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[[Category:General Public]]
[[Category:General Public]]
'''NOTE:''' 시민의 자발적 참여에 의한 번역입니다. 애매한 부분은 [[News|원문]]을 참조하고, 추가번역이 필요하면 [[user:php5|php5]]에게 요청하십시오.
<!-- 노트 -->
*공식 번역문이 아니므로 (No Official), 번역이 매끄럽지 않은 부분은 [[News|원문]]을 참조하시거나, 기타 추가적으로 번역이 요구되는 부분은 주저 없이 discussion page에 메시지를 남겨주세요.
=노트북 뉴스=

=Laptop News 2007-09-15=
1. 인터넷과 위성 통신 분야의 30년 경력 베테랑 Thomas Jacobson이 초저비용 업데이트와 컨텐트 배포를 위한 위성 활용에 관해 이틀 간에 걸쳐 OLPC와 논의하였습니다. (See http://www.tcjnet.com/xosat.html)
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1. Thomas Jacobson, a network consultant with over 30 years of experience with Internet and satellite communications, spent two days at OLPC discussing how we can best take advantage of satellites for very low-cost bit distribution (updates and content). He gave a talk on Thursday (See http://www.tcjnet.com/xosat.html).
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2. Nortel CTO John Roese의 XO에 관한 블로그 글: See http://blogs.nortel.com/ctoblog/2007/09/12/one-laptop-per-child-where-in-the-world-is-that-cool-green-and-white-laptop).
1. OLPC “Game Jam”— OLPC 플랫폼 (XO)를 위한 오픈소스 게임 개발을 고무하는 게임 디자인과 프로그래밍 이벤트가 다음 주말 Olin College에서 열립니다. 일련의 게임 개발자들이 모여서 3일 간에 걸쳐, 가능한 많은 혁신적인 게임들을 개발할 것입니다. "우리의 목표는 XO를 위한 대단한 게임과 실험만이 아니라, 이 프로젝트의 고유한 제약과 산출물을 내년 GDC Experimental Gameplay Workshop에 가져가는 것입니다” 코드는 GNU General Public License에 따라 SourceForge에서 배포되어, 모든 사람들이 자유롭게 소스와 게임을 실험해 볼 수 있을 것입니다.
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2. Nortel CTO John Roese has been blogging about the XO (See http://blogs.nortel.com/ctoblog/2007/09/12/one-laptop-per-child-where-in-the-world-is-that-cool-green-and-white-laptop).
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3. 현미경: 지난 주에 Robert Shapiro 교수가 Mary Lou Jepsen를 방문하여 매년 6백만명 이상의 희생자를 내는 HIV/AIDs, TB, 말라리아 진단을 위한 광학 현미경을 논의하였습니다. 놀랍게도 저배율 확대 만으로도 진단에 충분하였습니다. Barrett Comiskey도 돕고 있습니다.
2. 기계적/ID: XO의 기계적 디자인이 완성되었습니다. 주요한 최종 아이템 - 고무/플라스틱 토끼 귀 -는 4월 4일 승인되었습니다. 코어 팀이 이 마일 스톤을 책임집니다: Frank Lee and Victor Chau of Quanta, Yves Behar 및 Bret Recor of Fuse, Jacques Gagne of Gecko, 그리고 Mary Lou Jepsen of OLPC. 이것은 지난 2년 간에 걸친 ID외 기계적 요소에 대한 누적된 연구의 결과입니다. ID/ME 부분에 공헌해 주신 분들은 다음 분들에게 다시 한 번 사의를 표합니다.
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Quanta: Ben Chuang, Johnson Huang, Sam Chang, Alex Chu, and Roger Huang
3. Microscope: Professor Robert Shapiro visited Mary Lou Jepsen at OLPC last week to discuss more issues of optimal microscope design to allow the XO to provide diagnosis of HIV/AIDs, TB, and malaria, which kill more than six-million people every year, worldwide. Low-cost detection of these diseases could save many lives. Surprisingly, the key for detection is not high magnification; low magnification of a large image area and a dye coupled with violet-colored LEDs for illumination can be combined with image processing is sufficient. Professor Shapiro showed a prototype microscope to Mary Lou and discussed the basic requirements. Barrett Comiskey (whose has been designing a periscope) is also working on a low-cost microscope for the XO.
Fuse Project: Mitch Pergola and Martin Schnitzer
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Design Continuum: Kenneth Jewell and Kevin Young
MIT Media Lab: Ted Selker
ChiLin: Albert Hsu, HT Chen and Scott Soong
OLPC: Nicholas Negroponte, Rebecca Allen, Mark Foster, Walter Bender, and Michail Bletsas

4. 테스팅: 슈가와 다양한 핵심 액티비티들의 번역이 열심히 진행 중입니다. 다국어 지원을 위해 Alex Latham and Rafael Ortiz는 John Palmieri와 더불어 작업하고 있습니다. Alex는 모든 국제 키보드 매핑을 테스팅하고 있습니다.
3. 시스템 소프트웨어: 빌드 385 와 펌웨어 Q2B87 이 새로운 안정 빌드입니다. 우리는 대기모드와 복귀, 전력관리, 그리고 Geode LX bringup에 집중하고 있으므로, 향후 3~5주 내에 다른 안정된 빌드가 나오지는 않을 것입니다. 이 빌드로 시스템을 업데이드 하십시오. 주요한 변화 및 개선점은 다음과 같습니다:
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* a fix for a number of crashes in Sugar, which have been seen occasionally became much more common in Build 368 was finally traced to a bug in the fontconfig library;
4. Testing: Translation of Sugar and the various core activities has begun in earnest. Alex Latham and Rafael Ortiz worked this week with John Palmieri to produce a build that properly supports multiple languages. (Spanish had been broken for the last few builds due to some translation problems.) Alex has plans for testing all of our international keyboard mappings.
* updated library content;
* improved UI for selecting networks, and further bug fixes in the network driver;
* fix for LiFePo battery problems (This is the last known battery problem.);
* memory of the WEP wireless key should be much improved;
* updated TamTam bundle (save and restore work properly);
* a new, improved calculator program from Reinier Heeres;
* a temporary workaround for a presence-service problem is in place; and
* sufficient aliases for old X11 core fonts that most applications not yet updated to the current X client-side font model should work (specifically, this fixes a crash in the Adobe Flash 9 plug-in for Linux).

There is now a link from the sidebar on the OLPC Wiki home page to “[[Test_issues|Test]]”, where you can get information on the latest build before you load it, test configuration notes, and review our current set of test plans. If you would like to help with our testing, there are lots of bug fixes that need verification and lots of test plans to get through.
우리는 스쿨 서버에 노트북 컨텐츠를 백업하기 위한 다음 번 안정된 빌드 전에 자동화된 백업 스크립트를 작성할 것입니다; 이것은 단순히, 현재 빌드에 포함된 "rsync"를 이용한 것입니다.
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5. 스케줄: 트라이얼-3에도 약간의 버그가 남아 있습니다. 월요일에 코드 프리즈를 하고자 하니, 많은 협조 바랍니다.
4. 펌웨어: Mitch Bradley completed preparations to cut over to
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fastboot/suspend/resume firmware. The Q2Cxx series will include these new features:
5. Schedule: There are still some bugs that need triage in Trial-3. We want to be at code freeze on Monday, so please do the best you can to get your bug fixes checked in this weekend. Starting Monday we want to get approval from Jim Gettys for every code change (bug fix) before committing.
* suspend/resume support;
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* memtest86 built in to firmware;
* keyboard diagnostic that displays key presses graphically;
* explicit probe-usb no longer needed: attempts to open the USB node automatically handle connection-status changes;
* new boot flash layout per Quanta's request, plus tools to inspect manufacturing data and save it to a disk file; and
* faster boot time.

6. 서스펜드/리줌 문제 해결: 특히 Chris Ball, Mitch Bradley, Javier Cardona, Jordan Crouse, Richard Smith, John Watlington, and Gary Chiang이 이 버그의 근본 원인을 찾아서 해결했습니다.
Lilian Walters released to Mitch the keyboard self-test code and the auto reprobe for USB. Richard Smith released q2b86 and q2b87 with new EC bits that fix outstanding LiFe battery problems.
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6. Suspend/resume problem resolution: This week the team working on the suspend/resume problems (including among others, Chris Ball, Mitch Bradley, Javier Cardona, Jordan Crouse, Richard Smith, John Watlington, and Gary Chiang) found the root cause of our “crashes upon resume” bug (the infamous bug #1835). The hardware was not allowing enough time after powering up the system clocks before bringing the Southbridge out of reset. This requires a minor hardware change to correct. A dozen machines in Cambridge have been modified, and are being used in the search for remaining suspend/resume problems. One of Chris Ball's tests passed 25,000 successful resumes in Open Firmware with the fix. Testing now shifts to wireless suspend/resume again (#1752).
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7. 액티비티와 인프라스트럭처: 슈가, 텔레파시, 프레즌스 서비스, 저널과 데이터 스토어, 그리고 많은 시스템 컴포넌트들이 검수되었습니다.
5. 전력관리: As mentioned above, we are cutting over to the “C” series of firmware releases as we develop our suspend/resume work. Richard worked on resume SD bug with Pierre Ossman. It seems that after a resume, the clock on the SD is not coming back up right. It starts but then goes away. Richard is still trying to hunt this down. Only SD is not resuming properly now. The resume time without SD is down to 0.23 seconds!
* 마임 타입 이노베이션을 제거하고, 적시에 적절한 액티비티들을 깨울 수 있게 되었습니다.
* 비트프로스트 시큐리티 인프라스터럭처는 디폴트로 꺼진 상태로 빌드에 통합되어, 이제 보다 쉽고 빠르게 액티비티들을 검사할 수 있게 되었습니다.
* Simon Schamijer는 브라우저의 숨김/보임 트레이 버튼과 소스보기 기능을 추가했습니다.
* 그는 또한 ogg 파일을 연주하는데 Csound를 이용하는 Memorize Game의 사운드를 동작하게 만들었습니다.
* Ranier Herres는 계산기 기능을 대폭 개선하였습니다.
* 이토이 개선이 진행 중입니다.
* Gnash이 버전 0.8.1로 갱신되었지만, 아직 넘어야할 특허 문제가 많이 남았습니다.
* Measure 는 이제 다른 오디오 어플리케이션과 마찰없이 잘 작동합니다.
*탐탐은 세 구성요소 (TamTamJam, TamTamSynthlab and TamTamEdit)로 나뉘어 열심히 유저 인터페이스를 작성하고 있습니다.
*Mark Maurer은 쓰기 액티비티의 버그를 수정하였습니다.
* 읽기 액티비티는 이제 줌과 클립보드 복사를 지원합니다.
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7. Activities and infrastructure: Many fixes for Sugar, telepathy, the presence service, the Journal and datastore, and various system components were checked in during the week:
* Mime-type invocation was cleaned up in order to invoke the proper activities at the right time;
* The security infrastructure for Bitfrost is now in the builds (turned off by default) to enable easier/faster testing of activity adherence to the security model;
* Simon Schamijer added a hide/show tray button to the browser (which contains thumbnails of shared bookmarks) and a view-source feature in the browser (See [[Web_Browser]]);
* Simon also got sound working in the Memorize Game, which uses Csound to play ogg files;
* Ranier Herres completed a much improved version of the calculator, including plotting of functions;
* Improvement on Etoys continues: Bert Freudenberg has been keeping up changes in Sugar and the datastore; Kathleen Harness, Kim Rose and Yoshiki Ohshima worked on quick-help contents; Takashi Yamamiya adjusted the color picker and fonts to the XO display; Ted Kaehler is fixing the painting system; and Scott Wallace fixed various issues around fonts and scriptors.
* Gnash has been updated to Version 0.8.1; it is much improved, although patent concerns still prevent us from shipping the ffmpeg library used by many common codecs (the Adobe Flash player has also been tested extensively);
* Measure can now be safely used with other audio applications, thanks in part to an audio-driver cleanup that Andres Salomon has completed (the driver allows for independent control of the bias voltage and AC/DC coupling); Arjun Sarwal and Eben Eliason have modified the user interface to use a graphical representation of functions to encourage children to “see what this button does.”
* The TamTam team, led by Jean Piché, has been busy: TamTam has been split into three activities—TamTamJam, TamTamSynthlab and TamTamEdit—each with a massively reworked user interface;
* Mark Maurer fixed bugs in the Write Activity, most notably some synchronization bugs that manifest themselves during collaborative writing sessions; Marc Oude Kotte fixed some bugs in libabiword; and
* The Read Activity now support zoom and copy to the clipboard.
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8. Keyboards: Sarmad Hussain, Tariq Badsha, Babar Haq, Salman Minhas, Naveed Ikram, and Sufyan Kakakhel have been advising Walter Bender on the design of an Urdu keyboard for Pakistan. Enkhmunkh Zurgaanjin has done the same for Mongolian.
6. 커널: Andres Salomon did the regular Linux tree merge, merged the libertas wireless driver into the stable tree, and worked on the open firmware (OFW) device-tree kernel patch. The device-tree implementation is going to require a lot of tender-loving-care to get it upstream, unfortunately. Dave Woodhouse diagnosed a latent bug in the JFFS2 file system caused by pretty pathological logging behavior; it will require some work to fix. Jordan Crouse worked on the Geode LX frame buffer driver (lxfb).

7. 사용자 환경: Jim Gettys figured out how the old core X font system worked, to enable applications using the obsolete X core font system (e.g., Adobe's Flash 9 plugin) to work properly on our system. Chris Ball tested fontconfig-2.4.2, which Jim correctly predicted as the fix to Sugar crashes that had become very common in Build 368. We had been about to revert the branch prediction firmware workaround instead. Both Chris Ball and Chris Blizzard have confirmed that the crash disappears as of Build 380. Chris also tracked down the Unicode scripts as the cause of our console font becoming tiny. John Palmieri came up with a fix, which is in the latest build.

9. X 윈도우 시스템: 이디오피아 지원이 개선되고 있습니다.
8. 스쿨 서버: John Watlington은 우리가 캠브리지에서 한 대의 스쿨 서버를 메쉬 포털로 구동 중임을 밝힙니다. 최대 세 개의 메쉬 네트워크를 지원하며, 서로 간의 라우팅과 인터넷 접속을 지원합니다.
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9. X Window System: Ethiopian support is improving; Bernardo Innocenti filed some bug reports to upstream projects and built packages for the builds. We also have user-oriented installation instructions for testing.

On the Xorg front, Bernie started to look at a hard-crash bug in amd_drv, triggered when the Browse Activity renders a complex iGoogle page.
노트북 뉴스는 [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news 노트북 뉴스]에 아키브됩니다.

Bernie also make a lucky discovery: setting LANG=C take 5 seconds off the boot time, and possibly saves some memory too! We can set the proper locale later in the boot process: just before starting Sugar.
[http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org mailman site]를 방문하여, 메일링 리스트에 가입하면 OLPC 공동체의 뉴스를 받아볼 수 있습니다.

Stefano Fedrigo has backported promising EXA performance patches to Version 1.4. So far they resulted in a crashing server, but there is hope: while this server wont make Trial-3, it may be ready for our first deployment system.
언론 문의: press@racepointgroup.com로 이메일을 보내 주세요.

Jim Gettys attended part of the X developer's summit (XDS), where he discussed how to best secure the X Window System with Eamon Walsh's XACE extension. This is nearing completion, but will not be ready until early next year. He also investigated solutions of how to improve drag and drop onto the Sugar frame; there are several possibilities we will
follow up on.
|align="right" valign="top"|Feb.&nbsp;2007
|B2-test machines become available and are shipped to developers and the launch countries.

In the serendipity department, one of the talks at the XDS included
information about a useful USB to VGA product on the market; there have been many requests for this capability for better use with projectors than our current network-based solutions, and this may be it.
|align="right" valign="top"|Jan.&nbsp;2007
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|[[Rwanda]] announced its participation in the project.

10. 커널: Andres Salomon은 오디오 드라이버 코드를 수정, (음성녹음 장치를 열고 닫을 때의 문제, HPF와 V_REF 수정등). 또, VMware 사용자를 위한 es1371 모둘, 배터리가 없을때의 처리기능등을 stable 소스 트리로 제출하였습니다. 기타 이번주의 주요 결과물은 다음과 같습니다. Angres가 여러가지 조작을 통해서 건전지의 ACR 값을 사용하는 기능을 테스트하기 시작하였습니다.
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|align="right" valign="top"|Dec.&nbsp;2006
10. Kernel: Andres Salomon committed audio-driver fixes (the capture device should now be in a sane state when the device is opened/closed, HPF and V_REF are no longer coupled, etc.), enabled the es1371 module for VMware users, and included a missing battery feature (accumulated_current) into the stable tree. The other major effort this week was in support of fine-tuning power usage; Andres has started working on tests using the battery's ACR registers to get better measurements of power savings that result from various tweaks.
|[[OLPC Uruguay|Uruguay]] [http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/noticias/2006/12/2006121402.htm announced] its participation in the project.
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|align="right" valign="top"|Nov.&nbsp;2006
|First B1 machines are built; IDB and OLPC formalize an agreement regarding Latin American and Caribbean education.

