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Petition the White House to Support The Keeping All Students Safe Act

This campaign collected about 1000 signatures in a few weeks. The petition is now closed. Gregorio 19:10, 12 February 2013 (UTC)

This campaign aims to collect 25,000 signatures for on a We The People Petition to get the White House to supoprt the Keeping All Students Safe Act.

Please spread the word and get more people to sign via Facebook, e-mail, Twitter, etc. Please sign and spread the word about the White House petition asking President Obama to support the Keep All Students Safe Act banning the use of restraints and seclusion rooms in America's schools.

With 25,000 signatures by Feb. 11 it will get a formal White House response.

Visit the White House web site now and sign the petition at:
Then post it on your Facebook page, and pass this email on to two friends.

Click here for a sample e-mail you can send to Special Education Parent Advisory Committees (PAC or SEPAC)s and other groups PAPPI Sample E-Mail for Petition

Campaign to protect Rule 33

This campaign helped protect Chapter 33 in Maine (due to Deb's hard work).
The outcome and steps taken are here: