Tony Anderson 0.6 /user portal Server side framework done, needs translations and client side


These features have detailed pages. If you add a feature, you should also create a similar page to describe it and track progress on its implementation.