11. Updates: Scott Ananian pushed manifests, upgrades, and OS signing into the build process and is working on updating our activation process with “real” cryptography. Scott also documented Eben Eliason and Rebecca Allen's startup UI design (See [[Startup_Sequence]]) and split it into a number of manageable implementation steps.
|align="right" valign="top"|Oct.&nbsp;2006
|B-test boards become available; [[Libya]] announces plans for one laptop for every child

12. Firmware: Mitch Bradley continuing work this on firmware security, and on better tools for checking NAND FLASH integrity. Two bugs consumed 98% of Richard Smith's time this week:
(1) the resume problem as reported above, which was resolved; and
|align="right" valign="top"|Sep.&nbsp;2006
(2) a mysterious “turn off” problem—the core of the problem is that the timing used by the embedded controller (EC) to assert the PWR_BUT# signal is based a loop counter rather than a timer; Richard is looking into fixing this.
|UI designs presented; integrated software build released; SES-Astra joins OLPC

13. 월드 디지털 라이버러리: John van Oudenaren and Michelle Rago의 지휘 하에 10월 15일 유네스코 총회에서의 시연을 위한 준비를 7개국어 라이버러리 인터페이스를 마감하고 있습니다. 이 시연은 세계 각지로부터 60 기가바이트의 자료를 끌어오는데, 인도 역사가 하이라이트 입니다. 그들은 이 시연을 세 기기에서 보여줍니다: XO, 클라스메이트, 그리고 아이폰입니다.
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|align="right" valign="top"|Aug.&nbsp;2006
13. World Digital Library: The World Digital Library team, under the direction of John van Oudenaren and Michelle Rago, is finishing a working model of their visual seven-language library interface this month in preparation for a public demonstration at the UNESCO general conference October 15. The demonstration will draw on 60GB of materials from around the world, with highlights from the history of India. They will be showcasing the demo on three devices: the XO, the Classmate, and the iPhone.
|Working prototype of the dual-mode display
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14. Help wanted: ePals wants to hire a Python developer next week to finish a Sugarized activity that offers access to their PenPal services. They have a design almost completed, and expect this to be around 40 hours of work. The Library of Congress is considering up to three unpaid internships this fall with office space in their Science and Technology Sections, to identify educational and illustrative materials in the public domain and to get digital versions of them online and bundled for their own website and for OLPC collections. This is an opportunity to have unlimited access to their stacks and to get experience with modern digitization processes. Contact SJ Klein (sj at laptop dot org) for details regarding both positions.
|align="right" valign="top"|Jun.&nbsp;2006
|500 developer boards are shipped worldwide; WiFi operational; Csound demonstrated over the mesh network<br/>First video with working prototype [http://www.siliconvalleysleuth.com/2006/06/first_video_of_.html]

|align="right" valign="top"|May&nbsp;2006
|eBay joins OLPC; display specs set; A-test boards become available; $100 Server is announced

15. 이디오피아 텍스트: Emma Shercliffe of Macmillan and Ignatz Heinz of Avallain은 이번 달에 언어 학습 도구와 아디스 팀을 위한 이디오피아 텍스트와 자료 수집 작업을 마무리하고 있습니다. Macmillan은 아프리카의 로컬 팀들과 더불어 교육부와 학교들을 돕는데 관심이 있습니다. 그들은 그 곳의 거의 절반에 가까운 지역에 지역 저자와 출판 지사들을 보유하고 있습니다.
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|align="right" valign="top"|Apr.&nbsp;2006
15. Ethiopian texts: Emma Shercliffe of Macmillan and Ignatz Heinz of Avallain are finishing work on a language-learning tool this month, and a collection of Ethiopian texts and materials for the team in Addis. They will make this material available to the world. Macmillan is also interested in working with local teams across Africa to help share their experiences working with education ministries and schools; they have local authors and publishing branches in around half of the countries there.
|Pre-A test board boots; Squid and FreePlay present first human-power systems
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|align="right" valign="top"|Mar.&nbsp;2006
|Yves Behar and FuseProject are selected as industry designers

16. 문자 인식: Kaiserslautern 의 컴퓨터 과학 교수인 Thomas Breuel은 구글을 북 스캐닝 프로젝트에서 어려운 문자 인식 문제들을 다루고 있는데, XO 터치패드에 손으로 쓴 글자를 인식하는 기능을 테스트하고 있습니다.
{{ Translated text |
|align="right" valign="top"|Feb.&nbsp;2006
16. Character recongnition: Thomas Breuel, a computer science professor at Kaiserslautern who is working on some of the harder character-recognition problems for Google's book scanning project, has been testing a handwriting-recognition application with the XO touchpad.
|Marvell joins OLPC and continues to partner on network hardware
| display = small }}

17. 이메일 클라이언트: Mark Doffman은 Tinymail을 위한 파이썬 바인딩을 작업하고 있는데, XO를 위한 프러덕션 클라이언트를 마무리하기 위한 실질적인 "슈거라이제이션"에서 도움을 받고 있습니다.
{{ Translated text |
|align="right" valign="top"|Jan.&nbsp;2006
17. Email client: Mark Doffman has been working on the Python bindings for Tinymail. He could use some help with the actual “Sugarization” to complete a production client for an XO (See http://pvanhoof.be/blog/index.php/2007/09/05/python-bindings-of-tinymail and http://mail.gnome.org/archives/tinymail-devel-list/2007-September/msg00000.html).
|World Economic Forum, Switzerland<br/>UNDP and OLPC Sign Partnership Agreement<br/>[http://content.undp.org/go/newsroom/january-2006/100-dollar-laptop-20060128.en?categoryID=349422 news release]
| display = small }}

18. 오프라인 위키: moulin-wiki의 Renaud Gaudin은 (오픈소스 데이터 마이닝 그룹) Linterweb에서 프랑스 개발팀 및 프랑스 위키피디언들과 작업하고 있습니다. 그들은 오프라인 위키 리더를 구성하고 있습니다.
{{ Translated text |
|align="right" valign="top"|Dec.&nbsp;2005
18. Off-line wiki: Renaud Gaudin of moulin-wiki is working with the French
|Quanta Computer Inc. to Manufacture Laptop<br/>[http://www.laptop.org/2005-1213-olpc.html (html)][http://www.laptop.org/2005-1213-olpc.pdf (pdf)]
development team at Linterweb (an open-source data-mining group) and the French Wikipedians. Together, they are building an off-line wiki reader.
| display = small }}

=More News=
|align="right" valign="top"|Nov.&nbsp;2005
|WSIS, Tunisia<br/>Prototype Unveiled by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan; Nortel joins OLPC<br/>
Photos: [http://www.itu.int/wsis/plib/detail.asp?y=2005&amp;n=6265 (Image 1)]
[http://www.itu.int/wsis/plib/detail.asp?y=2005&amp;n=6264 (Image 2)] [http://www.itu.int/wsis/plib/detail.asp?y=2005&amp;n=6263 (Image 3)]<br/>
Webcast: [ (Arabic)]
[ (English)]
[ (French)]
[ (original)]<br/>
<i>Webcast provided by the ITU and UN Webcast Services with the support of RealNetworks Ltd. [http://www.real.com/freeplayer/?rppr=rnwk RealPlayer] is required to view the webcast (available at no cost).</i>

'''[[News|노트북 뉴스]]''는 '[http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news 노트북 뉴스]에 아키브됩니다.
|align="right"|Aug. 2005
|Design Continuum starts design of first laptop

[http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org 메일맨 사이트]를 방문하여, OLPC 커뮤니티-뉴스 메일링 리스트에 가입할 수 있습니다.
|align="right"|Jul. 2005
|Formal signing of original members of OLPC

