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노트북 뉴스 2007-V-26

B3 | Dorchester | UL | Verde | Sugar | Etoys | Servidor escolar | Gestión de Energía | Suspender / retomar | Infraestructura de Sistema | Kernel | Firmware | Pruebas de hardware

80대의 B3 머신들이 금요일에 캠브리지에 도착했습니다. 최종판에 근접한 형태이며, 지오이드 LX 프로세서를 탑재하였고, 키보드와 터치패드의 개선은 물론, 많은 전기 및 기계적 개선과 더불어 뒷면에는 밝고 컬러풀한 XO 로고가 새겨져 있습니다. 첫 인상은
워~메! ^^

1. 80 B3 machines arrived at the OLPC offices in Cambridge on Friday. These machines, which are close to final, feature the Geode LX processor, improved keyboard and touch pad, many electrical and mechanical enhancements, and a brightly colored XO logo on the back. First impression: Wow!!

Walter Bender는 Lilla G. Fredrick 파일럿 중학교를 짧게 방문하였는데, 이 학교는 메사추세츠 주가 자금을 지원한 1:1 컴퓨팅 프로그램을 수행하는 세 학교들 중 하나입니다. 아직 XO를 이용하고 있지는 않지만, 교장인 Debra Socia는 이미 우리가 기대하는 모든 것들을 관찰하였습니다: 교사와 학생들의 참여 증가, 학부모와 공동체의 참여 증가, 학습을 둘러싼 높은 수준의 상호작용, 더 많은 글쓰기 등.

2. Dorchester: Walter Bender paid a brief visit to the Lilla G. Fredrick Pilot Middle School, one of three one-to-one computing programs funded by the State of Massachusetts. Although they are not (yet) using XOs, Principal Debra Socia has observed all things we have come to expect: more teacher and student engagement, more parent and community involvement, a higher level of discourse around learning, more writing, etc.

Quanta와 OLPC는 지난 주에 UL Taiwan에서 만나, 노트북 품질 검사 방법을 논의했습니다. B3 노트북은 열, 전기-자기 간섭, 라디오 주파수 노이즈 (와이파이로부터) 등을 테스트합니다. 우리는 40C, 45C그리고 50C 환경 속에서 최고 작동 가능 온도를 측정할 것입니다.

3. 타이완 UL: Quanta and OLPC met with UL this week to determine the exact strategy for certification of the laptops. Nearly all testing will be done by UL Taiwan, close to the Quanta offices to allow close communication. The B3 units will undergo test starting end of next week. The main areas of test are thermal, electro-magnetic interference, and radio-frequency noise (from WiFi). We will test at 40C, 45C and 50C to determine our maximum sustained ambient operating temperature.

Mary Lou Jepsen은 모바일 폰의 바젤 협약 테이크-백 프로토콜 (take-back protocol) 저자인 John Bullock을 만나, 노트북과 관련된 환경 문제를 논의하였습니다. 바젤 협약은 1987년 시작되었으며, 재활용과 되가져오기 프로그램을 통해 유독성 물질의 배출을 줄이려는 세계적 활동입니다.

4. Green: Mary Lou Jepsen met with John Bullock, the author of the Basel Convention take-back protocol for mobile telephones. The Basel Convention was started in 1987 as a way to globally address toxic dumping through recycling and take-back programs. It has been ratified by almost all countries, a notable exception in the USA. John, a recycling expert, said “OLPC has set a new environmental standard with XO” and wants to find a way to both help us continue, and to get the story out to other CE manufacturers. He offered many suggestions for improving our environmental position.

