Priorities-2008/Draft 1

< Priorities-2008
Revision as of 01:19, 14 May 2008 by Cjl (talk | contribs) (link to Amharic keyboard page)
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These notes were drafted by Kim based on feedback solicited from the tech team and discussion with Michail, Blake, Michael, Adam, Emily, Richard, Chris, Wad, Scott, Kim, Jim, Yani, Martin, Simon, Marco, and Morgan on 05-05-08. They represent a starting point against which refinements should be added.


This has been reported as a problem in just about every deployment as well as G1G1. It is our highest priority and may require kernel changes or hardware changes, or both.


We should get some quantitative data on this to understand how bad it is. Unfortunately it will continue to grow until we address it in hardware.


Since we separated OS from activities/content, we have to figure out the best way to do this for mfg. They may just want one image. They are looking at this now. It would be ok if the image is different for different countries. 6961.


This will be broken into the manual power save mode and a longer term goal of aggressive suspend/resume.


Lots of different activities are underway. We will need to break this into manageable pieces and prioritize them:

  • Daf - absense of adequate bandwidth
  • Poly - scale of collaboration/presence working
  • Scott - Network Principals doc
  • Nortel, Ricardo, Michail - looking for numbers about what can and can't be done with the underlying protocols within our implementation. Not in the school wifi case.
  • Javier, Marvel - Libertas driver, Firmware changes - mainly with power; multicast groups; generic mask and offset
  • Who is maintaining our Network Manager?

This impacts our ability to rapidly test and get good test environments. Need to own Network Manager and decide what the configuration and how to do it. Can we bring back the MPP feature?

  • Sugar presence service is running out of control. Morgan is the contact here; might be the right one to work with Process 1.
  • There are a couple of things that you just shouldn't do at school; so they need to be turned off at school. Need to do as much as possibly automatically or at least have the correct defaults.


  • More responsive UI - faster launch of activities
  • More notifications?
  • New Sugar UI? Should continue with some specific goals on how to roll out the new features so it won't be difficult for people. Wad brought up the issue that Peru has already started printing a manual based on the old UI.
  • May help push the bug patch release in order to get some of these other features out without requiring a new UI.


Martin has been working on this from school server side.


This brings up issues in testing... how to test for all keyboards. Resources need to be found for the continued keyboard development/test. Put contacts for all countries and deployments on the teamwiki

see OLPC_Amharic_Keyboard


MOMA animation is good to show how to get started -- specifically connecting to wifi (G1G1). The way access points are displayed doesn't give kids enough of a clue about the consequences of clicking on it -- not obvious whether it helps you get on the network, for instance.


Might not know the practical implications of whether we can distribute. AMD has 10Million licenses, they might be able to donate to us. Need to look at the new version of gnash. Free codecs solution should be available at the end of the year. Update our browser; lastest beta5, joyride


Getting further and further behind on security updates and other things. Beside Dennis, it may require NM, init stuff, and possibly Mitch. This helps control our future development costs.


How to determine what to upgrade to; how to upgrade activities going forward. Can this be done in the community?


User communities - look and feel like the real thing. Can we add this to automated testing? Is there a VMWare (EMC) relationship owner? Is this a better way to go?


Bookmarks are difficult. How do you open it? Certificates


HP was trying to encourage people to do the work for generic IPP printers. Need the UI to select which printer. Activities need to support printer. Use case - school or G1G1.


  • Datastore upgrade
  • Homologation and Certifications (new country deployments, new countries)
  • Groups, models for groups (Peru, Hernan)
  • School server hardware (Peru, others)
  • Other distro on XO (devel, mgmt)
  • Custom builds (NYC, Uruguay, ...)
  • Sugar on other distro (mgmt)