문의: <tt>press@racepointgroup.com<tt>
<!-- Laptop News is archived at [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news Laptop News].
|align="right"|Mar. 2005
|Brightstar and Red Hat come on board

You can subscribe to the OLPC community-news mailing list by visiting the [http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/community-news laptop.org mailman site].

|align="right"|Jan. 2005
Press requests: please send email to press@racepointgroup.com -->
|Laptop initiative officially announced at World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland; AMD, News Corp. and Google agree to join OLPC



=OLPC의 언론발표=

|- valign="top" style="background:#f7af3e"
| align="right" | Ene.&nbsp;2007
| 상업용 OLPC에 대해서는 [http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070112005706&newsLang=en No T플랜]입니다. <font size="-1"><br>OLPC has [http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070112005706&newsLang=en No Plans] to Commercialize XO Computer.</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:#f78f1e"
| align="right" | Ene.&nbsp;2007
| 전례가 없는 새로운 타입의 XO 사용자 인터페이스 [http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/070103/20070103005194.html?.v=1 발표]<font size="-1"><br>OLPC [http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/070103/20070103005194.html?.v=1 Announces] First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer.</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:#f7af3e"
| align="right" | Ene.&nbsp;2007
| 르완다가 OLPC에 [http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070103005861&newsLang=en 참여]를 선언했습니다. <font size="-1"><br>Rwanda [http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070103005861&newsLang=en Commits] to One Laptop per Child Initiative.</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:#f78f1e"
| align="right" | Dic.&nbsp;2006
| [저비용 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061231/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop 노트북]이 배움의 형태를 바꿀 수 있습니다.<font size="-1"><br>Low Cost [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061231/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop Laptop] Could Transform Learning.</font>