지난 두 주간 슈가 사용자 인터페이스와 기반 시스템에 상당한 진전이 있었습니다. 특히, 협동 메커니즘에 관심이 집중되었습니다.
  • Marc Maurer는 아비워드 기반의 라이트 액티비티를 프레즌스 서비스와 튜브즈 API에 연동하여, 네트워크 상의 다른 사람들을 찾을 수 있도록 하였습니다.그는 C/C++로 이를 시도한 최초의 사람이며, 우리는 관심있게 지켜보고 있습니다.
  • 콜레브라 팀은 프레즌스 서비스의 많은 부분을 교정하였습니다.
  • 콜래브라 팀은 사용자들 상호 간에 직접 대화하기를 원하는 활동들이 그것을 프레즌스 서비스로부터 쉽게 진행할 수 있도록 해주는 스트림 API를 작성하고 있습니다.
  • Marco Gritti 와 Tomeu Vizoso는 새로운 웹 액티비티 특성들을 만들고 있습니다.
  • Marco는 또한 xdg 마임 시스템을 슈가 속으로 연동하고 있습니다.
  • Tomeu 는 Ben Sadder과 더불어저널에 팔요한 데이터 저장의 새로운 특성들을 만들고 있습니다.
  • Chris Ball은 슈가를 위한 틴더박스를 설정하고 있는데, 이를 통해, 우리의 액티비지와 슈가 개발자들이 하나의 슈가 빌드가 성공할 지 여부를 시험해보지 핞고도 판단할 수 있게 됩니다.
  • Chris는 또한 우리의 이북 모드 "프립" 커널 이벤트를 인풋 레이어에 노툴시키는 커널 패치를 만들었습니다.

5. Sugar: Over the last couple of weeks we have seen great advances in the Sugar user-interface and the underlying systems that support it. A particular focus has been on the mechanisms for collaboration:

  • Marc Maurer has the Abiword-based Write activity hooked up to the Presence Service and Tubes API so it can find other people on the network. He is the first person who has tried to do it from C/C++; we are interested in seeing that experience documented.
  • The Collabora team has been making a lot of fixes to the Presence Service. They have also been working on patches to dbus to fix some issues and are pushing for a new dbus release. John Palmieri is integrating those patches and working on a new release.
  • The Collabora team has also been working on a stream API that will make it very easy for activities that want to talk directly with each other to do so from the Presence Service. And they have started work on integrating the peer-to-peer (called salut) XMPP code into the Presence Service.
  • Marco Gritti and Tomeu Vizoso have been very busy working on new web activity features. They have a new feature that makes if very easy to embed the browser directory into a python program and makes it possible to access the DOM directly from python instead of having to do it from C++. As a result, they were able to implement session restoration and saving of data to the Journal.
  • Marco also hooked up the xdg mime system into Sugar. This is one of the pieces required to let activities say which mime types they handle and how to associate them in the Journal.
  • Tomeu has also been working with Ben Sadder to implement new features in the data store that are needed by the Journal.
  • Chris Ball began work setting up a tinderbox for Sugar, so that our activity and Sugar developers can see whether a Sugar build will succeed before trying it themselves. This should save them a lot of time as the Sugar build pulls in many external modules and often fails.
  • Chris also came up with a kernel patch to expose our ebook-mode “flip” kernel events to the input layer, which is where HAL listens for them. Once that's tested, we can have rotate on ebook-flip happening through Sugar, on a per-activity basis.

Bert Freudenberg 는 Etoys에서 dbus 지원을 계속하고 있습니다;파이선으로 작성된 론처 프로그램을 건너 뜀으로서, 이토이의 시동 시간이 훨씬 짧아졌습니다. 다카시 야마미야의 클립도드 작업도 지속되오 깄습니다: 그는 이토이로부터 슈가로 오브젝트를 복사하기 위한 X 프로토콜을 실험하고 있는데, 슈가에서 그것들은 다른 활동들, 가령 저널로부터 접근할 수 있습니다. 요시키 오시마는 팡고와의 통합을 진행하고 있는데, 이토이의 더 많고 나아진 언어 지원을 제공할 것입니다. Scott Wallace는 익스프레션 타일을 실험하고 있으며, Ted Kaehler는 물리학 시뮬레이션의 이토이 표본을 만들고 있습니다.
evitando el lanzador (launcher) escrito en Python, el tiempo de arranque de Etoys será mucho menor. El trabajo de Takashi Yamamiya en el portapapeles prosigue
está experimentando con el protocolo X para copiar objetos desde Etoys a Sugar, donde pueden ser usados por otras actividades, incluyendo el Diario. Yoshiki Ohshima está trabajando en la integración con Pango, lo cual permitirá un mejor manejo de idiomas a Etoys. Scott Wallace experimentó con 'tejas' (tiles) de expresiones y Ted Kaehler sigue trabajando sobre una demostración de física en Etoys.

