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We declare that the Cash and / or Assets giving value to this Application and / or placed at our disposal was / were legally earned through business and / or inheritance and is / are not subject to any third party claim or title under the finance, investment or intermediaries act or law from any jurisdiction and in particular the USA.
We declare that the Cash and / or Assets giving value to this Application and / or placed at our disposal was / were legally earned through business and / or inheritance and is / are not subject to any third party claim or title under the finance, investment or intermediaries act or law from any jurisdiction and in particular the USA.

=====SCHEDULE B=====
Full Legal Name of Corporation:
Full Legal Name of Corporation:
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= Virtual Office to Channel negative Energy surrounding the Olpc project =
=== virtual office ==

Revision as of 14:09, 14 October 2007

Welcome. I'm currently working for institutional investor, we developed a financial product for governments to finance the 1 million Olpc orders: "Babylon".

Sven, I appreciate your interest in helping OLPC, but I am really uncofortable with your proposed plan, and request that you dissociate discussion of "Babylon" from OLPC, and remove discussion of it from this wiki. Sj talk 01:18, 14 October 2007 (EDT)

Ideas by SvenAERTS

How to obtain 1 million OLPC computers without having to pay for them

Babylon is a financial product backed by a fund, created in 2000 to support [the Millennium Developement Goals], for Governmental Initiatives to Green their Cities and Regions (OLPComputer Initiatives are accepted) in exchange for the Cities' EUA's, CER's and other CO2 certificates.

Your government certainly has "collateral" = governmental buildings, ships, airplanes, tanks, minerals that are still in the ground waiting to be excavated or already under mining ... anyway, stuff to which a "value" in Euro's or Dollars can be given.

Imagine your government has a building ... and an independent real-estate company estimates the value of that building (set of buildings) at 100 million €. With those Real Estate as a backing, "Babylon" will then transfer 100 million € in a fund.

Babylon has been generating 35% of interest every year since 2000 ! ...

35% of 100.000.000 € = 35.000.000 € ... this means your government could buy 350.000 OLPC computers the first year, another 350.000 ones the second year and another 350.000 the third year = over 1 million OLPComputers (the minimum order quantity). Result ... after 3 years over 1 million kids are running around with OLPC's in your country. Your government takes back its building out of the fund as collater ... we take our 100.000.000 € back ... so ... your country has 1 million kids running around with OLPComputers without having to pay for them ...

A bit more about the fund

This fund has

  • a capital protection of 100% for any collateral that stays in the fund for at least 5 years
  • a track record of giving a 35% return every year since 2000
  • The Fund Services have won Standard & Poor's first place awards for offshore fund management and administration several years running.
  • which earned the financial product & technique a triple A rating (AAA) on the financial markets
  • this means that in the event of a regional/global war, natural catastrophy or economical crises where the fund would not be able to generate 35% ... and other funds on the stockmarkets may loose money ... product Babylon guarantees you'll get your cities'government's 100 million € back
  • product Babylon shares everything above 10% return at a 50-50 split,
  • this means that product Babylon makes from 100 million: generating 10% interest (=10 million €) for your initiative and any additional return is split 50-50, meaning that in case the return a given year is 30%, the remaining 20% is split 10% for your City's Babylon projects and 10% for fund "Babylon", so that year you have 10 million € to spend on projects that green your city.
  • the financial product backing up Babylon is very exclusive because it is re-insured at State-Bank level ... and limited to the first 20 billion € applying & receiving approoval ... you will have to apply and the Babylon steering committee & board of financers have the right to turn down your application.
  • the collateral can also be given by a former colonial nation or by a Western group or a UN/EU/USAid- grant

Can I get more info on Babylon

We have a problem: too many people ask us ... ".. very interesting .. send me a brochure... I'm family of the president or the mayor... "... and then nothing happens. We do not have the time to follow-up and send out prospects... Our job is closing deals and taking care of investments. But ... we found a solution to that:

  • To get more info, we expect you first to obtain an '''IntentionDeclaration''', signed by the relevant governmental person who states that your country/gvt. or local government is interested in obtaining 1 million OLPC computers, or a similar Babylon Project, and stating that your governments wants to put that particular building as a collatoral at Babylon's disposal and a proof that it has been estimated by an independent consultant to have that certain value (100.000.000 €). In exchange for this intention declaration, we will contact that person and disclose all details and the procedure to get access to "Babylon", so they can do a due diligence on everything. The Intention Declaration is just an intention an does not oblidge the government to anything ... it just oblidges YOU to get in contact with the REAL mayor and the REAL president etc. and come with REAL collateral/buildings etc. That way we know YOU don't consume our precious time. We're convinced you understand our approach.