|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | &nbsp;&nbsp;2007
|| The China Post| [[Media:China Post - Taiwan Business,World Business, .pdf| Parts makers surge on US $100 Laptops]]
| align="center" |
| <font size="-1"><br/></font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | &nbsp;&nbsp;2007
| align="center" |
| <font size="-1"><br/></font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Abr.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | EYF Times
| [[Media:Meet The Scientist Nicholas Negroponte In India.pdf|과학자와의 만남: 니콜라스 네그로폰테]]<font size="-1"><br/>Meet the Scientist: Nicholas Negroponte</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Abr.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | CNET News
| [[Media:Photos Nigerian students power up their laptops CNET News.pdf|사진: 노트북을 켜는 나이지리아 아이들]]<font size="-1"><br/>Photos: Nigerian students power up their laptops</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="center" | The News
|| ZDNet| [[Media:A laptop to change the world Tech News on ZDNet.pdf| A laptop to change the world]]
| [[Media:Poor rural Thai students to get 100-dollar laptops.pdf|100달러 노트북을 받는 가난한 태국 학생들]]<font size="-1"><br/>Poor rural Thai students to get 100-dollar laptops</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 29&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
|| BusinessWeek.com| [[Media:BusinessWeekThe Face of the $100 Laptop.pdf| The Face of the $100 Laptop]]
| align="center" | ComputerWorld
| [[Media:OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop.pdf|$100 노트북을 위한 실험적인 배터리]]<font size="-1"><br/>OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
|| Linternaute: High-tech| [[Media:High-tech OLPC - Un ordinateur à 100 dollars.pdf| Un ordinateur à 100 dollars]]
| align="right" | 16&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | The Santiago Times
| [[Media:The Santiago Times - English Language Newspaper in Santiago, ...pdf|값싼 노트북이 칠레에서 상업 세계 프리미어를 선보인다]]<font size="-1"><br/>Cheap Laptop Makes Commercial World Premiere in Chile</font>
|| eLearn Magazine| [[Media:ELearn Feature Article.pdf| Can the "$100 Laptop" Change the World?]]
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | Bostonist
|| CNET| [[Media:Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations CNET New...pdf| Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations]]
| [[Media:Bostonist Pour Some Sugar on OLPC.pdf| OLPC에 흩뿌려진 슈가]]<font size="-1"><br/>Pour Some Sugar on OLPC</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
|| Newsweek International| [[Media:Interview The People's Laptop - Newsweek International Edit...pdf| Interview: The People's Laptop]]
| align="center" | BusinessWeek
| [[Media:Meet Sugar….pdf|슈가와의 만남...$100 노트북 디자인의 도약]]<font size="-1"><br/>Meet Sugar...The face of the $100 laptop and a quantum leap in design</font>
|- valign="top"
|| Christian Science Monitor| [[Media:A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be csmonitor.pdf| A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be]]
| align="right" | 7&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | The China Post
| [[Media:China Post - Taiwan Business,World Business, .pdf|$100 노트북을 위한 부품 제조업자들이 쇄도]]<font size="-1"><br/>Parts makers surge on US $100 Laptops</font>
|| EDTECH.com| [[Media:EDTECH Focus On K-12 - The $150 Notebook.pdf| The $150 Notebook]]
|- valign="top"
|| networkworld.com| [[Media:Networkworld.com news-olpc-aims-for-ma...pdf| OLPC Aims for Mass Production in Third Quarter]]
|| IDG.net| [[Media:Computerworld.comOne Laptop Per Child sweetens hardware with 'Sugar' UI.pdf| One Laptop per Child Sweetens Hardware with 'Sugar' UI]]
|| YAHOO! Finance| [[Media:Yahoo.com OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop...pdf| OLPC Announces First-of-Its Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer]]
|| Bicyclemark's Communique (podcast)| [[Media:Bicyclemark’s Communique » bm176 One Laptop per Child.pdf| (@23C3)Podcast:OLPC]]
||Veja News|[[Media:Veja-.pdf| 10 Innovations that are here to stay: Hundred Dollar Computer]]
||Pagina/12|[[Media:Página 12 Web Sociedad “La manera más económica para me...pdf| Pagina/12]]
|| Official Release| [[Media:First 1,000 XO Laptops Roll Off the Assembly Line in Shanghai...pdf| First 1,000 XO-Laptops Roll off the Assembly Line in Shanghai]]
||Jamaica Gleaner| [[Media:Jamaica Gleaner News - Technology - a tool for transformation...pdf| Technology - a tool for transformation]]
|| International Herald Tribune|[[Media:Herald Tribune One Laptop per Child Computer designed for those who can lea...pdf| OLPC: Computer designed for those who can least afford them]]
|| The New York Times|[[Media:NYT 11.30.06-1-.pdf| For $150, Third-World Laptop Stirs a Big Debate]]
|| Technology Review| [[Media:Technology Review Part III Philanthropy's New Prototype.pdf| Will This Save the World? The $100 Laptop Part III]]
|| Technology Review| [[Media:Technology Review Part II Philanthropy's New Prototype.pdf| Will This Save the World? The $100 Laptop Part II]]
|| Technology Review| [[Media:Technology Review Part I Philanthropy's New Prototype.pdf| Will This Save the World? The $100 Laptop Part I]]
||Popular Science| [[Media:PopSci's Best of What's New 2006.pdf| Best of What's New 2006: One Laptop per Child XO- Better Screen, Better World]]
||ZDNet| [[Media:Why every child deserves a laptop - ZDNet UK.pdf| Why Every Child Deserves a Laptop- Matthew Szulik, CEO, Red Hat]]
||LinuxWorld | [[Media:Linux World Doing it for the kids, man Children's laptop inspires open s...pdf| Children's Laptop Inspires Open Source Projects]]
||Fortune |[[Media:CNNMoney.com Intel doubts Nicholas Negroponte's $100 laptop - October 30, ...pdf| This PC wants to save the world]]
||Bostonist | [[Media:Bostonist One Laptop Per Child for Libya.pdf| One Laptop per Child for Libya]]
||The New York Times | [[Media:NY Times-.pdf| US Group Reaches Deal to Provide Laptops to All Libyan Schoolchildren]]
||GulfNews.com | [[Media:Gulfnews College gets look at $100 children's laptop computer.pdf| College gets look at $100 Children's Laptop Computer]]
||vnunet.com | [[Media:OLPC offered free satellite connections - vnunet.pdf| OLPC offered free satellite connections]]
||Vanguard | [[Media:Vanguard - Technology Keyboard In Three Nigerian Languages ...pdf| Keyboard In Three Nigerian Languages Ready-Obasanjo]]
||Technology Review | [[Media:Technology Review Hack The Hundred-Dollar Laptop.pdf| Hack: The Hundred Dollar Laptop]]
||nacion.com | [[Media:Nacion.pdf| Computadoras de $100 estarán listas en el 2007]]
||Wired | [[Media:Wired 14.pdf| The Laptop Crusade]]
||PCINpact.com | [[Media:L'OLPC à 100 $ est finalisé un engin hors du commun - PC IN...pdf| L'OLPC à 100 $ est finalisé un engin hors du commun]]
||EWeek.com | [[Media:Knocking Down the Barriers to the $100 Laptop.pdf| Knocking Down Barriers to the $100 Laptop]]
||NPR | [[Media:NPR Affordable Laptop Computer Project Moves Forward.pdf| Affordable Laptop Computer Project Moves Forward]]
||San Diego Union-Tribune | [[Media:SignOnSanDiego.pdf| U.S. and international educators show great interest in prototype]]
||SPIE Professional | [[Media:The non-profit One Laptop per Child with Nicholas Negroponte ...pdf| $100 laptop nears launch]]
||BusinessWeek online | [[Media:For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance .pdf| For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance?]]
||CNET News.com | [[Media:$100 laptop gets working prototype Tech News on ZDNet.pdf| $100 laptop gets working prototype]]
||rediff.com | [[Media:'Our $100 laptops will run on human power'.pdf| Our $100 laptops will run on human power]]
||O Estado de S.Paulo | [[Media:Fazer a diferença TXT Estado.pdf| Fazer a diferença]]
||FT.com | [[Media:FT2.pdf| Waking up to a laptop revolution]]
||Diário do Comércio | [[Media:Diário do Comércio.pdf| Um Laptop por Crianca]]
||Times Online | [[Media:Getting the world's poor logged on-Business-Markets-China-Tim...pdf| Getting the world's poor logged on]]
||ACM/CIE | [http://www.acm.org/pubs/cie/jan2006/clips/nicholas_negroponte.mov Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the $100 laptop]
||MITIR | [http://web.mit.edu/mitir/podcasts/2006-02-21_Bender_OLPC.mp3 Podcast of Walter Bender's MURJ lecture on One Laptop per Child]
||CNET | [[Media:PCs for the poor Which design will win CNET News.pdf| PCs for the poor: Which design will win?]]
||CNET | [[Media:Will the $100 PC fly Perspectives CNET News.pdf| Perspective: Will the $100 PC fly?]]
| align="center" | ZDNet
||UPI | [[Media:United Press International - NewsTrack - One Laptop Project r...pdf| One Laptop Project reaches critical stages]]
| [[Media:A laptop to change the world Tech News on ZDNet.pdf|세상을 바꿀 노트북]]<font size="-1"><br/>A laptop to change the world</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="center" | Herald Tribune
||USA Today | [[Media:USATODAY.pdf| Gates sees cellphones as way to help Third World]]
| [[Media:Around the Markets Taiwanese parts makers surge on $100 lapt...pdf|시장 상황: 대만 부품 제조업자들이 $100에 대폭 참여]]<font size="-1"><br/>Around the Markets: Taiwanese parts markers surge on $100 laptop giveaway</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | 6&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | Gamasutra
| [[Media:Gamasutra - GDC SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content.pdf|SJ Klein은 OLPC를 위한 신중한 컨텐트를 요청]]<font size="-1"><br/>SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 1&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | BusinessWeek.com
| [[Media:BusinessWeekThe Face of the $100 Laptop.pdf|$100 노트북의 모습]]<font size="-1"><br/>The Face of the $100 Laptop</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | &nbsp;&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | Linternaute: High-tech
| [[Media:High-tech OLPC - Un ordinateur à 100 dollars.pdf|Una computadora de USD 100]]<font size="-1"><br/>Un ordinateur à 100 dollars</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | eLearn Magazine
| [[Media:ELearn Feature Article.pdf|$100 노트북이 세상을 바꿀까?]]<font size="-1"><br/>Can the "$100 Laptop" Change the World?</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | CNET
| [[Media:Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations CNET New...pdf|저개발국에 PC를 전하기 위한 두 가지 비전]]<font size="-1"><br/>Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | Newsweek International
| [[Media:Interview The People's Laptop - Newsweek International Edit...pdf|인터뷰: 사람들의 노트북]]<font size="-1"><br/>Interview: The People's Laptop</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | Silicon.com
| [[Media:Technology_Review_Security_Model_Released_for_the_$100_Laptop.pdf|한 달 이내에 등장할 수 천 세트의 $100 노트북]]<font size="-1"><br/>Thousands of $100 laptops to within a month</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 8&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | MIT: Technology Review
| [[Media:Technology Review Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop.pdf|테크놀러지 리뷰: $100 노트북의 보안 모델]]<font size="-1"><br/>Technology Review: Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="right" | Feb.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | Domus
| [[Media:896 Olpc Computer 100-109-1-.pdf|컴퓨터가 귀하를 구할 것이다]]<font size="-1"><br/>Un computer vi salverà: A computer will save you</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="center" | IEEE Spectrum
||Macworld | [[Media:Macworld News Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop.pdf| Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop]]
| [[Media:IEEE Spectrum Mary Lou Jepsen Laptops for All.pdf|Mary Lou Jepsen: 모두를 위한 노트북]]<font size="-1"><br/>Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops for All</font>
|- valign="top"
| align="right" | 29&nbsp;Ene.&nbsp;2007
||BusinessWeek online | [[Media:Quanta's $100 Laptop Challenge.pdf| Quanta faces challenges in making "millions and millions" of $100 laptops.]]
| align="center" | Christian Science Monitor
| [[Media:A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be csmonitor.pdf|곧 등장할 $100 노트북의 상세한 모습]]<font size="-1"><br/>A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
||Forbes.com | [[Media:China to decide by March on 100-usd laptop program - Forbes.pdf| China to decide by March whether to join OneLaptopPerChild project.]]
| align="right" | 3&nbsp;Ene.&nbsp;2007
| align="center" | EDTECH.com
| [[Media:EDTECH Focus On K-12 - The $150 Notebook.pdf|$150 노트북]]<font size="-1"><br/>The $150 Notebook</font>
||UPI | [[Media:United Press International - NewsTrack - One Laptop Project r...pdf| Nortel to take part in One Laptop Per Child endeavor]]
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
||Chicago Tribune | [[Media:Chicago Tribune 12.10.05-1-.pdf| Laptops in mud huts]]
||RFDESIGN | [[Media:$100 laptops MIT Media Laboratory $100 Computers - student ...pdf| $100 Laptops Feature Novel Peer-to-Peer Wireless Connectivity]]
||FT.com | [[Media:FT.com Companies IT - Five Asian companies bid for ‘$100 ...pdf| Five companies in Asia making bids to manufacture $100 laptop.]]
||People's Daily Online | [[Media:People's Daily Online -- Nigerian president lauds 100-dollar ...pdf| Nigerian president says government has budgeted for a million $100 laptops.]]
||BBC News | [[Media:BBC NEWS Technology UN debut for $100 laptop for poor.pdf| UN Debut for $100 Laptop for Poor]]
| align="center" | networkworld.com
||Seattle Times | [[Media:The Seattle Times Business & Technology $100 laptops aim to...pdf| $100 Laptops Aim to Bring Children the World]]
| [[Media:Networkworld.com news 2007 010307-olpc-aims-for-ma...pdf|OLPC는 3분기에 대량 생산을 계획]]<font size="-1"><br/>OLPC Aims for Mass Production in Third Quarter</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="center" | IDG.net
||TechWhack | [[Media:MIT unveils their USD 100 Laptop.pdf| MIT Unveils their USD 100 Laptop]]
| [[Media:Computerworld.comOne Laptop Per Child sweetens hardware with 'Sugar' UI.pdf|OLPC는 하드웨어를 '슈가'로 달콤하게 만드는 중]]<font size="-1"><br/>One Laptop per Child Sweetens Hardware with 'Sugar' UI</font>
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| align="center" | YAHOO! Finance
||ZDNet | [[Media:'$100 laptops' here by next year - ZDNet UK.pdf| '$100 Laptops' Here by Next Year]]
| [[Media:Yahoo.com OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop...pdf|OLPC는 XO를 위한 신개념 노트북 인터페이스를 발표]]<font size="-1"><br/>OLPC Announces First-of-Its Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer</font>
||ABC | [[Media:News in Science - $100 laptop bridges digital divide - 17 11 ...pdf| $100 Laptop Bridges Digital Divide]]
||Financial Express | [[Media:Laptop @$100!.pdf| Laptop @$100!]]
||Financial Times | [[Media:FT 11.17.05-1-.pdf| Low-cost laptop targets global digital divide]]
||The Washington Post | [[Media:Washington Post 11.16.05-1-.pdf| MIT is Crafting a Cheap-- But Invaluable--Laptops; Kids in Poor Nations Would Benefit]]
||MIT News Office | [[Media:Annan presents prototype $100 laptop at World Summit on Infor...pdf| Annan to Present Prototype $100 Laptop at World Summit on Information Society]]
||CNET | [[Media:Photos $100 laptop takes world stage CNET News.pdf| $100 Laptop Takes World Stage]]
||CNET | [[Media:$100 laptop expected in late 2006 CNET News.pdf| $100 Laptop Expected in Late 2006]]
||Christian Science Monitor | [[Media:A low-cost laptop for every child csmonitor.pdf| A Low-Cost Laptop for Every Child]]
||WSJ | [[Media:The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality - WSJ.pdf| The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality]]
||The Inquirer | [[Media:MIT suffers hubris over $100 PC idea.pdf| Hubris over $100 Laptop idea]]
||Technology Review | [[Media:Technology Review The Hundred Dollar Man.pdf| The Hundred Dollar Man: Technology Review's editor in chief, Jason Pontin, talk with Nicholas Negroponte about the Hundred Dollar Computer.]]
||I4U News | [[Media:I4U News - Sub-$100 Laptop Design Revealed by MIT's Negroponte.pdf| Sub-$100 Laptop design unveiled]]
||Boston Globe | [[Media:For each poor child in world a laptop - The Boston Globe.pdf| Prototypes of $100 laptop with hand crank planned by early next year.]]
||MIT World | [[Media:MIT World » The Hundred Dollar Laptop-Computing for Develop...pdf| NN at Technology Review]]
||Datamation | [[Media:Low-Cost PCs for the Enterprise.pdf| Low cost PCs for the Enterprise]]
||estadao.com.br | [[Media:Link - Sua vida digital.pdf| Cada criança na escola com um laptop a tiracolo]]
||The New York Times | [[Media:NYT 1.31.05-1-.pdf| At Davos, the Johnny Appleseed of the digital era shares his ambition to propagate a $100 laptop in developing countries]]