6. Etoys: Bert Freudenberg continues on dbus support in Etoys; bypassing the launcher program written in Python, the start up time of Etoys will be much shorter. Takashi Yamamiya's work on clipboard is also continuing: he is experimenting with the X protocol to copy objects from Etoys to Sugar, where they can be accessed by other activities, including the Journal. Yoshiki Ohshima is working on the integration with Pango. which will allow more and better language support in Etoys. Scott Wallace has been experimenting expression tiles and Ted Kaehler continues work on an Etoy example of physics simulation.

스쿨 서버
Dave Woodhouse는 John Watlington과 더불어, 스쿨 서버와 IPv6 구성을 진행하였습니다. Holger Levsen는 i386, PowerPC를 위한 페도라 코어 6과 7 소스를 운반하는 로컬 미러를 구축하였습니다.

7. School server: Dave Woodhouse worked with John Watlington on the configuration of IPv6 and the school server. Holger Levsen has built a local mirror that now carries the Fedore Core 6 and 7 source for i386, PowerPC. Building the livecd now only takes 33 minutes compared to 45 minutes against a remote mirror. The mirror is located at http://fedora.laptop.org. Holger reports that last week’s issues in Anaconda were fixed by upstream, but he found a new bug, which prevents using a kickstart-file and thus automated installations at the moment. Luckily this error happens in textmode and graphical mode, so I expect it to be fixed soon. (The manual workaround for the moment is to not use a kickstart file and answer the questions about partitioning and networking manually.) Builds are available at http://xs-dev.laptop.org/holger/ and documentation is found at User:Holger.

전력 관리
Chris Ball은 David Zeuthen (HAL maintainer) 및 Richard Hughes (mantenedor de gnome-power-manager)과 더불어 전력 관리자 설계에 관한 최선의 방법을 논의하였습니다.

8. Power management: Chris Ball talked with David Zeuthen (HAL maintainer) and Richard Hughes (gnome-power-manager maintainer) about the best way to design our power manager. Chris upgraded to the latest version of HAL and tested that it can expose our lid open/close events over dbus. Adding functionality to go to sleep with the backlight off when the lid is closed is only a few lines of code away now.

Marcelo Tosatti은 USB 정지/재개를 작업하고 있습니다. 그는 또한 Cozybit 과 더불어 무선 펌웨어와 관련된 정지/재개 이슈들의 일부를 추적하고 있습니다.

9. Suspend/resume: Marcelo Tosatti has been working on USB suspend/resume. He also has been working with Cozybit on trying to track down some suspend/resume issues with the wireless firmware. And he has been verifying another fix related to suspend with a starvation problem for the gc thread for the jffs2 filesystem; it sounds like this is fixed. Bernardo Innocenti and Dave Woodhouse also fixed a bug in the kernel serial driver on LX resume.

시스템 인프라스트럭처
Mitch Bradley 는 시스템의 시동 스크립트를 재개하는 것을 조사했는데, 이전 크기의 1/6 수준에서 끝날 것입니다.

10. Systems infrastructure: Mitch Bradley investigated redoing the startup scripts in our system, which will end up being about 1/6th the previous size, understandable by mere mortals, and speed boot time. Chris Ball took a tcpdump of the web browser rendering over Ethernet for analysis with netplot. Rob Savoye has been working with Bernardo Innocenti on integrating Geode specific GLibc functions, which will improve performance in a number of areas. Bernardo is also worked on setting up to do the X Window System build environment for power management and for better handling of our input devices.