When you have this letter from the government, just sent us an email or skype us, we'll sent you a Memorandum of Understanding in which we confirm your 2% comission on the value of our profit/Confidentiality Agreement and Non-Circumvention Agreement (so you are sure we won't go around your bright ideas), signed by us, after which you can transfer us the Intention Declaration by the government and we'll have one of our Financial Advisers contact the government official in question. So .. if you waste a lot of our precious time .. it will just be deducted from the profit ... and you'll get 2% of something that's a bit smaller ... That way we are sure you'll bring us only real cases.


for ARWbh-GreenCell, Post Grad - Eng. Sven AERTS Associate For more info: skype SvenAERTS or SvenAERTS228 at gmail dot com ... but certainly don't contact me if you don't have Letter of Intent from your government to show me .. because then the door is closed and will remain closed for ever... all your emails will automatically go to the junk folder.


  • a Government offered a variable financial injection every year for local governments and its educational network of Schools, Universitites, Youth Clubs, etc. to implement the One Laptop Per Child Initiative :
  • a government used product Babylon to back-up its 1 million OLPComputers x 100 €/OLPComputer = 100 million €. The government took 100 million it had reserved for the Ministry of Defence, for new weapons, and placed it in Fund Babylon. Immediately 100 million € was transferred to the fund. Last year the fund generated 30% intrest = 30 million € for every 100 million€. The 30 million was split as described above: 10% went integrally to order a first 10 million/100 € per OLPComputer = 100.000 OLPC computers, the first semester it was an immense job for the Ministry of Education to implement a project so quickly that could inform local school networks of what what happening, to train teachers, set-up exchange projects with other students from other OLPC countries both in the formal and non-formal educational circuits. The second semester an additional 10% was released, resulting in a second wave of 100.000 OLPC computers... the countries count upon an implementation rate of 200.000 OLPComputers every year for the next 5 years, resulting over 1 million OLPComputers implemented.
  • 5 other governments soon followed and joined hands, so that together every year a joint 1.000.000 OLPComputers were implemented eveyr year and this for the next 5 years to come. An equivalent number of CO2 certificates were handed over to the Babylon Fund.
  • in parrallel another 100 million in assest was dedicated to the fund for providing PhotoVoltaic panels to all the schools and rural electrification projects and a system to equip the postal services'scooters with stripped linux computers that up-and down-load all message when passing through the villages and eventually in the big town where a governmental internet access sends the messages further to the other side of the planet if need be.

Letter Of Application to Babylon: Risk Mitigation Technique and Fund


  • FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
  • Risk Mitigation = "Putting the risk somewhere else", meaning that many people/organisations/funds/ngo's/private companies really would like to help by investing in developing countries .. but they simply don't dare ... because they don't know if their money will actually serve e.g. for buying the 100 million OLPComputers, or PhotoVoltaic panels to power the schools and the homes of the kids and youngters that received an OLPComputer, etc. Then Babylon is the solution: with the money or collateral (a building or buildings or value of a company, backing up the statement from the CEO/Boss/Owner of the building) that is brought into Babylon, Babylon will put down an equivalent amount of money in its fund ... and it is only with the interests generated from that fund, that the 100 million OLPComputers and PhotoVoltaics or any other investment supporting the [Millennium Developement Goals] are paid for.


Please add your question down this list. We'll answer it as soon as we see it.

  • Can the Applicant loose its collateral (buildings/money?): in a manner of speaking : if all the central banks of the planet go bankrupt yes ... Meaning: the fund uses a variety of investment techniques backed up back-to-back risk-sharing techniques, dynamic capital protection, re-insurance, ... some of these techniques are exclusive for banks or state-banks or re-insurers. When you apply, you will get all the time to ask all the questions to do your due-diligence and applying doesn't engage you in nothing. But your application must come via your bank, with an extract of your bank that indeed you have buildings/company balance sheets/x million € ...
  • Why don't you give out all data and techniques before ? Ah ... couple of reasons:
    • Can you imagine how many people CLAIM they are the right person to talk to ? We've had tenths of people like that ... and ok ... when we start explaining ... we have to notice we have to first give a full University Level course on economics, financing, insurance, hedging etc. ... and then at the end the people get bored or just don't have the intelligence or background to grasp everything. So... forget about that. We only explain if you are accompanied with your own banker(s)... and we can guarantee them they'll have a lot of different specialities they'll have to gather/bring to the table.