=[[Video of the OLPC | OLPC 영상자료]]=
=언론을 위한 발표문=

[[Video of the OLPC/lang-ko|OLPC 영상자료]]
|align="right" valign="top"|Jan.&nbsp;2007
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
|OLPC has [http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070112005706&newsLang=en No Plans] to Commercialize XO Computer.
| <font size="-1"><br></font>
|align="right" valign="top"|Jan.&nbsp;2007
|- valign="top"
|OLPC [http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/070103/20070103005194.html?.v=1 Announces] First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer.
| <font size="-1"><br></font>
|align="right" valign="top"|Jan.&nbsp;2007
|Rwanda [http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070103005861&newsLang=en Commits] to One Laptop per Child Initiative.
|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| [http://www.olpc.tv OLPC.TV]
|align="right" valign="top"|Dec.&nbsp;2006
| 비디오 컬렉션<font size="-1"><br>A collection of several videos</font>
|Low Cost [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061231/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop Laptop] Could Tranform Learning.

|- valign="top"
=[[Video of the OLPC | 비디오]]=
| [http://www.redhatmagazine.com/2007/03/23/inside-one-laptop-per-child-episode-one/ redhatmagazine.com]
(Misc. videos of the laptop can be found.)
| Red Hat Magazine: OLPC, 에피소드 원<font size="-1"><br>Red Hat Magazine: Inside One Laptop per Child, Episode One</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
http://www.techpresentations.com/2007/03/07/one-laptop-per-child/ | Presentation by Jim Gettys at FOSDEM 2007
| [http://www.sf.tv/var/videoplayer.php?videourl=http%3A%2F%2Freal.xobix.ch%2Framgen%2Fsfdrs%2F10vor10%2F2007%2F10vor10_26012007.rm%3Fstart%3D0%3A05%3A20.498%26amp%3Bend%3D0%3A09%3A50.738 sf.tv]
| 스위스에서 보내온 OLPC 비디오 2007년 1월 26일<font size="-1"><br>OLPC Video from Switzerland, 26.01.2007</font>

|- valign="top"
http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM607884-7823-CRIANCAS+TESTAM+COMPUTADOR+PORTATIL,00.html | Crianças testam computador portátil/ Students test the laptop, GLOBO- BRASIL
| [http://www.acm.org/pubs/cie/jan2006/clips/nicholas_negroponte.mov acm.org]
| $100에 관한 니콜라스 네그로폰테와의 인터뷰<font size="-1"><br>Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the &100 Laptop</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
http://stanford-online.stanford.edu/courses/ee380/061004-ee380-300.asx | Mark Foster delivers presentation to Standford University
| [http://www.techpresentations.com/2007/03/07/one-laptop-per-child/ techpresentations.com]
| FOSDEM 2007에서 있었던 Jim Gettys의 프리젠테이션 <font size="-1"><br>Presentation by Jim Gettys at FOSDEM 2007</font>

|- valign="top"
http://www.technologyreview.com/ | Technology Review Mini-Documentary
| [http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM607884-7823-CRIANCAS+TESTAM+COMPUTADOR+PORTATIL,00.html globo.com]
| 노트북을 실험 중인 학생들 <font size="-1"><br>Crianças testam computador portátil<br>Students test the laptop, GLOBO- BRASIL</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
http://www.radiofarda.com/Article/2007/01/04/f2_Interview-laptop.html | A Brief Demo
| [http://stanford-online.stanford.edu/courses/ee380/061004-ee380-300.asx stanford.edu]
| Mark Foster가 스탠포드 대학에서 프리젠테이션을 진행<font size="-1"><br>Mark Foster delivers presentation to Standford University</font>

|- valign="top"
| [http://www.technologyreview.com/ technologyreview.com]
|테크롤러지 리뷰 미니 다큐먼터리<font size="-1"><br>Technology Review Mini-Documentary</font>

|- valign="top" style="background:lightgray"
| [http://www.radiofarda.com/Article/2007/01/04/f2_Interview-laptop.html radiofarda.com]
| 브리프 데모<font size="-1"><br>A Brief Demo</font>

Latest revision as of 15:38, 23 January 2011

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Laptop News 2007-09-15

1. 인터넷과 위성 통신 분야의 30년 경력 베테랑 Thomas Jacobson이 초저비용 업데이트와 컨텐트 배포를 위한 위성 활용에 관해 이틀 간에 걸쳐 OLPC와 논의하였습니다. (See http://www.tcjnet.com/xosat.html)

1. Thomas Jacobson, a network consultant with over 30 years of experience with Internet and satellite communications, spent two days at OLPC discussing how we can best take advantage of satellites for very low-cost bit distribution (updates and content). He gave a talk on Thursday (See http://www.tcjnet.com/xosat.html).

2. Nortel CTO John Roese의 XO에 관한 블로그 글: See http://blogs.nortel.com/ctoblog/2007/09/12/one-laptop-per-child-where-in-the-world-is-that-cool-green-and-white-laptop).

2. Nortel CTO John Roese has been blogging about the XO (See http://blogs.nortel.com/ctoblog/2007/09/12/one-laptop-per-child-where-in-the-world-is-that-cool-green-and-white-laptop).

3. 현미경: 지난 주에 Robert Shapiro 교수가 Mary Lou Jepsen를 방문하여 매년 6백만명 이상의 희생자를 내는 HIV/AIDs, TB, 말라리아 진단을 위한 광학 현미경을 논의하였습니다. 놀랍게도 저배율 확대 만으로도 진단에 충분하였습니다. Barrett Comiskey도 돕고 있습니다.

3. Microscope: Professor Robert Shapiro visited Mary Lou Jepsen at OLPC last week to discuss more issues of optimal microscope design to allow the XO to provide diagnosis of HIV/AIDs, TB, and malaria, which kill more than six-million people every year, worldwide. Low-cost detection of these diseases could save many lives. Surprisingly, the key for detection is not high magnification; low magnification of a large image area and a dye coupled with violet-colored LEDs for illumination can be combined with image processing is sufficient. Professor Shapiro showed a prototype microscope to Mary Lou and discussed the basic requirements. Barrett Comiskey (whose has been designing a periscope) is also working on a low-cost microscope for the XO.