Jon Corbet 은 사용하지 않은 때 카메라 LED를 끄는 패치를 만들었습니다.Andres Salomon는 일부 B3 머신에서 나타나는 DCON 버그를 해결하고 있습니다. Richard Smith도 이를 조사하고 있으며, Andres는 새로운 안정된 커널을 브랜칭하였습니다.

11. Kernel: Jon Corbet has a patch to turn off the camera LED when it is not in use. Andres Salomon worked on a DCON bug that appeared in some B3 hardware; after a resume, some of the GPIOs were in an inconsistent state, resulting in problems with DCON interrupt handling. The real cause is still unknown, but open firmware (OFW) has been changed to ensure that the necessary GPIO bits become unset after resume. Richard Smith is investigating further. Andres also worked on branching a new stable kernel, syncing the libertas tree up with master, and also syncing master up with Linux 2.6.22-rc1.

Lilian Walter는 B3에서 오디오, SD 그리고 카메라의 전원 온오프를 점검하고 있습니다.

Mitch Bradley는 새로운 펌웨어 Q2C14 를 공개했습니다.

que el prendido y apagado del audio, SD y la cámara funcionan en la B3. Lilian también está trabajando sobre IPv6 y ping6. Tiene código muy simple para la capa IP (sin cabeceras extras por el momento). Lo que sigue es trabajar sobre el bit de resolución de dirección (puede ser cableado (hardcoded) para probar la capa IPv6 por el momento con ping6).

12. Firmware: Lilian Walter been making sure that power on/off audio, SD and the camera work on B3. Lilian is also working on the IPv6 and ping6. She has some very simple code for the IP layer (no extra headers for now). Next is to work on the address resolution bit (maybe hard code it just to test the Ipv6 layer so far with ping6).

Mitch Bradley released released new firmware Q2C14 with several bug fixes, a first pass at “quiet” boot screen support, wireless LAN auto-boot support for manufacturing, microphone LED blink reduction code (reduces the cost of the hardware workaround. Mitch also showed Quanta how to make an initrd image for manufacturing diagnostics and rrticulated a scheme for the mechanics of quiet boot across the firmware, kernel, userspace, and X transitions.

하드웨어 테스트
Richard Smith 은 John Watlington을 도와 하드웨어의 모든 부분을 검사했습니다. 온도 변화 충격 실험, 고도 실험, LCD 위로 쇠구슬 낙하 실험, 던지기 실험 등.

13. Hardware testing: Richard Smith worked on the B3 hardware checkout. Helped John Watlington test all parts of the system, including the firmware protect circuitry. Further testing (separate from the tens of functional tests that each XO is subjected to as part of the manufacturing process) includes such favorites as:

  • Thermal shock: spending twenty minutes at –20C, then jumping to 60C in less than two minutes; staying at 60C for 20 minutes, then dropping back to –20C in less than two minutes (the whole process is repeated 50 times);
  • Thermal profile: taking the temperature of most chips on the motherboard, while running a suite of applications at 50C;
  • Altitude testing: operation tested for 8 hrs at 5.5 Km;
  • Free-drop steel-ball test (onto LCD);
  • Free-throw test: simulating a child free throwing an XO, its battery, and power brick onto the floor.

'노트북 뉴스는 '노트북 뉴스에 아키브됩니다.

laptop.org 메일맨 사이트를 방문하여, OLPC 커뮤니티-뉴스 메일링 리스트에 가입할 수 있습니다.

문의: press@racepointgroup.com



OLPC 프레스 릴리즈

Ene. 2007 상업용 OLPC에 대해서는 No T플랜입니다.
OLPC has No Plans to Commercialize XO Computer.
Ene. 2007 전례가 없는 새로운 타입의 XO 사용자 인터페이스 발표
OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer.
Ene. 2007 르완다가 OLPC에 참여를 선언했습니다.
Rwanda Commits to One Laptop per Child Initiative.
Dic. 2006 [저비용 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061231/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop 노트북]이 배움의 형태를 바꿀 수 있습니다.
Low Cost Laptop Could Transform Learning.