Schedule A

1. Information on the Applicant:
  • Name of Applicant: ARW bh and Bank Of Country/Your Companies Bank/Your Organisations Bank
  • ____________________________
  • Main Mailing Address:
      • ARWbh
      • Louizalaan 479 b50, Av. Louize
      • B-1000-Brussels
      • Belgium
      • Telephone: +32 (0)2 743 13 35
      • FAX: +32 (0)2 743 13 09
      • Email:
      • Website: [ARW Business House]
      • Contact person: Sven AERTS - Associate and responsible Green Cell
        • Residential Address: not prepaired to give it here, I'll state it when time is due
      • Please list all directors with their normal residential address: (Separate page if necessary)
        • Director: Alex DE BACKER - CEO
        • Residential Address: not prepaired to give it here, I'll state it when time is du
      • Partners'Name
      • Partner Mailing Address:
      • Bank Of Country/Your Companies Bank/Your Organisations Bank
      • Street
      • City ____________________________
      • Country: ____________________________
      • Telephone: ____________________
      • FAX: ____________________
      • Email: ____________________
      • Website: ____________________
      • Director / Contact person: ______________________________
      • Please list all directors with their normal residential address: (Separate page if necessary)
        • Director: M.X - CEO
        • Residential Address: xyz
  • Value of proposed Concession Investment: € …………………………………………………………………………………. (in words and figures)

(e.g. Building with a verified value of 200 million € or .. 200 million € in value papers ... or a ship with a value of 200 million €)

2. Name of Project Company (if any / to be Sponsored by the Applicant as Licensee / Benefactor): ...
  • e.g. OLPC-CountryX
  • e.g. Organistion X: Specially set up association which will implement 1 million PhotoVoltaics and Rural Developement kits

(To assist you to come up with the best legal construction : a temporary dedicated celll in the government or a temporary dedicated NGO or Public Private Partnership ... and a Quality and Management Tool and Service Organisation, please contact e.g. Advisers Associates DFK Belgium, Brussels Office - Maurice DEGREZ, he'll put you in contact with a local and multi-disciplinary team))

    • Project Company OLPC-Country X set up by the Ministry of Education on one side and OLPC-Country X NGO Olpc on the other side
    • Ministry of Education
      • Mailing Address: (Line 1) ___________________________
      • (Line 2) ____________________________
      • City ____________________________
      • Country: ____________________________
      • Telephone: ____________________
      • FAX: ____________________
      • Email: ____________________
      • Website: ____________________
    • OLPC-Country X NGO Olpc
      • Mailing Address: (Line 1) ___________________________
      • (Line 2) ____________________________
      • City ____________________________
      • Country: ____________________________
      • Telephone: ____________________
      • FAX: ____________________
      • Email: ____________________
      • Website: ____________________

  • Value of Licensee / Benefactor Sponsorship for the project: e.g. 100 million € ………………………………………. (in words and figures)
  • What percentage is this of the Concession Investment? e.g. 50% (The benefactor can indeed put in a building with a value of 200 million €, hope for a 35% interest ... 100 million at 35% the benefactor keeps for himself and the other 100 million collateral and 35%, he dedicates to your initiative e.g. the Olpc project.)
3. Banking Arrangements
  • Origin of Funds
  • Please state if your Concession Investment shall be from your own cash reserves or from a loan granted by your bank on existing assets:

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………

  • Under the International requirement of due-diligence relating to money laundering and counter terrorism legislation please provide the necessary provenance of the cash and / or assets supporting a credit facility to be invested into the Fund, including all Bank co-ordinates of the paying / lending bank with the name of your account Manager, Bank address etc.
  • Applicant’s Bank name: …………………………………
  • Address of bank
  • …………………………………
  • …………………………………
  • …………………………………
  • Tel: ………………………….
  • email:……………………….
  • Website:……………………….
  • Name Bank Officer:…………………………………
  • Lending Bank (If other)……………………………..
  • Address of bank
  • …………………………………
  • …………………………………
  • …………………………………
  • Tel: ………………………….
  • email:……………………….
  • Name Bank Officer:…………………………………
  • Designation of Funds:
  • Based on an anticipated earning over 5 years on the Concession Investment (C Shares) please estimate the distribution of your attributable net earnings (What I referred to as the average 35% return the Fund has been generating every year since 2000.)
*To Build the Millennium Goals Contribution Fund = FF UK as Benefaction 18.25%
*To FF Irl 5.75%
*Sub-total 24%
*To Project x%
*To Licensee / Benefactor x%
*Sub-total 76%
Total 100%

Note: As a Benefactor, the Licensee is also entitled to 24% of net earnings on B Shares up to a maximum of 50% of the Leveraged Investment amount. Note: cf. *To Build the Millennium Goals Contribution Fund = FF UK as Benefaction. There is now 7 Billion € in the fund, leveraging earnings to the Millennium Goals Contribution Fund.

4. Project Description: e.g OLPC Country X
  • e.g. 100.000 Rural Developement Kits Project
  • e.g. Free Utilities for all

Narrative (You may submit up to three single-sided pages in response to the questions below)

• Describe the Project. (if any) (Please use 250 words or less.)

• State the objective/purpose of the project;

• Give an implementation plan, and a description of the expected outcome(s);

• Describe how, if applicable, the Project will benefit the local economic growth and stability within the project’s location;

• Describe, if applicable, how the Project will allow for the development of equitable infrastructure, will provide access to markets for farmers and industry, will contribute to the provision of power, communications and safe water supplies for all sections of the community, will facilitate access to schools, hospitals, housing, industry, tourism and other facilities which can promote not only broad economic growth, but also do so in a manner which is efficient, sustainable and most importantly equitable;

• Describe if applicable how as a Benefactor / Sponsor it will interrelate in cooperation with the Project Developer;

• Describe and submit any agreement that exists between you and the Project Company;

• Describe any Equity Participation you may hold in the Project Company or it in you;

• Describe and submit the Project Budget with full details including, if applicable, planning and /or environmental permits in respect of the Project;

What percentage of the total value of the Initial Capital Investment amount are you intending to allocate in support of the Project for inclusion in a Working Capital Facility? (if any) % Value € …………………

Have you allowed for an amount of 10% of the total income to cover costs and charges of the Partnership and the SPC Manager (if any) over the term of the Concession Licence Agreement before the distribution of 76% / 24%? (See Service Agreement)

5. Declaration of Right to dispense Capital

We declare that the Cash and / or Assets giving value to this Application and / or placed at our disposal was / were legally earned through business and / or inheritance and is / are not subject to any third party claim or title under the finance, investment or intermediaries act or law from any jurisdiction and in particular the USA.


INFORMATION on aCORPORATE Entity Full Legal Name of Corporation: Registered Head Office’s Address: Jurisdiction of Incorporation: Date of Incorporation: Certificate of incorporation Memorandum and Articles Bank Letter of Introduction (Letter Addressed to the Applicant by its appointed bank on the Bank’s Letterhead, introducing the Applicant as an established customer of the bank and who is capable of meeting its commitments to the value as stated herein.) Names and Addresses of Directors: (Passport details will be required at face to face meeting) Names and Addresses of Officers with special powers of attorney in fact: If The Corporation Is Closely Held, List of Shareholders with full names, addresses, place and dates of birth, present nationality. Name and Address of Corporate Solicitors Name and Address of Corporate Auditors/Accountants

INFORMATION on a Private Entity

Two utility Bills showing its domicile Certified true copy of passport (to be available at face to face meeting) Bank Letter of Introduction (Letter Addressed to the Applicant by its appointed bank on the Bank’s Letterhead, introducing the Applicant as an established customer of the bank and who is capable of meeting its commitments to the value as stated herein.)

We trust that this Application meets with your approval. Signed:

Name of Signatory:

Virtual Office to Channel negative Energy surrounding the Olpc project


The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC), has aroused quite some energy and questions+criticism.