4. 테스팅: 슈가와 다양한 핵심 액티비티들의 번역이 열심히 진행 중입니다. 다국어 지원을 위해 Alex Latham and Rafael Ortiz는 John Palmieri와 더불어 작업하고 있습니다. Alex는 모든 국제 키보드 매핑을 테스팅하고 있습니다.

4. Testing: Translation of Sugar and the various core activities has begun in earnest. Alex Latham and Rafael Ortiz worked this week with John Palmieri to produce a build that properly supports multiple languages. (Spanish had been broken for the last few builds due to some translation problems.) Alex has plans for testing all of our international keyboard mappings.

There is now a link from the sidebar on the OLPC Wiki home page to “Test”, where you can get information on the latest build before you load it, test configuration notes, and review our current set of test plans. If you would like to help with our testing, there are lots of bug fixes that need verification and lots of test plans to get through.

5. 스케줄: 트라이얼-3에도 약간의 버그가 남아 있습니다. 월요일에 코드 프리즈를 하고자 하니, 많은 협조 바랍니다.

5. Schedule: There are still some bugs that need triage in Trial-3. We want to be at code freeze on Monday, so please do the best you can to get your bug fixes checked in this weekend. Starting Monday we want to get approval from Jim Gettys for every code change (bug fix) before committing.

6. 서스펜드/리줌 문제 해결: 특히 Chris Ball, Mitch Bradley, Javier Cardona, Jordan Crouse, Richard Smith, John Watlington, and Gary Chiang이 이 버그의 근본 원인을 찾아서 해결했습니다.

6. Suspend/resume problem resolution: This week the team working on the suspend/resume problems (including among others, Chris Ball, Mitch Bradley, Javier Cardona, Jordan Crouse, Richard Smith, John Watlington, and Gary Chiang) found the root cause of our “crashes upon resume” bug (the infamous bug #1835). The hardware was not allowing enough time after powering up the system clocks before bringing the Southbridge out of reset. This requires a minor hardware change to correct. A dozen machines in Cambridge have been modified, and are being used in the search for remaining suspend/resume problems. One of Chris Ball's tests passed 25,000 successful resumes in Open Firmware with the fix. Testing now shifts to wireless suspend/resume again (#1752).

7. 액티비티와 인프라스트럭처: 슈가, 텔레파시, 프레즌스 서비스, 저널과 데이터 스토어, 그리고 많은 시스템 컴포넌트들이 검수되었습니다.

  • 마임 타입 이노베이션을 제거하고, 적시에 적절한 액티비티들을 깨울 수 있게 되었습니다.
  • 비트프로스트 시큐리티 인프라스터럭처는 디폴트로 꺼진 상태로 빌드에 통합되어, 이제 보다 쉽고 빠르게 액티비티들을 검사할 수 있게 되었습니다.
  • Simon Schamijer는 브라우저의 숨김/보임 트레이 버튼과 소스보기 기능을 추가했습니다.
  • 그는 또한 ogg 파일을 연주하는데 Csound를 이용하는 Memorize Game의 사운드를 동작하게 만들었습니다.
  • Ranier Herres는 계산기 기능을 대폭 개선하였습니다.
  • 이토이 개선이 진행 중입니다.
  • Gnash이 버전 0.8.1로 갱신되었지만, 아직 넘어야할 특허 문제가 많이 남았습니다.
  • Measure 는 이제 다른 오디오 어플리케이션과 마찰없이 잘 작동합니다.
  • 탐탐은 세 구성요소 (TamTamJam, TamTamSynthlab and TamTamEdit)로 나뉘어 열심히 유저 인터페이스를 작성하고 있습니다.
  • Mark Maurer은 쓰기 액티비티의 버그를 수정하였습니다.
  • 읽기 액티비티는 이제 줌과 클립보드 복사를 지원합니다.

7. Activities and infrastructure: Many fixes for Sugar, telepathy, the presence service, the Journal and datastore, and various system components were checked in during the week:

  • Mime-type invocation was cleaned up in order to invoke the proper activities at the right time;
  • The security infrastructure for Bitfrost is now in the builds (turned off by default) to enable easier/faster testing of activity adherence to the security model;
  • Simon Schamijer added a hide/show tray button to the browser (which contains thumbnails of shared bookmarks) and a view-source feature in the browser (See Web_Browser);
  • Simon also got sound working in the Memorize Game, which uses Csound to play ogg files;
  • Ranier Herres completed a much improved version of the calculator, including plotting of functions;
  • Improvement on Etoys continues: Bert Freudenberg has been keeping up changes in Sugar and the datastore; Kathleen Harness, Kim Rose and Yoshiki Ohshima worked on quick-help contents; Takashi Yamamiya adjusted the color picker and fonts to the XO display; Ted Kaehler is fixing the painting system; and Scott Wallace fixed various issues around fonts and scriptors.
  • Gnash has been updated to Version 0.8.1; it is much improved, although patent concerns still prevent us from shipping the ffmpeg library used by many common codecs (the Adobe Flash player has also been tested extensively);
  • Measure can now be safely used with other audio applications, thanks in part to an audio-driver cleanup that Andres Salomon has completed (the driver allows for independent control of the bias voltage and AC/DC coupling); Arjun Sarwal and Eben Eliason have modified the user interface to use a graphical representation of functions to encourage children to “see what this button does.”
  • The TamTam team, led by Jean Piché, has been busy: TamTam has been split into three activities—TamTamJam, TamTamSynthlab and TamTamEdit—each with a massively reworked user interface;
  • Mark Maurer fixed bugs in the Write Activity, most notably some synchronization bugs that manifest themselves during collaborative writing sessions; Marc Oude Kotte fixed some bugs in libabiword; and
  • The Read Activity now support zoom and copy to the clipboard.

8. Keyboards: Sarmad Hussain, Tariq Badsha, Babar Haq, Salman Minhas, Naveed Ikram, and Sufyan Kakakhel have been advising Walter Bender on the design of an Urdu keyboard for Pakistan. Enkhmunkh Zurgaanjin has done the same for Mongolian.

9. X 윈도우 시스템: 이디오피아 지원이 개선되고 있습니다.


10. 커널: Andres Salomon은 오디오 드라이버 코드를 수정, (음성녹음 장치를 열고 닫을 때의 문제, HPF와 V_REF 수정등). 또, VMware 사용자를 위한 es1371 모둘, 배터리가 없을때의 처리기능등을 stable 소스 트리로 제출하였습니다. 기타 이번주의 주요 결과물은 다음과 같습니다. Angres가 여러가지 조작을 통해서 건전지의 ACR 값을 사용하는 기능을 테스트하기 시작하였습니다.

10. Kernel: Andres Salomon committed audio-driver fixes (the capture device should now be in a sane state when the device is opened/closed, HPF and V_REF are no longer coupled, etc.), enabled the es1371 module for VMware users, and included a missing battery feature (accumulated_current) into the stable tree. The other major effort this week was in support of fine-tuning power usage; Andres has started working on tests using the battery's ACR registers to get better measurements of power savings that result from various tweaks.

11. Updates: Scott Ananian pushed manifests, upgrades, and OS signing into the build process and is working on updating our activation process with “real” cryptography. Scott also documented Eben Eliason and Rebecca Allen's startup UI design (See Startup_Sequence) and split it into a number of manageable implementation steps.

12. Firmware: Mitch Bradley continuing work this on firmware security, and on better tools for checking NAND FLASH integrity. Two bugs consumed 98% of Richard Smith's time this week: (1) the resume problem as reported above, which was resolved; and (2) a mysterious “turn off” problem—the core of the problem is that the timing used by the embedded controller (EC) to assert the PWR_BUT# signal is based a loop counter rather than a timer; Richard is looking into fixing this.

13. 월드 디지털 라이버러리: John van Oudenaren and Michelle Rago의 지휘 하에 10월 15일 유네스코 총회에서의 시연을 위한 준비를 7개국어 라이버러리 인터페이스를 마감하고 있습니다. 이 시연은 세계 각지로부터 60 기가바이트의 자료를 끌어오는데, 인도 역사가 하이라이트 입니다. 그들은 이 시연을 세 기기에서 보여줍니다: XO, 클라스메이트, 그리고 아이폰입니다.