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Meet the Scientist: Nicholas Negroponte
11 Abr. 2007 CNET News 사진: 노트북을 켜는 나이지리아 아이들
Photos: Nigerian students power up their laptops
  The News 100달러 노트북을 받는 가난한 태국 학생들
Poor rural Thai students to get 100-dollar laptops
29 Mar. 2007 ComputerWorld $100 노트북을 위한 실험적인 배터리
OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop
16 Mar. 2007 The Santiago Times 값싼 노트북이 칠레에서 상업 세계 프리미어를 선보인다
Cheap Laptop Makes Commercial World Premiere in Chile
13 Mar. 2007 Bostonist OLPC에 흩뿌려진 슈가
Pour Some Sugar on OLPC
12 Mar. 2007 BusinessWeek 슈가와의 만남...$100 노트북 디자인의 도약
Meet Sugar...The face of the $100 laptop and a quantum leap in design
7 Mar. 2007 The China Post $100 노트북을 위한 부품 제조업자들이 쇄도
Parts makers surge on US $100 Laptops
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SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content
1 Mar. 2007 BusinessWeek.com $100 노트북의 모습
The Face of the $100 Laptop
  2007 Linternaute: High-tech Una computadora de USD 100
Un ordinateur à 100 dollars
28 Feb. 2007 eLearn Magazine $100 노트북이 세상을 바꿀까?
Can the "$100 Laptop" Change the World?
27 Feb. 2007 CNET 저개발국에 PC를 전하기 위한 두 가지 비전
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13 Feb. 2007 Newsweek International 인터뷰: 사람들의 노트북
Interview: The People's Laptop
12 Feb. 2007 Silicon.com 한 달 이내에 등장할 수 천 세트의 $100 노트북
Thousands of $100 laptops to within a month
8 Feb. 2007 MIT: Technology Review 테크놀러지 리뷰: $100 노트북의 보안 모델
Technology Review: Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop
Feb. 2007 Domus 컴퓨터가 귀하를 구할 것이다
Un computer vi salverà: A computer will save you
  IEEE Spectrum Mary Lou Jepsen: 모두를 위한 노트북
Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops for All
29 Ene. 2007 Christian Science Monitor 곧 등장할 $100 노트북의 상세한 모습
A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be
3 Ene. 2007 EDTECH.com $150 노트북
The $150 Notebook
  networkworld.com OLPC는 3분기에 대량 생산을 계획
OLPC Aims for Mass Production in Third Quarter
  IDG.net OLPC는 하드웨어를 '슈가'로 달콤하게 만드는 중
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  YAHOO! Finance OLPC는 XO를 위한 신개념 노트북 인터페이스를 발표
OLPC Announces First-of-Its Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer


OLPC 비디오

OLPC.TV 비디오 컬렉션
A collection of several videos
redhatmagazine.com Red Hat Magazine: OLPC, 에피소드 원
Red Hat Magazine: Inside One Laptop per Child, Episode One
sf.tv 스위스에서 보내온 OLPC 비디오 2007년 1월 26일
OLPC Video from Switzerland, 26.01.2007
acm.org $100에 관한 니콜라스 네그로폰테와의 인터뷰
Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the &100 Laptop
techpresentations.com FOSDEM 2007에서 있었던 Jim Gettys의 프리젠테이션
Presentation by Jim Gettys at FOSDEM 2007
globo.com 노트북을 실험 중인 학생들
Crianças testam computador portátil
Students test the laptop, GLOBO- BRASIL
stanford.edu Mark Foster가 스탠포드 대학에서 프리젠테이션을 진행
Mark Foster delivers presentation to Standford University
technologyreview.com 테크롤러지 리뷰 미니 다큐먼터리
Technology Review Mini-Documentary
radiofarda.com 브리프 데모
A Brief Demo