I'd like to help channel all that energy and free time and knowledge and disponibility in the World Community by offering the World Community a

Virtual Office, an internet Project Management Center and an online Communication Center ...

I think one could consider the OLPC project as a little fish that has been thrown into the water by the United Nations Kofi ANNAN. I prefer to congratulate MIT for winning this challenge and help creating an environment and providing all the necessary tools so that the OLPC and likemined projects to strive for nothing less but WORLD PEACE.

thank you for your reading and help, -- Sven AERTS Engineer Environmental Technologies - Post Graduate in International Relations & World Peace Deployment - Grad. as Car Mechanic in Hybrid/EV/Hydromix Vehicles - Grad. as Social Fiscal & Savings Advisor-Private Financial Planner - PHDS Kyoto-CO2 - Certified Energy Prestation Accountant & Expert -Free Wifi Internet+Virtual Offices in Open Source Software Louizalaan 223 b9, av. Louise B-1000 Brussel - BELGIUM GSM: +32 (0)487/580.265

CHAT : iVisit: aertssven.5797 - ICQ: 113835655 - YahooID: aertssven - 
 SKYPE: SvenAERTS - AIM: aertssven1 - MSN:

Have a nice day...

Project: Unang Liwanag

A project aimed to get OLPC XO Machines distributed to Philippines for educational progress and country improvement.

Please refer to

Reading OLPC Philippines contact person is Rowen and Tim

A Virtual Office for the UN and the OLPC project

The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC), has aroused quite some energy and questions+criticism.

I'm looking for help to channel all that energy and free time and knowledge and disponibility in the World Community by offering the World Community a

Virtual Office, an internet Project Management Center and an online Communication Center ... thank you for your reading and help.

What is a Virtual Office, an Internet Project Managment Center and an online Communication Center?

What is a Virtual Office ? Many people want to help to go for World Peace and contribute with time, knowledge, money, online and instant assistance.... especially if they can do that from behind their computers... a spare 15' here and an hour before going to sleep there... etc. Many people in the first world (Europe,Amerika,Australia, Japan, etc.) - especially now their populations are aging- have a lot of free time ... and especially retired people... they have a lot of knowledge and experience from which many people could benefit.

In the Communication Center they could subscribe and as soon as they'd log on .... like an instant messenger tool such as AIM, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, etc ... they'd be visible... and if you want instant advise from say an electrician ... you could get some instantly... because the Communication Center is linked to the Virtual Office.

You want to know what a Virtual Office is ? Have a look

Simple... it's a website but + all you have in a real world office: - agenda - filing system, for pictures, for files, for ... - polling tool to keep democratic level high and speed up decisionmaking+cut short lengthy discussions - ....

and it also has 'open webpages' ... with simple clicks you can add pages, save pages, edit pages etc. ... just like in a wiki. Such a Virtual Office is an 'Open tool' ... because if YOU have time AND knowledge YOU want to share ... just add a page on a topic or improve a topic ... iso re-inventing stuff over and over again.

There's also a Project Management tool .. that way you can participate or kick-start and manage a team that meets over the Internet... imagine you want to help and electricity project ... you understand where a certain group stands now: situation A and you know where you and your team want to go to= situation B, AND you also know HOW to go from A to B ... the Project Management center allows you to visualise that.... just have a look: on one of the pages you see these blue+red coloured lines.... blue indicates the work that has been done is indicating the work that still needs to be done. When you are online ... your team members will notice ... and they can start asking questions etc.... According to their satisfaction of your answer, they can give you points from 1 to 20 .... if you have high marks ... other people in need of an eletrician ... when they see you come online ... they might want to ask you iso someone else.

The fundraising team will make sure that people with high points will be able to win stuff...

The great thing is ... that the people from the Open Source Community have programmed all the necessary software to make above subscribed.

I just need help to get it to be implemented. I suggest fundraising to get a paid project team to kick-off this project. I think a budget of 100.000 euro will do just fine to get the 3 programs linked together and pay for a reasonable salary of a small management team for kicking off the project. I think after a couple of months the project will be self sustainable.

Thank you for reading and for helping channeling all the Free Energy in the World Community. Make some more pages where you allow subjects to be developed in more detail... start deviding the project in subprojects ... and great team working for you all!