13. World Digital Library: The World Digital Library team, under the direction of John van Oudenaren and Michelle Rago, is finishing a working model of their visual seven-language library interface this month in preparation for a public demonstration at the UNESCO general conference October 15. The demonstration will draw on 60GB of materials from around the world, with highlights from the history of India. They will be showcasing the demo on three devices: the XO, the Classmate, and the iPhone.

14. Help wanted: ePals wants to hire a Python developer next week to finish a Sugarized activity that offers access to their PenPal services. They have a design almost completed, and expect this to be around 40 hours of work. The Library of Congress is considering up to three unpaid internships this fall with office space in their Science and Technology Sections, to identify educational and illustrative materials in the public domain and to get digital versions of them online and bundled for their own website and for OLPC collections. This is an opportunity to have unlimited access to their stacks and to get experience with modern digitization processes. Contact SJ Klein (sj at laptop dot org) for details regarding both positions.

15. 이디오피아 텍스트: Emma Shercliffe of Macmillan and Ignatz Heinz of Avallain은 이번 달에 언어 학습 도구와 아디스 팀을 위한 이디오피아 텍스트와 자료 수집 작업을 마무리하고 있습니다. Macmillan은 아프리카의 로컬 팀들과 더불어 교육부와 학교들을 돕는데 관심이 있습니다. 그들은 그 곳의 거의 절반에 가까운 지역에 지역 저자와 출판 지사들을 보유하고 있습니다.

15. Ethiopian texts: Emma Shercliffe of Macmillan and Ignatz Heinz of Avallain are finishing work on a language-learning tool this month, and a collection of Ethiopian texts and materials for the team in Addis. They will make this material available to the world. Macmillan is also interested in working with local teams across Africa to help share their experiences working with education ministries and schools; they have local authors and publishing branches in around half of the countries there.

16. 문자 인식: Kaiserslautern 의 컴퓨터 과학 교수인 Thomas Breuel은 구글을 북 스캐닝 프로젝트에서 어려운 문자 인식 문제들을 다루고 있는데, XO 터치패드에 손으로 쓴 글자를 인식하는 기능을 테스트하고 있습니다.

16. Character recongnition: Thomas Breuel, a computer science professor at Kaiserslautern who is working on some of the harder character-recognition problems for Google's book scanning project, has been testing a handwriting-recognition application with the XO touchpad.

17. 이메일 클라이언트: Mark Doffman은 Tinymail을 위한 파이썬 바인딩을 작업하고 있는데, XO를 위한 프러덕션 클라이언트를 마무리하기 위한 실질적인 "슈거라이제이션"에서 도움을 받고 있습니다.

17. Email client: Mark Doffman has been working on the Python bindings for Tinymail. He could use some help with the actual “Sugarization” to complete a production client for an XO (See http://pvanhoof.be/blog/index.php/2007/09/05/python-bindings-of-tinymail and http://mail.gnome.org/archives/tinymail-devel-list/2007-September/msg00000.html).

18. 오프라인 위키: moulin-wiki의 Renaud Gaudin은 (오픈소스 데이터 마이닝 그룹) Linterweb에서 프랑스 개발팀 및 프랑스 위키피디언들과 작업하고 있습니다. 그들은 오프라인 위키 리더를 구성하고 있습니다.

18. Off-line wiki: Renaud Gaudin of moulin-wiki is working with the French development team at Linterweb (an open-source data-mining group) and the French Wikipedians. Together, they are building an off-line wiki reader.

More News

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laptop.org 메일맨 사이트를 방문하여, OLPC 커뮤니티-뉴스 메일링 리스트에 가입할 수 있습니다.

문의: press@racepointgroup.com



OLPC의 언론발표

Ene. 2007 상업용 OLPC에 대해서는 No T플랜입니다.
OLPC has No Plans to Commercialize XO Computer.
Ene. 2007 전례가 없는 새로운 타입의 XO 사용자 인터페이스 발표
OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer.
Ene. 2007 르완다가 OLPC에 참여를 선언했습니다.
Rwanda Commits to One Laptop per Child Initiative.
Dic. 2006 [저비용 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061231/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop 노트북]이 배움의 형태를 바꿀 수 있습니다.
Low Cost Laptop Could Transform Learning.


12 Abr. 2007 EYF Times 과학자와의 만남: 니콜라스 네그로폰테
Meet the Scientist: Nicholas Negroponte
11 Abr. 2007 CNET News 사진: 노트북을 켜는 나이지리아 아이들
Photos: Nigerian students power up their laptops
  The News 100달러 노트북을 받는 가난한 태국 학생들
Poor rural Thai students to get 100-dollar laptops
29 Mar. 2007 ComputerWorld $100 노트북을 위한 실험적인 배터리
OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop
16 Mar. 2007 The Santiago Times 값싼 노트북이 칠레에서 상업 세계 프리미어를 선보인다
Cheap Laptop Makes Commercial World Premiere in Chile
13 Mar. 2007 Bostonist OLPC에 흩뿌려진 슈가
Pour Some Sugar on OLPC
12 Mar. 2007 BusinessWeek 슈가와의 만남...$100 노트북 디자인의 도약
Meet Sugar...The face of the $100 laptop and a quantum leap in design
7 Mar. 2007 The China Post $100 노트북을 위한 부품 제조업자들이 쇄도
Parts makers surge on US $100 Laptops
  ZDNet 세상을 바꿀 노트북
A laptop to change the world
  Herald Tribune 시장 상황: 대만 부품 제조업자들이 $100에 대폭 참여
Around the Markets: Taiwanese parts markers surge on $100 laptop giveaway
6 Mar. 2007 Gamasutra SJ Klein은 OLPC를 위한 신중한 컨텐트를 요청
SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content
1 Mar. 2007 BusinessWeek.com $100 노트북의 모습
The Face of the $100 Laptop
  2007 Linternaute: High-tech Una computadora de USD 100
Un ordinateur à 100 dollars
28 Feb. 2007 eLearn Magazine $100 노트북이 세상을 바꿀까?
Can the "$100 Laptop" Change the World?
27 Feb. 2007 CNET 저개발국에 PC를 전하기 위한 두 가지 비전
Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations
13 Feb. 2007 Newsweek International 인터뷰: 사람들의 노트북
Interview: The People's Laptop
12 Feb. 2007 Silicon.com 한 달 이내에 등장할 수 천 세트의 $100 노트북
Thousands of $100 laptops to within a month
8 Feb. 2007 MIT: Technology Review 테크놀러지 리뷰: $100 노트북의 보안 모델
Technology Review: Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop
Feb. 2007 Domus 컴퓨터가 귀하를 구할 것이다
Un computer vi salverà: A computer will save you
  IEEE Spectrum Mary Lou Jepsen: 모두를 위한 노트북
Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops for All
29 Ene. 2007 Christian Science Monitor 곧 등장할 $100 노트북의 상세한 모습
A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be
3 Ene. 2007 EDTECH.com $150 노트북
The $150 Notebook
  networkworld.com OLPC는 3분기에 대량 생산을 계획
OLPC Aims for Mass Production in Third Quarter
  IDG.net OLPC는 하드웨어를 '슈가'로 달콤하게 만드는 중
One Laptop per Child Sweetens Hardware with 'Sugar' UI
  YAHOO! Finance OLPC는 XO를 위한 신개념 노트북 인터페이스를 발표
OLPC Announces First-of-Its Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer

OLPC 영상자료

OLPC 영상자료

OLPC.TV 비디오 컬렉션
A collection of several videos
redhatmagazine.com Red Hat Magazine: OLPC, 에피소드 원
Red Hat Magazine: Inside One Laptop per Child, Episode One
sf.tv 스위스에서 보내온 OLPC 비디오 2007년 1월 26일
OLPC Video from Switzerland, 26.01.2007
acm.org $100에 관한 니콜라스 네그로폰테와의 인터뷰
Interview with Nicholas Negroponte on the &100 Laptop
techpresentations.com FOSDEM 2007에서 있었던 Jim Gettys의 프리젠테이션
Presentation by Jim Gettys at FOSDEM 2007
globo.com 노트북을 실험 중인 학생들
Crianças testam computador portátil
Students test the laptop, GLOBO- BRASIL
stanford.edu Mark Foster가 스탠포드 대학에서 프리젠테이션을 진행
Mark Foster delivers presentation to Standford University
technologyreview.com 테크롤러지 리뷰 미니 다큐먼터리
Technology Review Mini-Documentary
radiofarda.com 브리프 데모
A Brief Demo