Suggestion of First page for the Flanking Initiative

Do you want assistance ... click here Do you want to offer assistance ... click here

Do you want to look in the list with all the projects that need assistance ... click here Do you want to look in the list with all the people that offer assistance ... click here.

See who's online AND is wants to give assistance on this page/the subject discussed here.

You can edit this page, but do it with care ... maybe it's better to add another page ... or discuss your changes first (click here to discuss your changes).

Please keep this list as logical as possible to offer people a nice experience.

Suggestion for the page after clicking "Do you want assistance ... click here"

You want assistance on:

- technical matters - money matters - social matters - scientific matters - management matters

To add a topic that's not listed, just click the 'edit page' button, add your text and click save... as soon as possible people will come to assist you.

To get assistance on this page or this topic, click here to see who's online AND availeble to give you assistance with this.

Youth Initiatives and the OLPC Initiative

IT4YI=InformationTechnology for Youth Initiatives has taken up the initiative to launch a competition for

  • the first Youth Initiative run by and for a Youth Organisation that manages to organise an over the internet event bridging first world youngsters in contact with the first wave OLPC-computer youth owners
  • the first Youth Initiative run by a Youth Department that manages to organise an over the internet event bridging first world youngsters in contact with the first wave OLPC-computer youth owners
  • the first Youth Initiative run by a School/Institute/University that manages to organise an over the internet event bridging first world youngsters in contact with the first wave OLPC-computer youth owners


the IT4YI-Team

Request for co-organisation: (online) Workshop on Virtual Offices and iTeams

Dear M.,

Herewith our invitation to collaborate in the organisation of one or more Workshops.

We have made a series of workshops on:

"Social Internet Techniques and Technologies" for NGO's, Youth Organisations and Non-Profits

Workshop I: "Reorganise in Virtual Offices and iTeams" (cf. picture included herewith.) Workshop II: "Bringing Wireless Internet Access to remote locations with home

             converted tools"

(cf. )

These workshops won the 2002 NetD@ys logo, an initiative by the European Commission and the Directorate for Education and Culture. (cf. )

These workshops can be funded by your national/regional/EU/foundations grant providers/ministries ! __________________________________________________________________________

SUMMARY _______

Learn Youth Movements, NGO's, Non-Profit-Organizations a. to organize themselves via the Internet and to become much 'lighter', by 'moving' their Real World Office to a Virtual Office on Internet, consultable from anywhere, at any moment, by making a major part of their communications go per Internet-chat and VOIP (Voice Over Internet). b. to increase member participation c. opening up to lesser-abled d. to reduce costs e. to grow and become more efficient.

In Workshop I, participants learn to create a Virtual Office and are taught good working practices to enable them to work efficiently in group over the internet; in Workshop II, we teach them how bring internet access to their remote locations and - if necessary, via their Virtual Office created in the first Workshop - to keep providing assistance over the internet.

WHAT IS A VIRTUAL OFFICE ? __________________________

Take a look at the picture on the website mentioned above.

A Virtual Office is a software tool that enables group-working, based upon internet. So you can collaborate with team members whilst you are physically located at another place.

Basically, it gives you everything you have in a normal office-environment:

- communication system: Voice Over Internet, Chat, email, webcamera's - archives of communications - library with files, customer files, articles, links, photo's - mutual agenda and reminder system - tool to speed-up decision making, a polling system

Thanks to several password-levels you can give people access to different sections or levels, writing or only reading permission, etc.

TRAININGSCOURSE/WORKSHOP - MODULES Workshop I _____________________________________________

MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO Virtual Offices & iTeams - 1 to 2 hours by means of slides

MODULE 2: 5 days spread over a period of 12 days - by means of games, and classical teaching practices with slides, flip-overs, board + internet connected computers (1 per 2 participants)

MODULE 3: idem module 2 but during 5 consecutive days, all at the same place & time.

Cf. Module 2: Day 1 & 2: introduction days, Workshop leader and participants are at the same time at the same place. Get-to-know each other games, physical contact games, games to train people’s minds to thing ‘out-of-the-box”. The participants set up a Virtual Office for themselves/their organisation. And start working -at their own pace- on some excercises that are sent to them over the internet to their Virtual Office. When this is understood, the participants and Workshop leader go back to their own homes/countries. Day 3 to 7: Participants continue receiving and working on excercices, sent over the internet. In the meantime, participants -at their ease- continue developing, documenting the Virtual Office of THEIR ORGANIZATION... Day 8: Whilst everyone sits 'at home' behind her/his computer... participants follow the second part of the workshop in the 'Virtual World', via their Virtual Offices: participants will “see each other over the internet” & collaborate in group (!) - Day 9-11: Idem day 3 to 7 Day 12: Third part of the course, taking place again in the 'Real World', participants and workshop leader at the same place, at the same time. We will exchange experiences and discuss techniques that go beyond the mere setting up of a Virtual Office: the specificities of group-working in a Virtual Surrounding, the additional-synergetic values to be obtained from working via a Virtual Office but also the disadvantages which will appear. We will talk about OVERKILL, redundancy and what Virtual Offices cannot solve. We will help you to arrange your experiences and those of the participants so that one can mind him/herselve for the negative factors and assess the positive ones correctly. And once more we'll give you a clearly structures and summarize everything. In the closing part of that third day, we will explain you how you can fly now further on your own wings... where you can look for additional aid after the Workshop... of course this will be at specific places on the Internet, always and from everywhere accessible.

VERIFIABLE RESULTS FOR THE ORGANIZATIONS OF THE PARTICIPANTS ____________________________________________________________ (these results are measurable and verifiable objectively)

- number of members will increase - costs of transport per member will decrease - costs of communications per member will decrease - number of parallel circuits will decrease as there will be a movement of consolidation in your sector - satisfaction of the members on the operation of their organization will increase - number of realized projects will increase - greater number of the objectives set by the organization will be reached - organization will find more easily human and financial resources - organizations will survive (longer)

PRACTICAL _________ - We need a computer room with 10 to 20 computers, equipped with a fast Internet connection - 2 students from same ORGANIZATION per computer - 10-40 students/workshop - the Workshop can be given anywhere in the world, eventually by one of our local members - a projector able to project what's happening on the internet onto a wall - a blackboard or a flip-over - an overhead projector

COST-PRICE __________ There are many funding opportunities for this type of workshops !

In the world of the "environmentalists", we work with a currency called ' the ECO '. That is a weighted/average currency taking into account the individual and purchasing power of average people from certain countries/regions. To convert the ECO-currency to your currency and for more information: (EYFA is a daughter-ORGANIZATION of YEE)

MODULE 1: travel expenses, meals, pocket money* + 160 ECO (for Belgians: 1 ECO=0,9 euro) MODULE 2: travel expenses, meals, pocket money* + 990 ECO (for Belgians: 1 ECO=0,9 euro) MODULE 3: travel expenses, meals, pocket money* + 990 ECO (for Belgians: 1 ECO=0,9 euro)

  • pocket money=amount to be determined by you, serves to make the trainer

pay his local non-private consumptions, a little fruit/snack, his beer on a terras on initiative of the group/organizator.

If you are interested to co-organise on of these workshops, please contact us and we’ll sent you a document with more details about:


Sincerely Yours,

AERTS Sven - Belgium Engineer for the People Louizalaan 223 b 9, ave. Louize B-1050 Brussel(s)/Bruxelles

GSM: +32 (0)485/389679
CHAT : ICQ: 113835655 - YahooID: aertssven - SKYPE: SvenAERTS
       AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: aertssven1 -
       MSN Messenger:

--- Have a nice day

OLPC Senegal

Salut! I moved the page CoordinationOlpcSenegal to a more 'standard' country page: OLPC Senegal where I added the Category:Countries and the {{Country color status}} box (feel free to correct my french). The CoordinationOlpcSenegal page is now a redirect tagged for deletion (if you don't object). Cheers, --Xavi 18:22, 10 October 2007 (EDT)

PS: We normally prefer [[Plain titles with no capitalization]] instead of [[CamelCaseForWikiPageTitles]]... :) --Xavi 18:25, 10 October 2007 (EDT)

deleting LetterOfApplicationBabylon

A page you created, LetterOfApplicationBabylon, has been proposed for deletion. I don't believe it belongs on the OLPCwiki. It will be deleted within the coming 5 days; I have blanked it for the time being. Please save any content you want to keep from its history. Discussion of this sort of financial instrument is not appropriate for our wiki. Sj talk 01:21, 14 October 2007 (EDT)